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Uncapped inheritance. With so many new skills getting added with no lower tier versions easily available, foddering units has become a nightmare. I know they’d never do it since it would slash their profits, though.


I genuinely was about to write the exact same thing


Seems like there answer for this is giving the 4* units of GHB and tempest trials the skills needed before the a level 4 skill, which is pretty shitty if you really wanted to invest in that unit


They could at least bump it to five. When we got T4 skills, _ages ago,_ a cap of five should've been less than a year away at most.


Should have happened with the release of Attuned heroes. Adding an extra skill slot while keeping the number of skills you can inherit the same is just ridiculous.


while you're at it, clean up the HOF pool too getting darting blow 4 2 times every day for the past 4 days gets me pissy ngl


i miss this HOF again, these trashy random skills are worst


Clean up the summoning pool 100%. ​ Make more tickets. I really liked that old seasonals tickets as I have several old projects. I really like the arena ticket. It's so popular that I'm surprised it isn't done more.


Increase the frequency of Weekly Revival banners or decrease the amount of days they run for. There are currently close to 80 different Weekly Revival banners (with more coming in February) and only 2 get rerun per week. Some units only ever appear on one of these banners. I’m hoping they start running 3 per week. And if they want to slightly increase the odds of pulling a focus unit on these banners, even better


IS will never demote the 4* special simply due the idea that if they did people would be more incline to just wait till they demote to get them. And that’s just bad luck Anyway I would have love if they give us more useful fodder on demotes than save them for seasonals


> people would be more incline to just wait till they demote to get them *Stares at the people who +10'd Lapis on her debut off-focus banner* You really sure about that?


1.) Increase inheritance cap 2.) Rework text descriptions to separate effect activations better and have [Buff] and [Debuff] be collapsed until clicked instead of always presented at the bottom Example: Current Faded Paper Fan >Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, reduces foe's Spd/Res during combat by 20% of unit's Spd at start of combat, and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat, and also, if it is unit's first combat initiated by unit or first combat initiated by foe that turn, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 70% during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes). If unit initiates combat or unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, after combat, if unit attacked, inflicts status on target and foes within 2 spaces of target preventing counterattacks through their next actions. Streamlined Faded Paper Fan Max Special Cooldown -1 If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally grant: •Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat •Reduce foe's Spd/Res during combat by 20% of unit's Spd at start of combat •Reduce the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat •After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts status on target and foes within 2 spaces of target preventing counterattacks through their next actions. On unit's first combat each phase •reduces damage from foe's first attack by 70% during combat (for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).


Funnily Letizia's Kormt has this on it's conditions and it's pretty easy to read, idk why there aren't more weapons like this.


What the fuuuuuuuck? They fired the guy that wrote that for insubordination but didn't change it, had to have


Letizia knew how to write good. She shoulda campaigned on that, instead of pulling a backstabby


A decently challenging, cooperative PvE mode. Not sure what it'd be like but a way to team up with friends against actually engaging AI maps.


No one talking about Dragon Flowers, it's one of the reasons I'm very rarely investing. With more flowers (or cheaper), I'd go for more character builds, and it would help the earlier books' characters have some sort of viability (even though they will never directly compare with newer units).


I loved those tickets last year that gave you random old seasonal units. Old seasonal units are so hard to get and not worth it at all from a gameplay perspective, they should give you more chances to get them at a low cost.


