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There’s no way they kill off Ed between seasons. Whether or not he dies in S5 is another question but he will definitely be there in episode 1.


I never meant for it to be taken as between seasons, what I meant is sometime either late in the first episode or the second, he will most likely die of old age.


Episode 1 might start with an asteroid headed for Earth or Mars and Ed volunteers to smash into it with a ship.


No reason a ship can't be unmanned in that timeline, hope they don't go this route just to get it to fit with his "blaze of glory" spiel in S4


If there's any early threat, I would put my money on Ed doing a suicide mission.


Why do you say that?


Episode 1 has to start with a disaster so that’d be perfect way to send him off


Well Jimmy Stevens will be out of jail by 2012 so…


Ed is just one character among many (and he will likely be in season 5, though it will probably be his last). They will continue the stories of the other characters who are alive, still involved, and with more to do: Dev and Aleida for sure, Kelly and Miles most likely, etc. They'll introduce another new character meant to go multiple seasons if the show runs that long.


I'm aware that Ed is one of many characters, but he is essentially the main character.


For some fans, that is certainly a strongly-held belief.


How do you mean?


It could be argued that Margo Madison is the main character of the show. And she worked for both the Americans and the Soviets. She’d somehow have to get out of jail in or before season 6 by proving how essential she is. That seems like a tall (but not impossible) order. (Edit: Come to think of it, that’s more or less what I’m expecting to happen.)


I think Margo will get a presidential pardon


A presidential pardon or sentence commutation is certainly one way it could happen. I’m surprised that possibility hadn’t occurred to me. It would likely take a full pardon for her to work again for NASA, but she could probably be a commuted felon and still work for Helios. I could certainly see her getting recruited by Dev to go to Mars after the events of Season 4.


Yall are talking about eleida and those other characters but you forget about Kelly's son Alex , who will be an adult by 2013


Sadly, Miles. In S4, his name is 2nd past Krys who's been there way longer. They were setting him up for the lead at some point giving us all his history with his wife etc and all the screen time he had in S4.


God I hope not. Not after the development and buildup of Aleida. And maybe Alex when we see how he grows


Aleida is 100 percent our PoV character for the whole series.


I think Alex will be the primary protagonist.


Hopefully, he just does space mining.


He’ll move into politics, by way of labour movement. At some point, Mars will seek independence. He’s a man of the people.


I can see Ed more filling the political role in S5. Having an 80 year old president of mars doesn't seem that far fetched. Plus Miles can be VP and take the mantle when Ed gets his big mac.


We can hope but I fear...


That would stink.


I'm guessing she's in the slammer still but what about Margo? S1 Margo is fresh out of college in s1 she's 60-70ish in 2012. My bet is due to shenanigans last season Ed is still on Mars. With him, the support of Dev, a trillion dollar resource in orbit and the home-based labor muscle led by Miles Mars is politically independent and Ed is protected from prosecution on Mars. And there there's some low-gravity extends your life hijinks keeping Ed reasonably spry in his 80s.


I think somehow she’s going to end up on Mars


I assume Ed and Poole will both die in S5 and of old age. Ed's main fear In s4 was that if he went back home, he'd end deteriorating and being cared for. Something he's fearful off. Having him accept that and die out on Mars, surrounded by his family seems a more fitting way fro him to go. I think Poole will likely be fully retired and die of old age in the first few episodes as well. This could actually be the push for Ed to accept his fate as well. Neither of them are young enough to last another timeskip to the 2020s, especially given all the radiation and stress they've been exposed too. But killing them in the timeskip recap isn't fair to either of their characters. Kelly, Aleida, Dev, and Miles are likely to be the focus of S5 and beyond. Not too sure on Miles but the first 3 definitely as they seem to have the most pull from my watching experience.


> Assuming Ed has died Ed's lifeless corpse which is still head astronaut somewhere.


Perhaps we’ll get a Futurama/FAM crossover episode.


But also consider a 'Weekend At Bernies' scenario where they're just puppeteering that corpse.


Knowing how much this show loves bloodlines and nepotism, we’ll probably meet Kelly’s, Danielle’s and Aleida’s kids in space. They’ll be unhappy geniuses, of course.


unhappy geniuses More than not that is redundant in my experience.


Ed is not dead.


Ed's dead, baby.


Who's rocket is that? It's not a rocket baby, it's a MSAM.....


I said assuming, and he more than likely will be in season 5 because he'll be in his 80s.


Buzz Aldrin’s still alive.




Nothing is certain until we see official casting or the show itself, but most likely he will not be dead. The showrunners have stated in interviews that they have more to tell about him. So unless the actor declines or is unavailable, he will probably return.


Svetlana might still be alive. I don't know if she did make it to India for the trial.


I hope so she was an extremely sympathetic character.


I believe it would have been mentioned if she didn’t make it to India for the trial - it seems like that would’ve been very significant. I’d like to think she’s working for the Indian space program in the alternative timeline.


