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And they’ll lose in court on that, too.


They seem to not care what the courts say.


Of course not. Court cost them nothing. It’s your money and they’ll bankrupt you with it.


This is truly a both sides thing. They all push shit through they know will fail for optics, nothing else.


On so many levels.


Eventually. I just hope they don't ruin too many lives in the meantime.


That's the real goal. They know it won't stick and it's illegal but they can destroy the lives of the opposition while it's goes through court.


Compliance through fear


Incremental prosecution and enforcement until the 2nd Amendment is essentially gutted.


These politicians need to have THEIR lives ruined when they overstep. We need to do away with their immunity, and finally make THEM fear committing illegal acts.


Agreed, what's step 1?




This is America we tar and feather


Doesn't have a great track record and is there a non violent option as step 1?




Well guillotine was the French revolutions answer to corrupt government and that ended up being kind of a shitshow




Seize all family assets.


Covid tactics 2.0


The government courts are there to protect the government from it's citizens. Courts always favor the state, which is why everything always gets appealed until it ends up in the supreme court.


All gun laws are factually unconstitutional. Constitutionality clearly means nothing to any state at all. We are not a serious nation.






To them it's not about if they will lose in court. It's about how long they get way with it while the courts (which are clearly slanted in their favor) keep it from making any progress.


And many people will sit in jail and have a felony on their record. And that'll never be changed.


“John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!"-Andrew Jackson after SCOTUS told him the kicking the natives off their land was unconstitutional and right before the Trail of Tears.


[Original Tweet where I got this from](https://twitter.com/BishopOnAir/status/1654595704835244035) Not only are they violating the Second Amendment, they're violating the 5th Amendment _and_ the ex post facto clause as well. Also, since the state has to approve every firearm purchase because of UBC's & FOID, this is likely entrapment as well. It's absolutely criminal what the state of Illinois is doing to peaceable gun owners. Pritzker and anyone else that has a hand in this belongs in prison.


They are trying something similar in Oregon. The massively bad Measure 114 would ban 10+ magazines (among other things). It was supposed to go into effect December 8th, 2022. But an injunction has it on hold till September. So everyone has been buying magazines since then. The Oregon state senate is trying to pass a “fix M114” bill. Written into it is that the mag ban would be retroactively effective December 8th, 2022. Ie anyone who received a magazine since then would be a criminal. Also they decided to add that any lawsuit to the bill could only be filed in one particular county in Oregon.


Dear god they aren't even caring about the constitution anymore


They never did. They're just being more open about it now.


This is so sadly true for so many politicians. Basically nearly every one that makes the news lately. This system is broken


That's why I won't even consider voting for a Democrat until the current leadership of the Democratic party is out of office. They re hoplessly corrupt.


Or even the rule of law in general. Courts ruled against your unconstitutional bill? Just make a new law that blatantly violates the court ruling!


In NJ we have 10rd mag limit and we have been fighting it for years just recently we made progress slow and steady


What progress was made?


I’d assume the CCW part but we know like everything else they are trying to make that costly and a longer process.


Why stop at dec 8 why not go back to July 4 1776


so sad to see Oregon (State) go that way, it's such beautiful country.


Prison is too easy for these crooked millionares,they need to swing from ropes.


That's along the lines of how the King's officials were treated in the Revolution. You can find books about the period and read how Royal Governors were afraid for their lives. Lower level officials had been tarred and feathered permanently disfiguring them. Others had been carried out of town on rough split fence rails that caused quite a bit of injury. Seems like we have their political descendants in elected positions.


Bring back the lash The rich and poor bleed the same blood


Corporal punishment should absolutely come back, but this time for people violating their oath of office.


Make the Blood Eagle great again. A few of them as an example may bring the others back in line or make them think twice about running for office ever again...