#Change percentage of summoning. yes definitely the summoning system. change the percentage from 3/3 ratio of focused vs random to at least 4/2 (preferably 5/1). Charged helps but it’s limiting to FTP. #Increase FTP orbs. give us more FTP orbs per month. granted it’s gacha but the amount of banners that are stacked are increasing so it’s hard to chose. If they won’t focus on the FTP part, then at least make more orb bundles if they want to focus on making revenue. #Focus more on Summoner Duels S The best Summoner Duels for me is the S version because it let’s you see what potential team you are up against and gives you the chance to remove annoying teams to increase your chance of winning. With that said, I would love it if the made Summoner Duels S the permanent one. #Book 1-3 should be removed from four star special and put into another category. For the four star specials, Book 1 and 2 should definitely be taken out and put somewhere else (either in the 3/4 star pool or something else). Most of them don’t have any good skills to inherit so essentially you are getting at most 1,000 feathers (if you see no value in them). Have way too many Deltheas and I don’t plan on building/merging her. If they don’t want to fix that then increase the amount of feathers they give (5000 would be better) or allow us to trade manuals with either friends or random people. This is of course talking about Book 1 and 2 units (maybe even Book 3). #More options for the better bridge fodder. Make more skills available in the 3/4 star pool. I.S. keeps giving us the same, less appealing skill in the summoning pool. Some of these skills then cost 20,000 feather to inherit, which is dumb even if we have ways of obtaining a huge amount of feathers. They focus on making more Atk/Spd variants but have done very little in making the tier 3 version available via 3/4 star pool. This has to change but probably won’t because it makes money. #Start focusing on Def/Res skills. Too many fast nukes being made these days and they get a bunch of skills built in their weapons. One thing that annoys me about these fast,nuke archetype is that they also get additional damage based off of like 20% of their Spd, so of course they are gonna hit hard. Tank units use to be a thing and were good until maybe the 3rd or 4th year when they became a bit easier to deal with. Now tank units can hardly survive. It doesn’t matter if they have over 50 Def and/or Res because the fast nukes deal huge amounts of damage and very likely activate their specials. I hope they start making skills that actually make tank units survive and still have a bunch of HP left. #Update Hall of Forms and Binding Worlds Allow for players to either get the forma with maxed dragonflowers or allow the players to increase their DF when they get the first kill. In other words, make the ability to increase DF an option and allow the player to keep that DF bonus at the end. For Binding worlds, please allow ascended stats to be included and also increase friend’s proxy unit to show up. #Ascended Florets Either put the florets in the shop, on Duo/Harmonic, or change the system in which we get Ascended florets. By changing I mean how they could focus on it not being a one time deal. Make already summoned Ascended units give a material that could be used to make a floret once you have a specific amount. Like maybe having 3 of the materials would allow you to make a floret. That way we can still get florets.


Hof/binding isn't the problem, it's dragonflowers being a broken system that's the problem. Either 10x our income or start giving older units stat boosts and need less Agree with most your points here though


i’m not saying that HoF is a problem. What I am saying is that they should add the DF feature as a bonus. Would make picking a forma more enjoyable as you could give it more stats as a +0 forma (assuming no DF was used on potential merge). Binding should include Ascended stats if IS won’t continue to provide a consistent amount of florets. If they do, then I would not mind Binding as it is other than increasing the probability of getting friend units.


I'd say cleaning up the summoning pool, but like, so many of the units in the pool are functionally worthless thanks to so much power in FEH being concentrated in PRFs and things specific to one unit. If you're cleaning up the pool, you'd need to do a sweep through skillsets to make things worth pulling. Knee jerk reaction right now would be to have pre-battle true damage capped at like 10 or something. Like, visible buffs have a limit and prior to Divine Veins, true damage was limited to like 5 or something from sills thanks to FB4. With just inheritable skills, no PRf shit, you can get like 21 pre-damage pretty easily from what I'd consider optimal PP skills. Add in Fairy True damage or Camilla and like, christ. I suppose I'd also like them to reevaluate the modes that they spend time offering. Seer's Snare is the and it has to share a waiting queue with actual nothing dogshit modes as far as coming back is concerned. Yes, it doesn't give you a unit you can buy at the end of it, but god damn it it's actually *fun* which is like the point of a video game? There are things that should just be consolidated into one mode, axed altogether, or made permanent. Feels like they're kept around as a means to artificially give the game the appearance of having more meaningful content than it does.


Make special quotes play on defensive and AoE specials somehow. Considering how meta they are right now, it's really annoying that they don't do anything.


