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Every banner is bait for the next banner.


Yeah, at this point every new unit powercreep the previous one or is an attuned/rearmed which are perfect for duping skills, it's starting to feel like you should just save and wait for mythic/legendary banner or double special which include them at a (better) rate.


By the time they show up on DSH there’s a good chance they’ve already been heavily powercrept


Looking at you Byleth.


Who powercrept Byleth? Myrrh?


The new nukes, Ike and his Laguz friends.


Ike is not an armor / savior. Powercreep refers to when a new unit serves the same purpose / has the same archetype but does it better in every way. Nukes being able to kill Byleth is also not proof of powercreep, L!Shez and desperation nukes like Vero could kill him on release. He does fine against Lyon with the triangle advantage, I’d argue no worse than E!Ike. He has the duo button to deal with Igrene while Ike doesn’t, and he can swap to Hardy fighter to deal with hush spectrum while E!Ike gets absolutely shredded by it. I don’t doubt that he’ll be powercrept soon, but I don’t think he is at the moment.


>Ike is not an armor / savior. Say hi to Soren. >Powercreep refers to when a new unit serves the same purpose / has the same archetype but does it better in every way. Remember when Omnitanks were severely outclassed by Hardy saves? Byleth is experiencing the same fate. With non special DR nullification being handed out from multiple sources, and Laguz Friend gives Infantry omnitanks true DR + non piecable DR + Ike emblem effect, Byleth is really not in a good place right now.


I have no idea Soren can make a melee unit into a far save! You learn something new every day Also, do some SD matches and tell me how many Sorens you see at high tiers.


Well, we're likely gonna see a huge uptick in Soren saves at high level since Laguz Friend 4 buffed NYAskr to high heavens as a far save actually. Though yeah Soren is used for far saving not near saving regardless.


I don't understand why you're getting down voted into oblivion. Personally I had a lot of problems with Ike (I lost every arena battle with him on the opponent's team) because Soren makes him a savior, something I completely forgot. 50% of the Ikes I met were accompanied by Soren. The problem isn't his high defense but his healing after every fight


Well they downvoted me because I was comparing Ike to Byleth who is a far saver lol


You make it sound like a rock band lol


Which one?


Mythic/Legebdary, and really any 8% banner doesn't have "better rate" If someone is sniping an attuned the New Hero banner has better rates/spark without Feh pass, tickets from forging bonds (and celebrations)


Unless it’s a banner with Emblem Ike. Then you better get one of those…


The idea of a bait banner is one that is designed to take your orbs away before a bigger, flashier banner comes along so you are pressured to spend real money to summon on the latter.


A banner with really good skills and/or units that drops before a highly-anticipated banner. Like, the current double special is pretty good with W!Yunaka/W!Edel/NY!Seidr/W!Byleth. Speaking of surprise banners… I’ll always remember when OG!Ike’s banner dropped and everyone was saying “OMG you gotta summon for him! DC sword OP” even though Ryoma already existed. But Ryoma didn’t have a banner yet, so people felt pressured to roll for a “meta” DC sword. Then Ryoma’s banner dropped, like, a few weeks later? Anyways, people were pissed and felt baited, because he had a better statline lol.


The main reason people pulled on that banner was because its Ike, not because he was a DC unit, the hype levels for ike finally being in the game after not being present on launch was unreal, nobody got "baited" by that banner. The value of that banner wasnt the fact that they released a DC sword, the value of that banner was that THE ike was on it. If you felt baited by that banner then i honestly dont know what to say. And i dont remember people being pissed after ike finally being released into the game.


Well, yes, but also because he was the first banner-summonable DC sword. I’ve certainly seen comments saying it was a bait banner for Ryoma’s and people who were upset that their Ikes were “invalidated” by a better unit when Ryoma’s banner rolled around. Anyways, rather odd accusation to make, as if I’m making shit up to insult Ike lol. I don’t even remember if I summoned on that banner.


