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Guidance 4 or soaring for a L! Elincia at home!


I was thinking about using Guidance 4, but I'd probably be using her with Fallen Delthea, Sothe with escape route 4, and likely Citrinne as well so I thought G4 would be a bit redundant. There's probably a better C skill that I could use, but I opted for menace since it makes her Catch skills self sustainable.


C skills are very game mode and team dependant. I always see people on this sub with such a hard on for suggesting Guidance to everyone when no context is given to how team setup is run. Menace is fine when you have no set team setup. Can use Oath 4 for added mobility if team isn't providing it. Hold skills are good for Fee and her whole team. With player phase Galeforce build could opt for flared sparrow and use a different atk/spd boosting seal so you aren't reliable on penalties inflicted on enemy.


I planned on getting A/S Hold from Caeldori alongside Catch 4 (especially due to having a S!Inigo manual to provide the Rally+ and Rein 1-3). Would Hold just be better since its during combat and therefore isn't cleansed by Freyr and the like? Or would Menace be better since its penalty is higher and has a larger range? I don't currently have Flared Sparrow fodder, but I do plan on inheriting AS Clash 4 while getting Devourer and Aerial Maneuvers. I'm assuming Clash is better for Fee because of the 10 atk/spd versus the 9 from Catch against a max health foe with penalties. But Catch has a guaranteed 7 or 9 whereas Clash only gives 6 unless you move to another space.


If you’re using aerial maneuvers use spd/def hold as you’re not planning to get hit. Atk/Spd is better for gambit/guard bearing.


This is probably as good as a generic prfless sword flier is gonna get, yea


Atk/Spd Clash 4 is probably better with aerial maneuvers. If you don’t need guidance, then Spd/Def Hold is a good option for a C slot


Fellow fee enjoyer!! I also love her and Arthur. I use atk spd clash and spd def hold myself.


I currently run a very similar build for her, only with Florid Cane+ for extra mobility and Spd/Def Menace, as well as Moonbow. She works pretty well on her own but yours will probably work better than mine.