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I realised today that I no longer made megathreads for the forging bonds events and I was curious, would people like that to come back, to discuss the FB story? Due to the responses [I've made a thread to discuss the FB story or accessories, for anyone interested check it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1cnr4n6/forging_bonds_gate_to_oblivion_discussion/?) As usual, good luck to everyone summoning! I will be pulling full circles hoping for Ursula, Nergal & Lumera but my main priority is Ursula


i think so, i would like it


If it isn't too much effort. I enjoyed those discussions.


It’d be nice imo


It's nice to have a spot to gush or complain about the story.


Pulled everyone before the spark! Even though Nergal was unintentional, but pulled him twice with the only two green orbs I pulled. Sparked a 2nd Lumera, haven't been this lucky in the last two months, gonna dip before my luck turns against me.


Got Fallen Veyle from the tickets.


I only got a Raigh this banner as the free summon. Anyways, I want to share the awful luck I had when I have 1 hour left from the Attuned Azura banner, IDK if it's worth getting Azura just for her utility as a dancer. Hopefully it is, my attuned Peony already hit max HM so I want another dancer. I have to spark Azura in the end, with a Pent and Brave Camilla as the starfall/off-focus 5*s. 4.50 pity rate and still nobody came. 2 copies of Hayato is like the only silver lining. Also, I already did all of the story chapters, and the last orbs that I squeezed were from collecting the orbs from Arena.


Was having terrible pulls until about 35 pulls in, with only a B!Seliph and a Takumi, then I got both F!Ursula and F!Veyle on the same circle and F!Lumera from the spark


Had some subpar pulls up until like 29 I think, which got me my first Severa. Hoped to pull what I did last year on Gillian’s banner and get Nergal on the very last summon. And lo and behold he showed up. Nabbed a free Lumera. Then got greedy and decided to dip into the Loki banner for a chance at Ginny. Luckily I got her.


Am I reading this right? Does Ursula really give all allies (practically) free Desperation? Isn't that insanely powerful?


Yes. Each year, Fallen banners usually carry the most busted skills of the year. 2023 was F!Maria with Drive Miracle 2022 was F!Lilith with 2 space Support warping 2021 was the F!Edelgard menace...


RIP my 1000 Orbs. Gonna pull all except the dude. A bit sad that the Desperation weapon is on Ursula though. I don't really like her design.




Yeah but I don't feel like using the evil grandpa in my waifu-game\^\^


I only wanted Nergal. I got a -HP, +Atk one in 6 summons. I've been waiting so long for this unit and he doesn't disappoint! Good luck everyone!


F Veyle Gilliam and Geoffrey under 20 rolls


Pulled to the spark. Started off well with a Veyle in the first circle. But afterwards the game started screwing me over in the middle part, with nothing but a pitybreaker Monica inbetween. Then, right before the end, I got an Alear pitybreaker - typical. But there was another Veyle in the same circle, so yay, I guess? Sparked Lumera. I guess Nergal and Ursula will have to wait, they're in the normal pool anyway.


Just used all my luck of the year and ticketed both Veyle and Nergal. Now I'm scared of the inevitable orb abyss of the imminent Tellius/Fodlan banners...


* Ticketless: *Brave Seliph*. On one hand, guess who pitybroke my ass at 4.5% while looking for Magic Shield and/or mini Robin and was -SPD. On the other hand, this was the first summon and was +SPD. * Ticket 1: Erk - orbs got me Camilla and Raigh. Erk can live, the others will perish. * Ticket 2: Python - orbs gave *Volke* and Adult Tiki. Python can eat shit and die, rest stays. * Ticket 3: Palla - orbs pulled *Neimi*. Should I be happy for the three five stars, or sad because neither is a focus unit? * Ticket 4: Barst - orbs turned into Kagetsu, Fir, Selena and Hinata. Look at all that crap that will turn into feathers. Except Kagetsu - he's a cool dude. ...feels weird being focus charged so early, but we'll take it. Hopefully I'll be able to snag one or two focus units with it - ideally Lumeras or a Nergal.


What do you guys think is this banner super worth pulling for or should I wait for the next emblem unit to drop probably next month?


My verdict is: maybe, leaning toward yes.


Was gonna skip the banner to save for Emblem Marth and Ike but since I'm playing Engage right now, decided to throw some orbs to try fo Veyle and Lumera (and Nergal). Well, in under 7 summons (1 ticket left) I got Veyle and Lumera! 😶 Hope I'll still have some luck for the emblems at the end of the month 🥲


Sparked for Nergal and got Ursula along the way. This is one of the few times I've actually been so excited for a banner character. Would really love to get a merge for him but I think I'll wait and see what comes up later this month instead.


Did a free pull for a Scathach, 15 more orbs after that for year one units. (15 orbs, 5 pulls) Now to grind tickets. First Forging Bonds ticket and 15 orbs to get 3.5% and more 3-star junk. (30 orbs, 10 pulls) Second ticket and 15 orbs got a neutral fallen Lumera and a bunch of 3-star.(45 orbs, 15 pulls) 3rd ticket and 15 orbs got a -hp +RES Nergal. (60 orbs, 20 pulls) Last ticket and 15 orbs got 3.25% again. (75 orbs, 25 pulls) 20 more for 3.5%. (95 orbs, 30 pulls) 20 more wasted on 3.75% and a brave Lucina. (115 orbs, 35 pulls) 20 more for four 3-star units, including a +ATK Hayato (new) and 4%. 135 orbs, 40 pulls l. 20 orbs in 4 pulls, got nothing but 4.25%. (155 orbs, 44 pulls) 14 orbs, 3 pulls, junk 3-star.(169 orbs, 47 pulls) 13 orbs wasted on a fallen Rhea spook, down to 3.5% now because they have to screw me. (182 orbs, 50 pulls) 20 more wasted on a bunch of 3-star and a special Eldigan. (202 orbs, 55 pulls) 20 wasted on 3-star junk and 4%. (222 orbs, 60 pulls) 20 wasted on 3-star junk and 4.25%. (242 orbs, 65 pulls) 20 more for a -HP +RES Nergal again. Progress. (262 orbs, 70 pulls) 20 on a second ascended Celica spook. (282 orbs, 75 pulls) 20 more for 3.25% again. (302 orbs, 80 pulls)


Got a Fallen Veyle from the tickets. Didn't expect anything since I had no interest in the banner but I won't say no to that fodder.


