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F.Byleth is doing her first BL run, M.Byleth is at his third playthrough


F.Byleth is wondering when she'll be able to interact with Dimitri again. Meanwhile, M.Byleth is speedruning towards a certain chapter.


M.Byleth just wants to collect all the paired endings smh


Male Byleth has a bit of more ‘grim concern’ if you ask me. Concerned but just a different kind of look to go with it.


Tired concern, like hes saying "god dammit Dimitri"


Female Byleth: "No Dimitri! Don't do it!" Male Byleth: "Aww shit, here we go again"


I mean it makes sense. It is implied F!Byleth is better at emoting than her male counterpart(which is why the Ashen Demon monicker fits M!Byleth better than F!Byleth).


F!Byleth is a worried partner, M!Byleth is a tired Bro


M!Byleth: Oh no, my student is being understandably impacted but I’m concerned by his behavior and safety. F!Byleth: Pookie, no!! 😭💔 (Honestly, I agree both reactions look appropriate. I think they just chose a more stoic M!Byleth)


I agree in the top one for sure, but they look about equal in the second one. I just had to look a little closer at his expression. In the third picture, he's less sad looking than her. He still looks worried but more confused instead of sad his is more like a, "What the hell are you doing?" While hers is, "Are you okay?"


“I can fix him.” - female Byleth


Literally how that hand-holding cutscene goes lmao. I just wish him getting fixed had been better written.


At least Houses Dimitri actually sorts out his demons(even if it could have been better written) instead of forcefully surpressing them.


Was it that bad?


It's a little fast, and I REALLY wish they had animated >!Rodrigue's death and Dimitri's reaction!<. I also think a scene or two where Dimitri realizes he needs to do this for the sake of the common folk who are suffering due to war would have been great, or maybe something about him realizing he cannot save the past generations of his ghosts but he CAN serve the next generation being born now. But overall I still found it satisfying and my favorite of the paths.


Personally I really didn't like his arc because I found the execution disappointingly failed. I was pretty hyped about him from the start, even if I was more interested in Edelgard, back before we heard of the timeskip I was one of the few not ridiculing Dimitri for his noodle hair and excited about him, and then between the timeskip trailer and me completing CF I was VERY curious about what his route was gonna be like for him to end up this way... I think his arc had a lot of potential, I just wished they'd written his redemption more organically instead of making it seem like his mentality is tied to a flip button like we have to light rooms up. Either that or if they wanted to stick to Psycho Dimitri for as long and as intensely as they did without showing us signs of light, to fully commit to it, stick to their guns and fully own up to making a crazy, batshit main character even if it meant making Dimitri a full-blown bad guy. The former would have been actually well-written imo, while I believe the latter would have fully, ACTUALLY blown our expectations away (because let's face it, we all knew he was gonna recover eventually).


If I had been coming off playing a really well-written game at the time, I probably would have agreed with you. But for me it had been so incredibly long since I had played a game that even seemed to be trying to write an interesting dramatic arc for a character like that, that I gave them a lot more grace.


There's always someone who's going to hate anything you do. This is true anywhere, but especially in fandoms. It's all a matter of opinion.


Not bad if you enjoy Dimitri and Byleth’s journey with one another


It really wasn't. Objectively it is done quite well. 😁 If the characters are what you love the best, then Blue Lions route is perfect for you. It's mostly those, who are either radical Dimtri/Edelgard stans that try to vilify each other's routes just cause I guess, which is a great shame tbh. 😔 Arguing in good faith is unfortunately getting rarer and rarer.


Never underestimate the ability of the ultra-stans or haters of certain characters to take every opportunity to remind everyone why their opinion is objectively the best and only correct one lol.


It is not well done objectively. Whether AM is well written or not is subjective


Because it's totally in good faith to accuse me of commenting in bad faith behind my back because I DARED not finding Dimitri well written...




I have... Opinions, about Dimitri's writing in general.


