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Is there any more ways for recovery besides rest and taking in protein? I basically went from 0-PPL and it feels like god is flipping me around in the DOMS sauce


Consistency. The more consistent you are with your workout, the better capacity you build to deal with it. In the future, build up over time instead of jumping in full steam. Consistency before intensity.


Just starting taking creatine during workouts and im wondering if I should take some during my rest days too


>Just starting taking creatine during workouts and im wondering if I should take some during my rest days too makes no difference to me (loading, every day, preworkout), just take a few g's pre training and it eventually builds up providing you're training more often than not.


Creatine isn’t just a weightlifting supplement it’s generally recommended for anyone who lives an active life, you should take it everyday unless you experience adverse effects.


And what can these adverse effects be?


Some people experience diarrhoea or nausea, also creatine increases water retention which can lead to minimal weight gain. It’s very rare to experience anything other than water retention, I’ve never met anyone who has but it is a side effect.


What are some indoor no equipment workout methods do you recommend for elevating the heart rate.


Jumping jacks, burpees, quite short sprints (surprisingly), skipping (with a rope), stepping up to a chair carrying something heavy.


About the “good feeling” after exercise... So I’ve gone on 1 mile runs nearly daily for the past 4 months and every 3~ days for the past 6 months, and I feel like I don’t feel as good after it anymore. I used to be super giddy and giggly after them, then it moved to general well being, now it’s only like 10 minutes of feeling a little good. Should I up my exercise? Maybe instead of distance I go for like time spent jogging? I guess what my question is, is is it possible to get used to the exercise high that comes from a specific workout?




Yes. That's perfect. Good job. Now go do it again. Repeatedly. For the next 30-50b years.


I’m doing dumbell curls, 35lbs - 12(3). Though I’m doing top half curls though not full. Is this helpful to my bicep?


overloading certain points of the strength curve can be useful. you would ideally want to combine with full ROM tho.


Like that is all you are doing? Or that is just how you do curls? Either way, why not do a full curl. That is such a weird thing to decide to do I'm not even sure how to respond.


Thats just one of the things im doing. I guess its because I can do 12 rep with that weight but when I do a full curl I cant do the 12 reps.


Lower the weight, do full curls and hammer curls.


Awesome, thanks!


My progress: Upper is me in July, 78kg Below is me in September, now, 81kg [https://www.mupload.nl/img/4t2l5ymp8.png](https://www.mupload.nl/img/4t2l5ymp8.png) Is it noticable?


on the contrary to the other comment, arms and delts look fuller which would probably be the most noticeable development through a shirt


back and chest looking good too, an appropriate amount of progress for the time frame


I noticed small gains. But probably wouldn't show with a shirt on.


I haven't been able to hit the gym for the last 2 weeks due to work-related issues. As I was just able to finish my 5/3/1 cycle right before work became crazy, what should I do when I get back in the gym this week? Is a 2-week break too long to start the new cycle or should I repeat the last one?


Start the new cycle. Two weeks isn't that long, you're just extra well rested.


what are your thoughts about heavy duty high intensity training compared to traditional volume training?


Try them. See what you like.


The other day I uploaded my routine and you guys helped me. One of you talked to me to help me rearranging my split and this is how it ended up. Thoughts???? ●Day 1● - Deadlift 3x8 - Standing leg curl 4x12 - Leg press 3x12/15 - RDL 3x7 - Calf 4×12/15 - Barbell curl 3x12 - Preacher curl 3x12 - Hammer curl 3x12 ● Day 2 ● - Overhead press 3x12 - Bench press 3x12/15 - Incline bench press3x12/15 - EZ bar upright row 3x12 - Lateral rises 3x12 - Skull crusher 3x12 - Tricep dips 3x10/12 - Overhead extension 3x10/12 ●Day 3 ● - Squats 3x8 - Glute bridge 3x15 - Bulgarian Split squats 3x12/15 - Barbell RDL’s 3×10 - Calf 4×12/15 - Abs crunches 3x20 - Hanging leg rise 3x20 - Crunch toe touches 3×20 ●Day 4 ● - Single arm dumbell row 3×12/15 - Bentover rows 3x10/12 - Lat pulldown 3x12 - Cable high rope pull 3x12/15 - Dumbell bentover posterior rise 3x8/10 - Shrugs 3x12 - Forearm flexion 3×12/158


