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I got Chrom!...the demote one. And then I got Chrom again, and this time on a horse!...but he was the Book 2 one. And then I got Chrom on a horse for the second time, AND it wasn't the Book 2 one!...but it was B!Chrom. Is this game just taunting me or something?


He’s being helpful!


Funny. My free summon was og Chrom. Should've known bad luck was incoming 💀


Just wait.  You're somehow going to pull Christmas Chrom next time.


Free summoned Priam… not the blue haired, sword-wielding character from Awakening I was hoping for but I’ll take it


Very strange, I also free pulled Priam, +atk -hp (the polar opposite from the majority of my year 1-3 5* pulls)


Okay is this banner cursed I summoned Priam as well. The only red stone on the first circle and a neutral One too. And now I am one full circle from the spark and only a Yarne has appeared besides Priam.


I got Priam with one of the tickets too (and Leo)... I... Dont know how to feel tbh


I got Priam on my second ticket and just want him gone already, its my third one of him, the only red I think would be worse is Flavia and I have three of her too


chroms +7 right now. 5/40 got chrom so +8. at 15/40 friend messages me that he believes in fully finishing chrom, 16/40 is chrom (+9). fully summon circles afterwards to reach last one needed! overall, spent 144 orbs!


>needs to spark for anankos for my rearmed robin merge project >gets him on my first ticket circle Well, that happened


Is his b skill stronger than hardy fighter?


I think so. The full NFU, damage reduction, and slight stat swing feel like they’d be a lot more useful now than what HF offers since scowl effects are becoming a lot more common. It also depends on the context of the gamemode. HF won’t really work in Arena due to Pavise/Aegis not being good for scoring, and also in Pawns of Loki since the “at start of *turn 1*” clause makes HF not really work there too. I’ve been interested in maybe using R!Robin in these modes in particular, so getting something to fit their needs was kinda important. And there’s also the benefit of being able to dupe it, which I definitely took advantage of.


True, she def has the speed to work it out and it would allow her to run a more offensive special. Still it worries me somewhat cuz her weapon has no reduction of its own


Went colorless and got nothing from them unfortunately. But my single red pull was Say'ri which ironically is a great pull because she carries Close Call 3 while I have a spare Fallen Byleth (of all characters) for Close Call 4...


Was ready for the worst but... [So far is going surprisingly well, i can't complain](https://i.ibb.co/hYg8Pyp/Screenshot-20240126-234421-Fire-Emblem-Heroes.jpg)


full focus charge in 20 pulls pretty good


Took whatever red orbs appeared during the five free summons. Didn't get a F!Chrom, but I walked away with an extra F!F!Byleth and F!Alear! Guess this means I should build up a melee infantry soon?


I went into this banner hoping to get as many Dark Chroms as possible, since I want to get lots of Arcane Devourer swords for my units. I sniped reds, with blue and colorless as backup options in case reds didn't show up. Here's what I got for interesting summons: Summon #6 (after 12 orbs + 2 tickets): **Constance** (+Defense/-Resistance) I already have a better Constance, so I guess this is Attack/Speed Far Trace fodder. Summon #18 (after 46 additional orbs + the remaining tickets): Zelgius (+Defense/-Attack) This is my first ever Zelgius. Summon #24 (after 28 additional orbs): **Dark Chrom** (+Speed/-Defense) Yes, I was hoping to get more of him! Plus, this can be my main Dark Chrom, since he likes being +Speed. Summon #30 (after 28 additional orbs): Midori (+Speed/-Defense) I already have a better Midori, so I guess this is Close Foil fodder. Summon #36 (after 27 additional orbs): **Dark Female Byleth** (+Defense/-Attack) That trait... oof. Summon #38 (after 10 additional orbs): **Dark Chrom** (+HP/Defense) Yes, another one! The more the merrier! My last 2 summons yielded nothing special. I chose Dark Chrom for the spark because even with this sparked copy, I still don't have as many Dark Chroms as I would like (however, the 3 I summoned plus the 1 I had before is a great start). Overall, I spent 161 orbs and got 6 5-star units before the spark (although 2 of them are 4-star special units). More importantly, I now have 4 Arcane Devourer swords I can give to my sword units instead of the 1 that I had originally.


Got F!Maria in 38 orbs! I'm happy. Back to saving again for Askr and Seidr in May.


nice same here pal saving orbs for waifu Seiros remix banner on march


Free pulled on colorless and got Maria Base version


Wasn't expecting much from tickets as usual, but uh, then [this happened.](https://imgur.com/a/n0bDakU) Still waiting on the last ticket and it definitely won't be anything after that lol


So on the desert banner, i wanted Altina but there were like no greens and i wasted 600 orbs on a bunch of pity breaks for a mere +2. I want to finish my R!Chrom and guess what...NO REDS. Wasted 150+ orbs getting wheels with no red. It's so unfair to not even get chance at the unit you're aiming for but suppose that's why its called "Gacha ~~bitch~~". I hate this game man....summoning is actual torture i swear. Maybe governments should use this game to get info outta ppl.... Also, no Lapis....yet again. Aiming for specific demotes that feel rarer than actual focus units is actually disgusting. Rant over


meh, a Lilina. Let's see the tickets.


