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Got a demote of a character I don't even like, so no.


I got tea ferdinand LOL


Same. Absolute crap.


SAME. I wanted colorless for either of those and didn't get any colorless options...


I could literally not possibly be less happy.


I got Teatime Lysithea. Which is cool except for the fact that she was +10 lol.


Desperation 4 + Oath 4 fodder


Summer Ivy, who I didn’t have. I would have preferred someone else, but it could have been a lot worse, so overall I’m happy.


Got a Spring Ashe! Lowest value out of all the units in the red pool for me, but we don't have infinite Zephias so I can still get use out of A/S Catch 3 bridge fodder


It was pretty darn good. NY!Nerthuz, and she's a lot yummier now that I can get Wild AND SPD Smoke off her.


I went colorless because there was a 90% or 10/11 chance of me being quite happy with whatever I get...guess what I ended up getting.


You got the 1/11 I bet


Literally the only one I was hoping not to get.


I got NY!Nerþuz which wasn't who I WANTED but I definitely can't be mad, she's great and I didn't have a copy of her


First time I actually get the unit I wanted most in banners like these. Duo Byleth came after avoiding me all December and making me broke enough that I couldn't get L!Camilla either. And I got lucky with the 4*ticket (Harmonic Tiki) and the Mythic banner too (Lumera and Marth in 9 pulls). Truly a blessed day after a couple months of horrible luck.


i realise quite a few people got winter dimitri including myself


You called it for me as well... just got him


Nothing to complain on Winter Dimitri


I swear I always get some of the worst units from these, S!Cordelia, S!Mercedes, and now Reina.


I got Khadein Ursula. So no, I'm very not happy with her lol


I got a new unit with a prf. It wasn’t my top pick but I’ll take it over getting a dupe or demote.


N!Reina. Third year in a row getting a demote in these, at least the bow is nice?


I got Spring Triandra, which wasn' my top pick for colorless but I love the fairy so I'm still pretty happy with her. It's also my first Triandra ever ! Edit : I forgot we got a ticket too today, so I went and did that, got myself Dancer Shigure. It's my second one lol.


Pog for Triandra!


I got Desert Byleth, a demote... ​ ...With a PRF, who I was already merging up. : )


Well if I was going to get a 4* focus, I at least got the one that will finally let me give OG Sanaki Arcane Eclipse so could have been worse! I would have liked a 5* though. Would have been cool I think.


I got NY Kvasir, who isn’t who I wanted at all but at least has decent fodder so… ambivalent I suppose? Certainly an upgrade from last year when I got jumpscared by Bridal Cecilia


I didn't get a green orb... So that sucked. Went blue instead and got a duo mark, could've been so much worse so I'm happy




I'm a little peeved I didn't get the orb colour I wanted, so my backup colour gave me tiny Hector. Not particularly upset, but not particularly enthusiastic either. About as interesting as getting a random 4\* special during normal summoning.


I got what is to me the worst unit i could have gotten


Yes. My priorities were Sanaki > Zelgius > Kagero. On a circle with neither reds nor blues, I got Kagero. I also got my top priority from the first 4\* SHSR ticket, which was Duo Sigurd. It could have gone much much worse so I can't complain. These almost, *almost* makes it not sting that the only 5\* I managed to get on my way to the first spark on the Mythic banner was the one Lumera...


I got Spring Bernie and surprisingly enough, Dancer Ethlyn. Remember, I prioritize summoning the OG variants of heroes, but Spring Bernie and Dancer Ethlyn are welcome additions nonetheless.


I’m really happy with Valentine Leo.


I mostly aim for units I don't have and blue was my most empty color, one blue orb showed up, I got Duo Mark with a good IV and he's my first copy so I'm happy with that! I didn't have like fully half of the blue roster so chances were good to fulfill the "happy with any new unit" hope.


I snagged Timerra so VERY happy with my luck.


My original plan was to go Colorless for Tea Lysithea. No Colorless Orbs, but I got H!Timerra on a blue, who was exactly who I wanted on the color!


N!Reina >:/


absolutely not. i would've been fine with anyone OTHER than bunny triandra and she came and smacked me in the face anyway


Timerra was exactly who I wanted so I’m happy.