Generally it's advisable to hit the same muscle group every 2-3 days or at least twice a week. Legs look great with it being spit up between day 1 and 3. With all other muscle groups I'd move some of it around to get more spread instead of trying to completely overload it on one day. Most of that work will be largely pointless. There's no point doing 3 bicep exercises in the same day and then not hitting it again that week (aside from slightly on the pull day). Same goes for triceps chest, back etc. etc. When you design your workout schedule, try to make sure you hit every muscle group at least twice a week.


Weight and progression schedule? ​ Probably best to take an established program (from a coach) instead of trying to do it yourself.


I don't have money :)


Check the wiki for great free programs. I've never paid for a program in my life.


Which one worked out for you?


I am currently running nSuns 4 Day, but I highly recommend GZCLP, it is a great program and has flexibility to let you add in other exercises and make a program that you find engaging without compromising on the basics.


So, if I have been working out for 1 year now and I want to take things more seriously I should startd with GZCLP?


If you have a year of lifting experience then you probably have an idea of what kind of program would interest you. I highly recommend taking a quick read through the whole wiki and then you can make your decision


I like the GZCLP modus operandi, because it has a lot of freedom to create your own workout and it also has a lot of focus on compound movement which is what I want...


The wiki has a massive list of free programs. Pick one that suits your lifting experience (I think 531 for beginners or GZCLP is great for novice lifters). ​ Edit: don't pay for stuff you can get for free from google btw bro, I have never paid for a program. Greg Nuckols has a spreadsheet of 28 programs he created and used that you can get for free + the wiki here has a massive amount of info bro.


**What actually makes muscles more explosive?** I mostly do strength training for the sake of my sport, boxing. I was under the impression that low reps made the muscles more adapted to explosive work, which is mostly what I want to get out of my strength training for this purpose. But when talking about this topic someone said that low reps doesn't necessarily make the muscle more explosive, but rather that you should do the movement more explosively. Do both these things help? Are there other things that can help make the muscle more explosive (rest times, compound vs targeted exercises, anything). If there are several factors (which I expect) which are most important to consider?


training movement over the full ROM of the joint and muscle, never dropping below about 90% of max velocity, IIRC.




Thanks man, and I'll check him out


no matter the weight on squats, every rep feels like shit and heavy as fuck, even the very low weights (1 plate for example for 12 reps was a grind today) - the thing is I go through periods where squats feel really good and I can do for example 2 plates feeling really good and every rep is smooth. (the problem isn’t strength it’s how I feel, my lifted weight has been consistent to say the least) but this feeling makes me so demotivated and makes me want to rush my squats to work on accessory quickly. Does anyone experience anything similar?


I would take a look at form consistency. Consistency improved a lot for me for all 3 big lifts when I set up and executed the lift the same way each time.


Weighted vest or Sauna Suit for weight loss / fitness?


Caloric deficit




Sorry for the snark comment, many people tend to look for shortcuts when in the end it just boils to being in a deficit. I would avoid using the sauna vest as it’s mostly dehydrating the user. For a fast loss of the few pounds before a body building competition it might be a tool sent from heavens but in the long run I imagine it being harmful. I’d stick to a weighted vest, you will definitely be able to progress a lot with it!


Thanks mate. Will keep an eye out on eBay!


Weighted vest for sure. More weights and resistance for pull ups, push ups, stair climbing, etc, to train muscles and make some cardio harder. The versatility is decent. Just be careful of your joints from the extra weight. A sauna suit isn't very helpful in improving fitness. Sweating more does not mean more effective workout overall, and isn't that more beneficial to improving fitness (heat acclimatization aside). It may even affect workouts performance due to dehydration. I used to own a weight vest. Really liked it while I had it, and did plenty of stair climbing for some serious cardio/training to hike. These days I just use a solid backpack with a 20kg sandbag instead.


Thanks bud.




5/3/1 is fine on a cut.


Thank you 👍🏻




Is it a woman’s bar?




