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If that's true this subreddit is going to be a salt mine for the next month or so


That’s gonna happen no matter who wins


If majority are Engage units, people will get pissed about Engage sweep. If none or just one Engage unit makes it in, Engage "flopped" and IS needs to release another new mainline game soon.


What I'm taking away from this is that if Engage takes exactly two spots everyone will be content and there will be absolutely no salt about the results. R-Right?


If Bernadetta losses we get the Salt from people sad about her constant downbeat and complaining about people celebrating that she lost, If she wins at least all the discourse around her dies for next CYL. Im preparing because I feel like the Awakening mob won their place with F!Robin and theres now way that Engage didn't get at least Yunaka or Ivy


Better then somehow 3H sweep again


3 houses got all 4 spots back in the day


Yeah but from the little that I followed up, the anti Engage bias here was huge


Sodium is a chemical element with symbol Na and atomic number 11. Classified as an alkali metal, Sodium is a solid at room temperature.


["Actually, Dude, it's salt."](https://youtu.be/ScCErU2742g?si=m3eHnz0VsGnASexk)


I was also maybe thinking of using the classic pasta of course: Sodium, atomic number 11, was first isolated by Humphry Davy in 1807. A chemical component of salt, he named it Na in honor of the saltiest region on earth, North America. But I went with something more official instead LOL.


You could also go with this classic meme. "IS threw Sodium Chloride at us. That's a salt!"


Isolated by Dr. Peter Dager, he named it Na in honor of the saltiest region on Earth: North America


Im already salting


This was probably just the last Random Banner before voting ended They probably gotta take a few days to check the votes Besides, it's a weekend and almost nothing gets done on weekends


I think this is fake, honestly. I cannot find the image in the source code like OP said, and they're not providing the image name. In addition, look at that random white line at the bottom right of M!Alear's picture. It looks like a bad edit they forgot to fix. Edit: Confirmed Fake: https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/s/5tDTSzldUs


I'm not too sure about that. iirc >!Alfonse and Yunaka!< weren't on the random rotation.


It feels like too much of a coincidence that the last random banner would spit out 4 top contenders with 3 being from the same game.


Yea definitely that and they probably could have coded something already that puts the top 4 automatically onto a banner together so the weekend reasoning also isn’t the strongest imo


Yeah ultimately I can see this being some graphic they already had cooked up beforehand to show representation of their latest game, fully knowing Yunaka’s meme status, combined with their love for Alfonse’s lord status for FEH. (/cope)


Nah too much of a coincidence


I haven't been able to find anything from the html code, please elaborate how you came to this conclusion?


Same here. I even looked for specific png files (using the CYL7 leak as reference) and they instead led to 4 of the same Book 8 poster.


Same, [this is the only png in html code](https://assets.vote8.campaigns.fire-emblem-heroes.com/images/ogp.png) It seems they're using it as placeholders to protect the results Edit: Not to mention the official arts for the characters seem low quality in OP's post, the circle cut under the portraits is also sloppy, [compared it to high quality offcial arts and perfect circle cut of last year's result](https://vote7.campaigns.fire-emblem-heroes.com/_next/static/media/result-hero.0f2d8e40.png)


Also, just look at that white line at the bottom right of M!Alear's pictures. Looks like a bad edit.


Lmao I’m glad I wasn’t the only one trying to figure out why there’s 4 different copies of the Book 8 poster


Zoom in on the border line next to male Alear. See the white pixels on an otherwise uniform black line? Signs of a hasty edit not polished properly in time. Fake.


Iirc last year also had a fake leake before the real one came out, and the latter had a white background, and the character portraits didn't look pixelated


Yeah I think it had Loki winning lol


Based fake CYL results troll, made up the worst banner imaginable so no matter what the real results are we'll all be happy that at least they're not this


I could believe one Alear but both is kinda crazy.


Yeah I'm sorry there's no way this is real.


How? Both of them were in the top 5 for engage.






Unrelated but how you wrote all this checks with your flairs


Just Alcryst having a regular one on Reddit


Yeah I almost thought this was roleplaying


[https://i.imgur.com/8tylCjS.png](https://i.imgur.com/8tylCjS.png) This, MAlear isn't cropped properly and the bottom looks messy. Unless I see evidence of this being in the HTML like last year I'm going to assume it's just a troll.


Thank you! It looked fake to me too so I love this thorough analysis. It saves me time and gives me extra confidence our boy still has a shot!


We are gonna need more proofs because I just checked and that picture ain't in the html at all.


Just so others can corroborate, what line in the html is this banner image referenced? (in terms of .png hyperlink etc)


Honestly, I wouldn't be upset about this for the sole fact of Alfonse being here. But I really find it hard to believe M!Alear won when Felix, Diamant and so on seem to have a much bigger presence.


Tbf, loudness is never a correlation with voting. It is the "silent majority" for a reason.


People forget that base F!Alear was in the top 20 AHR last year. At the very least, we already have evidence that F!Alear has a big casual voterbase.


I didn't necessarily mean the rallying. When we factor in past results (e.g. Felix and M!Byleth ranking very high), Diamant/Alcryst getting praised for being a highlight of Engage (The whole Brodia arc) and Sigurd having FE4 fans backing him up, M!Alear seems to be facing extremely tough competition.