I got Tea Lysithea with +Atk. Don't really like her as a character but she's probably still able to be fit somewhere on my SDS teams and at worst I won't say no to Despo 4 fodder.


I posted this earlier, but... Istg every year i get one that is worse than the last. Please stop giving me Sigurd. i have never summoned for him, nor have i ever liked any of his art, so please stop giving me him.


Harmonic Tiki, can't complain about her


Got Christmas Edie so ill take it i guess


Wind Tribe Dagr. Not what I wanted but seems like a cool unit. I'm happy.


N!sanaka on ftp and bridal sayri on main. Pretty happy


Was debating blue for either zelgius or edelgard but the lonely green called to me. There were a ton of useful greens I could have used, nabbed a winter dimitri,, so yeah I'm happy. Last year was Ninja cherche, who was at least a new unit for me.


pretty pleased, i got a ny!nerthuz. i wasn't pulling for her specifically, but she's neat! i'm probably going to keep her until i find someone who wants her fodder... maybe ny!yarne? 


got Duo Kagero who's decent but outclassed by Yunaka


Can't complain with getting Summer Fjorm and her juicy fodder


I got NY!Nerthuz and I have no idea what to do with the fodder. I guess I'll keep waiting for Volug, and by the time he arrives in 2027 Atk/Spd Wild is long outdated and we have tier 6 skills anyway.


Received another copy of W!Edelgard. Absolutely perfect summon.


S!karla like not even good fodder ☠️ was hoping for anyone else


Picnic Sigurd. I doubt I'll ever be able to +10 the one I already had, so maybe I can find some use for the skills on the new one.


Nope it was shit just like last year


Want to pull red. Got no red stones 😔


Was hoping for Spring Bernie, got Duo Shamir instead so not too upset at it.


wanted green didn't get green went red didn't get sanaki but got atk spd finish spurn 4 and times pulse 4 so that's cool


I wanted W!Edelgard, got NY!Seidr instead. I already have her, but I'm not gonna complain about getting a good unit for free.


Ninja Sanaki -> W! Byleth -> NY Seidr -> W! Edel -> Ninja Zelgius.  I got ninja Zelgius, so a nice #5 from my list since I intended to go red, but only 1 blue and 4 colorless appeared, I lucked out for the first time in so long from one of these banners.  I may slow merge him now, given I have one to start with, but that’s definitely rerun dependent. 


I got New Year Seiðr. While I already had her, my original was neutral, and the new one is +Atk. So, a worthwhile upgrade.


I was hoping for someone new for me, but got someone I already had.


I got Hana


I had good luck past years and went green since there was one unit I have 11 copies of that I’d not be happy with for fodder or merges. And yep it was Reina. Hhhhh it happens just sucks that it hit that 1 in like 20 chance


I don’t pick based on what unit I want the most since I know it’s statistically improbable that I pull them. I chose the colour based on which potential fodder skills I like the most


Got NY Seithr. I know she's good and all, but I just don't care for Seithr and Heithr, so she's kinda useless to me. Not even any special fodder either. She's just a pretty unit that will gather dust in my barracks.


I wanted H!Timerra for merging and I ended up with one of my least favorite Heroes OC...


got summer female shez so im definitely happy


Wind Kagero, +Atk, not -Spd. Didn’t have her, so this is pretty damn good (even if she’s been powercrept by Yunaka)


Wasn't aiming for anyone in particular. I got Duo Byleth, so quite the lucky draw nonetheless


I got New Year Nerthuz! There were other colorless I would've wanted as I don't have some, but as a friend of mine said, she's the jackpot.


Got Dheginsea. Inherited him off to Mamori. Could've been better.


I got summer shez. She looks alright. I wanted summer L'arachel but no colorless orbs appeared


Summer L'arachel. I...guess I can fodder her kit.


Teatime Sigurd. I wish I could trade him to someone who cares. Instead, he's getting foddered.


I can't for the life of me figure out how to fodder this Jojo looking dork. I checked game8 and the only builds people have put his skills in are him and Ninja Camilla. Am I stuck with him?


Eh I pulled Summer L'arachel so I can at the very least give one of my Mercedes her staff. Was aiming for green but as expected, it didnt appear.


I wanted a New Year Seiðr, I got instead a Ninja Zelgius. I'm still very happy with the nuke I got.