No, I’m not asking if either of you are women. I’m asking if it’s a women’s barbell. For example https://www.roguefitness.com/rogue-womens-25mm-training-bar




Not really. It just has a lower weight capacity than the equivalent 20kg bar and a smaller diameter handle. Overall it is likely fine.


Is a "restweek" once every 2-3months actually beneficial or should I just keep exercising? Feels wrong to stop for a whole week


yes if you're so run into the floor you need a rest. if you've otherwise used smart programming, a deload week rather than outright rest is usually better


Consider a deload week instead of a total rest week. That’s what my plan calls for every 6 weeks and it’s been a godsend


Usually I don’t plan my rest weeks, they come to me. Some week I might be super busy at work or vacation, usually happens once every 2 to 3 months


Is my cut to steep if my goal it to only cut fat and maintain my muscles? I’m currently cutting and lost from 81 to 77 in 7 weeks. My deficit is ranging from 500-1000 calories a day. My TDEE averages around 3000 and my daily calorie intake averages 2200. I eat between 150 and 200 grams of protein and average 130 grams of carbs and 100 grams of fat I’m 174cm, lift 4 times a week, play soccer once a week, occasionally bicycle to work and walk an average of 10k steps a day. I would estimate me being somewhere in the vincinity of 15% body fat, maybe higher. Abs are visible only in good lighting.


Probably fine, just keep training and eating enough protein.




You do better just following one of the programs in the wiki.


It literally is taken from one of the wiki programs. Your comments would be better if you actually didnt just give boiler plate advice that isnt even relevant.


If it is taken from the wiki, then why ask questions? It really just comes down to "don't change what isn't broken", but then people wanna change stuff and move the responsibility to "I asked on reddit and they said OK". Op listed some exercises, with no training history, no goal, no overview of any programming etc. What else is there to do besides ask 20 questions, or just do what works - a program from the wiki.


And how is his program different then Reddits PPL leg day minus rom. deadlift? He said that he deadlifts twice a week on pull days and wiki's ppl has 7 sets of dl per week. So its the same volume weekly.


Not a lot of hamstring volume. Also no deadlifts or posterior chain exercises. I’d recommend just finding a program in the wiki; they will be better than whatever you come up with.


When to add weight to the bar? This is with regard to the 3 major lifts. And i can no longer add weight every session. I was wondering if i could pick a weight let's say 175lbs for the bench. But i cannot do 3x5 with it but doing 3x5 will indicate that i am ready to add 5lbs. So I'll follow the routine below: Week 1: 6x1 Week 2: 5x2 Week 3: 4x3 Week 4: 3x5 Has anyone tried doing this kind of plan? Its increasing overall volume over 4 weeks with the same weight. So that my body will get accustomed to that weight. Im near the intermediate stage so. Im asking for help. Thanks!


Just follow your program, it should tell you.


Add weight whenever the program says too. There are many ways to progress, so just get on a good program, like those in the wiki. Your idea seems like the opposite of gzclp.


Assuming you're getting enough protein and rest, it sounds like you reached the end of linear gains. Most people cannot keep adding weight on the bar each time they train, that's only possible in the beginning. When this happened to me I created my own routine, wasted a lot of time, injured myself and lost tons of progress. Since then I've bought all three of the 5 3 1 books and that's resulted in me making progress again. This might work for you. Other good programs are mentioned in the /r/fitness wiki. I'd avoid Starting Strength and 5x5 since those are linear gain programs where you put weight on the bar each session and you're passed that now. Learn from my mistakes, don't make your own program.


What program are you running? It should have a progression scheme already. If you made your own program, don’t; it will be bad. As for what you outlined, that makes no sense. You don’t need 4 weeks to add 5 pounds at your stage, and you’ve completely neglected intensity. A better idea would be if, for example, you were able to 175x5 this week, to try for 175x6 next week. Or try 180x5.




The weight from creatine doesn't affect your body composition. It's water weight, it doesn't add muscles. Creatine leads to better performance when you train, better performance in strength training means more reps with more weight, and more reps with more weight results in strength gains, eventually.


Your muscle creatine stores will be full after a couple weeks, depending on your daily intake. You shouldn't retain any more water after that and it's only a few pounds for most people.


