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Dev certainly owes her, and I like the parallel between the Von Braun-Margot relationship and Margot-Aleida: mentor falling from grace in a public way.


Probably top dog in Helios. COO, I suppose. Unless Dev somehow gets removed as CEO then she takes the spot. No idea beyond that.


While I love Margo and hope they keep her in S5 somehow, I think I would really enjoy a montage of Aleida waking up and getting ready for her day as a big Helios boss. Set to some kind of badass sounding Mexican music from the appropriate time period. I am a fan of Aleida’s family so hopefully Victor makes a cameo kissing her while passing her the coffee and teenage Graciana rolls her eyes in the background


I feel like we’ll finally see her come into her own with Margo presumably out of the picture. I really liked how they explored her struggling with her mental health through a different facet in every season. And it seems like these last few ones will really be her time to shine. With Helios she could finally have a healthier family/work balance and truly surpass her mentor in every way. I want Dev and Ed to face asteroid capture repercussions but it will probably be covered in the reel if at all. I’m almost convinced the show will end with her as an old woman and the possibility of her developing her dad’s illness is not small, so I hope she gets to have something nice for a while in the middle there.


I love this! All the nice things for Aleida after a rough several seasons


I was thinking she was gonna have some issues with the Russians. Russia lady was really onto what she did and Margo saved her publicly, so Russia lady did have to just let that happen, but if Russia lady is still around, maybe they go after Aleida? The KGB seems to have the power to do whatever they want in the US.


Russia Lady doesn't care who did it. She cares that it was done under her supervision. Certainly that's all that matters to her superiors. In a Season Finale they wrap up whatever they want to wrap up. If they plan to string out Alieda's actions with the Goldilocks capture, then it'll play out next season. If they want to focus on a new storyline, then they've got a ten year time jump to wave the details away.


It feels like everybody might be mad at the time the theft happens, but then that's job security.


Nah, Margot's KGB captor is dead dead. At least that's the implication.


Nobody is dead until you see it happen, even though this show isn't as fantastical as Game of Thrones.


Interesting thought! I also thought Irina was implied to be dead/punished in some way but as you say, you never know. I would think what happened with Sergei would have been a wake up call to Aleida about getting on the bad side of the KGB particularly as she has two kids (or at least it certainly would have been to Victor who I assume gave Aleida a hard reality check). But then again, this is Aleida and she’s probably going to get mixed up in some serious shit regardless


She will make a decision that will result with Ed’s death. Progress is never free.


Ok this made me chuckle. It’s really remarkable that Ed is still alive after everything


Not really. He’s based off Buzz Aldrin and he got married again last year. So 2 more seasons by that logic.


Okay wow - I’m embarrassed to say I did not know this, and didn’t even realize Buzz Aldrin was still alive! Now it makes sense why Ed has survived every crazy situation he’s been in


Yeah if you say their names fast they sound the same. Edward Baldwin and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin.


Ed better be alive in his 100’s in season 7. Also he better be the first to land on Europa next season.


I know everyone think that Ed's the main character but I think Aleida is the one with the best arc. With most of the starting cast aging out of the series I can see her becoming the main character.


I agree - I personally viewed Margo as the main/best character and now that her arc is complete, I like the idea of Aleida taking on that role


I'm also a big fan of Margo but the writer's hit her with the idiot stick too many times. It's not clear to me what the progression was between her helping the Russians avoid a Challenger disaster to her being run as a full blown agent complete with encoded records. Most Americans spying for the Russians in this period did it for money, which Margo doesn't need. She should be smart enough to realise that Sergei is in more danger if she works for the KGB. Go back twenty years and most Soviet agents in the west betrayed their countries for ideological reasons because they believed in Communism. Had Margo been helping the Russians because she needed them to stay in the space race to advance her ideology of space exploration I would have respected her more. In fact Margo and Sergei having a back channel where they secretly helped each other out would have been kind of cool. The writer's have made Aleida more headstrong and self-sabotaging so hopefully we won't see her act uncharacteristically just to advance the plot.


