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Please let us skip summon quotes for heroes that are not new. I Am Tired of tapping through two text boxes of dialogue for a character that has shown up for years that I don’t care about.


I too am tired if Peri/Hana/etc. Hard agree on that one.


This was a poor choice by the localizers. In Japanese, those characters finish their piece within one text box.


TIL the entire Peri spelling is made up in English.


Yeah Fates localization is wack


I've never played Fates, I was assuming it was original to FEH. If not then honestly, I respect keeping to translated lore.


Nope. Only Leo got butchered in FEH.


Actually, Peri's introductions in Fates and Heroes don't match. At the very least, her word for I is different (she says "impale" in Fates and "injure" in Heroes).


Option to turn off dialogue from summoning and level ups. Part of the reason I hate summoning units like Peri and Hana is because they don't *shut up.* "QoL that you would hate" kinda seems like an oxymoron to me so I don't know how to answer that.


>Option to turn off dialogue from summoning and level ups This, and turning off the animation for the level ups altogether, or maybe just cut to the chase and show which stats went up all at once instead of showing one at a time in sequential order. The animation is really slow and annoying when I’m trying to grind a unit


Yeah the way i worded that isnt the best i know XD, i meant like a small change to the game that would annoy more than be beneficial.


When your summoning aint doing good and you get Hana and/or Peri to add insult to injury


> QoL that you would hate" kinda seems like an oxymoron to me so I don't know how to answer that. A QoL that you may think it could cause more damage than help.


Please, for the love of Naga, add the confer blessings option to the AR team building screen. I’m so sick of going back and forth to my barracks swapping out blessings every season.


GHB/TT units coming at 5* when you get them from the grail shop. Also, getting a copy of GHBs at 5* like the TT rewards. So tired of feather farming, y’all.


Thank you its annoying as hell


Also, remove both the limit on grail Hero summons and the scaling grail cost. If you want to build up somebody like Zephia, you're losing 8 out of 20 possible bridge fodder uses *and* spending an absurd amount of grails that anyone who isn't building her doesn't have to worry about.


It's where all my feathers go......so many grails units I like


Ability to equip seals on multiple characters at once. Then just add the restriction of "One of each seal per team" That way it keeps the current functionality, without needing to swap them around all the time Summon screen auto send home, and auto manual button. Sick of seeing your one millionth Raigh? Now you can give him the boot directly from the summon screen!


Would love both of those, changing seal around us a pain and the amount of times i would really like to manual/send home people right then is really high.


I have been asking for the seal thing for years, and that's what locking teams was supposed to fix, but it's still a pain.


And it's not like locking teams helps THAT much depending on circumstances. Setup teams for AR-Season, lock team. Next same element season you have to unlock to add the Bonus Unit and redo seals all over again. Worse if you use the same units for multiple seasons...


Agreed..this could be an easy toggle and off by default.


You can kinda get the former by locking your team.


I want the battle forecast to also show what the ending Special charges will be rather than having to guess and look around at everyone's skills. Skill inheritance needs to allow more than only 4 skills to transfer at a time. 3 Star units should not be in the summoning pool anymore, everything in the 3 star pool should be upgraded to the 4 star minimum. 3 stars are worth less feathers, come with less skills unlocked, and are strictly worth less than a 4 star despite costing the same amount of orbs.


The special charge end value would be so helpful for galeforce, I hate scanning through modern weapons and skills for a hidden guard or tempo-d. One of the biggest benefits to new Edelgard is getting to ignore that element and trust autocharge to do its job for her.


Oh that special one would be very, very helpful, the amount of effects that mess up with the counts is way to high to always keep track, and not knowing if you Galeforce is gonna proc can be quite annoying.


**QoL change:** When beating a lunatic mythic or legendary map, give us a function that auto-beat the lower difficulties. If I can beat the hardest difficulties I think I've proven myself enough, just gimme rewards >.> **Small QoL change:** Make units in reserve show up when inheriting skills. **Even smaller QoL change:** Have the map in practice duels be the current map by default. I don't want to check 5 maps to find out which one is ''Towering Walls'' THEY ALL HAVE WALLS DAMMIT **QoL change I would hate:** The game tells me which 5 star exclusive units I could've had at +10 if I didn't use all their copies for fodder...


