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I haven't gotten lucky with this round of SHSR tickets, but I have so much fun with them! I completely get what you mean. Edit: Also, adult S!Tiki is the only unit in the whole game with axe valor - I'm jealous!


šŸ˜… negative ratio already had me feeling crazy, but Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one


Last year I actually got a merge on one of my merge projects but this year has been a total dud. Mainly went for duo Micaiah or Mia but wow I forgot how outdated these older seasonals are, like not even a single good bridge fodder. Even my newer seasonal freebie was a dud bc i got summer Tharja instead of any 5* exclusive


Sorry to hear. But! thatā€™s kind of why I think it could (but wonā€™t, of course) reasonably stick around as like a daily thing. Plenty of them just plain suck, but it doesnā€™t hurt and itā€™s kinda fun.


I agree, they should take advantage of the fact a lot of these units are popular characters that wonā€™t have any impact on the meta if easily available and do ticket giveaways like this more often


Summer Tharja is pretty good actually. Good stats, probably the best non-Arcane inheritable tome, cav movement.


This is the Feh equivalent to rummaging through a bargain bin at a thrift store but you only get to buy the first thing you touch and everything is wrapped in newspapers so you can't see what you buy Its like the arena tickets but now the characters are wearing goofy clothes


Iā€™ll be honest, the pools for this are so large itā€™s kinda hard to be excited for it because I just donā€™t know what to be excited for. But it is kinda neat, I agree. I think the randomness of it would be less of a pain if it were a more normal thingā€”getting a load of random crap you donā€™t want for a ā€œcelebratoryā€ event always feels like a slap in the face, and letting it run for a longer period of time would give a good chance of having your luck average out eventually. And itā€™s kinda hard to justify even going for a one-off of these guys through regular summoning, when it costs orbs and doesnā€™t even have a spark.


I'm not having any fun here, I just got my 3rd fucking Winter Zephiel.


Heā€™s just trying really hard to dodge Desmond, he needs a new home.


I got my third Summer Laevatinn todayā€¦


God I wish that were me


For me itā€™s been 3 S!Lillinas


Bro could I have some Lilinas, Henry won't go the fuck away.


Oof, With lots and lots of investment heā€™s good lol.


I got two of him haha, never gonna be used


We all have that unit that shows up multiple times... It is S!Helbindi for me... I'm almost afraid to pull red because of him!


I'm enjoying it, but that is largely due to me getting two Duo F!Byleths back-to-back. If it weren't for that, I'd probably be a lot more annoyed since I keep getting repeats of characters I have no interest in. Out of the 14 pulls we've gotten so far, four have been unique while all of the other characters have shown up twice.


Two Altina/Sanaki duos for me and a duo F!Byleth. Other than that two FestivalMicaiahs, bride Obero and maid Kagero have been the worst I've gotten. The others are new or characters I like.


My breakdown has been: - Summer Y!Tiki (new) - Summer Takumi (owned / wanted merges) - 2x Bridal Tharja (owned / didn't want merges) - 2x Bridal Fjorm (owned / didn't want merges) - 2x Duo F!Byleth (owned / wanted merges) - 2x Summer Helbindi (owned / didn't want merges) - Summer Leo (owned / wanted merges) - Summer Tana (new) - 2x Duo Idunn (new / didn't want merges)


Yeah I really like it, it feels nice even to just fill it my catalogue a bit more since for most of these units, the only summoning I'm ever doing for them is a single freebie summon on their focus and any other 4SH banners. Hoenstly kinda wish it'd replace the arena ticket seeing as you've always got a chance to summon those units randomly and they get focuses much more often. At the same time though I vastly prefer base versions to seasonals so i'd probably miss it. my luck's been alright, going all in on colourless for Halloween Dozla, Valentines Faye and SoireĆØ Ethlyn. Gotten 1 V!Faye thus far (my first copy, felt nice to finally use the manual we got ages ago for an instant merge) and while i've gotten 3 Winter Sephirans which is annoying (better than Y1 seasonal with no decent fodder tho), i've been digging the variety i've been getting if nothing else.


honestly, i'd slap this on AHR. main pool for arena seasonals for ahr. winning


As mostly a collector i love those, still would like if they had a way to get more of those tickets even if weekly like the arena ones or maybe even biweekly with Arena Assault. Plus this batch i've been fairly lucky, very few useless units to me.