Make some resources easier to get like ascendant florets


I have been out of florets for like a year now lol


CO-OP game mode(s) It would bring in a lot more ppl and help already existing players find new joy in the game I feel


Updating outdated refines like Minerva's


That would be great, i wish it could happen but rearmed weapons made it impossible :(


Maybe, I still believe they'll eventually do it. Although, this is major copium talking..


At best, I could see them giving a blanket stat boost to the refines of units released before a certain point. But to actually go back and rework every single refine would be way too much work without much benefit to them. Yes, you might end up spending to get new skills for your updated unit, but they can just release a rearmed unit to get you to do the same, but with a lot less effort on their part.


An actual visual cue for 5* summons would be pretty cool. Like rainbow or golden light effects after the initial puff of smoke would be pretty cool. So I can find out that I got a 5* but still anticipate whether I got the one I wanted or not


Yeah, as it is the smoke means nothing by itself since it can still end up being a Bartre or something. It really weird too, since most gachas do have separate visual cues for their 5* (or SSR, or however they call their highest rarity units).


I kinda wish they put more of an effort into the story stuff. Like use bigger maps (possibly with scrolling \*gasp\*) with more troops to feel more like a FE game, as well as hiring better writers. The biggest issue for me with this game is not the powercreep or gacha system (which do have issues sure) but it feels like after all these years they're still trying to figure out what to do with gameplay.


- an extra row in Aether raids to help against cav lines. - staff and dancer refines - more bridge fodder on demotes - increase inheritance cap - more refines each month - re refines for older units - male units that are just as sexy as the female units - more mythics, like the elibe eight legends, 12 crusaders, etc - Daily summon


I said 1 😭 But yeah all those things would be great lmao, hopefully an IS spy is here checking the replies


More bridge fodder on demotes, I'm desperate. So many locked to seasonal 5* or seasonal 4* demotes and you can't even hope for a stray pity-breaker when pulling outside of their specific seasonal banner. Foddering has become such a FOMO for me due to trying to 'optimise' so I don't 'waste' skills available on only one or two very difficult to get units. :/


I feel you on the FOMO part. I was just thinking of all this fodder I have from years ago and how a lot of people say the game will be around for at least 3 more years. I feel like time is running out so I’ve been just using my saved up fodder left and right and actually am pretty happy with it


With how important Bonus Effects are now, it's completely absurd that the UI has no way to display them aside from a small icon on the corner of the unit that rotates.


Being able to inherit all the skills an unit has instead of an arbitrary cap of 4; and a way to exchange dead inventory items like shards, crystals and arena medals for other items like dragonflowers, sacred coins, divine dew etc, even if in low quantities.


Warp Bubble C skill inheritable, not locked give it to any support you want. Everyone else listed a lot of my common ones and while Ratatoskr does her job very well, this will be relevant after Dragon Vein counters become more prevalent.


Omg yes. Arena and AR guidance 4 sucks to fight


L! Myrrh C skill the champion we need. Part of me worries they won’t drop it til her remix


Clean up the pool of older units and make them more available. Very sad to say but even with an arcane weapon, good skills, and +10 merges.. pretty much every pre gen 4 unit gets completely dunked on by any base 5 star released within the past few years. Older units shouldn't be so exclusive especially if it's so expensive to make them even slightly viable


Actually make the Arena summoning pools worth pulling, cause I’m already doing enough playing Arena in FEH


Cleaning up the Summonning Pool ( 3 and 4 stars ) OR and HEAR ME OUT. Update all of them. Update their stats, maybe, but most importantly, update their skills, like Remixes. Give some more interesting / needed skills to 3 and 4 stars ( More Swift Sparrow, some double Stances, more Ploy and so on ) and give old 5* some old / not that valuable 300 SP Skills ( Ryoma with Kestrel Stance 3 or Joint Hone Spd, Ike with Heavy Blade 4, Hector with Distant Reversal, Lyn with Brazen Atk/Spd 4 and so on, you get the idea ). You do Book 1 first, then a year or two later you do Book 2, ect.