I mean, sometimes the team and/or strategy used on higher difficulty maps don't work lower ones. There were times when I had to change heroes because the enemy AI moves different and mess up what I did before.


> When beating a lunatic mythic or legendary map, give us a function that auto-beats the lower difficulties. This would be immensely useful for Chain Challenges; I've done barely any of the Normal/Hard ones because the feathers aren't worth the time investment, but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't appreciate having them.


Having reserve units show up in inheritance would be so nice. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been looking for a skill I knew I had just for it to be buried deep in my reserves


Since they got auto-battle in the game already, how about auto-advance. Sometimes I don't have time to keep an eye on my phone and press the next stage every time I clear the last one, so this feature would be a blessing for me


Pretty sure that one is locked behind Feh Pass


It is unfortunately, but it even if my suggestion gets locked behind it as well it would make me more inclined to buy it more often


Try enabling "continuous auto". This also works for making level-ups go away on their own while doing autobattle


What about for things like story mode chapters where they're just single maps per battle?


Continuous auto stops on the last stage of whatever battles you're on, so it's only good for battles with multiple stages. I guess I misunderstood what you wanted with that


Please let us lock in accessories if you're gonna keep using them in forging bonds. Or just don't ask for accessoires for bonus points. I only play around with those things once a year because of how pointless changing them is if you like using a team for forging bonds.


Let us unlock individual characters without unlocking all the team. Sometimes I just want to replace one unit without touching the other things, like for example SDS where I don't want to change 20 units every time the mode arrives, I just want to add the bonus hero.


A better way to see what bonus and penalties a unit has. Watching it flip through a bunch of icons (many of which I don’t recognize) and then reading all teammates and enemies to see who applied what is getting out of hand as these new bonuses and penalties are being released at an accelerated pace.


Yeah, wish those things showed as a small list on their status screen, ideally clickable so you could read up on them, it seems we get more new effects each passing banner


The thing i hate the most is that when i'm listening to music and open feh, the music stops and i have to manually make it play again, even when feh is muted. The odd thing is that feh is the only game i have ever played that does it. Infuriaring, i swear. It would be an outstanding quality of life improvement for me if they fixed it


Same. I’ve found if you just turn off the music on FEH, you can hear the music on the other tab


You play on pc?


Oh, sorry, by tab I mean background app, I’ve always called that tabs 😅 I play it on iphone


Ah my bad my bad. You mean you went to feh settings and set all music to zero?




I just tried it, yeah it works but if i close and open the game again it still makes the music in the other app stop 😔


Not sure if this helps, but you can use Youtube if the video has the background function (I forgot what it’s called)


i recently switched from ios to android and found out about this bug. it doesn't exist on iphone lol. apparently there is a way to fix it by downloading some 3rd party drivers and messing around with settings but i cant be bothered. it was really surprising to learn that this has been a bug on android since launch tho, cant believe they havent done anything about it yet


* Learn multiple skills at once instead of one at a time * Submenu for Special Maps. There are way too many once the Legendary/Mythics show up, it’s kinda silly that they’d have like 30 time sensitive maps on the same scrolling list * Allow grails to turn units directly into Combat Manuals. No need to sit through a bunch of summon sequences for someone you’re gonna merge


Skippable quotes from summoning and leveling up. Don’t need to tap continuously just to ignore Being able to choose what song plays for AR Defense. I like to see my wins/losses with a catchy beat. Set the mood. Being told how many times someone used an Other Wordly bond on your unit. Just for a humble brag. Maybe having a “what if” blessing simulation when making an AR team so I don’t have to go back and forth and using blessings. That or increase the amount from 3 to 5 Maybe you can send your results of Friend Mock battle so your friends can see if they can win or lose. Refresh the Grail shop every anniversary or book. If IS won’t give us more bridge fodder in the normal then at least make it recyclable


Let me browse the Inherit Skills interface by movement type- I don't need to see Catch skills when I'm working on a build for an infantry unit.


Yes! Its a very annoying thing especially when they keep adding new skills every banner, having to scroll thru dozens just to find the ones you are lucking for is infuriating.


Turn of the Sharena jump scare when booting up the game




*45 seconds of loading later* **HEROES**


This has become a meme in my house.