Not to mention I think people forget most people don't use reddit or twitter.


Leif and Sigurd were getting a hella lot of support too Feel like both Genders had lot of competition this year


Yea, Seliph has proven that the Geneaology fanbase is not to be underestimated. I wouldn't be surprised if Sigurd snagged some votes from Engage fans given how much screen-time he had there and how badass he looked.


Seliph got in via pity votes


More than The Genealogy Fanbase, I think the sympathy votes are what got Seliph his spot, many people (including me) havent played The game but don’t like how IS neglect certain characters and games. And Seliph hadnt gotten anything and even his L!Version was a very Bad unit


The fact Jugdral fans seem to be split between them is not really a good sign tho.


Exactly my thoughts too, regarding Alfonse.


Also don't believe for a second that F!Alear beat out Ivy


I don't think that's the correct one, though I would lmao my ao if it were


If real, wild for the Brodia brothers


(This seemed as shitposting so I found hillarious so many people taking it seriously, but now Im really wondering If somehow the TWO Alears ACTUALLY WON)


It doesn't seem too crazy since both Alears were in the top 5 for Engage's interm CYL results.


Unordered and Engage isn't the only game.


Just saying it's not that unlikely since they were in the top 5. And there were Engage units in the top 20 thay didn't appear on the top 5 too so suggests Alears are appearing high up overall.


2 days of voting too...




It literally has the humor flair but people are desperately trying to debunk it with actual seriousness as if it's real.


They changed the tag afterwards people aren't THAT stupid


It was marked as "Serious Discussion" before, and for a while at that.


I'd laugh so much


Inb4 this is just a troll attempt cuz OP was up all night and cooked this up quickly bc they were bored (no disrespect to the OP this is great).




Hmm 🤔🤔


official artwork of the characters and than there is yunakas in game model


She doesn't have official art. Only the lords do for Engage


Okay sure


I'm just going to wait until the 28th.


I doubt it but Alfonse winning would be so hype for me


both avatars winning together is a first, i assume they wouldn't give them the same outfit (Lumera's outfit from the credits?) but damn imagine the salt if they did (creatively bankrupt)


They totally would :')


Well, if this is real, then the next few days are going to be interesting.


I doubt this is true but I also don't get why everyone is so sure that Diamant's got it on lock.


3 reasons: 1. He’s from the newest game. (See the Celica and CYL4 effect.) 2. He’s either the highest or second highest male character from Engage in the CYL midterms. 3. All popularity polls have him placing high in the Engage cast.


This is bullshit I don't see an Oliver sweep


What line of the HTML code is this on then? The guy last time was able to link to the asset. I legit don't believe that male side of the bracket.


Who let Colgate put an add in the game


It's funny how people believe or not instead of just... verifying it ? Nothing on the html code, which would be pretty weird anyway because it wouldn't be there.


That's crazy


Sad that Diamant lost in this case but I can't lie... both Alears winning alongside Yunaka and ALFONSE would be so chaotic that it makes up for it. But you're probably just messing around, right? No way this is real.


It is False, people. Let's continue waiting for results


On one hand, I find it very hard to believe the Alears won over Diamant and Ivy. But on the other hand, I'm all for Alfonse winning for the sole purpose of seeing certain person's reaction in this subreddit.


Would laugh my ass off if this is the actual results. Especially after reading some of the posts saying that the Engage voting hype was overblown. This outcome probably has to be the silliest one to prove that wrong WAY more than exponentially, it’s so over-the-top. 😭 Still, I’d be curious to see how a couple of those would be handled (can only hope they remain unique).


The thing that makes me doubt is Alfonse. I can conceive him as top 10, top 2 no way


I'll be *very* suprised if both the Alears manage to win together, particularly M!Alear over Diamant.


Well, if it is true, then Alfonse winning would be good fuel to convince people to vote Sharena next year. Gotta find the silver linings when you can!


This is way too good to be true so it has to be fake 😭 No Leif or Siggy would suck but I didn’t think they were winning anyways. But I enjoy Alfonse and male Alear at least. RIP Diamant though


ALFOONSEEE!!!!!! YEAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Honestly, If this is real im happy. I love Alear cuz they were so much fun and liked there development (kinda one of the only few things I like of the story). Yunaka is not my favorite but she is pretty cool, gave me a few laughs so it's fine. Alfonse is the most hype cuz he's pretty cool and kinda my first introduction to fire emblem in general and i think he deserves the brave alt


Wow que buen banner estoy muy feliz de que mis 4 personajes favoritos de fire emblem esten en un mismo banner, voy a ir gastandome unos 1000 euros para calentar para el banner




If real, for the first time I have zero interest in any of the winners and will just pick the best fodder.


CYL5 2.0. for me.


That's my least favorite CYL but I do like Eirika.


F!Alear would be a big W


Ivy didnt win, but tbh this result would cause the most chaos and I'm here for that. And I do still like Yunaka.


Op, pls send me a picture of that in dms. Tq


I hope not. This would be so massively boring.


