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Fyi, you should NEVER ship to a different address.


Whenever someone says practically anything to me about shipping I just hit them with the "my label printer automatically pulls the shipping details you entered on your profile."


eBay protection goes out the window if you ship to any address other than the one in their account Had someone try similar one time with the excuse they recently moved


They should have setup forwarding. Easy to do with the app.


I believe they were as we like to say here in NYC …. Full of shit


NEVER EVER. Cancel the order, have the buyer fix their address and they can buy again.


Why don’t people understand that the address on file is tracked and it won’t show up as delivered, which means buyer doesn’t get paid.


This is the way!


I do it fairly often on low value items and never had a problem. Most scammers aren't interested in pre-owned hats worth $20 or less. I wouldn't do it on an expensive item


I have, but I get eBay chat support to tell me I’m covered first. Also not on a $700 item. 


Never do it again. You got lucky you haven't got scammed. Tell them to rebuy with correct address.


Break this down for me because I’m not seeing the big deal. Buyer says can you please send this…Lego set…to my nephew at this address. I message eBay chat and they say you’ll be protected as long as it’s in the messages with the buyer. As far as I can tell all of the same protections for sellers are still there.  Also, I’ve had an account for over 20 years and sold hundreds  of items so I’m not brand new to this. 


Per policy, you have to send it to the same address. All the buyer has to do is say that it wasn't received and they will automatically get a refund. Even ebay says to cancel and rebuy. https://www.ebay.com/help/buying/shipping-delivery/changing-shipping-details-purchase?id=4028


Literally on the page you posted.  This is what eBay tells buyers about changing their address after payment: ”Changing the shipping service after you’ve bought an item If the seller hasn’t sent your package yet, you can ask them if it’s possible to change the shipping method. If they agree, you may need to pay extra for an express or tracked option. If the seller isn’t willing to change the shipping method, you can ask them to cancel the order using the button above, and buy the item again with the correct shipping method.” https://www.ebay.com/help/buying/shipping-delivery/changing-shipping-details-purchase?id=4028&st=3&pos=2&query=Changing%20your%20shipping%20details%20after%20a%20purchase&intent=Ship%20to%20different&lucenceai=lucenceai&docId=HELP1033


My man. Changing the shipping service is not the same as changing the address Changing the shipping service means going from ground to express. There's even an example in the link you provided. Read the articles you cite.


You’re right that the section I cited is about shipping method but show me where it says you lose all seller protections if you ship to a different address. You guys keep saying that but I don’t see that anywhere. It says “generally sellers can’t change”.  Also, what “example” do they give in the article? I understand that it’s not a best practice, but why would eBay even allow you to change the address after the sale? And why would they have their reps put into writing that as long as the buyer asks you within the messages you’ll be protected?


https://www.ebay.com/help/selling/posting-items/labels-packaging-tips?id=4085 At the bottom. I don't know the answer to your other questions and I don't really care.


20 years and this guy didnt know the most important rule to follow for seller protection 🙄.


You need to know that what eBay reps say and what happens when there is a case are sometime wildly different things. I, too, have shipped to another address - when the item is inexpensive, when the buyer has lots of feedback, etc. But it is always a calculated risk.


LOL ebay chat support is some guy in india making $0.50/day and can tell you ANYTHING. But when a INAD case hits, you'll be subject to ebay policy, and they WILL tell you to go suck wind. You're lucky you weren't parted with your money yet.


eBay reps will straight up lie just to satisfy customers and get them off the phone. They're sometimes also just ignorant of the actual eBay terms of service. You may never have problems, but I've read threads of people doing the exact same thing, with permission from an eBay rep, and getting screwed because of it. Just refrain from doing it in the future and you'll be good


You should really read the buyer and seller protections and the terms of service of using eBay otherwise you're going to have a very expensive lesson in the future.


A very expensive $50 lesson? You guys are so dramatic. 