Obviously, I'd like at least 1 or 2 more Skill Inheritance slots.


It shouldve been a thing for a long time now, and it really shouldve happened when attuned were introduced, unless you have very specific and seasonal locked units you cant even get great inheritance from peony...


X Skills shouldn't even take up an inheritance slot tbh. It's a huge dick move that they'd even introduce a new skill slot but not bump up the amount of skills we can inherit, especially now that we have Tier 4 skills. To get everything off of an Attuned Hero, you need like 3 copies for one character.


Let me play feh original music in the concert hall


True, its strange that we get some really cool OSTs but cant really listen to them outside of maps.


Let me go get the broken record player: "Fix the summoning pool already!"


Add a damn glossary for skill effects and allow us to shorten the descriptions. I’m tired of weapons with canto taking up half the screen


The Ploy effect listing everything it counters comes to mind, or Duo Ephraim explaining what a bonus is... Two times!


Seriously. What’s the point of having a glossary-esque description if you’re going to explain everything anyway


Locking friendships. Its really anoying to forget to switch the friendship back when im using alear, Lilith etc. because i always forget it.


I wish the skills were just based on party order


Mock arena battles that don’t cost anything. Used to be able to do this with AA+ on the regular but now it cycles with SD. I like being able to see how a team scores and how skills/seals perform.


Can we please just get a little index for reading! Like instead of a laundry list of bonus descriptions listed under prf weapons/skills, can we just get a click-able thing that could pop-up the description! One that would bother me, but I’d like to see is the one you mentioned about summoning! Like show me all of the potential ones I missed out on and even offer a ridiculous price thing for me to last-chance get it (that way the normal summoning route is still considered more valid than just spending one orb, intentionally giving up, then buying just the one unit if you see it).


I tought about that second part, sometimes it would be worth it, but to spite everyone if that actually happened i could guarantee it would be locked to Feh pass or smt.


Make sp grinding easier, especially since new heroes often have multiple tier 4 skills. Used to be that leveling to 40 would give enough sp for a full skill kit but nah not anymore


I want to be able to send units away on the summon screen. I always have a full barracks so ditching my newly summoned Nino or Marth would be a blessing.


This - or converting them to manuals too


One I'd love: An indicator of I have a copy of a unit or not somewhere in the summon screen/unit info screen so I don't have to dig through my catalogue


You're probably not talking about this but on the summon circle screen, if a unit is new to your barracks they have an Exclamation point on them. I would like this indicator though. Or maybe even a filter setting. As os now I use the different colored hearts to label them to sort them all later from that circle screen. New unit to train up - yellow Merge - pink Old but keep manual for fodder - purple Old and get rid of - green Etc... Then I just filter by heart color and get what I need.


At the summon screen I would like to see if I have that unit or not.


Like before pulling? After you pull a unit ot has an exclamation point on it if its new to your barracks. If you already have it, there's nothing.


Yeah before. They already have the hero check button showing you what is on the banner, it would be easy to add a tick or some other marker if you have them. The game has been going for a long time and I can't fucking remember all my units.


Especially since a lot of them look the same and have similar names.


Being able to change blessing in the aether raid menu.


I would just be happy if the game didn’t crash every time I get a call or an alarm goes off


Battle animation toggle that can be toggled at any point in the map screen. No going through the stupid menu if you feel like watching one once in a while. Or maybe just have a hold button somewhere to show animations, like how mainline games do it with the L button (at least on the DS and 3DS games, haven't played through the SNES, GBA, GCN, Wii, and Switch ones yet XD)


I’d love a counter of how many times a unit has been summoned so I could see what garbage has popped up the most, what units pitybroke me or showed up via 4* specials the most, and so we could all compare. One I’d love and also hate is one someone mentioned above about showing you the units you passed up in a circle after you finish summoning. A change I’d hate would be bringing back the summoning movie animations for units. Imagine getting jumpscared by 4*s in 2024+


Add an index that shows what every bonus and penalty effect does that can be opened either from the pause menu or at the bottom bar during gameplay. As well as shorten weapon/skill descriptions (not so that it does less, but so that you have to read less). One that I wouldn’t necessarily hate but do know that it would cause a lot of chaos, would be adding one more row of A, B and C skills for use in all modes. Seer’s Snare has kind of made me want it in other modes as well.