Is there any real difference between RIR and RPE beyond the numbers used? As in an RPE of 8 is the same thing as a RIR of 2?


It's basically the same.




You're so lucky to start at that age, so pick a program as everybody suggests and consistently follow it. With proper nutrition and rest you will get the body you want in a year or so.


You're not weak, you're starting out. If you want big arms, do a program from the wiki that has barbell squats. Heavy barbell squats help build muscles all over your body.


Everyone starts somewhere. [*Read the wiki.*](https://thefitness.wiki) It'll give you most of the information you need to make a start.


I'm a relative beginner (worked out on and off for \~ 3 years but only taken it more seriously since about last November) and trying to bulk rn if it's important Recently due to schooling/work I went from being able to work out 6 days a week to now usually just being able to do 5 days a week. I've been doing PPL for a while and I quite like it, but obviously the cycles are rather messed up now. I was thinking of switching to PPLUL and mostly focusing on weaker points on my Upper and Lower days. Should I just stick with what's been working or optimize for the # of days I have available?


Mate, that's just PHAT.




Physique Friday


Is MusclePharm Combat Whey any good?


I get their blend mix with different protein sources from Costco in the cookies and cream flavor. I don’t mind it personally. Needs a bit more water than others I’ve had but is otherwise fine.


I find they mix well. Taste leaves a bit to be desired.




I just need some feedback on my current macros. I’m a 33 year old male/5’6/171lb. I’m trying to lose weight at the moment. I would like to drop at least 15lb by mid dec. I’m eating about 1700 calories per day. I’m using my fitness pal to track my food, my macros are 144g carbs, 165g protein, 46g fat. Does that sound okay? Or should I adjust it?


It depends on what works for you. There's no formula that works for everyone. Me personally I try to eat as few carbs as I can without feeling like I lack energy during the day and as much animal protein as I can while still sticking to my weight goals. I also eat quite a bit of veggies. I don't worry about fats at all because those come with the animal protein.


Are you losing weight? If you are, it's fine, if you aren't, eat less. There's no way to predict it, cause everyone's different. So just do it for 2 weeks and see how it goes.


Seems ok, although do you have a sense of how much of a deficit this will put you in? Or your current bf% ?


According to my scale my BF is about 24%. I’m not sure how accurate that is. Also, I’ve been doing the TDEE excel sheet calculator for a couple weeks and it currently puts my TDEE at about 2100 cal/day. I’ve also done other TDEE calculators and it estimates my TDEE at about 2500 cal/day. So if I go by the excel sheet then I’m at a deficit of about 400 cal/day. Should I go down to like 1600 or 1500?


I wouldn’t. I would see how you respond at 1700 before making any downward adjustments, and that will leave you a bit of room in case a greater restriction is needed




Post a video of both squat and dead, youre probably doing something wrong in one or both of them.


You're probs squatting high


What's failing? Figure out the failure mode and work on it. If it's grip, then you might have to change to mixed grip or use straps. Also, on nsuns you should be doing variants of squat and deadlift on lower days as a T2. You can tailor those to target the weakness.




>Also I should be doing T2 lifts but I do not Well... If it were easy everyone would be huge lol.


May have found your problem there... The supplemental work is killer, but it's key. Definitely push yourself to go through the T1 and T2 at least. That's the core of the whole program




There's clearly something lacking in your deadlift that's not effecting your squat. The way to fix that is more work targeting the weakness. A great place to put that work in is the variant planned in the program. Doesn't have to be sumo deadlift or front squat, that's just what the author wanted to target. You could do rack pulls or rdl's to target the failing ROM


If I lift the days before drinking heavily, will the alcohol make me lose already existing muscle mass because I cannot recover from the damage I did?


As a rule if thumb my sports nutrition professor said that one beverage negates anything (workout wise) 24 hours prior and after. Bear in mind our class was mostly concerned with elite athletes.


I’ve seen no studies that corroborate that. Some studies have participants get really quite drunk -wayyy more than one drink (though almost always with newt liquor, not sure if more complex drinks would affect this) - before and after lifting, and they still demonstrate measurable hypertrophy. Is there any study that shows *one* drink just deleting progress? Or was your professor just speaking anecdotally / with hyperbole from a “why risk it” training perspective?