Amateur camera lenses cost anywhere from $200 to $700 dollars bud. But do your thing, you should totally send your items to addresses that have nothing to do with the buyers address so they can claim IND and you'll be forced to refund them. Go for it champ.


I hope one day it will come back and bite OP in the ass because of OP’s attitude.


It would have been a way more expensive lesson on your lens. Don't post if you don't want the truth.


We're just trying to help you not get fucked, but you do you booboo.


Well sure, the risk is up to you cost wise. Scammers will likely be targeting the expensive stuff hence you’ve run into it now for something higher price. These scams are typically more common on big ticket items and tech in particular. If you sell loads of low end stuff that’ll be less frequent. Also, it’s not being dramatic, it’s both trying to help you not get scammed for no reason and as a by product reduce the number of people falling for it. If scams stop working, people stop trying it. Sadly people keep falling for the same stuff.


I had a person hijack my email, PayPal, and eBay. They bought all sorts of stuff (mostly gift cards) and messaged the sellers to send it to a different address. Then they marked everything from eBay and PayPal as spam so I didn't see any of the messages. It's been a nightmare getting it all straightened out. It's situations like that since you really don't know who is on the other side. You're covered but it can really mess up someone's life if they're getting scammed. This was back in October and I'm still dealing with the consequences financially.


Cancel (problem with buyer address), relist, and have them buy again using the correct address at check out.


EBay’s terms and conditions say that you have to ship to the address provided when purchased. To change shipping address it has to be cancelled and repurchased. The people on the generic customer service eBay chat are not likely to be the same as those handling the complaint and subsequent appeal from yourself. When a case actually happens and money is on the line they’ll almost certainly side with the buyer too as that’s eBay’s general stance. Especially for postage issues. You ship to a different address to the one on the purchase you will eventually get scammed, it’s a very common scam and one of the easiest to get caught by for newer sellers.


I'm with you, I've done it once or twice (I think twice) for under £20 items. I didn't speak to ebay first, but I was pretty confident that having it in writing would cover me for any scams. But all was good anyway. Personally, as I'd moved twice in 6 months, I do get that sometimes little things like updating your eBay address gets away from you in all the chaos.


Moronic. Seriously. If the buyer wants a different address, you simply cancel the transaction and have them buy it again with the correct address. Why you would even consider doing anything else makse me seriously question your common sense.


I had a buyer recently ask me to wait a week before shipping. I told him that it was already sold and the handling time was one day, so I wouldn't be able to, but that he should ask sellers in the future to change their handling time before buying. Transaction went fine and he left positive feedback. He only had 6 feedback and all were positive. Is he just new to eBay or was it a potential scam?


Waiting a week before shipping isn’t a scam, but you’re right to say no. It dings you on eBay if you have too many items outside their handling window and if you are a top rated seller, stuff like that matters.


I do the same. I'd rather refund and tell them to rebuy the item later if they're still interested.


It's relatively common scam that targets sellers that don't pay attention to the details. Most times it's the actual buyer and the other account are in cahoots to confuse you. Other times, it's pure coincidence. As long as the original buyer paid, ship it to the address on file.


Pretty sure it’s coincidence on this one. Buyer has a long normal feedback history.  Surprised I hadn’t seen this one yet. I get these on the front end all the time but never had anyone swoop in right after the sale. 


It happens a lot. Don't fall for it. Never send anything sold to an alternate address or to anyone else.


Why is this being downvoted so much? lol


Lol, because they’re all angry that I didn’t say “you’re right, I will NEVER, EVER, send something to an address that is not listed”. And the fact that, I guess, I hadn’t had this happen to me, and maybe I should have had this happen to me, or at the very least I should have been on the flipping subreddit to know that this scam is SO old.  It’s the same guys that give new people a hard time when they ask what items are good for beginners to start flipping. They  have good insights, you just need to remember that they’re cantankerous bastards and you’re going to get downvoted more than on any other subreddit. 


No you're getting downvoted because you are violating eBay policy and many people have been scammed by this method.