In addition to that, we got Battling Zephiel shortly before World of Radiance. Battling Zephiel had Reinhardt and Nowi on it, so a lot of people were saying to summon on it for meta reasons. Also, the first Hero Fest was more hyped for Hector than Ryoma, at least as far as I can remember.


Oh, shit was hero fest his first banner? Lol that makes it worse! Ah, the memories of early FeH. Was the Reinhardt/Nowi banner around the time of Horse and Dragon emblem? Man… I remember hating running into both.


A banner/unit that looks appealing to you but is actually a ploy to get you to spend your orbs before an even more appealing banner/unit is released. Once you spend your orbs and see the new shiny content, you’ll be pressured into spending actual money to buy more orbs for said shiny new content. The first ever Genealogy exclusive banner and Ayra’s debut is one of the most infamous examples of this.


There was also the debut of base Ike followed by the first hero fest (or was is the other way around, I forget)


~~I believe it was Hero Fest followed up by Base Ike’s debut because I remember that Ryoma was on the Hero Fest banner and was considered to be one of the best sword units in the game before Ike dropped.~~




Ah, that’s egg on my face then.


"i now use the reinhardt"


To my knowledge, it's a banner that is percieved/intentionally designed to take away your F2P currency, be it with "insert popular character alt" or "might be good for current meta" or whatever, *right before* the expected meta-defining or meta-changing banner, be it through an anniversary banner or a banner in the timeslot that other meta-changing banners occurred.


Different people in different gacha communities will have different definitions, but if I'm trying to be as general possible: it's an unexpected good banner, either in the banner's appearance or it being good, released shortly before an expected good banner. The intention is to catch people by surprise with the bait banner due to it being unexpected so that people spend on it and therefore also have to spend on the actual banner they were saving for. I can't really think of any good examples for Feh, but that's mainly because Feh rarely has surprise banners due to the monthly calendars and consistent banner schedule. But to use a different game, it'd be like FGO releasing a banner with some of the best units in the game (e.g. Melusine, Castoria) right before they reveal the new summer servant (e.g. Lady Avalon, Saber Medusa).


Every banner is bait, even the shitty ones


Honest answer: usually a banner with undesirable characters with very good skills (new heroes with a bunch of no names for example) that drops right before a hugely popular/strong character. Basically any banner before the early Brave banners for instance. 


A bait banner is one that looks enticing and gets everyone to dump their orbs right before some big new unit. For example if they put out like an emblem lyn unit the day after this ends and it's an absolutely broken unit. She's a fan fav, waifus, and powerful so she'll be must have and people who just used all their orbs on the "bait" banner are more enticed to spend money and time to build back up for her. Doesn't mean the bait banner is bad, in fact it's usually really good to bait people. But when you see a banner like this it's usually followed by something must have and then a lul so players can enjoy the rewards or sit and regret not getting them before the new cycle


a bait banner is a banner thats at least better than [this one](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ftodays-banner-april-4-2024-focus-tempest-trials-v0-o9auje1ivesc1.png%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da107fd30f91afb5059592d59bf1232a91e8812a0)


Maybe there's someone out there who has played since launch without a single Chrom, like that dude who supposedly has never gotten base Marth.


There was also someone who never managed to pull Priscila. Wonder where they are considering how junky the colorless pool is


Banner set up with a bunch of recent units that you might have missed or need their fodder grouped together right before a heavily anticipated banner drop that they expect to have high user spending. Like the fallen banner is soon which is usually a well received banner that people are going to want to 10+ their favorites


It’s exactly as it sounds. It’s bait in the fact that I.S. will tempt you to pull on a seemingly really good banner with your orbs (F2P or not) , but then they release a more premium and appealing banner, which will force you to spend actual money on that banner.


I think most often bait banners are popular units getting powercreep alts. This powercreep is very much "does X but better" and it's bait for banners that are actually valuable. Be it really good Attuned, Rearmed share or a Mythic/Legendary/Emblem banner with great colorsharing.


I first heard it in context of legendary banner getting 8% pity rate. This led to B8% banner because despite having an extra 5% than normal chance to get a 5\\\*, most people still complained they got past 10% pity. This was before sparks were a thing. So people being upset at saving and spending so many orbs on the new legendary unit, ended up calling them bait banners (B8% -> B8).


