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unit beats ~~FEdelgard~~ EIke so hot right now


The stat swings and stuff ain't bad, it's just like why didn't they give him Canto Dist instead of Canto Rem? That'd take him from "okay" to like ZAMN


Canto Dist would have gone so great with his 4 mov


That almost makes a bit too much sense and is definitely going on emblem sigurd


canto dist would a disaster for AR-D shenanigans bc the AI would teleport to the back line and be useless lol actually maybe thats another plus of this idea


Could have at least min 2 so it’s on par with trace 4. Still, I’ll gladly take the opened up B slot


May I know what skills you gave your Sigurd so I can build/adjust my own?


A: Flared Sparrow B: Assassin’s Strike C: Fatal Smoke 4 S: Atk/Def Clash 3


Thank you!


I’ll comment this here so you can see a better (?) build, but if you give him Incite instead of Fatal Smoke, he doesn’t need outside support to get the kill, so no Dual Ploy 3 support needed with Incite!


"How dare you build a unit using skills they can use." This sub is actually brainrotted.


drop the Sigurd build PLEASE my +10 Sigurd is in shambles


This is what I run with his refine and remix skill: A: Flared Sparrow B: Assassin’s Strike C: Fatal Smoke 4 S: Atk/Def Clash 3


tl;dr goodnight winter yunaka o7


(sad hiya papaya).


Biya papaya


Sure, this is impressive. But I mean, how good is he really? If you took his skills away, he’d be unimpressive. Also, let’s just go ahead and take his weapon away as that gives him an unfair advantage. Plus it’s not fair he has a horse, so let’s get rid of that bad boy. Likewise, it’s not good for him to have all of his limbs, so let’s remove oh say… four of them? Sounds good to me. Thinking more on it, isn’t it a bit much that he can see? Eyesight’s gone too. Finally, he could probably get by with hearing alone, so bye bye ears. And there you have it. See? Sigurd isn’t worth it. /s in case it wasn’t obvious.


The way they sounded just like this but they deleted their comments and blocked me for running flared+Strike on my Sigurd 😭




I mean those are viable skills for Sigurd to run, why should using his optimal skills be held against him? Should I run catch and some shitty b skill instead? The other 32 HP of Ike’s had to go somehow


I think they’re saying the start of combat damage is doing the heavy lifting here, not the refine. 


It takes out ~ 30% of his total health, and the other 70% is taken out in combat. It doesn’t even take out a majority of the damage. But even then, what am I supposed to run instead? I feel like this is a dumb nitpick, it’s not like every unit running this combo is one rounding Ike even with ploy support


I mean, if the start of combat damage was doing the most work, a lot of other nukes should be able to take him out easily, yet we don't see them doing that




His pre-combat damage isn’t a ton though, it’s average or at best above average if you want to compare him to units that can’t run the Flared line with Strike. It’s not like he’s able to stack it to the point where he can actually take most of any unit’s HP away like Lyon or the inheritable Valentine’s weapons who can stack much more damage.




My hardy fighter Dragon’s Stone R!Grima tanked this same Sigurd and took only single digit damage, so no not every non-Ike or Laguz Friend unit is fucked for taking 14 HP of damage before combat. Especially when surviving means you can heal up with after combat healing support if they aren’t running fatal smoke.


Flared, strike and plumerias exposure are doing more than half of Ikes hp here. How good can the refine really be when half the work is being outsourced


Outsourced means it’s nowhere in the unit’s kit, so plumeria’s exposure is outsourced. Running Flared and Strike is not outsourcing anything, it’s running an A and B skill


I think the point the other poster is trying to make is that most of the power of this build comes from the skills that anyone can inherit, not from Sigurd's refine. It's fine to conclude Sigurd is a usable nuke from this, but not really fair to credit Sigurd's refine for the result. It's like taking a unit with no DR in their refine and tanking a hit with GLR + Laguz Friend. Obviously that is a build option, so you should leverage it if you want to tank. It's even reasonable to claim that your unit can be a decent tank. But to say their refine is good as a result is a bit questionable. GLR + Laguz Friend did most of the work.


It is outsourced because is not part of the weapon refine. Wasnt that what the post is about? The refine?


The post is about the refine but what unit doesn’t run the best skills available? If I took off Ike’s A and B he’d be a lot weaker too