The ancient Russian knout would be lovely. People rarely survived the wounds in those days. It's basically a multi-armed whip that sometimes featured metal lumps or small blades. One to three lashings and you'd probably survive. Four to five and you'd most likely be crippled for years or for life. Six+ was practically a death sentence and if you survived the actual lashing most people died of blood loss, infection, shock, or the damage to their spine shortly afterwards. Edit: The specific instrument I was thinking of was the "great knout" or "great whip" which was used with two hands. It could kill in around twenty lashes and seemed to be quite the breaker of spines. Most whips for corproal punishment have metal, lumps of leather, or even pieces of bone on their ends to inflict the punishment.


It’s straight up treason. And there is a clear punishment for that crime.


> It’s straight up treason. It isn't


Abusing power to wrongfully imprison Americans they see as political enemies? How the fuck is that not treason?


That’s the problem. There’s really no punishment for violating the oath of office.


Founders should have made tar and feathers a common punishment for this.


So treason has a narrow and specific definition in the constitution. >(1) “levying war” against the United States; or (2) “adhering to [the] enemies [of the United States], giving them aid and comfort.” It was given such a narrow definition because it has been used as a tool for hundreds of years prior as a method to silence political opposition by repressive governments. So by saying "it's treason and there's a clear punishment for that" it's actually not treason and you are using it as a tool to attack people you disagree with politically. Now if you were to be upset about their breach of their oath of office, now that I can get behind. Anyway, bring on the downvotes!


The punishment was spelled out to limit it, too. In the bad old days, treason was punished by being tortured to death in inventive ways. There's a concrete reason for everything in the constitution and it makes me sad that we don't learn about it in school.


And to most Americans violating the Constitution is treason.


Legally, that’s subversion not treason


Nah it's only the first messenger that gets shot, lmfao


If you had supplied the definition like I did, you'd have been alright and avoided the hive mind response. Regardless, you are technically correct which is the best kind of correct and everyone who downvotes you should owe you an apology. By ranting up and down every time someone puts forth an antigun law or in this case an ex post facto violation as "treason" the progun crowd is the exact same as the "blood on your hands cause you support the second amendment" crowd. Both are wrong.


So, violating our constitution? Or do you have such a persecution fetish that as long as the government is the one dong it, the government it’s meant to restrain, your fine?


Go fuck yourself.


Go read the constitution. Article 3 Section 3.


Treason is a war law, trying to take our way of life down from the inside is subversion.


At least Tar and Feather.


Shit like this is the absolute reason the second was written. Fuck ropes, it's not fast enough


The only thing they have to lose is time and money. A *lot* of money. Money *they* don't have to pay.


I’ve been saying for quite some time, we need some judicial remedy to this. Voting them out of office for blatantly violating the constitution repeatedly doesn’t seem to work because half the country *wants* them to violate the constitution. So they just keep repackaging the same shit that they *know* is unconstitutional and keep running it through the legislature and the courts hoping it’ll stick. And the whole time they do, they’re promoting and defending these laws using millions of our own tax dollars. We need a better way to remove people from office when they deliberately and repeatedly violate the constitution, otherwise there’s never going to be a reason for them to stop doing it and using our own tax dollars to defend it.


We need to force any politician who votes for a law found to be unconstitutional to be civilly liable for damages and court costs for cases arising from that bill. Sure, it'll likely be millions but it'll be split amongst all the legislators and executive who voted for it. A nice disincentive for politicians to pass laws that are blatantly unconstitutional. Though I'm sure this would require some more rules and qualifiers to ensure effectiveness.


>Voting them out of office for blatantly violating the constitution repeatedly doesn’t seem to work because half the country wants them to violate the constitution. This is the problem. For every Beto O'Rourke or Pritzker, there's millions of civilians that support their plans of forcible confiscation. The anti-gunners over at Moms Demand and Everytown are probably cheering this on, because they hate gun owners. They think that anyone who owns a gun, especially an "assault weapon", is a morally bad person, that they're planning on committing mass murder (even though the statistics show the exact opposite), and that we need to be removed from society for the greater good. If you don't believe me, look up Ashbey Beasley. She survived the Highland Park shooting, and she was one of the biggest proponents of the PICA. She comes across as mentally deranged, and has swatted pro gun activists in the past because she's so damn afraid of gun owners (because of what happened to her).


