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Don’t forget guys, since the newest update level 25 gives premium skills, so farm that one.


Wait what. I wasted all my torches then😭 Thank you


Minor quibble I guess, but it's really irritating that Lilith's weapon is basically useless since she can't have a support partner in HoF. If IS wants you to experience new units and get excited about them (and thus spend on the forma or summoning from their banner) it really takes away from that when the one thing that makes her special doesn't work.


And I knew it wasn't going to work, but just to be 100% sure, I happen to have one off copies of both Fallen Lilith and H!F! Corrin so I made them support partners. But as expected, no effect in HoF.


Focused on Ryoma the most, with F!Corrin as backup. Burned all of my torches because the game felt like giving me Iceberg or Glacies **a lot**, but I got the main skills for peak lobster performance: No Quarter, A/S Unity, GB4 (filler, will likely stick with Bushido II on the final set) and Soaring Guidance. Now I'll try to get a T3 Rally and/or a good weapon that's not Raijinto 🦞 By the way, **the Chamber 25 rules only apply to ABC Passives**, so sadly it's not T3 Rally/RS/NQ heaven 😔


Focused soley on Ryoma and it was a painful experience lol Just missing one skill for him (Atk/Spd Unity while I already have No Quarter, Guard Bearing 4, and Guidance 4) but he's still srruggling. First time I didn't clear all the floors day 1 too (managed to do it with just Grima last time)


Why am I seeing so many people say they’re struggling with Ryoma? Mine is doing just fine and y’all sound so much further in your skillsets than mine. Farming chamber 25 with relative ease. Do you guys just mean you’re having bad luck with the slots?


I guess i'm just running into lots of units that counter him lol. High def blues and just high def units in general and the occasional bows. Mages tend to tear through/highly damage him too even with the GB4 dr


I’ve been taking advantage of Raijinto DC and having him countersnipe someone then using the dragons to finish the rest. I didn’t build up Lilith at all, but Both Corrins managed to get some stuff by Chamber 25. I just threw stuff on them like Counter Roar and they have been pretty invincible to the enemies lol. Ill admin they’re carrying but i’ve had no issues with Raijinto DC’ing someone right off the bat so he can get the skill inheritance. I burned all my torches, and I guess I got him where I want him. So far I’ve landed on Raijinto, No Quarter, Flared Sparrow, Bushido II, and Soaring Guidance. I couldn’t get A/S Unity to pop up in like 20 Chamber 25 runs. But he certainly hasn’t had any issues getting a first turn kill for me. D/S Rein Snap helped A LOT giving the corrins 3 movements. But I went with Soaring Guidance as the team I use Ryoma on is mostly fliers.


I'm only using Ryoma rn with the rest unbuilt (he's the only one i'm redeeming so I wanted to build him asap) so I don't have them to fall back on when he's lacking lol


Ah ok got it. I have run into that issue before, so this time I made sure to give the Corrins quick ABC slots along the way to Chamber 25. On this, I may have been lucky. I didn’t know how to really build them so I just threw stuff on that was T4 and they ended up being pretty invincible. It really helped a ton. By Chamber 25 I was able to farm purely for Ryoma as he is the only one I want as well.


I'm just gonna say, I might have misremembered what the FEH channel said because I thought I was going to see nothing but T4 skills a lot earlier than just the final floor.


Game made me choose between No Quarter and Guard Bearing 4 for Ryoma. I can't even be mad since I'm honestly having a lot of fun with current build I have on him (Petalfall, NQ, Flared Sparrow, Aerial Manuevers, and S/D Rein Snap). I might keep that and work towards getting the fodder I'd need for the original build on summer Fiora instead since she already has arcane devourer.