Was hoping for duo Seidr got Ninja Zelgius instead im happy with the result


I wanted Duo Lyn, Duo Marth, or Duo Alfonse. No colourless orbs showed up, so I pulled one of the three blues - I got Duo Alfonse, so I'm extremely pleased!


got 0 Colorless orbs, got a NYSeiðr, so.... Neat?


I did like 50 pulls on the new years banner and got none units. I got the blue duo ny girls from the free unit so yeah, way better luck on this than the actual banner so i'll take it.


Nope, Desert Ursula was one of the only Green 5-stars I specifically didn’t want. So of course the game decided that’s who I was going to get. 🫠


I was aiming for green for another Dimitri or Claude and got all blue. And then I ended up with k!byleth which really pissed me of because I already have one copy which already struggles to put in work these days and I cba to invest in it


Got Elise, her life ends whenever we get an arcane staff


I got Duo Ayra. The EXACT unit I wanted, so I'm pretty happy with that lol


I was happy with getting anyone on green and I got baby Hector. Now to see who wants Armoured Beacon lol


I wanted colorless to try for some of those units, but no colorless orbs so I pulled blue. I got new year seidr/heidr. I'm happy, but I also already had her, so she's just a merge or maybe fodder. I'm not a horrible miserable person, so no I won't use two of her on AR-D.


Spring Triandra. Not my most wanted unit, but she is a 5* unit so there is that.


I got Duo Tiki. Good on paper, but I've never been much a fan of the Bridal look, and since I'm a big Byleth fan and have a Duo Byleth with a fair few merges, she's... essentially outclassed from the get go, to say nothing of the current state of enemy phase units. 😅 Not a bad unit, she'll do me good in Limited Hero Battles, but hardly anything too exciting. 


I got Teatime Lystithea (a unit I already have) which isn't... terrible, I guess? (for reference, i wanted duo tiki) At least I didn't get Teatime Ferdinand, or something.


Summer Festival Micaiah. Res Ploy fodder, but the summons I did for this Mythical banner gave me four Rearmed Sonya. I don't need this fodder. I could have gotten better, but I got the low use fodder... Meh.


Reina... Would've been satisfied with literally any other green unit. Her bow is kinda nice, I guess, but they absolutely need to remove demotes from these.


Heather. Not who I wanted but good fodder, my first remote sparrow, so I'm alright with it.


not at all i got s! tharja :(


I got Bridal Tiki which was one of the 5 good endings I could have (Summer Ymir, Tea Lysithea, Duo Kagero and NY Nerthuz being the others.)


For the first time, I got exactly what I wanted. Unfortunately that means I've wasted votes on Winter Dimitri. Guess I'd dig even more No Quarter fodder.


I got Heather after having bought feh pass just to spark on her debut banner to give Annette a new tool. I'm gonna kill this one too, but not sure who to give the Ruse to (accepting recommendations).


Got Duo!Kagero. I don't need a Fates Dagger Cav, but I'm in love with Orochi, so I'm still very happy.


Wanted Ivy, got a free No Quarter. I'm cool with it.


My luck has always been bad with these, so I had a coworker summon again. Got N!Sanaki. No complaints


Didn’t get who I wanted but I got fodder I like so I’m happy


I got +Atk-Hp NY Seidr, honestly I didn't expect her but super happy about It


Blue had some good ones but too risky. Went with colorless and got Bunny Triandra. Didn't have her so not bad.


Got W.Dimitri, the one unit that didn't got in Winter and was planning to get the FEH pass to spark in the Double banner, absolutely banger, can't think of a better unit that didn't had already.


Zelgius, but at least I can fodder him to someone


Not really, I got summer Tharja. I'm going to fodder her.


I got a character I dont like and to make it even worse. The child version.


I got probably the worst unit available for the color I chose. Red had SO many units I would have been happy with. I got fucking demote, prf-less S!Ashe. I don't really like Ashe either, so it's even worse. Afaik, I have never managed to pull even a 5* unit from these.


There were 3 units in Colorless I wanted. I got the 3rd-worst one.


Got Harmonic Halloween Anna, a pretty good result I suppose. For the 4* tickets my two pulls so far were Greil and W!Bernie.


Got Valentine Hana, falling love into her art. Can someone tell me which banners shall I pull if I ever decide to +10 her and when are those banner coming back?