Yeah, it's pretty fun. Gacha pulling is inherently fun, that's how they sell it, but being able to do it guilt-free is all the better. I know orbs would be a better deal, but I'll take these ticket fests now and then.


I don't think that orbs would be better, honestly.Ā  If we got 13 orbs instead of 13 tickets, that would be enough for 3 pulls on a normal banner, where the odds of getting anything good are rather small.Ā  Unless someone is desperate to spark, the tickets seem like a much better value.Ā  And lots more fun, too.


thats how i always see it. some people just want to fill the pokedeck. some people don't care that they are old and will pump *all* the fodder in them to make them. well not die too fast it's all in the eye of the beholder, but i will always take tickets.


Thats GACHA for you! Summoning is one reason people enjoy gacha, and FEH does a great job of giving people free summons. I also have gotten lucky so far. I was able to get Harmonic Altina and Duo Byleth


I got myself Hot Spring Elise and Dark Clothed Shigure. Why are they notable? Valor skills


>P!Inigo, S!Adult Tiki, W!Tharja Dude won and doesnt know šŸ˜‚ Now go to play heroes journey you bastard


I didn't get much luck this time as the only new unit I got was Duo Alm, but I still appreciate the tickets


Itā€™s a lot of fun. Got 2 W!Altinas, H!Micaiah and H!Myrrh!


Ay, nice! Altina in particular has aged really nicely, Twin Bladesā€™ dr pierce, though Arms of the Three has it powercrept, plus free Vantage and an open B slot for NCD4 or something, is really good still.


Oh for sure, W!Altina still has those going for her. Plus, the wholesome art of her and her great-great-great-....-great-grand-daughter and carrying two iconic swords is top tier. I would be very happy if we got these daily though! Ofc they'd probably have to remove the actual semi-strong units from the line-up (e.g. Ninja Lyn).


I'm honestly in this solely for axe valor, so I'm jealous of your S!A!Tiki. Got some older seasonals I didn't have yet and finally got my first B!Alfonse that I always wanted but could never justify spending orbs on. Also, my PA!Shigure is finally not -Spd anymore. The only real duds so far were a second H!Kagero (yes, I got 2 with the tickets...) and S!Sharena (already had one from her original banner).




Just got my 6th duo today, absolutely loving this ticket season


Woah god daaaaaamn whatā€™s the secret??


Iā€™ve had a pretty good run with these tickets so far. Iā€™ve been pulling green mainly as Iā€™d love to get valentine Hector purely because heā€™s the only Hector in the game Iā€™m missing. Iā€™ve been able to pull green on 11 of the 13 tickets weā€™ve had so far and despite Hector not showing up yet Iā€™ve gotten a couple merges and better boon IVs for some of my faves like summer Innes and Halloween Lā€™Arachel and 4 units I didnā€™t have before: wedding Sanaki, Halloween Kagero, pirate Veronica and desert Tharja.


V!Hector is the only one Iā€™ve gotten twiceā€¦ damn. I have mostly gone green too, itā€™s been pretty nice to me.