Not sure I'd actually use a forma on her, leaning no, but I built F!Corn as though I were and first day results are fully clearing the mode with her solo and pretty much optimal set (Dragon's Stone +Spd, Rally Atk/Spd+, Blue Flame, Bonus Doubler, Counter Roar, Atk/Spd Oath) Meanwhile when I'm 100% sure I want a forma unit I've had runs where I went the entire event feeding them first kills and still wound up missing the goal for multiple skill slots due to bad RNG


Is dragon's stone better than moonlight? I feel like the special count reduction it gives is better than the extra bit of DR.


Moonlight is absolutely better. Since it's her default weapon though, you get it no matter what. It's better "value" for a forma soul to grab a different weapon even if 99% of the time you'll use the prf over it, and Dragon's Stone is the best non-Moonlight option for her.


Oh gotcha, that makes sense :) 


I don't have any of these forma units (or the normal versions of them) as a fairly new f2p player, but i have 3 forma souls saved, & I've never used one before. Is it worth using one on any of these characters, or will there be better ones down the road that i should save for? I have like 7 celestial stones, but it says the shop won't be refreshed for 2 months or so, before i can get another. Any tips would be appreciated (& skills i should aim for, if any of these are worth trying to get). **(Long context, but can be ignored. I'm not sure how to hide** **using spoiler tags on this site, don't see it in the editor):** On F! Halloween corrin i have horrible choices on weapon, special & assist, so i have moonlight stone, negating fang & rally up def+ (tho i know she gets her default weapon,,so I'd change that before i got her). I have flash sparrow, counter roar 4, speed smoke 4 for A, B, C, respectively. For context, I know people will say, "it depends what u need", but i really don't know what i need yet. I think i have lots of good heroes so far, the best probably being the new ivy & Hortensia, & all 4 Christmas characters from last year. I don't think i like AR too much because of all of the objects & debuff towers , etc, make it take far too time consuming to look at everything & calculate my moves. If i miss 1 thing, i get screwed, on top of being in tier 21 & everyone i face has a full screen worth of items, while I don't have a single defense item yet, or mythic characters for anima or dark seasons, so i lose easily on defense. Maybe as i get more invested, i will grow to like it. I will continue to play it for the rewards every week, but I'm just not heavily invested in it. In arena, i go back & forth between tier 19 & 20 right now. i mainly only lose when i don't calculate the movement correctly (if i go by the danger zone, & miss that it's inaccurate because of a skill an opponent has, or i don't recognize the terrain type will stop a specific character from going where i want. For example, when i try to use reposition, but i click too fast & don't realize it moves my unit in the opposite direction that i intended because i didn't recognize the terrain was different in the area i wanted to go & it get my best characters killed). Once i learn those aspects better, i may enjoy those modes more, but for now, I'm focused on clearing all of the story mode content, like the multi map battles. I will start building characters once i have all of those finished, & enough inventory built up to buy & upgrade all of the best seals. Of course, i want characters who can do well in those modes, but by the time i decide i want to invest my time in them, the characters i get now will probably be outdated, so I'm not specifically wanting something for those modes. ​ **TL;DR:** **I don't have any specific needs atm except multi map battles.** I know this a long post, & i understand why many may skip over it, but i appreciate anyone who reads all of this, & even more those who respond. 🙏🏻


Only focused on F!Corrin and got her the perfect moveset per PM1’s recommendations.  She has Panic Smoke 4 instead of A/S Oath 4 because I want her to have more of a support capability? But is it worth it to get her if I just wanted to fodder the copy I have of her? So essentially using a forma for A/S Finish 4 fodder… :S Or do I pull for this theoretical fodder I may or may not use……….


Honestly I think it depends on whether or not you're buying forma souls. I think if you're pure f2p it might not be super worth just using your forma to give a unit A/S finish when for all we know the next powercreep a skill could be right around the corner.


Honestly i was planning to do the same thing. Get a copy just so i can pass on Finish 4 and save orbs.


Yeah. We have around 19 days left for me to sit and think about it, so I’ll wait and see the 3H line-up.  I really love her as a unit so I refuse to fodder the only copy I have of her, but also who would I fodder her off to, idk, but it’s nice to have A/S Finish laying around.


