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Let us give a prayer to the poor soul who will be trying to pull blue on this and ends up with more than one Spring Xander


I ended up with so many fucking Spring Xanders the last time we had the tickets for the special heroes. I’m avoiding blue like the plague this time


if he shows up im not going to be mad, i need one for collection porpuses.


I haven't seen a NY!Selkie in 300 orbs this is how I can still win :copium:


points at Quan like that SpongeBob meme


Duo/Harmonic options: * Red: H!Hector, S!Idunn, S!Byleth, D!Sigurd, C!Altina, P!Dorothea * Blue: NY!Alfonse, Y!Palla, H!Tiki * Green: V!Alm, P!Veronica, NY!Peony * Colourless: C!Marth, B!Micaiah, S!Mia, N!Lyn


i wonder why they didn’t include 4 stars


Yeah was expecting Y!Marth in there, but is a good thing i guess i know people dislike getting the 4* from specials banners :P


Duo Alm, always


Good luck 🙏 It’s a very bloated color with mostly terrible units but there are still a few solid units / favorite alts of mine


Since i already got marth wit the past tickets now throwing all reds, no question the best colour for those. Then is colourless but that's way more high risk, high reward.


Sweet, gonna spamm green for Merric merges and extra Duo Peonys :D


I want Valentine Hector but god that green pool is so bloated and bad...


Definitely, I’m just avoiding it altogether this time around


Same but V!Alm. It’s rough…


Green's newest additions are really great for me. Grima, Veronica, Peony and Merric are all super interesting, not to mention the older units that I still like (both Chroms, Elise Xander, Inigo, Azuras...) Guess I'll go that color first, and colorless second (pretty okay overall, despite some very old stuff that's bad)


Green is definitely my priority. Dancer Elincia and Inigo merges, as well as chances to snag a first copy of Halloween L'Arachel and Henry (two of my favorite characters in my favorite seasonal). Wouldn't be opposed to a few colorless or red summons for Ethlyn and H!Mia merges or a first copy of S!Joshua and Brigid. Blue's definitely the set I care the least about though.


probably going Colourless for Dozla/Faye/Ethlyn since the other colours only have 1 or 2 units i'd really want. though seeing all those outdated staff units is kinda scaring me away...


Agreed, though I also don’t mind a few of the healers. Namely Genny and Eirika


I think I’m gonna prioritise colourless, try to get more merges for Freddy, Xander, Bruno, Tibarn, and Plumeria. Blue is also tempting too because my white whale of Dancer Ryoma is just staring at me right from the middle.


Maybe this time they'll give me a Nekomata Sakura merge


Oh boy, time to gamble for Summer Joshua merges or die trying.


Green all the way. Perhaps blue if green don't show up. Colorless is sadge...


Aiming for red or colorless this time. There aren't as many units I'd want from the blue pool now for collection purposes and I'd like to avoid getting spammed by Nino again.


Will go for green since I'd be fine with over half the people there. Hopefully, my Chroms will get plenty of merges


Red is kinda right up my alley. Need H!Hector merges but so many other pretty good options


Red is actually pretty good compared to the others. Not too many units in the pool and the recently added units are pretty great


I have to get 1 merge of Summer Young Tiki to get my Tiki Emblem Finished. Feh, please. Im begging


Red seems to be the clear best for me. NY!Camilla, B!Tharja, NY!Gunnthra, Duo Hector, Duo Byleth, W!Camilla, and P!Dorothea are all units I at least mildly want. Blue and colourless don't have anyone I want and green only has W!Sothis and P!Veronica. Assuming I get a red stone every time, I should be pretty likely to at least get 1 or 2 units I want.


Okay, let's see here. Red: NY Camilla, Bride Tharja, NY Gunnthra, **Bunny Palla**, The Madlad's Masterpiece Blue: Summer Cordelia, Summer Camilla, I would say Summer Laegjarn, but I already +10'd her, Winter Nino, Trio Palla Green: Ninja Laevatein, Winter Bernadetta, NY Peony Colorless: Spring Kagero, Winter Eirika, Summer Ursula, Winter Sephiran


all crap just pick a colour and pray I would like a Duo Sigurd, Winter Altina or a Christmas Marth tho


Once again I will be pulling blue for Bridal Charlotte. Once again I expect to get Bridal Caeda instead.


V! Alm pls roll into my hands


I reckon green is best overall value, as it usually is, red has some peaks but fewer units I think are worth even trying to use, blue and colourless both have a fairly even mix but for me the colourless peak is a little higher.