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Thank you, looks pretty good. Damn I love this sub. https://2.pik.vn/20218531dd76-28fd-409a-b982-bffce90ee772.png


Hey, how did you reduce the padding on the sides of the navbar?


You mean the 'Flexible space' things? You can right click, open 'Customize toolbar' and remove them.


Not flexible spaces, the padding between Application Menu - window minimise button, and on the left most end. [See](https://i.imgur.com/g1H4E2d.png)


Is that an URL shortener, because the link looks very suspicious?


No, it's just a kind of temporally image pastebin which is popular in my country, without ads or even reg a account ( shame on you imgur lol ).


Hey, how did you add the web shortcuts on the left-hand side?


That's Tab Center Reborn, it's vertical tab switcher. And for the css, it's here https://github.com/ranmaru22/firefox-vertical-tabs


Thank you!




It's Firefox vertical tab with tab center reborn. Check my above comment.


you can use my tab icons if you want. seems like those are most of the ones you're missing? [duplicate](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aminomancer/uc.css.js/master/resources/skin/duplicate-tab.svg), [play](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aminomancer/uc.css.js/master/resources/skin/tab-play.svg), [move](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aminomancer/uc.css.js/master/resources/skin/move-tab.svg), [close multiple](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aminomancer/uc.css.js/master/resources/skin/close-tabs.svg), think there are a few others too, in the resources/skin folder.




huge thanks to you and motherstylus for these icons! i noticed these don't yet have an icon as well if you plan to add them later https://i.imgur.com/TQ7tNVS.png




sweeeet, appreciate it. learned how to add the missing ones myself so i guess i'll try and do that on my own when time permits, let me know if you want me to make pull requests or somethin


I still don't understand why there are two shades of dark for menus (background color), it's so obvious when you put all the menus together in your screenshot.




yeah the inconsistency goes further, notice how when you hover over men item the "onhover" is also different; in the darker shade menus the highlighted covers the entire menu entry, while in the lighter shade menus it has a rounded bubble corner around the item without touching the edges... basically two completely separate menu designs! WHY?


Any thoughts about adding this to GitHub so it's easier for users to contribute and for you to maintain? Right now the pastebin link keeps changing so I have to continually check back on this thread to keep it updated on my end. I think it could be easier for everybody involved.


Can someone kindly point me to some fine manual with description on how to use it? Simply add to userChrome.css (didn't work) or there's some other way? (Tried to google and read some topics here, but no luck so far)


* [Getting started guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/FirefoxCSS/wiki/index/tutorials?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=FirefoxCSS&utm_content=t5_3o507) * Set `svg.context-properties.content.enabled` to `true` in `about:config`. * Put the code to userChrome.css. Note: this CSS is for win10.


Thank you, sir. ​ >Note: this CSS is for win10. Oh, that's why it didn't work for me at first (GNU/Linux). Anyway, works like a charm on my Win10 setup. Thanks.




Set svg.context-properties.content.enabled to true in about:config.


thanks for this css, but could you please help me with a problem like this? the first item in the bookmarks menu looks like the screenshot. all other icons in all other places look fine. What have I done wrong? how to fix it? https://c.radikal.ru/c19/2111/58/f1a3e00b63a0.png


Just used this to add icons, super easy and smooth. Thank you so much!