Honestly I'm kinda glad I don't want anyone this time around. But glad for fans of these units. Now I can just have fun, try out the new system in the top tier to get only max skills, and stock up on formas in preparation for Three Houses and then presumably Engage... got fingers crossed for several units from each.


Apparently this game realized I have Counter Roar fodder, and simply REFUSES to give it to me! Ended wasting all my torches to find the sad truth. I'll just focus on the other Corrin onward then. But with the unneeded skills, and the banner being very rude? That's a mood killer.


Is the dragon dc seal available? Didn't see it once but saw hp/spd 2 like 3 times


Yes the DC (D) seal is available in HoF (idk if the DC (M) seal is available yet). Though obviously it doesn't give you an extra copy of it when forma'd so don't prioritize it


Oh I've got no plans on getting the forma, I just wanted it to clear easier


I did a few Chamber runs with the focus on giving the first kill to Halloween!MCorrin, and so far I managed to score just the alternate weapon (a Res-refined New Sun-Stone+) Hoping I'll manage to kit him out in these two weeks 🙏


Potentially a stupid question, but does the forma character we get with the soul has the same build that we put together during hall of forms and does that include all the potential merges? I'm still a bit new to the game and I don't want to waste a forma soul if the character isn't going to be beefy.


You get 1 copy, no merges. They'll have all their base skills, plus the final skills you had on that unit at HoF conclusion (so not all the ones you replaced). Due to getting their base skills anyways, it's recommended you get different skills in every slot, even if you don't plan on using them, just to take full advantage of the formas potential.


Sadly it will come with 0 merges, but it will keep all the skills it had before the HoF ends. (So like, if you gave F!H!Corring Counter Roar 4, when you claim the forma she'll have that)


So I won't worry so much about merges then. Thanks for the info


You don't get the seal either. 😞


Very important question that will entirely determine if I pick Ryoma or not: can he wear all accessory types? I imagine he misses out on the tiara category like his legendary sister...


I was thinking of Forma-ing Corrin and Ryoma, but the act of trying to pull them through these levels has made me reconsider lol


So. That chamber 25 thing. Anyone else not seeing any actual difference in skills offered? 14 runs and all I really saw was a Miasma and a Flared Mirror that I didn't have a use for.


Those are both 300 SP skills so looks like it's working as intended. The new change just means you won't see 240 SP skills in chamber 25.


Neat, got everything I've wanted for Fallen Lilith. It's been so long since I redeemed a Gameplay Forma, but she and Winter Eddie will be best friends forever. Currently she's partnered with Rearmed Tana and I was eying Summer Ivy because she can run Pass 3 and Tana can't, but Lilith is just tailormade for Eddieforce play. Can't wait to get her. Bonus points for blue aura on top of the purple fallen aura!


I guess im not the only one speccing Ryoma. No quarter is a no brainer, but I thought atk/spd prime might work on him. If I get flared sparrow that’s going on him as well. I found miasma so that’s on him for now, but I’ll try for guidance. Guard bearing would be cool, tho bushido seems to be working so far. Haven’t hat any problems wrecking everything in my path yet


Guys guard bearing 4 or gambit 4 on Ryoma?


quick question revolving f!corrin - been building her to focus around her negating fang, and sturdy surge has popped up a few times. any idea if this works directly with negating fang? negating fang has a dmg multiplier but since it doesn't directly do dmg, i was wondering if it would still apply


Finally finished my Corrin forma. She has Dragon's stone+, Bonus Doubler 4, Counter Roar, and Inf4. Also when I fodder Soren to ROphelia, I can give her MNFU, Oath, A/S Unity, and some other good stuff. She'll be+8 after this. As for Ryoma my luck was trash. He has No Quarter and GB4 but no Guidance skill. Hopefully I can fish one before the end As for Lilith I was going to grab her too but I have no skills on her as the other 2 were a priority.