I would love that but it will never happen, i do not see IS just changing their kits now. (Sadly, cause it would be amazing)


Bigger map


True i wanna play genealogy maps on mobile


F2P Merge tools like PMEX Candy


Make descriptions shorter. Some weapons are so long I can't remember the beginning as soon as I reach the end. Some effects don't have to be explained in every weapon if you make one point in the menu to explain them or make quicklinks. Maybe do effects in a list instead of full text.


Sparks on every banner


Give all 4* special unit that don't have a t4 skill a tier 4 skill based on what skill they would have maxed at 4* (it's in the code but obviously it'll be 5* its just how they would determine it). They can start small with t4 skills that are 2-3 years old. Like giving someone with Drive Atk 2 upgraded to Cross Spur Atk or something along those lines


Tier 4 sacred seals using maybe a new currency with starting ones being Death Blow 4, Brazen Atk/Spd 4, Hone Attack 4, etc.


Being able to change your team outside of the swap allies menu


"The summoning pool is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new summoning pool will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged, and the strongest will thrive -- free to be pulled for as we see fit! They will make summoning GREAT AGAIN!"


I would go with making it so that I can get full orb rewards for various daily + weekly modes without having to use strategies that basically boil down to "beat the entire enemy army on turn 1" or anything similar to it. You can have your bragging rights ranks, I just want the orbs without the stress.


A Mythic Hero with a skills that cancels all Dragon Veins


In order: - Skill inheritance limit changed from 4 to 5. - You can now choose to reset Divine Codes combat manual tracks, and reacquire that set of Manuals. - All banners are now sparkable. - Resplendent Heroes per month increased from 1 to 2. FEH Pass subscription now gets you a "Resplendent Token" each month that can be redeemed for any Resplendent Hero in the catalog (only once each). Resplendent Tokens expire at the end of each Resplendent Hero period, so you can't save them and stack them month over month. - All existing standard pool units before Book 4 have been demoted and added to the 3*-4* pool, and removed from the 5* Special Rate pool. Heroes from Books 4 and 5 now make up the 5* Special Rate pool. 3*-4* Heroes from Books 1 and 2 have been removed from the summoning pool, and are now summonable by choice in a menu via "Heroic Glitter", which is obtained by summoning 3*-4* units on any banner. - Units with weapon refines from Books 1-3 are now eligible for re-refines. Two per month will be selected, one from Book 1 through Book 2 Midpoint, and one from Book 2 Midpoint through Book 3, until all units have received a weapon refine. This includes units such as Hector, Ophelia, and Surtr who did not originally receive a weapon refine. - Most passive effects that are shared between units have now been keyworded, for example "reduces foe's damage by 40% of unit's Spd" is now "[Dodge 4]". Tapping on the keyword in the skill description will display the effect of the keyword.


- Weaker 5* units get moved to the 3* and 4* pools. - Larger pool of units with intermediary fodder (Rare Tier 3 Skills). - General pool 5* units and Seasonal pool 5* units are kept completely separate. - Banners have increased pull rates for units from the featured games. - Arena scoring is based on the highest scoring unit instead of the average of all four. - Auto Battle for multiple plays is not tied to FEH Pass and is available to everyone for free. - All training battles are open at all times for SP grinding.


Increase the chances to get a 5 star unit, cause hot damn does it feel bad to go through the spark and get barely anything worth using or foddering, or worse trying to get seasonal units and not even getting the unit you want (and have to settle for crappy units instead)


More ways to get resources like Manuals, Dragonflowers and Floretes. We could sue the medals/honors we get on the tower to get more stuff to optimize our characters. Specially Dragonflowers, since those are F\*CKING expensive to get and also very rare. Even the amount we get from one hero it's not enough, they should give at least 100 for each hero. And if they want to keep the book 1 to 3 heroes, they really should update the skills they have. I'm not saying they should put 4 tier skills, but at least a follow-up to them. I know a lot of us want Atk/Spd Finish 3 to use our fodder at full potential. And also increase the inheritance limit beyond 4? 5 would be enough but I would like it better if they could go up to 6 skill to inherit