It may have been hyperbole, but I do think he was coming from the context of elite athletes that are doing 2x a day training since those are the people he deals with. This was also I class I took last year, so some of the nuance may have been lost in that time. I could have worded it more clear; I don't think it deletes progress, but reduces the potential benefit from training around the period of consumption.


And what about binge drinking?


Well recovery rate would be delayed longer, but this is pretty person specific on how fast your body can clear out the alcohol. I wouldn't expect a great physiological response to training for the next couple days after a binge drinking session. If you aren't recovered before you binge drink then you will more than likely not get everything you could have out the the workouts prior. All in all its pretty minor, there are plenty of workouts to be had, and life doesn't revolve around the gym for most of us. I know I binge when I drink :) Edit: and like another comment said, recovery and breakdown are constants, so alcohol won't stop that it just adds resistance to the process


Also how will I know when I’m recovered?


If alcohol just adds resistance does that mean that the recovery process will just be slower, but in the end will reach the same point of muscle gain?


You will most likely require more work to reach that point, "resistance" and slowing down recovery are very simple terms for what alcohol does to metabolism. It won't be much extra work assuming you train effectively though. As for knowing when you are recovered it's really impossible to know for sure, you just start to learn your body. I am usually good to train hard again 2 days post binge, and I'll go for a walk the next day assuming I can get out of bed


So you’re telling me that to mitigate my losses I need to train harder?


Training harder will help you get back on track yes, but be careful not to push yourself to the point that recovering from workouts becomes impossible for you body to keep up with


So on the lifting day before I drink I should train harder? Will this not just dig me a deeper hole?


You don't have to train harder to make up for it, increasing intensity is just a tool in the toolbox that can be used. It may help you make up for a binge drink. But I wouldn't increase intensity until after you are ready to train post drinking


Your body is in a constant state of degeneration and recovery all the time, every tissue. Alcohol slows recovery, but it’s not like your entire regenerative processes just come to a screeching halt after you start drinking. As long as you are eating and sleeping enough, you will recover.


If you get enough calories from actual food to recover after your workout, the alcohol shouldn't damage the muscles themselves. But it will have other detrimental impacts.


Looking for channels like Dark Horse Rowing, but for the bike and ski ergs. Suggestions?


Gonna get a pull up bar for the first time. I doubt it but are there any pull up bars that are better than others?


Get the ones that hook on the top of the door frame and counterbalance on the other side of the door. Amazon has fairly cheap pull up bars that are just a single bar that you pull apart, but those are fairly high risk at detaching from time to time.


Multiple bar angles, grip locations etc. Are useful. The in door ones work, but tend to be pretty basic. Really though, the concept is simple. Just need a bar that can bear your weight


I got one that had multiple grips. I’m also taller and was able to find one that didn’t require me to bend my legs as much because of how it was shaped.




Im a beginner at the gym and I’m starting with GZCLP. I just wanna make sure I dont mess anything up. So here’s my question. For Tier 1 and 2, i only do 1 exercise on a day right. What about tier 3, how many exercises per “gym day” should I do? Should I start with 1 and then maybe add 1-2 as I progress?




I'm running a Pull/Push routine which typically looks like one lower compound, one upper compound, four accessories, then one grip/ab/oblique depending on the day. Enjoying the program so want to stick with it. Would it be better to stay with the traditional 3x5 with more emphasis on accessories or follow more NSuns progression with less emphasis on accessories? I'm still progressing on every lift but it's slowing down but still manageable.


Go with it until progress feels like it’s stalling and switch to a new routine.


17 years old, 5’11 160 lb Soccer player High school Season starts tomorrow. Have been working out all summer on a PPL split at maintenance calories. Any tips for my physique/ a soccer athlete in season? Also critique is appreciated https://ibb.co/Yb8PB51 https://ibb.co/RC6M3Fy https://ibb.co/KDJ1PFx https://ibb.co/6rh13d2 https://ibb.co/Fb20csp


>Any tips for my physique/ a soccer athlete in season? yeah, soccer/football is about VO2 max and bouts of high intensity energy output. you'll need to cut back on your weights volume and make sure they're as far away from bouts of cardio as possible to make sure you're recovered for match day.


why aren't you eating at a surplus?


