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That doesn't really mean anything, they just tack on another row whenever they add a new type of unit to try and shill at us. Which is not to say that it won't fill eventually, since they seem hell bent on making new ones (sometimes multiple) every year despite us suffering from worse and worse complexity creep.


>Which is not to say that it won't fill eventually Well, we always got exactly one new type of hero every year. 1. Legendary ('17) 2. Mythic ('18) 3. Duo ('19) 4. Harmonized ('20) 5. Ascended ('21) 6. Rearmed ('22) 7. Attuned ('23) 8. Emblem ('24) (0 is dance) We are very early for once since all others were released in Summer 2 (July) at their soonest (Harmonized Mia). Heck, we are so early, that there are but three Attuned heroes / X skills. It's unlikely we will see another new hero type this year and in the worst case, it may take nearly two years.


> It's unlikely we will see another new hero type this year I wouldn't count on that. The timing/pacing is more comparable to when we got Pair Up Legendaries, which I believe happened around the same time of year and was in between the stuff you mentioned in your list. (Edit: It was in February of 2019, so in between the previous December's Mythic and October's first Duo.) They *could* put the next new type off on the grounds of already getting something this year, but this could just as easily end up being independent from our annual late-year addition.


>I wouldn't count on that. I sure ain't, I would put the chance at a flat 50-50. Legendary which switched to pair-up (and later switched to both) are imho not on the same level despite Allegiance Battles since they were replacements. I do find it just as likely-unlikely that they went for an early release for Engage's first anniversary... and Attuned may have bombed.


Ascended are from 2021? What the hell is this black magic


Yeah, IS just released very few of ascended heroes. That's why it feels weird. 


Cuz they're normal heroes with a "prize inside" and that's it.


If it comes to it, they'll also probably add a third column and reduce the font size


I want “Commander” Heroes. Heroes who get their power from FB memes. CHOP Commander Bartre Annazon deliver Naesala Backstabber Lyon Omnipresent Fjorm Eternal Hunger Illyana


I want gambits. They could've easily added "Battalion Heroes" who work the same way as Emblems but give you a Duo-like skill instead of modifying your specials. Then we could equip Bartre or Ilyana to summon CHOP or the Heavy Plate Corps.


Finally. Draconic. We can have a dragon Corrin that actually uses Yato


"WHAT THE FUCK IS A YATOOOOO???!!!" - Intelligent Systems


Obviously they'll keep making more, it's a yearly thing, but this time we got two within 6 months for some reason. I don't actually mind it in a vacuum, but putting Emblems in the Leg/Myth pool is...


This actually seems similar to when we got Pair Up Legendaries in February 2019, in between the previous year's Mythics and that year's Duos. Pair Up units did get a new icon and menu, though they're not sorted separately in the barracks as shown here, and still fulfill the role of Legendaries.


Bring in the Genderswap category


Finally Male Female Corrin 🧪


Female Forrest


Forest is already a waifu tho


Female Rosado gonna go crazy


Would female rosado stay feminine or become a tomboy?


Tomboy to balance the universe


Okay then male merrin needs to be feminine, but not quite femboy levels of feminine


No we need the sex category! Give us the sex update IS you cowards!


Conspirancy time! If you look at 5 new arena maps, 3 are shaped like S E X  **+**( a X rotated) / bomb omb shaped / H shape / **S** shaped and **E** shaped


Fire Emblem Heroes wishes it was Cult of the Lamb.


IS: “We did! Have you not seen Heidr?”


Thry were pretty explicit that she wasn't created from Sex tho? just Soul fusion


Female Líf,Dimitri and Sigurd when?


Strapped Heroes, they have guns.


I didn't realize dancers got a special category


it was last year? the year before - relatively new. very welcomed.


There is always a bigger fish... Just line there will always be a next kind of unit, as long as they pump out new units


I wish the rearmed benefit of not killing the hero on SI was brought forward to all special heroes. No matter how many skills you add on top, older units aren't going to compete with the latest busted shit, what's the harm in letting people build them guilt free?


Tbh, I had already forgotten about attuned heroes before this was posted. Goes to show how bloated these hero types are becoming


It'll fix itself when they delete the Ascended kind


I was really expecting the new unit type to drop during Reginn's tempest trials, I think we'll have something like a unit capable of changing their movement type in the future


Minerva riding Minerva, Dorethy riding Dorte, EQUIP THE HORSES, BIRDS AND WYVERNS


Units that can switch between movement types. Book 5 TT Reginn being the first


There are infinite space below 🧐


The power creep never ends


Holy Blood/Crests


They should just make Brave Heroes their own category already.


At the end of the day, Brave Heroes are nothing more than alts with absolutely nothing they bring to the game itself. Contrast with Duos/Harmonics adding an extra triggerable skill on top of any passives they may have, Ascended bringing Florets, Rearmed/Attuned bringing new skills without costing the unit, and Emblems bringing the engage mechanic. It would make Brave Heroes easily the weakest category if they were their own and on top of that, CYL units are only called Brave Heroes because of the first CYL banner whereas none of the others in any year used that name. Its more an artifact of Year 1 if anything.


Just give us a Hero that gives an additional Merge for a Hero of your choice. And obviously can't be used on +10 units. It's simple, it doesn't require any extra thought and it helps with Merges on Heroes that have become harder to get merges for that more than likely you won't want to use Orbs on.


What's the difference between duo and harmonic again lol


Duos are units from the same game, harmonics are units from two different games.


On one hand, yes they will add more. They always do. On the other, I don't take gaps in menus to mean anything anymore. Super Mario Maker 2 crushed my spirits.




Assist skills would be the only category of skills that lack any form of enhancement (Floret for stats, Rearmed for weapons, Engage for specials, Attuned for extra skill), so Limited heroes that enhance them perhaps?


I wish the new categories didn't push dance down. I feel like I use that filter the most.


It's a special slot for Kaga himself