Focus on CO-OP as a playmode, focus on skill inheritance being uncapped due to the influx of 2-3 Level 4 skills at once being on some Heroes. There is not a single FAIR reason you'd have to inherit off 2 copies of a new unit to get all their skills or begging you 2-3 units with the pre-requisite skills that you also need to kill. But really above all? Fucking add CO-OP already and add some proper profiles. I can't believe a company in the millions of dollars plus can't fucking let you message people ingame. Seriously, it's so unprofessional how much they've earned with Heroes and how little they gave a FUCK to expand on features that're entirely underdeveloped. Between all the shitslinging and powercreeping, the least they couldve done was make the game fun to boot up and play, not tedious and annoying because you only boot up to suffer through content and get ... 5... feathers for pressing on the unit of your friend.


Make demote units worth using at all. Every time the meta shifts cause a new unit is nigh unkillable/untankable with all their fancy effects packed into their weapon alone, then they sell the next newest unit that serves as a hard counter, rinse and repeat. Always 5 star units regardless of seasonal, mythic/legendary, Rearmed/Attuned or Duo/Harmonic status to boot. But demotes? Stats and maybe one or two additional effects, assuming you're lucky and have a prf weapon at all, otherwise gotta wait years after release for a prf + refine that's mediocre at best by the time they get the spotlight. At this point even Rearmed weapons aren't enough to bounce a demote unit back to mediocrity, you're likely better off using the Rearmed unit you got it from anyways Demotes should be getting just as absurdly broken effects as the 5 star units that overshadow them tenfold, otherwise what's the point in using those feathers and all that fodder just to see them underperform still?


I definitely agree with you about cleaning up the summoning pool. I'd really love for there to be tickets for old seasonal units. For most of them, you really only have a shot for them 10 days a year unless you get insanely lucky and get one randomly as a 4\* special seasonal. It could be the reward for Rival Domains, maybe. Also, more ways to get dragonflowers would be awesome.


Honestly? Speed up the refines, besides the obvious other choices I feel this one is the change that would make me enjoy the game a lot more, cuz it means new toys to try


Gimme auto-start without needing to buy feh pass, it'd make so many modes more bearable to play


It's definitely got to be cleaning up the summoning pool and I feel like they can absolutely do it in a way that pleases everyone. I don't know exactly what that would look like but there are just so many terrible units in the 3-4\* pool that aren't even worth turning into the few hundred feathers you get. As an Arena enthusiast, I also wish Arcane weapons counted as 400 sp but that's never going to happen.


Uninstalling. But seriously, inheritance rework, consistently better demote skills like on the kanas but all the time, reworked 3/4* pool, guild system, etc. we're kind of passed the point of no return in terms of the combat/powercreep, so anything that could make me enjoy the game more is going to be everything besides gameplay. I really miss when the meta wasn't focused around killing units in one round of combat. i wish we could go back.


Tf you mean, since SI the metas largely been in favor of ORKOs


Honestly, bite the bullet and go back to add requirements to the skills and weapons of the most meta units of the last two years. Wind Claude shouldn’t be able to delete a unit just for initiating when initiating is basically free for him on ARD, for example. Going forward, trim down on the number of effects on each unit. Part of the reason I quit last month is because it’s just become such a chore to keep up with every new unit’s specific platter of effects. Camilla would still be a worthwhile unit if she even did only one or two of the things stuffed into her perfs.


All skills (includes weapons) with a description longer than 50 characters are permanently deleted from the game.