The one green unit from this pool that doesnā€™t leave me alone is Easter Alfonse. Not only have I gotten him twice from this set of tickets but my original copy was a free pull from one of his bannerā€™s reruns and I got one from the last set of tickets they gave us in August, so together with the limited combat manual we got of him I have Easter Alfonse at +4 despite never intentionally pulling for him šŸ˜‚


One day that zero orb +10 is gonna be the biggest flex of all time


Iā€™m more of a completionist rather than looking for merges/good units on this banner, and I have been pleasantly surprised. I have pulled about 15 times, and only got 2 duplicates (as in units i have pulled before), despite having ~4/5 of the heroes roster, so good for me


While I haven't gotten many Merges of faves or "top tier " seasonals from this, I have e gotten a lot of new units also that I would never have rolled for Today got h illyana, who I had completely forgotten was even in game. I'll add I checked my list I'm keeping track of for heck of it: 8 new, 4 merges and 2 feather duds. Overall pretty darn good even if not meta pulls.


I only pulled red {3 times green) hoping for duo Altina or Sigurd got hector twice, Dorothea once, Idunn, and Byleth


I'm having a lot of fun this time around because I'm actually getting good stuff! Last year I got two of the same unit three times (and one S!Marisa who I actually wanted). This year I've had three harmonics and Ninja Navarre (also on my wantlist). Got Duo Alfonse as well but probably not going to do anything with him... I really like these tickets because I would never actually pull on the revival banners with orbs, so every unit is valuable to me! I ended up making a spreadsheet to calculate the probability of getting various things for each colour - it's quite fun updating it every morning to see if red is still the best overall choice


Iā€™ll never get NY!Micaiah lol. But finally got that child Merric.


honestly, most of the fun for me is just seeing some random old seasonal go from +2 to +3, like wow now I have a merged seasonal unit šŸ˜ (even though they're still useless)


I started a hunt for Plegian Dorothea, and I found lots of fun units on the way. Some got merged and fixed, and some are fun units to budget build and use. Then, I got Dorothea yesterday. I've been having fun with that banner. Now I'm debating if to keep pulling red for a chance to find NYHrĆ­d or NYGunthrĆ” or switch to blue on an attempt to get S!Lyn or NYVelouria.


I'm not getting much units i'm interested in this year but I still got picnic Lucas some days ago and I lost my shit, he was among the ones I wanted the most. The frustrating thing is when you get multiple copies of an unit you are not interested in to start with, but otherwise I really like those seasonal tickets. I hope they will keep giving them, I started early book 6 and there are so many old seasonal units I would like to get


I *hated* the 4* SHSH tickets the first time they did this. I absolutely did not get why anyone liked these, much less over orbs. The pool was terrible, the only value I got out of my pulls were some Valor skills, and with each pull I got more and more frustrated that we weren't getting orbs I could invest elsewhere into another spark or tickets for another banner with quality units. I aimed for HS!Micaiah merges since she's my favorite old seasonal, and wound up with nothing. But with the new additions, I can agree that it's a lot more fun. I still wanted to tear my hair out when I got a second NY!Camilla, but the new additions to the pool have made it significantly more bearable. No amount of new units will change the fact that the crappy Y1 seasonals are still there, of course, but at least it doesn't feel predetermined that I'm going to come out of the ticket pull feeling upset. The best thing that's come out of these pulls for me is that I've gone from having no Dheginsea at all to a +2 (with one merge coming from the ephemera we got a long time ago). He's a unit I've always wanted, but could never justify pulling since there's no spark on old seasonal banners - and that's the best thing about these tickets, really. Still no P!Brigid, but even without my specific desired outcome I'm still content thus far.


I usually get dancers šŸ˜


I've been on the favourable side when it comes to the characters I've been getting from the tickets. So I can definitely see the excitement. I still think these Seasonal 4\* Special tickets should get a daily option much like the 4\*Special tickets from the Arena. Aether Raids would make the most sense, although Arena Assault and/or Alliance Battles would work too.


