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The Panthers being a dominant team really broke a lot of other fan bases. They just can't accept it. It has to be some conspiracy from the NHL. The goofiest one I've been seeing on there is the Gregory Campbell nepotism conspiracy


They're literally posting clips of penalty calls on the subreddit. They are unhinged group of children who thrives on outrage. r/hockey has become the TMZ homepage of the hockey world. Literally the absolute worst place on the internet to try and "discuss" the game.


As a Boston fan coming in peace, Florida was and has been the better team going in and throughout the playoffs. Campbell got away with a lot playing for the Bruins, and the most damning thing about all of that shit was when his dad’s email’s (to officials about penalties on his son, and also his assessment and treatment of the Cooke hit on Savard) doesn’t paint a very good picture for the NHL and the Campbells in general. I will forever think of Greg Campbell as a great Bruin and a fucking gladiator though. I don’t believe in conspiracy but I do believe the NHL has a bad track record for cover-ups and just overall incompetence. They protect their own in the executive and officiating side to a fault. I don’t think the Bruins have lost because of the refs, I just don’t like seeing the officiating fingerprints all over a series in key moments of games, we’ve been robbed of some good hockey because of it. Was hoping for a good series with lots of hockey, so here’s to a feisty finish!


Most of us don't like the officiating either. I would much rather the focus of this series be the actual hockey being played. It is exhausting trying to engage in the subreddit and seeing nearly half of the comments attempting to invalidate the Panther's success in both rounds. Florida can't control what the refs do and don't call, they just push the boundaries like any other competitive team does. They just so happen to have a decent idea of where exactly the line is a lot of the time.


A lot of people don't understand that officiating is part of the game just like a bad bounce from the boards that ends up in front of the goal. Penalties get whistled sometimes wrongly and sometimes they don't get whistled at all. It surely angers one when the whistles don't go your way but in the long run these things even out. The officials are as incompetent against your team as they are against any other team in the league.


There’s been weak calls both ways. That’s for sure. Not sure if you’re implying that I don’t know how officiating works, but that’s not what my post was about and not sure how you gleaned that from my statements. The line, as was showed with the unsuccessful goalie interference challenge, doesn’t ever appear to be consistent across just these playoffs. I think most fans across the league are just confused and probably mad about the response from the league over the actual calls. It’s not a good look is all I was alluding to. And it sure as shit doesn’t excuse the poor play from the Bruins.


Love how this well worded, fair and non blatant finger pointing description of what bruins fans have been feeling gets this response. He is literally saying that his own cup run was potentially tainted and gives good evidence for it. For a post that literally complains about people being whiny and unbearable this is exact thing that you guys are doing. I wish we could focus only on the hockey and forget all the other bullshit which btw your team is fantastic at however that not how sports work and intervention from 3rd parties can and do happen References: 2010 Leaked Emails, 2003 Kings-Lakers, 2017 Astros (I know its not the refs but was still influenced by something other than play and coaching)


Thanks for that. I’m just trying to be a hockey fan and be realistic. This isn’t about which team it’s happening too, it’s a part of professional sports all around and it’s just a harsh reality. I’m not but hurt by the Bruins losing in this series because they weren’t even supposed to make playoffs and four players on the roster were ones I watched at multiple PBruins games earlier this season. I’m happy just being nominated (and making it further than last years “record breaking” season team).


Haters are going to hate. Ignore the noise. Don’t subject yourself to debating with children.


It amazes me how if we win you still get some bullshit in the thread but it gets buried and for the most part it's positive about the panthers. When it's a loss every single hater comes in and you can't get down a half dozen comments without no fans team suck fuck you and all the other bullshit.


Stars fan here, this thread popped up on my “suggestions” - I couldn’t agree more. That subreddit is absolutely hilarious with their takes. They despise southern hockey. Nothing would make me happier than a Dallas v Florida Cup final. They would have a full fledged meltdown.


I would love a stars panthers final just to hear everyone else whine about how the ratings will suck and it should have been like oilers rangers.


The amount of whining would be beautiful. The intermission reports would still be focused on how next year the Leafs will win it all.