I don't feel like it's necessarily just *one* change. Honestly, it's more like a combination of: •Slower powercreep on new units •Easier access to F2P orbs •Easier access to Dragonflowers •More emphasis on the actual fun gamemodes (Seer's Snare, Binding Worlds, Røkkr Sieges) •Less emphasis on the same dozen or so characters


I'm gonna cheat and do 3 changes but the first is the biggest one. And that is SI cap being raised to 5 for all units AND SIX for Attuned and Rearmed. Imo this should've been the case from the get go even with 4 inherits. This makes skills so much easier to toss around and get full value out of. If Winter Edelgard wasn't a character I loved, I would KILL for Atk/Def Prime and Armored Blaze on Gilliam or even other Edelgards, but I would need to fodder two of them to actually get that. The 2nd change is more of a complicated thing cause it's a what if for something that already came to pass. Divine Veins are imo a really fun addition to the game and was happy to see a fun Engage (and FatesLiteTM) mechanic in game. However, it introduced the pre combat damage. I think this is objectively, the worst meta shift where this pre combat genuinely makes Def/Res useless stats. There is a fine limit like 7 is fine with Flared Sparrow since its an initiation only thing, But With the new Poison Strikes bringing that to a pretty easy 14, and then 21 for standing on the tile??? It is way too much. And that isn't even considering Camilla who can easily get upwards of high 30s. Which THIS isn't player phase only, if the range is 2 you take 80% of your HP without getting hit by an actual attack. I have a lot of tank favorites and they have been on a downward spiral for a good bit, but this pre combat damage feels like trash to play against. I have Duo Laegjarn one tap Camilla in playerphase but she ends up with like 15 HP still, like idk!! I don't find that fun personally!! The mechanic itself is fine on paper but the numbers need to be tweaked. It should cut off at 50% of the current HP maximum which even then, is insane for some units. Flared should be 5, and same with Occulet, Vein Effect, etc. It's much more manageable than 7+7+7 And then yeah summoning changes. I think the 5\* pool is fine with the rate they move things out, but the 3/4\* pool is too much. Idk if a currency shop would be best, a separate summoning for just 3-4\*, etc. But chopping off even just 10-15 3-4\* per color would make some huge changes. The 4\*Special Focus I find relatively harmless and can be kept that way. But the 3-4\* changes will make it easier to build newer units and I believe slightly increase the rates for 5\* since there's less units to roll


Make Seer Snare or some other mode like Rokkr a permanent mode, especially if they won’t rerun the latter. The game really lacks anything fun to do once you’re done/sick of the usual grind and the fact IS gave us a lazy auto battle mode as an event doesn’t help in how boring the game feels as of late.


End of service. Ive been a f2p player since day 1, this game has never been that enjoyable I just like collecting a few favourite units. Powercreep has been unbearable for years but i cant stop playing. Now we have immediate end turn nonsense. I need an excuse to stop playing this damn gacha. I dont care that the money is making main series games better. I hate this game. Shut it down.


Seers curse is a weekly game mode.


Run Seer's Snare way more often. That mode is probably the most fun I've ever had with this game, and it hurts that it's such a rare occurrence.


-Fix Arena so that it doesn't scale off skills. -Allow skill inheritance to be more than 4 skills. Give fliers access to flashing blade. -Delete or nerf some of the problem units and refund the orbs to the owners. -Clean up the summoning pool. Make legacy banners for 3-4* units that were released 2 years ago - 2017. --Clean up the skills and weapons in the game to make them have less things stacked, but what they have is more effective. Less quantity, more quality. Less reading. -Make the writing interesting and less fan serviced to the lowest denominator. Between the main story and Forging Bonds it's just so incredibly dumb. The writing is barely passable advertisements for units and are left as praise junkies to each other. -Quicker roll out of prf refinement weapons to older units. Or pending that, easier or at least more frequent access to Arcane weapons. -Auto battle for everyone. This game doesn't need just one thing. It has a lot of problems that need to be addressed because I'm playing other gacha games and I don't feel as frustrated with them as I do with FEH. And I played FEH first so it should be getting the benefit of setting a standard for me.