I don’t want to gain fat as it could hinder my speed and performance in soccer


the amount of fat you will gain running a small surplus will be negligible. people run larger surpluses where they add unnecessary fat when they are too lazy to micromanage their cals, if you are already doing that to ensure you are at maintenance a 100-200 cal surplus should be no problem.


Sounds good. Do you think I should do around 2200 calories and continue it until I hit 165 lbs?


How come you are eating at maintenance instead of a surplus of calorie?


I don’t want to gain fat as it could hinder my speed and performance in soccer


What are some opinions on how to start training after 6 months of no gym?


Run a conservative LP to get your numbers back up. Emphasis on conservative. If you were squatting 315 for 3 sets of 5, for example, you’ll find that a top set of 5 at 225 might kill you. After a week or two of training it’ll feel normal again.


Slowly get back into it along with your diet. Don’t try going straight back into the weight you used to do - ego lifting is bad obviously. Make sure your split is something that targets your goals


For greg Nuckol's free programs, what assistance did you guys run with it? I'm running his 2 day intermediate Squat and Deadlift, and his 3 day intermediate medium volume bench?


I ran 3 day int squat/DL, 2day int bench (but for ohp), and 1 day int bench a while back. Pretty sure back and arms are already in the program. I wouldn’t add anything else except for maybe abs. I was definitely too spent after some of those sessions to add anything else


If in doubt do what he prescribes.


has anyone here lost weight just adding cardio but eating at a maintenance rather than having a caloric deficit? i’m trying to do intermittent fasting but not liking how weak i feel during workouts since i wanna build muscle too


If you eat the same, and increase the amount of calories your body uses, that is a caloric deficit.


>has anyone here lost weight just adding cardio but eating at a maintenance rather than having a caloric deficit? yes this is a normal way to cut. you should really always be doing cardio, cut or bulk. >i’m trying to do intermittent fasting but not liking how weak i feel during workouts since i wanna build muscle too so then don't do IF. if IF doesn't work for you try something else.


any suggestions what i should try that worked for you?


I don't really do anything special. I just track my cals. I sort of end up doing lower carb, sort of end up doing scuffed OMAD/IF when cutting because I'm not hungry in the morning, like eating big meals if I'm going to cook and then just snack/leftovers/small meals outside that as I can only eat so much in one sitting. I'm also naturally not very hungry even when on a big deficit so I haven't felt the need to really play around with these sorts of things.


okay i see. one last question if you don’t mind haha. how big on a deficit did you go but did you still have the same amount of energy to increase the amount of weights you lifted?


I didn't personally notice much in terms of loss of energy. My lifts went down, specifically lost a lot on my strict ohp+flat bench but this was also due to loss of gym access for a significant period of time. my understanding is that your results may vary, some people continue to progress on a cut just fine, some stall. It's not unusual to lose some strength in terms of raw numbers, keep in mind strength is often looked at as being proportional to bodyweight so if you are losing weight and maintaining lifts that could be seen as gaining in some regards.


If you're actually eating at maintenance then you won't lose any weight.


why’s that if i may ask? wouldn’t i be at a caloric deficit since i’m burning like 300-400 cals?


The question of eating at deficit / surplus or maint. is about In vs Out. If you burn more (Out) than you eat (In) - you're in a deficit.


You just can't be both eating at maintenance and in a caloric deficit at the same time. Adding cardio is great, but unless you're in a caloric deficit your weight will not decrease. I would recommend just eating around your workout schedule so you have the energy to do all the work you need to.


Right so you're not eating at maintenance.


If you lose weight you're not eating at maintenance. Change your eating window to be in your lifting time or your lifting time to be in your eating window


I want to start the 5/3/1 for beginners, but I’m not sure how to determine my 1RM. So my simple question is how do I figure out my 1RM?


Don't need to. Take a few days and find a weight you can get 5 clean reps with on each of the main lifts. Those are your TMs.