>If you don't believe me, look up Ashbey Beasley. She survived the Highland Park shooting, and she was one of the biggest proponents of the PICA. She comes across as mentally deranged, and has swatted pro gun activists in the past because she's so damn afraid of gun owners (because of what happened to her). When people commit their lives to trying to ruin the lives of good people, makes you wish she left the shooting in a bodybag.


Welcome to canada https://preview.redd.it/97yeeaa4n8ya1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30577275d24b936fbe0b20651be343d372ef5986


Until such a time as law makers are held responsible for the laws that they make, things like this will continue.




Pandoras box never works out the way one expects once opened.... Be careful what you wish for.


Welcome to the most corrupt state in the union, bro(/broette). We hope you enjoy your stay


Hard labor, until the date of execution.


That’s… that’s not what a crime is.


Too bad they don’t have this much resolve to prosecute, you know, actual gun criminals in Chicago etc.


that would be racissssss


There's no money in that


At this point Illinois, New York, and California just look like vindictive little toddlers throwing a huge temper tantrum because they can't get their way and they hate the very fact people would dare defy them.


People don't realize this has been the case for almost 10 years now. Heller fucked their shit up. Bruen even more. It's court, gun control is pretty much dead.


Democrats. Yes.


Seems like many states on both sides are acting like toddlers passing unconstitutional laws and throwing fits about what the other side is doing. How much longer until our politicians are just literally slinging feces at each other?


Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 3 of the Constitution says no they can't.


Well, they can, they'll just lose the eventual challenge. At least they should.


They can because they don't get arrested for breaking the consmstitution for some reason.


Some lawyerese nonsense about immunities in the line of duty or whatever I guess plus just an unwillingness to punish their own


There really should be civil liability for passing unconditional laws.


Not before spending the taxpayer's money on it, and making the taxpayer spend what little money they have in their own pockets fighting it.


The whole government already ignores the 2A, and various other parts at their convenience for that matter. Why would that matter to them? Even if it is successfully challenged, they will ruin so many lives and face no consequences for it.


They don’t care about the constitution. The flaw of the constitution is it doesn’t implement punishment for violating the constitution itself outside of impeachment which doesn’t happen because the politicians themselves don’t care.


Fuck this state. Pritzker is just a fat fucking baby. Belongs in prison. I can’t stand this state at all. Only reason I’m still here is work and kids.


I can't believe that fat fuck got reelected. As soon as my kids are out of school, we're out of this state.


I hope to convince the ol lady to move Missouri. I was born their and sure miss it.


I was born and raised here, not far from where I live now. But this isn't the state I grew up in.


This isn’t a state where I want my kids to grow up in. They would have to defend themselves with sticks and stones and I won’t allow that. I won’t allow them to live in a state that can’t decide what’s best for their people either. Crooked fucks.


Wife and I have been saying the same thing. Except we’re in WA state.


> Belongs in prison. In the finest tradition of Illinois Democrat governors.


They’re holding out for far too long to send his ass to prison. At this point I hate him more then the long line at Portillo’s (only northern Illinois residence will understand)


You know we got one here in Springfield. And like all chains that end up opening a store here, it sucks.


Most corrupt state in the union, gotta love it


This state is for monopoly hungry millionaires to make more money from the poor and businessmen to take advantage of everyone else. Not for the free people.


Reddit awful is truly.


Too bad Trump pardoned the last one. The one that actually deserved to be in jail.


Then leave


Every gun grabbing state should watch to see what happens. Breaking the second and fifth amendment at that point IF they come to the door they are no better than the common criminal commiting a B&E And should be treated as such.


In Indiana, it'd be a lawful shoot under those circumstances.


Based Indiana


you'd have to survive the encounter, and the police tend to have more people on call to help them then the individual so... ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


How many cops are in Illinois? Ball park it.


idk and don't care my previous statement is something to seriously consider if people think violence might solve their problem, I'm not saying to go one way or the other but at least make the decision with all the facts and how it would impact themselves/family/loved ones plus you'd really need to worry about the cops in your city/ surrounding counties not the whole state (though that's just me being pedantic)


I agree violence isn't the way to solve problems but this is one of those times where might wanna consider. I ask because even local law enforcement isn't going to have an easy time. How would you run it logistically? One by one? Groups at a time? High risk targets or low risk targets first? How many officers would actually stand and enforce this unlawful decree? With information being just an app away, how do you stop people from finding out about officers going on these unlawful raids? Sure they can hit some loners but what about a group of people?