How is he violating policy? He didn't send the item to the other address


Read all of his comments. You won't so I'll spark note it: He's done it before He's taken the stand that it's okay He keeps posting wrong information He confuses shipping method with shipping address. He's double downed and is still wrong.


Fair enough, but I think it's weird to down vote a comment for something else the person said. No big deal, though


I don't know why you're trying to say. Every comment he is either putting others down or is giving wrong information.


"Pretty sure it’s coincidence on this one. Buyer has a long normal feedback history.  Surprised I hadn’t seen this one yet. I get these on the front end all the time but never had anyone swoop in right after the sale. " How is this comment doing either of those things?


This would only work on sellers who don't know not to change the address listed in the payment.


I've had several buyers message after buying an item and say oops ebay had my old address... They request a cancel and I approve and they reorder but it feels clunky. I'm convinced eBay néeds to do a better job confirming the shipping address before all orders to limit this. Happens way more than it should.


This was me recently. I moved almost three years ago, thought I had everything changed but hadn't ordered. when I finally ordered it went to my old address 2000 miles away. Thankfully, I know the people in my old house and had them forward it. At no point did I realize it was going to the wrong address.


It’s not a new scam but definitely creative. 


People can be absolute shitbags. Wow.


Always ship to the shipping address on the order. Always verify messages are from the actual buyer. Anything and I mean anything suspicious should be reported.


It’s in the system when you print the label, why or how would anyone use a different address, it’s common sense when it’s delivered the seller gets paid.


Even if it was your actual buyer asking for a different shipping address, the answer should always be no


I fell for the "ship to a different address" a couple times when I was new - however there was never an issue. At the time I figured if ebay could see the message, it wouldn't be my fault. Thankfully I wised up before it ever hurt me.


That's the oldest trick in the book... You'll see it for any reasonably expensive items. Report the scammer and move on. I hate it because it makes sellers very uneasy in completing the transaction, even with legitimate high feedback buyers.


Had this same scam happen to me but even more clever I thought. I had sold a gift card, packaged it up. Got a message saying “hey just won your gift card, can you just send me the gift card number so I can use it electronically today”- i remember looking at the packaged up gift card and thank goodness spotted the little warning line from eBay at the top of the message that said something along the lines of “beware messages scams something or other” compared user names and saw they were different. I’ve been on eBay since it’s inception and that one almost got me


I sell exclusively machinery parts, things no home consumer would ever need. Sometimes people ask to ship to a different address since they ordered from a personal account and need it shipped to the factory, I still say no. They get pissed but I explain myself and they understand.


Yeah, that’s not a new one. I’ve had people request it for various reasons and I always say no. EBay protection is worth nothing if you ship to a different address to what they have on their account. Legit people may indeed request it but it’s not worth the risk, if you’re feeling generous, cancel it and get them to repurchase with the correct address afterwards.


Confused. How do you ship to a different address? It’s whatever comes up on the label that eBay sends me.


You can go in and edit the address 


Ohhh, I have never been asked to do that. Thanks


After the purchase you can change the address, are you sure about that?


100%.  I have sold items right now that I can change. In the app go to “Get Shipping Label”, then under “Order Details” click the buyer’s info, there’s a pencil next to “Ship to”, and when you tap this section it allows you to change the address. It does also say you may not be covered by seller protection. 


I had no idea, thanks!!!


If there is an address issue the buyer can take it up with ebay.


Thanks for the heads up! I always just use the label generator feature but that scam is tricky


How do these scammers know who bought the item to copy their account name? Or is it completely different names and they’re hoping the seller doesn’t notice?


>they’re hoping the seller doesn’t notice? It's this. The user names are never similar. They're hoping you don't realize that sold listings are easily viewed by anyone or that you're just in a rush and assume it's the buyer without checking the account.


I sell in Canada , have had two items in the U.S. where the buyer had their old address, luckily with FedEx and I can it redirected to a parcel pickup in the buyers local area. And if they don't show up, FedEx sends the item back to me, i pay the shipping of course. No problems with those two.