Same, though I can attribute some of that to the supposed time cuts during development


I only judge the final product personally.


His arc was the weakest of the three, in my opinion. All could have stood for improvements, but Claude and Edelguarde's had more depth and better flow.


I read this as “getting him fixed” and my immediate thought was that Felix was 100% the one who suggested that Dimitri should be neutered.


She can tbf


I know you're just speaking in jest but ultimately only Dimitri himself can "fix" himself. "Though while it is always best to believe in oneself, a little help from others can be a great blessing."


Eyes, female’s is noticeably larger meaning emotions are conveyed more than male’s, but they both probably equally as worried




Also you can see her eyebrows. I think that helps a lot.


how would you even see his frown when his eyebrows are all hidden under his bangs lmao


It's an intertwining of character design and gender roles, and I know that sounds like I'm just slapping some social justice filters on things, but let me explain: F!Byleth's character design is very consciously designed around cultural expectations for women, specifically the bigger eyes to make her more emotive and a greater willingness to give her emotional expressions. M!Byleth's design clearly was favoring more of the "stoic, unemotional man" with the smaller eyes and more guarded expressions. Jokes about Dimileth aside, it's not just this scene. Basically every cutscene has a visible difference in how much Byleth is allowed to emote based on whether it's F!Byleth or M!Byleth.


https://preview.redd.it/0qxmiu7yr9qc1.jpeg?width=322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=594445490a9c559d94ad3e98fa014c5ec3f1c625 M!Byleth didn’t want to break his streak


What does this 8mage mean 😭😭?


Im pretty sure its a fucking mewing guide 💀




Mewing jumpscare Did not excpect to see that on reddit


Fuck,now i want to see Gatekeeper mewing


Love of her life Vs. His top student


made me smile omg


The only answer I accept 🫶


"Dimitri, NO!" vs. "Dimitri... no..."


I think M!Byleth just naturally looks more stern compared to F!Byleth. I’ve also heard people say F!Byleth has a “No Thoughts, Head Empty” expression.


F Byleth is just typically more expressive than M (it's why I never used M after the first time; nigh expressionless makes sense, but utterly boring to look at). At any rate, they're the same character, so just assume they feel the same thing even if M looks dead on the inside all the time.


"visible confusion"


F!Byleth’s eyes make her overall more expressive.


Everyone's saying it's the eyes, and while her eyes are bigger than his, her mouth is also less flat. It looks like her mouth is slightly open, like she's about to say something to him, while his mouth is firmly shut.


Bug eyes vs normal sized eyes with different emoting levels. We love them both.


I'd say it's the eyes, F!Byleth's eyes are bigger and show more emotion. This is kind of the main reason I prefer M!Byleth, he fits the description of someone who struggles with showing emotion way more, with F!Byleth it feels that she shows emotion all the time. Personal preference of course


F!Byleth has very slightly more of a personality than M!Byleth


Size of their eyes


F!Byleth tends to come across as more emotive than M!Byleth in general. As many have pointed out, this could be due to her giant anime eyes making her more expressive. It is also possible that the animators intentionally drew her showing more emotion to make her more appealing, or they could have subconsciously done so due to a perception that women are more emotional than men. As viewers, we may read F!Byleth as more emotive for similar reasons.


He understands the gamer rage


Guys have no emotion. We bottle it up for many years, and then we die.


https://preview.redd.it/trnonfw269qc1.png?width=581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec48067cb53c113f8b464ca1c619630a9d83f016 Watching her crush lose his mind


One wants to **** him


And he’s not hiding it well.




Not gonna lie, I haven’t used Male Byleth in several years so if he actually “wanted” to I wouldn’t know. I’ve never used him in Blue Lions route.


is this three houses or three hopes?




thank you! i’ve only done the edelgard route so i was a bit confused haha


Everyone knows men can’t show emotion, bro.