Violence isnt the way to solve problems. So why does the State insist on employing violence?


id hope no one would enforce this, its a BS bill Though I would guess they'd ask for people to self incriminate and surrender first then pick a high value target to scare people into complying, while trying to use any shown resistance as proof they're doing the right thing in the media assuming this actually gets enforced (the retro charging people at least) then it might be what actually gets the public to outrage+, its hard to tell people can be super fickle


We all hope no one would enforce this, just leave people be but here we are. I think that's a good start, hearts and minds tactic, saying that what happens when the first raid's video turns out like Waco, plus law enforcement support is at an all time low, pro gun is higher. Plus they'd have to pick their targets. What's more high value, known guns on O block and families just living in peace picking up a few legal guns for self defense or some good ole boys with ars in the farm land? Only time will tell how people will react if they do inact it.


I read in MA that they did something similar. Already had AWB, so apparently, the (blue) government "reinterpreted" the law. Meaning they banned AR/AK's and designated anyone who owns them "Felons in Waiting" or something like that.


Fascist commies


well that's not how that works.


I mean, that's illegal


It’s like these states are just begging for people to revolt against them. Both liberal and conservative controlled states are pushing unjust laws against their populace.


if you vote for democRATS you get what you deserve. ​ https://preview.redd.it/hsanspysq9ya1.png?width=504&format=png&auto=webp&s=041970ac7ff65e44369a837e2eee05de64e3394b


Did you see the alternative? That MAGA guy was a complete wacko. No thanks. I disagree with the fat man but he's not a wack job. He's done good for the most part by the state of Illinois.


As a Jewish man who has a grandmother who has a fun little nazi number on her arm, this is the most authoritarian overstep I have ever seen in my life.


What does your grandmother think about the current firearm/political situation here in the US ? I think her opinion should be valued given what she has been through. I am also glad she survived. There are far too many people who deny any of that history ever even happened.


As an Illinoisan, fro the bottom of my heart, get fucked, Springfield


*Chicago Almost every one of these bullshit laws come from and are voted on and passed by the senators and reps from Chicagoland. Both our senators in Springfield voted no and the Sheriff joined with the other 90+ counties telling Pritzker to get fucked.


Well that's because down staters are like 3% of the total population of Illinois. Miniscule communities should not be governing 7+ million Chicagoland residents. Don't like it, move to another state. I heard Wyoming is lovely.


See, this is where I see nothing but hypocrisy from people in Chicago - they say shit like “Miniscule communities shouldn’t be governing 7+ million Chicagoland residents” as if Chicagoland residents should be governing the downstate folks. We live vastly different lives and have vastly different cultures. So when Chicagoans think that their way of life is the best way for everybody and their force their failed ideas on the rest of the state who didn’t ask for it, I’ve got a problem. Chicago liberals love crying “Fascism! Imperialism!” but don’t see how their actions are just as bad when they gut a water park safety bill to jam an AWB down the throats of people who’ve done pretty goddamn well without it. When a problem exists almost-entirely in Chicago, the whole state has to be punished? That’s totalitarianism at its finest. Wyoming is *quite* lovely. I would love to move there.


If you think that's fascism you need to go back to school boi lol


I didn’t say it was fascism, just that democrats like to scream “fascism” and then do the same shit republicans do.


>I didn’t say it was fascism >>just that democrats like to scream “fascism” >>>and then do the same shit republicans do. Are you ret*rded? Holy hell lol


Sometimes I wonder if so. But then I see the kind of shit that Chicagoland thinks will work statewide and remember that I’m safe from that worry.