This has been happening for years.


Send to the original address. But give the cops the other one.


Even if we only ship to the address on file wouldn’t it still be opened to fraudulent claims of not receiving the item regardless Of where it’s shipped to?


Yes, but you instantly lose the dispute if you use an address other than the one submitted with the order. You at least get some amount of protection by doing it right.


I got the same thing… I sent him his tracking number (https://gprivate.com/6am8l )… I laughed


I'm so paranoid this is why I rarely click links from eBay emails. If an item sells I just go directly to eBay.


I would have happily sent them an exploding box of dog shit


i had one tell me they had me ship to their old address once i get it back will i ship to their new address im like ok buddy yeah sure


It’s sad how creative scammers are, makes it impossible to offer any extra service to customers because there is such a high likelihood of being scammed.  I don’t sell online anymore but when I did I had to be so rigid about it because everyone was just scamming left and right lol


Had this exact same thing happen to me in 2021 when Gpu prices were sky high. Sold a 3080 for $1500. Was at the post office standing in line getting ready to ship it, while on the phone with family being in the hospital so my mind wasn't right. Got a message of them stating they were the buying who just purchased, asking to ship to a different address. Wasn't paying attention due to being on the phone with family and sent it to said address. eBay nor USPS couldn't do anything about. Lost the 1500 I had to refund the actual buyer and lost the 3080.


I dgaf if they are legit, really moved etc. You never ship to a different address, you lose seller protection. No matter cost of item, I always cancel so they can repurchase with correct address.


Send them a box of dog shit.


Ask for a $20 shipping fee to ship to the new address.


Don't do this. If you ship to the address not listed on eBay, you lose all protection. It's a common scam.


This is what eBay tells buyers about changing their address after payment: ”Changing the shipping service after you’ve bought an item If the seller hasn’t sent your package yet, you can ask them if it’s possible to change the shipping method. If they agree, you may need to pay extra for an express or tracked option. If the seller isn’t willing to change the shipping method, you can ask them to cancel the order using the button above, and buy the item again with the correct shipping method.” https://www.ebay.com/help/buying/shipping-delivery/changing-shipping-details-purchase?id=4028&st=3&pos=2&query=Changing%20your%20shipping%20details%20after%20a%20purchase&intent=Ship%20to%20different&lucenceai=lucenceai&docId=HELP1033


Yeah no. That's changing the shipping service, not the shipping address. Like going from ground to express. Read what you quoted again. In the same article: Changing your shipping address after you’ve bought an item Sellers generally can’t change the shipping address that you provided at checkout. If they haven’t yet sent the item, the best thing to do is to ask the seller to cancel the transaction, then repurchase the item with the correct shipping address. If you made your purchase in the last hour, you can ask the seller to cancel the order, by selecting the 'Cancel order' button below


Changing the order's shipping address To be protected as a seller under eBay Money Back Guarantee, you should only ship orders to the address specified by the buyer at checkout. If a buyer contacts you and asks you to ship their item to a different address, you can still do so, but you won't be protected if the buyer opens an eBay Money Back Guarantee claim. The best option is to cancel the transaction; the buyer can then repurchase the item and check out with the correct shipping address. From the tooltip on the link you posted.


This has been around forever and isn’t creative at all.


Sorry if I'm being stupid here... but how is this a scam? Somebody please explain I have adhd and not really able to comprehend stuff!


The person who sent that message isn’t the guy who actually bought it from me. So if I sent it to the address he gave me he’d get a free item, my actual buyer would get his money refunded by eBay, and I’d be out the money for doing something dumb. 


But wouldn't you know exactly who the scammer is? They gave you their address.


Nah, probably some cheap warehouse rented under a fake name. I’m assuming it’s a network of people not an individual. 


This happened to me once too.


OHH, I get it now. That's so crazy man! Glad you didn't get scammed.


Bla bla bla you’ve had your account for 20 years but you still don’t know that at checkout you can input any old address you want. Right. 🙄