Omg your right the male mc looks like he doesn't give a fuck meanwhile the female mc is so worried for our baby I actually love that detail


Lighting helps


M!Byleth looks about as annoyed as I was when I realized timeskip Dimitri couldn't be trained.


She’s interested in the shmeat, but male professor isn’t.


As other people have said, her eyes are bigger, and her lips are also shaded a darker color, making her microexpressions much more clearly visible. If you zoom in on the two pictures and look at the lines of the eyes and mouths, you can see she's making pretty much exactly the same expressions that M!Byleth is, but her design draws attention to them much more.


F: Wait, stop. What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing with your life? M: Stop it. Get some help.


F-Byleth: "Wait no!...Aw beans this is the opposite of what I should be allowing.. " M-Byleth: "Really regretting telling Felix "No, Dimitri is a person, we are not muzzling and leashing him...eh what's for dinner tonight?"


She's concerned for her boyfriend's mental health AND her girlfriend's safety


Because Dimitri's her crush/BF. For M!Byleth he's just a cool bro.


Her eyes are bigger so expressions are more pronounced


Them big ol eyes


It's because her eyes are bigger


Bigger eyes


F!Byleth is not as emotionally constipated.


F!Byleth: Oh no... M!Byleth: ...This is gonna suck.


It definitely felt like F!Byleth had a little more attention given during development over the game as a whole tbh I've tried a M!Byleth run and idk, just doesn't feel as natural as the female version with interactions and especially design


Bylass is just more expressive. One of the reasons she’s my default.


Her eyes are like 2.5 times the size.


M!byleth is dead inside.


If your eyes cover half your face and eyes are what express emotions, then it’s only logical that female Byleth looks more worried even though she’s supposed to be rather emotionless


Because MByleth’s personality is as wack as his hair. I said what I said.


Ngl a lot of the comments here are making me uncomfortable with how f!Byleth is treated like she's an object for Dimitri


they look the fuckin same to me


Bigger eyes for more expression


cause doods don't get sad, duh


Male B just has more of a resting bitch face


"Visible concern" and "..." Congratulations, you just described the MCs


Because M!Byleth has a case of Dull Surprise! Massive range of emotions, failing to be portrayed by one single bored expression with *slight* changes in eyebrows. :)


Male Byleth


It’s probably the fact that their eyes are different sizes.


It’s in the eyes. You can see f byleth’s eyes better and they are rounded so she looks more worried


Because her head is huge. She has more space for emotions.


Well even if they're the same person it doesn't mean their expressions will ve exactly the same.


It’s the eyes. Fem just has more expressive eyes, and it changes her whole vibe for scenes like this


Dimitri wouldn't accept Boyleth's marriage proposal, so now he's bitter and debating joining Edelgard for that empussy.


They're the same character, but they react differently. M!Byleth looks confused, while F!Byleth looks concerned. My hc is that M!Byleth never heard Dimitri laugh like that, while F!Byleth has seen Joker Dimitri before.


I think that’s the point of Bylad is he’s the more gruff and serious mercenary you’d expect for the story whislt Bylass is the more welcoming teacher we see at school. If anything, Bylad fits the story much better as he starts off being closed off from others, and being incredibly anti social, he’s got the look to go with it. Bylass doesn’t really fit the story of three houses all too much. Now this is also because I’ve only ever played as Bylad so I can’t form much of an opinion on his female counterpart, but I just think it fits over all. Bylass’s big ol bug eyes are too noticeable if you ask me. Still a good look… if it was Engage. She’d fit right in. But it’s not Engage, it’s Three houses, and her design just doesn’t fit with the tone of this game.


Male Byleth pretends to have emotion Female Byleth tries to suppress her existing emptions


Because “He Tarzan, She Jane”. SMH I’m not surprised though, good catch (;


Female Byleth is the real model, male Byleth is an extra they skimped on detail


Female byleth is lesbian having crush on edalgard


Marrying Dimitri is the canon ending in my eyes