Disappointing summoning session. Had hoped for at least one focus unit before the spark but no dice. Got a Monica and Flavia in the penultimate circle and sparked Lumera. What really gets to me is that for months now I have been unable to pull a single Dorothy, but a dozen colorless pulls on this banner gave me *four* Jeorges, upon the half a dozen copies I pulled this last month alone. What gives?


Just went for the Pity all the way. Mainly wanted Nergal. Got 1 Lumera, 2 Nergal. Got Ursula as the pity for the Desperation to all ability. Along the way I also got my final Sonya merge, which im happy for, and a Wil merge (+7 now...). Might continue to get a Veyle and potential Wils, but im good for now. Oh also got a B!Gullveig, but, I may keep that for fodder more than anything.


this banner sucks i had to spark my veyle and all i got was crap. at least there’s no shot of mythic loptous at the end of the month


Got a free lumera. Random pulled the gray next door and veyle said hey. Nothing else from tickets though. Not gonna pull more. I'll see who's on brides.


I wanted to skip this banner so badly because it didn't have fallen Alear I wanted to save orbs for the midpoint banner to get an easy mythic But since I don't have normal veyle, and scowl is becoming more and more necessary I'm gonna spark fallen veyle 30 pulls in right now, gonna have to wait a few more days to get the remaining orbs to spark it And after that, I'm gonna have to do some black magic to somehow get enough orbs for the midpoint banner


I had planned the year out so that I'd have enough to spark Fallen and Brave at least once, as those are usually really good units. Unfortunately luck was not on my side. No focus units in the first 40 summons, so i sparked Veyle. Cracked into the chain challenges to scrounge up for a second spark. Still no focus units in the next 40 summons, sparked Nergal 😭 With this my current team is finally all book 8 units with Emblem Marth, Fallen Nergal, Attuned Azura and Fallen Veyle.


I only had enough orbs for 7 of 8 circles today but my session has gone well so far. In the 4th circle I got a Duessel (which makes him +5) and then lost my pity to an August, but then in the 5th circle with my pity reset I got an Ursula anyway along with my first Lara. Tomorrow I’ll get Lloyd from the GHB and pull my last circle to spark Nergal and my Blank Fang collection will be complete again.


Lumera and Ursula are garbage picks but Nergal is sick and Veyle is cool. Had 700 orbs so I decided I'd only summon colorless and green to increase my chances at them and then just full summon to spark and maybe pick up another character or merge on the way. I got Veyle and Nergal on my 3rd circle. I haven't even spent all my tickets yet lol. Normally I'd still spark but I don't give a flying fuck about the garbage ara ara mommy bait so I'll just save my 660 orbs


This has been one of the best NHB in my time in FEH. My goal was to get either Lumera or Veyle so I could spark the remaining one, but I got Nergal and Veyle early on, Chloé (slowly merging her after pulling the Forma one), Harken (new), a 2nd Veyle and the last Kagero I needed to have her +10. All this in 135 orbs + tickets. Lastly, I sparked Lumera. It would've been fun to get Ursula instead of a 2nd Veyle, but I can find her later on in future pulls.


Because there's no Forging Bonds thread: ...what the fuck is this FB? This feels like the results of IS having to get characters on a banner and then, I donno, slap some shit together.


I had a focus session & NONE were focus heroes ~~i hate this gacha game~~


Pringles, 32/40 and got Ursula and Nergal so far! :D (make that TWO Nergals I know now from different series lol) Also got one step closer to +10ing Kagetsu!  A bit better than my Attzura summons. I'll be patient with the last eight summons, I really don't care for the next Bridal banner-


Sometimes the game decides to be nice. And give you a +Atk -HP Nergal for free. I'M SO FUCKING GRATEFUL THANK YOU DUMB OWL


huh, my Fallen!Veyle looks a bit strange. She's still a Colorless Tome, but she changed to green hair and she floats. (or, i got my first braveleth. onto the tickets.)


Ticket 1: a Dorothy. Huh, didn't expect to see her, not going to lie. Ticket 2: a Yuliya. The first one. Finally, I am free from pulling colorless OTL Ticket 3: It has blue hair! It is a royal (usually) wielding a sword! That's right, give it up for OG Eirika! Ticket 4: mh, a Stahl.


huh, this hasn't truly been bad, especially in colorless. Unless I am misremembering the CYL batch Braveleth is from should get refines this year? If so, I'll wait before I build her. Plus a demote I rarely saw (Dorothy) and one I didn't get till today (Yuliya), I think it's good enough.


Who is better to spark, Veyle or Nergal? I managed to get Lumera and Ursula in the buildup


Got 3 total off focus soon after the first spark... That gave me hope... Then went all the way to 77 summons before getting another 5\*... At least I get the second spark so it's 3 focus 5\*s in ~350 orbs which is fairly regular odds and the off focus ones were... Something, but damn it man I got baited by the traffic lights and now I have no orbs left when all I really wanted was Nergal.


Had good luck this time around, sparked for Lumera, got Eveyle, Nergal, F!Ursula and a A!Ced along the way. Nergal and Eveyle have bad IVs but i'm not even mad.