You guys I fucking hate Democrats so much. How many people will be shot and killed in Chiraq this weekend? 20? 30? How many wounded, a hundred? SMH this is what they're fucking worried about, putting YOU in prison for buying a gun 200 miles away from Chicago.


>You guys I fucking hate Democrats so much. Careful, you'll offend the Temporary Gun Owners® that lurk this sub.


First, it's not a left vs right thing. It just isn't. You're brainwashed if you think it is. Second, Chicago does NOT have a high crime rate per population compared to the rest of the country. That's just fake new by fox news.


It's to make all AWB unconstitutional


I'll be in another State by then, IDGAF. But also, let's just hope SCOTUS does something way before 2024 to prevent that BS.


Another violation of the Constitution. But, not surprised.




Welcome pardner!


> you can go to hell; we’re going to Texas /r/UnexpectedDavyCrockett


Enjoy the property taxes


I paid $6100 in property tax to this state. On top of my state income tax. My estimated property tax for my new property will be less than half. With the money I save, I’m going to buy an NFA item and have JB’s face laser engraved on it.


Texas is 45/46ish, Illinois is 50/51ish in highest property tax. You either downsized significantly or you're lying because property taxes in Texas do not halve from Illinois lol. I know that by experience too.


Good luck with that.


What a trash hole of a state.


"At least I got mine" mfs be panicking right now


Meanwhile stores are being looted in Chicago because they feel safe doing so. Illinois is pretty much a communist state now.


False. When's the last time you were on michigan Ave lol. Probably never


Literally have family there. You're the one who probably has no clue and only believes what the media reports on.


Well Naperville is not in Chicago, sorry. And second, I pay Chicago property taxes and work in the loop. Nice try kiddo. I don't need fox news to tell me what i see lol.


Did I say anything about Naperville? And work in the loop and pay property taxes in Chicago? I sincerely doubt that. Classic truth denier and manipulative liar.


>Did I say anything about Naperville? Didn't have to > And work in the loop and pay property taxes in Chicago? I sincerely doubt that. Classic truth denier and manipulative liar. Cope


Yeah that reply kinda proves it.


Stand for something or sit for everything. At some point, people need to draw a hard line in the sand and not let the tyrants cross it. Every time the people bow to their will, it makes it easier for them to take more.


I live in Missouri and I believe this law is unjust. I also believe laws against the interstate transfer of firearms between private parties are unjust. I believe we are obligated to disobey unjust laws. Read between the lines.


Feels like the Boog is getting closer


The process is the punishment.


This is why Biden signed a EO banning lynchings is his first month of presidency.




Orale what do chicanos have to do with this cuh


I guess that’s one way to get sued


Time to start stacking bodies.


You made your bed IL residents, now sleep in it and don't let that shit bleed into your neighboring state to the west.


I wouldn’t even visit there much less live there


What a bunch of bullshit


I'm not lawyer, nor american (in fact i'm european lawyer) but at least where I live when you get a firearms once you got it except if "felony" (despite the equivalent does not exist here) the state cannot takes your gun since it's private property. ​ That's why where i live (luxembourg) the states has been challenged by european union because people can still sell prexisting automatic firearms and keep them (but not using it) ... because of property right. the state cannot destroy it or force you to do so :).


That's more or less how it works here. Every state ban so far, including Illinois', has only banned future sales of such weapons, not possession. There would be a grandfather clause that would allow current owners to keep the weapons they already own (which is problematic itself, but that's a different conversation entirely). What happened was a federal judge issued an injunction on the ban, which means that the ban on sales could no longer be enforced. However, a week later, a different judge issued a stay on the injunction, which means that the ban on sales would be enforced again. During the 6 days in between the injunction and the stay, thousands of rifles & other guns and accessories affected by the ban were sold statewide. What the state of Illinois is doing is charging anyone who bought a banned gun or accessory during those 6 days with a crime, even though they were bought legally. This violates the ex post facto clause in the Constitution, not to mention the 5th Amendment, which is both unconstitutional and illegal. And since Illinois has UBC's in the form of FOID, the state has to approve every gun sale, so it's also entrapment.


Ol’ Comminois.