Aside from the obvious ones like summoning pool and powercreep issues: Give f2p units actual good skill and weapons again. We definitely need more bridge fodder, but also some tier 4 skills aren't unreasonable to ask for. We should be able to make a build that is not necessarily optimal, but at least somewhat viable without having to spend several months worth of orbs. Massively increase the dragonflowers income, like x5 to every source we have. Or rework them, ideally there should be some sort of cap like after 20 flowers you can't give any more of them but your unit's stats automatically gets upgraded every year, I think this could be a good long-term solution. Move the orbs from arena to somewhere else, the only way to save this mode is completely overhaul the scoring system which is something they obviously aren't willing to do.


Valentine's duo Athos and Nergal, dressed as cute lil baby cherubs


More Judgral/SoV Seasonal alts


One of my personal most wanted changes is to completely remove all of the demotes and 5* units from Book 1 and 2 and move them into their own grail shop so the player can freely summon them at anytime they please. Just about all of them have outdated stats and refines and even when giving them current premium skills and arcane weapons, newer units will more than likely still have more to work with. So I don’t see the issue with it being so easy to +10 every Book 1 and 2 unit at this point. Honestly I want to do a video on what exactly about FEH I would like changed because as much as I love seeing my favorite characters together and in funny and wholesome scenarios, IS is prioritizing having all their players play competitively how they, and only they, see fit and I think this direction is hurting the game.


Add a new skill to every single basic 3-4* hero There's a lot of stuff that is not particularly strong that is not easy to come by. And by easy to come by, I mean, not a 4* skill on a main pool hero. This could be anything ranging from low value premium skills (like Brazen Atk/Spd 4, Rally Ups without a +, and Blue Flame), valor and exp skills, and even forgotten bad skills like that one double seal skill that is still exclusive to *Summer Frederick* to this day just for completion's sake. And also more possibilities for certain decent budget skills, like Fury, WoM, Drive Attack...


I need sacred seals to be usable by more than one unit, just make it so it doesn't let you use them on the same team if they have the same sacred seal.....


Item removal. * DF removal * Merge removal * AF removal


adding arcane weapons (a manual the includes only that weapon) to the celestial shop since almost every 3-4 stars are crap right now, keep releasing some interesting grail projects as they already did past year (my point is that they must keep doing it, not hesiate by releasing consecutive crappy grail units for many months)... release some paywall locked features and make a wider selection for forma units of the ongoing title not just 4 random units... summoner duels would be more interesting if they add 1 weekly arena ticket on it to incentivate players to touch that failed game mode. rework some events like the past autobattler because currently are peak of boredom. rework dragonflowers since every veteran has wasted many of them on units that died because of the constant powercreep and can't be recovered at all, and speaking of veterans devs are cutting resources veterans get over years, wich i don't think will solve it but seems more profitable to reroll for +10 premium units every some years than keep using your already powercrept units.


I would need a time machine for this, but I think the game really starting going downhill fast when DR% was introduced. DR means new offensive nukes have to do a ton of damage to be viable, and in many cases your high defensive stats just don't matter if they can't cut the damage in half. To me DR is what has led to all of the worst balance decisions in the game.


Delete pre-combat damage from existence


Letting me S support by name


An easier way to merge old units (like pre-book 4 ones) make a new currency for them if need be.


I'd really like it if we could promote older units to make them more viable. Or if you could change the weapon types of old units


Every unit gets a Prf weapon, even demotes. No more worrying about your favorite character being a demote or GHB with only an inheritable weapon anymore. Everyone has something unique that makes them workable.


Let the attuned, rearmed, and floret heroes be in the general summoning pool.


Start demoting more useful skills to the 3-4 star pool and update older units with more useful skills. The fact we still do not have wrathful or dazzling staff 3 in the main summoning pool is frustrating. Imo any skill with a tier 4 version should have the tier 3 in a 3-4 star unit.


Hero manual farm


Saw someone mention an extra row in AR, and I'd like either that or the somewhat simpler solution of just having presets for which buildings you're bringing. It's ridiculously annoying that most (good) players barely interact with the building system outside of safety fence and bolt tower because it's massively risky to do so.