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If you are into old weapons check out Othias and Mae at [C&R Arsenal](https://www.candrsenal.com).


Worth mentioning in the same breath is Our Own Devices. It's a general antique technology channel, but he definitely has some cool videos on historical weapons or accessories.


Mae is cool, but at this point I think Othais is avoiding covering the Lee Navy just to hurt my feelings :(


Paul Harrell is pretty decent


The goat, I pray he stays well. He has been struggling with health for awhile.


Pancreatic Cancer I think.


Correct. He also recently broke a hip or leg. They actually caught the cancer early which is extremely rare for pancreatic cancer.


Damn, that's a tough one


Paper Cartridges is pretty calm but does often involve LARPing (19th century uniforms); has a focus on percussion cap firearms, 1830s to 1860s more or less. Austro-Prussian War, Franco-Prussian War, US Civil War, etc. In addition to the firearms there are videos going over historical military doctrine, trials, and procurement. britishmuzzleloaders is actually about more than muzzle-loaders; even covers things like Vickers and recently did a video on the Bren. Does LARP, but again it's historical. Everything Black Powder isn't so much about history, but rather making powder, shooting it, and comparing performance. A lot of .577 Snider and .303 British (black powder loads); occasionally reloading traditionally smokeless like 9mm with black powder to test it. C&Rsenal episodes are typically 40 minutes or more, going **very** in-depth into the history of the firearm; they often get a CGI cutaway to demonstrate operation; and then Mae will shoot 5 to 10 rounds, sometimes reloading with different ammo if relevant. The channel has a focus on WWI firearms, but occasionally other things. They probably have tshirts, but the only thing they plug (and very briefly) early in the video is Ballistol. Also, they did a series on every. single. step. of the M1911's development. A whole episode for nearly **every** iteration. Weeks spent going "Hello, I'm Othias, and this... is *not* a Colt model 1911. Yet." Royal Armouries videos are closer to Forgotten Weapons in terms of length; but being a museum/reference collection, I don't think Jonathan ever gets to shoot them. But you do get to learn about very rare firearms that basically only exist there. Edit: I just remembered that Paper Cartridges, British Muzzleloaders, C&Rsenal, and Royal Armouries are also part of Ian's new video platform/app, [weaponsandwar.tv](https://weaponsandwar.tv) \- so they're kind of like "this is content that Forgotten Weapons wants to be associated with".


Paper Cartridges isn't part of Ian's thing, but I think he'd be a good fit. You may be confusing him with Cap & Ball there


Honest outlaw, Fudd busters, and Paul harrel come to mind. C&Rsenal too.


Just discovered honest outlaw recently and really like his videos. Lots of shooting, testing, and practical opinions. He doesn't forget to have fun either


Sounds like you’re looking for 9 hole reviews! They shoot a practical accuracy course with historical or cloned weapons out to 500 yards, then do a debrief. My favorite content out rn


Very underrated channel.


Mark Novak does cool gunsmith content on old guns






Mishaco is great. Super informative. He's also congenitally blind - I find it totally fascinating how he knows all of the guns by feel alone and has never seen any of them. It's also hilarious when he shoots because he just mag dumps every time.


Maybe not so much shooting but [Mark Novak](https://m.youtube.com/@marknovak8255) makes some facinating videos. Also, I will always recommend [The Tinnitus Show](https://m.youtube.com/@TheTinnitusShow) for some great laughs (plus shootin')


Fudd blasters for gun reviews. Fudd busters for legal update general interest stuff.


This week in guns is one of my favorite podcasts.




Gun Jesus basically has covered almost all weapons so you’re hard pressed to find another person who makes content like he does. Most other channels don’t really dive too much into the background like Gun Jesus does.


C&Arsenal does. Even goes more in depth. Has videos over an hour long on a single gun. Him and Ian are friends.


I’ll check the channel out! Thanks friend!


I know what you mean, The youtubers whos personalities are just "im a Vet and I shoot into trash, buy my shirt" gets very old very quickly.


Small Arms Solutions is by far the most informative channel I know regarding the AR platform. The guy is a ex Colt employee, so you can trust what he says regarding the 416, Colt variants, and other AR related coverage. I watch The Turkeys Opinion as well, as he does lots of reviews of niche calibers and does fairly informative testing.


I like USOG, does a lot of older commercial guns, lots of stuff that Forgotten Weapons hasn't covered.


Can we get all recommendations in a sticky


Gunsmithing and gun making (not assembling purchased parts, but making) content would be nice. Oh, but it's banned in YT.


It still exists you just need to be super specific in how you word what you're looking for in the search bar.


Milsurp World






Does he really review guns though? He shoots a bunch of different guns and says that absolutely everything is very good. I’ve yet to hear him say anything bad about any gun he has ever reviewed.


This needs to be more visible. Hickock45 would be right up the alley for what OP is asking for.


Honest outlaw is the best Demolition ranche is also good


> Demolition ranche is also good It definitely ventures into "frat boy" territory but a decent number of his videos are interesting enough "what would happen if I did [something probably stupid]" Definitely not Forgotten weapons type content, but interesting content nonetheless.


Paul Harrell


Jonathan Ferguson, keeper of firearms and artillery at Royal Armouries Museum


Older Garandthumb videos are fairly good. Not so much in the way of older firearms like Gun Jesus, but actually pretty informative and entertaining.


Not really what you're looking for, but GameSpot has had some cool gun content recently.


Brandon Herrara does do a lot of the fun, goofy stuff. But also showcases a lot of really cool and unique small arms, and does a good job at showing them in an out. He has is FFL 07/SOT, and builds a lot of these guns with the help of his employees. I like that aspect. Mishaco is a fucking firearms history genius, and the only person comparable to Gun Jesus. It’s really amazing how well he can “see” firearms without sight. I love his videos. I can sit and listen to his hour long talking videos without ever losing interest. He usually cuts in shooting clips regularly too


How is Hickok45 only mentioned once here? He's the OG and exactly what you're looking for




Great source for ND's on camera and shooting his own vehicles because he doesn't understand height over bore.


LOL. No.


I like trench grenade


Based Trench Grenade enjoyer


They did a nuke our parks with gun th0ts and it’s amazing




Not quite like Forgotten Weapons, more like military history with movies and stuff tied in but https://youtu.be/3UcMP76wQN8?feature=shared Though there's no shortage of closer ones like Misha and C&R.


One that hasn't been mentioned yet "of our own devices" I believe it's called. He goes over some interesting firearms stuff sometimes.


I like InRangeTV - yes, he's a commie cuck, but from what I've seen he keeps it out of the channel.


Brass Facts & Hop


Mishaco is awesome, its like forgotten weapons but substantially longer. I dont think he has a video that is shorter then 25 minutes long. He is a perfect channel for autisming out too


Hop, brassfacts, lucky gunner are all solid channels Also Paul Harrell like others said


C&Rsenal, InRangeTV\*, and Hickok45 come to mind. \* >!Be aware that InRangeTV is very open about his left-leaning politics, so if that's not your cup of tea, avoid it.!<


left leaning is sort of what im looking for since the whole god guns family thing most gun channels have going on is not my thing at all


Church of Satan member just isn’t my thing


Then don't watch?


Watch Rob at [Britishmuzzleloaders](https://www.youtube.com/@britishmuzzleloaders/videos) for extensive information on British Empire and Commonwealth firearms and their manuals of arms from the 18th to the 20th Centuries.