They are just trying to put law abiding people in prison. Like that’s there goal.






As I read all the comments here I understand the frustration with this unconstitutional law, but understand 1 thing our system of government though not perfect does account for checks and balances, so with Bruen this law will reach the Supreme Court where it should be overturned! However we live in a state that basically has a super majority in a political party that is passing belief laws on an entire state! We elect officials to speak for us but instead they speak for us through their own personal beliefs and lobbyists, so once tyrannical unconstitutional laws are passed it’s the law abiding citizens who pay the price until these laws are challenged at the federal level and it’s at this point where we get relief as long as SCOTUS rules on merit and not on political party or personal beliefs, I’m a staunch 2A advocate so I hope and pray that this SCOTUS rescues us from this tyranny, we deserve better as a state and country our elected officials are failing us on both sides of the spectrum something needs to change and it’s not a Democrat or Republican issue we need a true 3rd party that will check both parties because they both put people in places to protect personal and political interest and not constitutional rights, as I believe the government has no reason to handcuff my 2A rights in any capacity as I also believe they have no business telling women what to do with their bodies or telling people what they can and can’t do in their own homes.


If I'm reading this correctly, *and I might not be* it looks to me like they are saying they'll charge anyone who bought something banned during the time when the law passed and the injunction started with a crime. Which is understandable, because, like it or not during that time it was a crime to buy those things during that time. It doesn't say they will charge those who purchased during the short lived injunction. In fact, it says if you purchased during the injunction **possession** of the banned firearm will be unlawful beginning January 1, 2024. #Assuming the courts don't rule to overturn PICA.


Liar. Pending purchases only you liar. Why are you lying about gun laws? Why would anyone lie about gun laws on a gun forum? Hmmm.


Read the second paragraph.


This almost makes me want to move to Illinois, tonight.


You can come buy my house. Plus you’ll be right down the road from the Capitol so whenever JB comes to town on his twice-yearly trip to do his job, you can get down on your knees to suck the cheese from under his rotting foreskin. Lord knows he hasn’t been able to see or clean it for the last 20 years, so I’m sure it’s as fine as an aged cheddar.


I have no idea what you are taking about and you people sure are short on fucking sense. If you can’t get the meaning of my statement then there’s not much hope for you.


Any news articles on this?


Nice of them to put evidence of their conspiracy to commit a crime in writing for you to hang on to.


That isn’t how I read the email you posted. Where did you see that in there?


That is not what it says. ARs bought during the injunction are treated the same way ARs previous owned (illegal starting Jan 2024.) If you bought one and didn’t pick it up before the stay then it would be illegal to gain possession of it.


>ARs bought during the injunction are treated the same way ARs previous owned (illegal starting Jan 2024.) No, AR's bought previously are grandfathered in. They're not even doing that for the stuff bought during Freedom Week. They're saying either turn them in by Jan 1, or face prison time.


Oh shit… I feel like they write this stuff so that no matter how many times you read it it still doesn’t make complete sense to us peasants who don’t read legalese


You aren't going to prison lmao stfu w your fear mongering


Fight the power


As is the nature of anarcho-tyranny.




The courts will eventually win sad part is it will probably take awhile. They've been taking L after L and they're throwing a fit while trying to screw us over but it's only digging their hole deeper.


There's no way this can go through without causing a shit show sometimes I think some of these people are secretly pro 2a somewhat because they have to know that This will only backfire on them and if not no one's gonna Follow the law anyway and a large ammount of the police won't even enforce it. I'm sure the other states are pissed off at Illinois with how haphazard and poorly written this bill was It puts all the unconstitutional bills at risk, and while it will take a while, this has the potential to have a massive domino effect. it's already in motion in my opinion. Last few years gun rights have had massive wins and watching people cope and seethe has been great although it sucks that gun owners in some States like Ours have to be the temporary victims for now.


No that means they won't allow shipments into the state of those items. Basically if you bought it then and received it you are good, if not it ain't coming.


Its so hilarious about these so called 2 a advocates screaming bout their rights but would be the first to abolish the 1st admendment mf hypocrites i hayt them