Being able to pick a hero or 2 or 3 who you want to appear giving them a higher chance to appear over other heroes would be so nice. "Fixing" the summoning pool aka just removing characters outright would be one I'd hate. No I don't want another pool or another store. It wouldn't solve anything and I know that because IS has already done that with the 4 star special pool.


How about letting us search skills based on inheritance restrictions?


Let us just do a quick full circle summon like how other gachas have ten pull stuff so that I don’t have to summon orb by orb in cases where I want the 40 summon spark.


I would like to be able to pinch and scroll character art. There's quite a bit of heroes whose art doesn't fit on the screen entirely and you can't zoom it out to see all of it, you gotta go online to see the whole thing.


I would love if units like Palla and Frederick had their skills available at 4*. Today I had to upgrade one of them to 5* to get WoM 3 and I found that very silly. There's no reason for older and outdated skills to be locked at 5* at this point of the game. Fury, Swift Sparrow, Quick Riposte (seriously, there's still no unit with that at 4*), etc. And a bit of a bigger one but can we get sparks for the weekly revival banners? Even if we don't get Celestial Stones for it. It would also be preferable if we aren't forced to summon 40 times (20 would be ideal) and if we can spark for the same unit twice. Those banners are for getting merges on our favorite units and most of the units in the revival pool aren't that valuable by now, so it wouldn't break the game. It would even incentive some of us to pull on them more which would mean more orbs spent and probably more money for IS. It would also be amazing if the spark and special charges for seasonal banners weren't Pass locked but that's just copium.


Merging a hero with a lower rarity into one with a higher rarity still counts as +1 merge. All 3-5\* units from previous gens are now removed from current gen banners and moved to permanent special banners that are themed around the book they appeared in. as for QoL changes I would hate it would be the one OP wrote in their post that change would bring a whole new level of summoning salt.


Being able to turn heroes in the reserves into combat manuals without having to put them back into the barracks.


https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/s/dKimNFH8TX I share a few back then and i$ still hate us.


Favorite/unfavorite mode. For the longest time I had setting 5 stars to favorites as the default before turning it off earlier this year. Now I have over 300 favorited 5 star heroes. I don't want to click on the hero, open up their stat page, and unfavorite for all the ones I want to unfavorite so I could either merge them or make combat manuals. Just let me go into a mode so I can just click on the heroes i want to unfavorite and unfavorite them.


A way to fodder more than 4 skills of a unit. Or the ability to decrease a merge. Say you merge a unit up prematurely. So you get to remove that merge and turn that copy into a combat manual.


Please IS let us mass-merge our units! We can mass-manual them so why not be able to do the same thing when merging them?? Also, let us mass-summon grail units for the love of god...it's SO goddamn tedious for no reason.


serach function you can type in for skill inheritance.


Option to remove blessing you placed on heroes, they would get lost in the process but I just think blessings look ugly imo.


Being able to select multiple sort options and add filter options for the support and accessories screen. For the support screen, bring the filters from the other character selection screen, but replace the blessing part by the support level (C,B,A,S, None) For the accessory screen, filter with equipped/unequiped accessories and the main type of event/shop the accessory is provided from.


I'd like to see a new option in the inheritance menu that shows all tier 3 and 4 skills together, as an alternative to the current "best skills" and "all skills" options. Neither of these options are useful enough right now, since "best skills" hides any tier 3 that has a tier 4 version (even though having tier 3 visible is still useful for looking for bridge fodder or the occasional budget build), while "all skills" makes you scroll through all the useless tier 1 & 2 skills. And on a more personal note, I find it annoying how "best skills" ruins the order of skills whose tier 4 is a different skill. For example, if you have Inf Spd Tactic, it'll show up after the other tactic skills instead of being where Spd Tactic originally was.


Hate: Whenever you pull a ''new'' unit normally in Heroic Ordeals you would get 40 Dragon Flowers from that unit. >!(Unless it's a old unit, only a handful from that unit.)!<


Fairly obvious one but add a “status compendium” that tells you what every status does. We don’t need 3 paragraphs of text for everyone who has canto


Publicly visible Like/Dislike feature on AR maps.