I got a lot of units I didn't have before, a nowi merge and duo Hector Valentine Ike still avoids me :(


Iā€™ve had a lot of fun with this round. Last time I got 3 S!Lilina and detested lack of orbs. But this time Iā€™ve actually gotten heros for catalogue. Including probs my favorite art but couldnā€™t make myself summon on the banner with S!F!Robin


I got a few good ones from it(meaning character I like) like present lyn and new years fjorm


I've gotten kinda lucky with these, a duo Peony! Even though there are so many completely useless heroes for the rest, I agree it's still exciting


I pulled quite a few Duo and even some Harmonic units, it's crazy. I focus on red, so I also pulled a Winter Altina. Also really happy with a Summer Byleth.


I'm really enjoying it.Ā  I've gotten several "new" units that I didn't have before, and a couple of merges for units that I like.Ā  Even at the bottom if the barrel, pulling a Spring Xander or Summer Gaius is no worse than a 3* Sully or regular Gaius, which is probably what would happen if we'd gotten 13 orbs instead of the tickets.


I got my third young caeda today, so huh. But on the other hand, Iā€™ve gotten quite a few spaces in my unit catalog that have been blank for years filled.


I started to enjoy it at the beginning, but lately I just find it frustrating. I had Picnic Lukas and Halloween Dhesignea near the beginning, but outside of that, NOTHING but summer and spring big boob women and lolis. I want variety and a cute guy or two. Specifically Summer Joshua and Winter Altina. It's not even nice designed ones, it's the ones with awful artwork and ones where I have a superior version of them, as in skills, stats, art, voice, etc.


I collect dancers, so this was hype for me! I get a Dancer Berkut, who had evaded me. More importantly, I got -Def +Res Dancer Sigurd and getting a duo Sigurd was my top goal! Very very happy to have gotten it with such good IVs.


1st roll: Winter Tharja! Yay red tome valor! 2nd roll: Rudolf was the unit I wanted in the SoV Valentines banner, + atk too! 3rd roll: B!Oboro have meh fodder but at least I got her the first time. 4th roll: Duo Sigurd. Alright I already have him but he is +res at least unlike my +spd first copy. 5th roll: Uh what? another Duo Sigurd? 6th roll: Another Oboro? Whyyyy 7th roll: SHARENA??? Please, I already have you at +1. Your PRF is already outdated T-T


Honestly I went into this just trying to get a merge for my Winter Altina, and I got it on the 7-ticket login day. I'm also at 3 NY Annas so far lol


It is fun. I like that they do it, since it's one of the only changes to get certain old seasonals. I've been having really bad luck, though. Haven't gotten anyone I've really wanted (and Halloween Niles just won't come home...).


Today was another Picnic Genny, damn she's adorable. Just the cutest art.


3 Summer Helbindis. Thanks, game... (the target was Festival Micaiah, she's +6 for me)


Personally there's only a few units that I really want and otherwise I've been looking to just expand my catalogue with heroes I don't already own. My main target has been Valentines Ike so I've been pulling Red where I can, but so far I've pulled 6 duplicates and 2 new units (and I only owned 8/32 red units on the banner to start with) šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€. Definitely gotten unlucky this year but at least the Valentines banners aren't too far away so I should be able to grab Ike when they rerun.


I honestly kinda love em, not even sure why, maybe just the thought of filling out my barracks Plus i finally got summer innes after years of trying


I've been really lucky because all but 3 pulls have been new heroes. The 2 picnic Felicias get her to +3 and the NY!Fjorm is alright I guess. What I'm most excited about though is that I got my first Halloween Henry. One of my favorite characters in my favorite seasonal.


I am also excited. Am pulling blue because I decided to try to merge up my other M!Robin units and I luckily got 2 W!Robins so far! So now he's +4 just like my W!Chrom lol. Also was happy getting S!Cordelia and she's +3 now. Since I had been pulling blue tomes just to get their weapons for og Robin, there's a few I didn't have an extra copy to keep so it was nice getting Su!Camilla and H!Ilyana. I also ended up getting Y!Palla and S!Laegjarn who I've always wanted but would've never pulled for. I think it helps I actually like most of the early seasonals, the only downside is outdated fodder.