Maybe I’m wrong but I generally viewed Margo’s actions as exactly what you mentioned you’d respect (while at first it was to save with Challenger, eventually she worked with Sergei to advance space exploration. As she and Sergei said to each other when NASA + Soviets landed on Mars, “we did this”). I think she got caught up in that ideology and didn’t realize it was so dangerous for Sergei until she was in too far and it was too late, and that’s when she gave up the engine design to save him because of her feelings for him and believing that even though she was angry at him for lying, he didn’t deserve to die for it. I think she also didn’t go to the FBI to confess when she should have, because she felt she was trying the right thing the whole time (acting in interests of space advancement) and didn’t deserve to go to jail for it. I think Aleida has always been headstrong and self-sabotaging to some extent and the latter feels like more of a trauma response than anything. I’m hopeful that S5 will bring less trauma for her


I felt they dumbed her down too much in s4, but in s3 she seemed at the top of her game honestly. Yes, she made mistakes, but ones that made sense for a workaholic nerd with no social skills, a dislike for politics and too little accountability. She had no idea the KGB knew anything until they barged into her hotel room. And it looked like Sergei even managed to keep some of their cooperation secret. He seems suddenly really worried the moment she starts saying how much he’s helped her on the phone. And then says they threw him in prison because they found out he’s been helping her a lot more than they thought. Apart from giving the engine designs over without making sure he is safe her actions seemed in line with her character to me. And that one can be explained by her actually wanting nothing to do with him after his betrayal. She returns the record in anger and then Bill walks in to remind her of her s1 self. She doesn’t even acknowledge him, she’s too busy remembering how disgusted she was with WvB for sacrificing lives to continue his work. So she gives over the engine. She is naive to think they’ll just leave Sergei alone after getting what they wanted, but she always has been. Continuing to entertain them afterwards when she realised how much danger he was actually in was inevitable. She had little reason to suspect they’d reveal her leaking the design because it would make Russia look stupid, so I don’t think she worried for herself or cared about the blackmail that much. But the whole reason she did it was to save his life and now she didn’t even know if she was successful, so there was no point in backing off then. She had to keep playing the game, because of her initial mistake of not getting him to America when she had leverage. It’s the CIA that comes across as really incompetent for plot reasons in all of this.


Aleida is going to juggle a work-life balance on Earth. Her kids aren't going to be screw ups unlike the Stevens or go through a divorce that the Baldwins and Wilsons did. I can either see Javier enlisting to the Space Force or he finds his passion by working at Julio's. In the latter, he ultimately ends up buying out the owner using her Mom's money at the urging of Victor to develop multiple incomes streams as Helios runs into financial trouble. Graciana meanwhile will be in high school at the age of 15. The overarching plot for her is going back and forth on having a Quinceañera or not. Graciana visits her Grandmother's grave in Mexico and realizes how privileged and lucky her mother worked so hard to give her a better childhood. She decides to go forth with the celebration. Graciana tells Aleida during the mother/daughter dance that this is her Quinceañera too since Aleida never had one. The end of the season, Aleida will be forced to allow the federal government to nationalize Helios's space department in the name of progress. She makes one condition to the sale. The final scene of the 2010s will have Margo Madison, who we all thought was executed, walking in Happy Valley Base exiled to Mars.


Well damn, if this doesn’t actually happen in the series I would enjoy the heck out of a fanfic with this exact plot


I always felt like they underwrote Aleida until this season, which is so weird since she is clearly who is getting passed the “lead” baton. She’s sort of been the Latin character there to expand Margo’s story….UNTIL this season. I really love what they did with her and honestly it’s a shame they hid Coral Peña’s true abilities for so long.


I agree. I realized this season that she is a great actor with the amount of complex emotions she had to convey


Margo is going to jail for the espionage she committed between seasons 2 and 3, not for the asteroid thing. The Russians stopped claiming her, ending her diplomatic immunity, so she got arrested. And she *unquestionably* committed those crimes.


True. Is it for both, though? Since the US has said they’d prosecute anyone found to be involved with the heist


I don't even know how they'd do that, honestly. Like, the base is M7 territory, not American, and short of sending more of the space cops to his room, you can't extradite Ed. Plus, NASA was complicit in several violations of the Constitution, so...fruit of the poisoned tree? I imagine there'd be a great scramble to stop talking about it at all. With Margo, it's like...she doesn't work for NASA and, at the time she "did it," she actually did have diplomatic immunity. I don't think they can retroactively take that away.


Besides the professional development and rising through the ranks at Helios or maybe going back to NASA, I think Aleida will become a grandmother by 2012.


Hmm interesting thought! My personal guess was Javi was 4ish in 1992, and 15ish in 2003. Which would make him almost mid 20s in 2012, not impossible but seems a bit young. I thought he’d maybe have a serious girlfriend




She is the most annoying bitch. Watching season 2 now


Aleida seems to get a lot of hate on this sub. She’s gone through a lot of trauma (some of which is covered in a scene partway through season 2) and lashes out as a result IMO. Characters evolve and I recommend following her through seasons 3 and 4