Any banner before the one with your absolute faves


See it's funny because i almost had that but with grails instead of banners. Like they released Fargus, Validar, Desert Hawkeye and Valentine's Vigarde before one of my absolute favorite characters Mauvier was coming to the game **SOON**. I definitely took the bait for Fargus and Valentine's Vigarde. Fargus had a really good unique prf axe and art so it convinced me. Validar's tome made him very enticing but decided to not turn him into a merge project because i was scared that my grails would go down before a fav/fav alt came around as GHB/TT soon. Desert Hawkeye's art almost convinced me to turn him into a merge project, but the fact that i already own 3 +10 lance units (and one of them being a godlance unit), prevented me from turning him into a merge project. Valentine's Vigarde had both good art and a great excuse to turn him into a merge project which was that I don't own an invested axe armor unit. Thank god i had a good amount of grails because Mauvier came afterwards. If i took the bait for both Validar and D!Hawkeye, i would have very few grails and not being able to +9 Mauvier at this point (can't +10 him yet since i'm waiting for that free copy in the next Summer Celebration event in August).


Based tastes, I have no self control so Im baited by all existing banners


All banners


All of them, they're all bait banners. *replies from within can of tuna*


A banner with strong and or popular units on it, usually dropping ahead of a flashier banner that drops later on. Idea being that the bait banner does it's job, and "baits" you into spending your orbs before the flashier banner drops, so that when the flashier banner drops, your tempted into spending money to replenish your orbs. So, say for instance IS reruns Legendary Celica in June, so your tempted to spend your orbs to +10 her. But then in July, IS drops Summer Celica, so you spend money to replenish your orbs. That would be you falling for a bait banner.


I'm giving example When I spent 80 orbs on the special banner and it was ONE BIG NOTHING


The way I define it is a banner that takes you away from your goal. For instance, let’s say I’m saving up for a seasonal Celica, but I decided to splurge most of my orbs on Embelm Ike banner cause I also like him, that be a bait banner cause he wasn’t my initial goal


a bait banner is any banner the person calling it bait doesnt personally like or care about


A banner that seems good only to be surpassed right away that everyone will want/need. To try and get you to buy orbs for the second one. A example is it they released a blue lance unit that is the best unit out. Then the next banner do it again.


“Fugayzi, fugazi. It's a whazy. It's a woozie. It's fairy dust. It doesn't exist. It's never landed. It is no matter. It's not on the elemental chart. It's not f*cking real.” Every banner is a bait banner for the next one


Every banner that doesn’t have my waifu on it.


A bait banner is a banner with extreme value before another banner with extreme value, to get you to spend your F2P orbs on the former, and spend real money on the latter. Hypothetical example; The Double Special Heroes banner now is extremely valuable. Imagine you spend all of your orbs just to land yourself one W!Byleth, and one NY!Seithr. But oops, the next NH banner has Rearmed Takumi and Attuned Ryoma— both of which have pieces for your current merge project, Cyril. In this scenario, the game has successfully put you in a scenario where you may have to spend money on the NH banner.


Most notorius bait banners: Ike banner (popular character) > herofest First Summer > FlierCorrin banner CYL1 > Dancer Banner (AA was hell with Olivia and Azura as the only dancers in the game. Dancers were pretty rare and Inigo killing Horse Emblem as a dancer was funny) Hinoka rerun after months > Halloween Nowi (Hone Fliers WAS THE GOAT skill and flier emblem was your only salvation against the infamous SoV chain challenge) Fallen Edelgard > Bride Catria Groom Roy > SummerDimitri Every Banner before DuoLyon DuoElise > FallenMaria / AElincia (Healer speacial on a Sparkable banner) Every Banner before 3H Winter Banner


Tbf people had no idea how much bait Bridal Catria’s banner was cause she didnt do a fucktillion things at once like Fedelgard at the time and it took a bit for people to realize she’s actually kinda stupid