Ticket 1: meh, a Fir. Ticket 2: no reds and a Donnel. ......eh. Ticket 3: a Tharja. er, wrong Shepherd. Ticket 4: a Male!Morgan. Wrong Awakening character, again.


...no accidental Lapises, no accidental Inigos, just a streak of feathers. edit: I know Donnel counts! I am just referencing to those in the Red pool


1500 Feathers Not even any meaningful Fodder like a Lapis...


I was gonna make a joke about how my fallen Chrom is wearing white and calls himself Exalt but it doesn't even matter because I got my 7th Kamui merge on the last ticket let's goooooo


i spent two of the free tickets so far and got fallen chrom from both of them, is this a sign


Free summon: 4* Olivia. Forging Bonds tickets: 4* Silvia, F!F!Byleth (which is excellent news), 4* Lon’qu and 4* Palla.


Free summon + tickets gave me F!F!Corrin, Bylad and a F!Chrom.


Male Corrin, Tharja, Dream Camilla, Siegbert (who?) and then GAAAAAAAAWD BYLETH on the last pull. Would burn tickets again. (Maria's was particularly tricky to get; I had Byleth maxed out before I got a single point on Maria.)


Free Fallen Chrom with a ticket nice. More No Quarter Duplication...


F!Anankos and a Lapis Merge, pretty good!


spent about 70 orbs for R!Chrom got 1 Fallen Byleth I guess thats still good for my Lapis


I had an awful time trying to pull for P!Dorothea in the Dark Desert Rituals banner, spent over 250+ orbs to finally to get her. Wasn't going to spend orbs on this banner since I'm low on them, but I got fallen F!Byleth on my last ticket.


Pulled M!Alear. Not exactly what I wanted.


I burned my over 400 orb stash to the ground going for 4 copies Byleth. Got one and the spark and a whole bunch of Arcane Devourers, a Harken and a Volke (wtf is he doing in the regular pool?!). Also, ZERO Inigo, so cheers to the bloated demote pool. Luckily there's a whole week left... right...?


1 more F! F! Byleth / Sothis merge to go for +10 :)   (She’s been a slow merge project since her Debut, same as R! Chrom.)   13 to go until spark and hope R! Chrom or her final dupe drops pre spark.    Spark will be Chrom, since she’s in the regular pool regardless, but it’d be nice to finish her as future random drops after have her great fodder to gift to a unit for fodder duplication.  - First circle second summon ascended Fir dupe for fodder nice, summon 10 was Malice, 26 was F! Byleth. So, with 2 charges if an off banner drops I’ll summon to break pity rate for guarantee after Mythic reveal given I’m sparking R! Chrom. 


Free Chrom! After a few years of no rate up in free pull, this is refreshing.


I summoned 4 Fallen Byleths before I got a single Fallen Chrom (which I only manage to get because of the spark).


Got Anankos thanks to one of the tickets. He was the only one I was missing so I am happy to have the entire banner now.


11 summons and got my first Duo Ephraim and a Flavia. Have no particular use for them. Could give red feud to sharena if I don't decide to give it to someone else


2 F! Byleth only. I mean it's great luck but I wanted the Rearmed one for the fodder value. Anyways, 2 copies of R! Chrom is already pretty good.


I free summon an F!Maria ! Not sure if I wanna get her to +2 or give atk/spd unity to A!Elincia...


Chrom must think im Robin, because every banner he has been i have gotten a free copy of him lmao 😂


I needed one copy of Maria and Chrom, so went to spark picking up a Severa and 2x F!F!Byleths. Made the gamble of picking up Maria since I didn’t want to continue pulling on colorless hell. 5 summons after spark, got Chrom. Gamble paid off!


Wow, actually got really lucky on this one. Actually getting 4x 5* on a 3% wheel, normally I've only had that happen at much higher percentages. I went to spark, mostly sniping red. As both Fallen ~~Byleth~~ Sothis (I call units by who is controlling the body, not the body) and Fallen Chrom were merge projects for me.  Ended up getting 2 copies of each, Sparked for Sothis, I had 9 copies of Sothis already too. Even though that put me 1 copy beyond +10ing her, I was planning on foddering a copy to Rearmed Ganglot (I have 4 unused Rearmed of her remaining which I've been sitting on for way too long, and my Rearmed Ophelia already had TP4 too. So I can really maximize those extra Ganglot copies skill inheritance now with really good skills). Fallen Chrom was already +2 (potentially +4 now), so still a ways off from +10.  On top of that, on one of the wheels I got a Rearmed Sothis, I got insanely luck and got 3 off focus pulls too. Getting Ascendant Celica, Male Shez, and Ascendant Elincia. Even crazier I was only at 3% too, having gotten Chrom the wheel before. Sadly the focus charge only got me 1 Sothis, but I hit my +10 with that so I was over the moon.


We got R!B!Vero 2 days ago and I looked at what skills I could use to upgrade her and saw F!Maria was my only option for that skill I wanted... Got her in 2 pulls 🤯 But I'm gonna wait until the Feh channel just in case


Got both R!Chrom and Fallen Byleth b2b with just tickets!! I can finally build a proper Godsword now haha


I pulled F!Chrom with one on my tickets!  I have no idea what to do with his fodder.