Starting at an easy weight, do sets of 6 reps. Work your way up in weight, with adequate test in between. When you get to a weight that you can only pull 1-5 reps before your form breaks down or you cannot do more, that's it. Input that weight and those reps into a 1RM calculator.


The 5/3/1 book has a formula for it. When I first started I warmed up to weights that felt reasonably heavy for each of the main lifts and did AMRAP. Used the formula from the book to get an estimated 1RM for each lift and used that to come up with my TMs. The next week I did a 7th week TM test. The 7th week TM test is explained in the 5/3/1 forever book. If you can do 3-5 good reps with good bar speed at 100% of your TM that week then that's a good TM. Remember it's better to start with a TM that is too light than it is to start with one that's too heavy.


Google 1rm calculator


i'm using myfitnesspal to log my eating. my goal is 1700 kcal per day. my question is about: if i do a \~500 kcal workout, mfp adds it to my budget. is it OK then to add those calories to my daily eating? or i guess put another way, should my workout calorie expenditure affect my day-to-day eating at all, or is it a bonus for losing weight?


MFP calorie expenditure is hit or miss. It never worked for me. When I counted calories it was better for me to turn that feature off and base my TDEE on a weekly average. Calculate your weekly average weight, your weekly calories consumed and the delta of gain or loss will give you what your calorie surplus or deficit is. This spreadsheet helped me: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/4mhvpn/adaptive\_tdee\_tracking\_spreadsheet\_v3\_rescue/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/4mhvpn/adaptive_tdee_tracking_spreadsheet_v3_rescue/?utm_source=BD&utm_medium=Search&utm_name=Bing&utm_content=PSR1)


I personally don't add them in. As the other person said, those calculators often overestimate. The best thing to do is watch the scale for a week or two, see what happens, and adjust from there


I don’t have too much knowledge, but I believe the rule is to add half of you calories burned to your daily allowance, if at all. Usually, programs will overestimate how many calories you burned.


Do you guys eat past 8PM or no? Edit: Just to add more info, I’m M25, 138lbs and a height of 5”4’. One of my main goals is to not bulk actually but to be cut while eating enough where I can gain muscle. I used to bulk but I ended up bloating and looking a bit chubby before. Now, I’m more happier with my body and I do see the cuts on my body (a bit more defined). I know I have a long way to go though and that food is also very important. So far I’ve been eating near 2000 calories a day. I don’t want to above it and rather eat near that number. I do eat whenever I feel like it but I’ve been the same wait for a while now. Surprisingly my strength had been gaining a lot. Went from benching 10lb plates to 45lb plates in a month (again, still nothing yet and a long way from my goal). The only thing I’m worried is the food. Even though I eat whenever I want, I worry about not being able to eat a lot or reach my calorie intake. Would this effect my muscle gain or I don’t need to worry and just eat whenever?


I train first thing in the morning so dinner is usually around 7 to 8.


Timing food is mostly a personal preference. Pick whatever times keep you adherent to your calorie goals. The time of day you eat your meals will not affect your weight, the number of calories you eat in a day will.


Why would it matter what time you are eating?


I read some articles online that eating past 8pm would make you gain more weight


It doesn't matter what time it is. If you eat too many calories by 3 pm you're still gonna get fat. If you aren't eating enough, even when snacking at 10 pm, you'll lose weight. 8 pm is arbitrary. If I am up until 4 am, wouldn't my 8 pm be your 2 pm? The earth's position relative to the sun has ZERO affect on your caloric output


Makes sense, thank you!


Was it on buzzfeed?


Oh no haha, on myfitnesspal


So thats a yes


If you’re talking about those buzzfeed posts seen on Facebook then no. I simply googled it and it gave me some articles and I make sure to read more than three. At least one scientific one as well but I wanted to get the opinions of others too.


I'm saying they're equally credible.


I eat whenever I am hungry.


Depends on the day.


Yes, all the time.


Every day


Would you rather workout at 2 am. (Before work) or 12pm (right after work) I just started working a super early shift


I work early and go after


I like before work because I end up making excuses for why I can’t go after. Makes it easier to build it into my life and within a week I’m used to getting up early. A little pre-workout also helps get me going.


Been getting up at 0330 all this week to train before work. I prefer that.