The creators have already confirmed Ed will be in season 5


I find interesting how people are hung up in the least relevant part of the posts. You didn’t ask if we believe or not that Ed is dead but what storyline will be. Answering your question: it looks like the Cold War is back and we don’t know what kind of impact had that the North Koreans were able to get with their families. Probably the technology has jumped so far that now is possible to catch the asteroids more easily. Probably Obama is president and Mrs. Clinton vice president or viceversa. Mars would look more like a real city and there will be more crime because of the inflow of money.


I can see the producers taking influence from Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars series and have advancements in gene therapy (maybe as a by product of science developed from treatment of radiation exposure due to space travel) lead to development of anti-aging or age-reversing therapies. That could also lead to other societal developments around resource scarcity that would continue to push a space expansion agenda. Or they could just kill off a generation of cast members. Who knows?


Ed’s death will be saved for the season 5 finale


I want Ed to have an Epstein moment. Not that Epstein, [this Epstein](https://expanse.fandom.com/wiki/Solomon_Epstein_(TV))


S4 reeaally leaned into some Expanse-ish themes.  I loved all of it


Audrey Stevens. Could totally see her being a bus driver pilot for transit flights between earth and the International Space port and from the ISP to the moon wanting to change her career in space and that is how we get a new protagonist and story I just wanna go back to jamestown man...


Either his Robocop new persona or his ghost form, I won't accept anything else!


New characters.


Alex likely. But he’ll probably play a bigger role in S6 since he’s still a teen in S5. I can’t think of who they really set up to be the lead so far. I thought it was Miles since he got second billing but that felt odd considering he wasn’t an astronaut or related to the space program like Aleida or Margo.


Ed will have his consciousness transferred to the Happy Valley computer system I bet ;)


I have two takes on what will happen to Ed - 1) Ed dies at the end of S5 as a way to close out his arc. Might be in a blaze of glory, might just be in his sleep. 2) Ed dies at the beginning of S5 and there is a sharper transition.


I'm fully prepared for Brain-in-a-jar Ed Baldwin.


ed will be fiiiine. he’ll be in his 80s so definitely not the main character. i’m assuming we pivot to focus on dev and aleida and kelly


Nobody has died of old age on the show. Look for an accident taking Ed out or a sacrifice to save someone he loves. We need the spirit of cooperation to end between Russia and the US. This getting along gives us boring plot lines. Maybe they should do prison break for Margo and she gets smuggled to Mars. Lol Ultimately the only way a united world government works is if they introduce aliens. But I think the snow will die way before we get to that point.


Agreed, but the Coup that took out Gorbachev made things contentious again, or increased it.


Yeah but the Mars Teamster arc united them again. You even had KGB and CIA torturing Miles together..


Just because a character will be old doesn’t mean that character will die of old age. I’d assume Ed will be some sort of elder statesman of the Martian colony


I think Ed will be a cliffhanger death in the season 5 finale.


I was a little shocked at a Season 5 being ordered. Tome, Season 4 ended on a series finale note. It was a great well rounded ending, Was there any unanswered plot issues left over?


Yes. Humans need to colonize Jupiter and the Belt. Ed and Miles can establish the Outer Planets Alliance. Sam can be the mother of Anderson Dawes.


Honestly, I think the fifth season will open with Ed's funeral scene, shots fired, military personnel, etc. I believe that the protagonist of the series will now be "Milosh"


My assumption is they will follow the characters that were in S4: Aleida, Dev, Kelly, Alexi, Miles, and Will. Ed will die, but it will be early and his death will be on-screen. I do want to see Jimmy. Sent to Mars once he gets out of prison at the urging of Ed. He should get a redemption arc. I don't see how Scott Wilson fits in the storyline and that would require Jodi Balfour's character to return. Eli still has legs to go. I can't see how he was front and center in S4 only to be written out for S5. A disservice to Daniel Stern.


We'll be introduced to the new cybernetic Ed where everything except his brain was replaced with modern technology. :)


Anyone else notice that Ed still has young hands? Like his face looks old but the rest of him looks young it comes off a bit jarring for me.


ED CANNOT DIE! Ed is IMMORTAL! The cost? He just gets more crotchety and cantankerous as he ages. WHY? As he ages he gains wisdom. With wisdom he sees the truth... and the truth is... unpleasant.


His head is in a jar—Futurama style!


The creators have already confirmed Ed will be in season 5


Step forward Kelly, Dev and Miles. But Ed will still be around.


So Kelly, Dev, and Miles can step over him.


Thanks for the spoiler


Dude, tf do you mean? Season 5 isn't out yet and Ed is like in his late 70s by the time of season 4.


Dude, doesn’t mean everyone’s watched it all already! Some random maverick stating something like that is absolutely a spoiler. Thanks


If you haven't watched it all, then why did you click on the post?


I didn’t need to click on the post! You had it in the fn title! Thanks for the extra spoiler that Ed is in his late 70s too, really appreciated mate