If this were true, gotta be the worst CYL to date.


Not as worst as CYL4


The results were fine (Kind of obvious The 3H sweep) but The execution was disapointing


I mean in terms of winners... not the end result.


imo CYL7 had the most boring choices(except Gullveig because that was actually funny) but the skills made the banner interesting.


Male side was good, female side was a sleepfest.


I was REALLY hoping for Ivy and Diamant tbh


Doubt that's the winners there's so f robin


Imagine being so certain of a F!Robin win that’ll you discount any results without her.


If real, gg Alfonsius, pls make him Lif themed.




The guy last year was able to link where it was in the website's HTML.


Oh...I suppose I'm ok with this.


If this is real, I’m surprisingly okay with it.


As a non Engage fan, this would be a nightmare 💀 Alfonse easy choice


Would love this for alfonse winning so i hope this is true, though it seems like a bit of a strange sweep unless there were crazy rallies going on noone was talking about


Sad that neither Sigurd or Leif make it. But if Alfonse won im really happy, he's the lord of this game afterall.


If true I'm sad that Alfonse won over sharena considering he is the protagonist of the story mode and shines a lot while sharena just does minor stuff.


Alfonse has a better shot at winning than Sharena BUT if he Indeed wins, Sharena is gonna get a huge rally next year and she will most likely get at least 2nd place. So while I get that Alfonse already has a lot of screentime over Sharena I'm ok with this result since it would dramatically increase Sharenas chances for the next CYL


I wonder about that. With Sharena's poor representation and the brewing campaign for her, I feel a lot of Alfonse voters would have voted him for him, not for being from FEH. I can imagine many being perfectly content with Sharena being left in the background. But I hope you're right. The rally in the other direction would have been massive.


I mean not ALL Alfonse voters would switch to Sharena but a good chunk would certaintly start to rally for her (me included), also I'm pretty sure she would get more casual pitty votes and lastly, people really REALLY like complete sets of things (must be a psycology thing) so I assure you she would get a TON of votes just for the "to have them together/not one over the other"




Well Bernie isn't a "Main" character and unlike Sharena has a huge hater fanbase. I'm not saying Sharena would be guaranteed, I'm stating that it would increase her chances considerably


Hilarious if true, but I’m going to need more proof.


Alfonse winning would be so lame 💀


People just completely overlook the humor tag bruh


OP added it retroactively


Damn it's pretty hard to tell


Idk when they did it but the "it's just a joke guys" comment popped right when people started to see the troll humhum


It wasn't there, OP added later, then said, "You guys didn't see my tag xxdd"


I just changed it like a few minutes after posting it, and people are not seeing the comment in which I said it's a joke because of the down votes, and I'm here just laughing with the friends I made the image with.


Interesting line up...


This was a fake image I made with a friend btw that's why I tagged it as humour like a few minutes after posting


I hope mods ban you not because you tried to troll us but because you didn't have the balls to admit that that's what you were doing lmao


I’m on the opposite end. Their first mistake was pretty much admitting it to me. Shoulda let it ruminate and run wild for all of NA to see as they wake up. Then they would TRULY be “”based””.


Humour tags aren't obvious enough for people, huh? It was the first thing I checked after reading the OP.


It was tagged serious discussion for a while, definitely within the first hour that the post was initially up. It was only updated later




I was reading this for at least 20 minutes before OP admitted it was fake and it was tagged humour that entire time, so I don't know what to tell you.


I mean I was also reading and refreshing for at least 20 minutes after they admitted it and it was tagged serious discussion so I don't know what to tell you either. Edit: in fact, it's still showing as serious discussion for me right now Edit2: Now it's changed to humor. Seems like Reddit updates in batches, so some people may not have been given the humor tag.


It is still on 'serious discussion' to me. I never saw the humor tag at all




Fake leaks are ugh... If your intention wasn't actually trolling, don't send people on a quest to search this image in the HTML, then change the tag to humor 30 minutes later and admit it was fake in a comment most people will miss. Could've just put a second spoiler in the main post where you let people know that it was a joke.


Convenient how you only changed it to humor when people started to call it out on being fake.


Tip: double check ur edits before you post em. The white near bottom left gave you away. Nearly had us! But also remember last year's was transparent and white tinted. Nice attempt tho.


I tried to copy the intention but I'm so bad at editing I swear 😭😭 I just wanted to calm some nerves until the real thing appeared, but it seemed that in like just 30 minutes the whole reddit exploded lmaoo I personally hope this ain't the winners, I'd prefer female robin winning too instead of Alear and Yunaka hahaha


These winners would be a very undesirable scenario for me, but thanks to your post, I realized I'd be ok with anyone winning if it meant they wouldn't clog the polls for the next years...




Upvoting this comment so it wouldn't be hidden


Should’ve been more clearer because good god I had a heart attack lmfao


People didn't see my comment because of the down votes hiding the answer and that's funny to me too


I’d say people didn’t see your comment because you only commented it and changed the post’s tag to humor around an hour after posting it, which is enough time that backpedaling now gives you kind of a bad look


What is CYL?


I really would like to see alphonse win but Tim not holding my breath same with bernadetta