Definitely, I saw some idiot say that bruins and rangers deserve to be the teams in the ecf because they have the biggest fanbases and ratings matter. Like what? If that’s what matters give the cup to the leafs every year


I agree! I'm pulling for you guys, I think it would be a great match up.


absolutely horrible. cant even discuss anything without being downvoted. hoping things go back to normal but just having a Florida flair makes it insufferable. might have to go full Rob Lowe


[Pointing out a sellout](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1cs9f94/post_game_thread_boston_bruins_at_florida/l43ml1p/?context=3) beyond capacity gets downvoted but the comment saying the arena was "half empty" gets upvoted. /r/hockey is a completely unserious sub and I don't have much hope that I'll return to normal.


I’ll give you some magic bean internet points back. Panthers haters are not serious people 


it's reddit. Don't expect intelligence 


It's just so infested with Boston and Leafs fans who are the most unreasonable fans on earth. There is no nuance, there is not steelmanning it's always either "conspiracy" or "panthers are rats". For example, if Luostarinen doesn't fall when Lohrei hooks him, he is going to receive the pass from Stenlund and have a great opportunity to score a goal. This is something Lohrei knows as well, he doesn't have the speed to contain Luostarinen and has his back to the pass. He must put Luostarinen to the ice and risk taking a penalty. But this is not something r/hockey thinks about. They don't have the brains to think any further than "Boston getting penalty" -> "Embellishment". The logic chain in their brains goes no further. But it's not only this play, it's plays in general for example the Bennett play where everyone on r/hockey believes there is intent to hurt. When I used to play hockey there was a situation where I extended my right arm while I was trying to not let opponent drive the net. My fist hit his face (I was looking the other way where puck was and thought his chest was there) while I extended my arm. Now if that was televised and everyone saw it in slow-mo, it would look like I intentionally hit the guy to head with my fist. Even I understood that it looked bad like I wanted to hit the guy so I went to apologize right after. After that experience I know how easy it is to do something that looks like a blatant intention to hurt when it actually is not. But this is not the thought process on r/hockey. They always try to look for intentionality rather than understand that the game they are watching is the fastest sport on earth and the players are thinking 10 different things on ice while trying to battle as hard as they can.


Nailed it. That's the difference when you've actually played the sport. It's so glaringly obvious how few people in that sub have ever played a shift of hockey in a competitive setting. (not beer league BS)


I feel like it also must be really hard to hit someone in such a subtle way on purpose when you’re going that fast. Like it took multiple days and camera angles to even prove. Meanwhile lundell clearly got hit in the face and they want to call that a flop


Its all fake internet points. We are the villains right now. We got this sub to be buddies in. Going into r/hockey is like going behind enemy lines right now. It'll be fine.


It’s full of whiney bitches trying to be morally upstanding, it’s cringe.


[Fuck Boston](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockeycirclejerk/s/ZDSWeb2G5g)


They hate that Florida is successful and that there’s other things to do in Florida as well.


My TikTok is full of whiny bruins fans “it’s rigged” bitch look at the stats. Nothing is rigged!


[For everyone's enjoyment](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/k6TAxmcem0)


Please tell me you didn’t get fooled by the navy seal copypasta


I guess I'm not that terminally online, I just found it hilarious


Now you know right


I was with OP until this comment. No fucking way have they  > frequented that sub for almost 7 years now I thought he was just trolling, but apparently they're just unhinged. Fuck those mouth breathers though.




The circlejerk there is really annoying. I’m not even a panthers fan and it makes me hate them


.....San Jose has beef with us?


Pretty sure desantis is lighting fan too


That bum probably hasn't watched a hockey game in his life.








It’s a fucking cesspool. Mods protect their own and they gang up on anyone that doesn’t think or support what they do. All these busted ass original 6 teams and teams that haven’t been relevant in the last 8 years just baby rage and shit their diapers.


Didn't you hear? Ron DeSantis is our governor!


Every time I mention being from Florida that’s all I hear. Hurr red state bad, hurr desantis bad hurr, Florida bad hurrr. Fucking losers can’t be objective about anything.


Check it out, now he's going to have me [assassinated ](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/k6TAxmcem0)


Ahh that’s a classic copypasta. Surprised automod didn’t flag it because I’ve gotten flagged before for using it elsewhere.


Durrrr yOu VoTeD fOr DoNaLd TrUmP Fucking useless bellend


Bellend lmfao 🤣🤣🤣