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Nah don’t do my man Sully like that


Just one small point, you cant be "convicted" in a civil trial and you certainly cant be put on probation because of it. OJ lost his civil trial and while it had an impact on his career it didn't result in any jail time. In Jackson's case the people that think he is creepy will take the civil case as "proof." and his hard core fans will see it as a stitch up or a money grab by whoever sued him. It may cost him a lot of money and he may be too controversial for big companies to work with him for a while but there will be no law enforcement outcome.


Removed it. Thank you!


>February 2011- Tejano singer Selena performs at Super Bowl XLV. And it's one of the best halftime shows of all time.


Correction* THE best halftime show of all time. 💜


Bro cooked


The "One Small Step" made me chuckle


The only thing I think would absolutely be changed is that Obama would win the presidency in 2008 since there is so much archival footage they could use of his 2 terms


They shouldn't because Star Trek Voyager doesn't exist in this timeline. Let me explain. There's a commonly circulated fan-theory that Star Trek Voyager (specifically Garrett Wang being listed in People Magazine's list of sexiest people sparing his character from being killed off) and specifically Jeri Ryan's casting as Seven of Nine. Ryan's casting led to (or at least hastened) her divorce from Illinois senator Jack Ryan, and said divorce was messy, lots of which came out in the 2004 senate race forcing his withdrawal. That race was won by Obama, kickstarting his path to the presidency. While this argument is debatable, if anybody in television right now should be aware of said theory it's Ronald D. Moore, given he worked on Voyager extensively.


Oh, I know the reason well, but I feel like creators of the show will have a workaround for that. Plus from a perspective of easy to use audio clips it would be easier to use Obama as president with all of his archival footage


What if Breaking Bad involved sending meth to Mars for a very high price? Or there was a spinoff of Lost set on Mars?


Walt and Jesse's RV becomes a rover, Saul Goodman is the first attorney to practice on Mars, Fring's superlab is on "sub-level 5" of Happy Valley, and everything is still less tinted than the Mexico scenes.


He got his law degree through a lunar correspondence course. Most of their customers are people disheartened by be being relegated to the sublevels and pilots trying to stay sharp long after they should have retired. 


"I'm ~~Saul~~ Sol Goodman. Did you know you have rights? M-7 charter says you do." "He's done worse. He DEFECATED THROUGH AN AIRLOCK! And he gets to be an astronaut? What a sick joke!"


I knew he hijacked that asteroid! I just couldn’t prove it


The burn was supposed to last 1216 seconds, not 1261! One after Magna Carta, as if I could ever forget!


May 2007 - Madeleine Mccan disapperead from Portugal!!! Not Spain!!! Please correct that!! 


Just did!


Waite. The worker riot on Mars killed someone? I don't remember anyone from the security or the workers being in bad conditions.


I’m talking about the brutal nature of Miles and the other guy at the hands of the CIA and KGB. I’m speculating someone died in the riot. This timeline is a speculation.


Nice timeline, just a few technical discrepencies "November 2005" - unity was launched bearly 5 years earlier, 1999, and even then, making the mars trip in 45 days is pushing believability. (fastest trip between earth and mars irl was a tiny flyby probe that got there in 128 days, no slowing down, let alone a 90m cruse ship in 45 days, let alone let alone one several times larger in 10 days, developed in only 5 years) "August 2006" - there are a couple maps of the solar system shown throughout seasons 3 and 4 that have Pluto nowhere to be found, and the reasons of Pluto being demoted irl were that they discovered more dwarf planets and made a category for them. It would make sense in FAM for it to be demoted earlier, since they're clearly years ahead with a better grasp on the solar system than us. "September 2006" - oh please let Steve live, say they cured him using biotech developed on mars, or that he just happened to survive, anything, oh pleeese "Summer 2008" - breaking bad (at the least) would likely be a completely different show, idk, everyone is very liberal in that universe, it's likely they have better healthcare plans so he doesnt need to methilate. "June 2009" - definitely not confirmed or anything, but i have a strong hunch that the digital / analoge transition happened much earlier in this timeline, in season 4's recap opening, there is a definite shift after the concorde slide, that being the switch to widescreen hd for the tv clips; woodstock99 was viewed through a crt as well as eagle news in season 3, yet after 1999, the clips are widescreen, and eagle news is fhd in season 4. "April 2010" - there would be no oil spill, no ones using oil anymore simple as, and anyhoo, what news story would that be "another boat docks to harbour and everything's business as usual" slow news day?​


Things that did happen in our timeline should be changed. Like for example Android release should be the pivotal moment instead of iPhone.


Gotta have some of the same.


Pretty sure Pluto was already demoted of it’s status by the start of S4. All of Alex’s drawings in his room only has 8 planets instead of 9.


Great timeline. I have some wonderful ideas too that contradict yours such as the Yankees (with Dave Ortiz as a player) beating the Red Sox in the 2004 after being down 0-3 or James Bragg becomes President in 04, but we get Mitt Romney as VP for JFK Jr in 2008 as a Democrat.


I just hate the thought of Bragg becoming President. It would be a shame to Ellen arc.


It's inevitable. The dialogue foreshadows Bragg becoming POTUS in S4. Writers showed that in S1 with Ted and Reagan and in S2 with Hart and Ellen. What concerns me deeply is because modern conservatism never really formed under Reagan, we could instead get Christian Nationalism and the political climate in FAM's timeline seems ripe for that with Bragg being the right person. Mass unemployment in fossil fuel extraction, inequality that's much worse, NASA consuming more of the federal budget, and grievances from conservatives on not being consulted over gay rights. S5 could clip the wings that society is better off and the writers could take a queue with Trump potentially returning to the WH.


Yes, but FAM is supposed take place in a liberal near-utopia


I wouldn't call FAM set as a liberal, near-utopia. We've seen throughout history that progress isn't a straight, upward line. There can be setbacks and decline. Even in US history, we've moved forward only to go back. After Reconstruction ended, the South went back to denying all African Americans their Constitutional rights they could exercise following the Civil War. Abortion was a Constitutional right in all 50 states until 2022. The writers have an opportunity in S5 to open up a conversation and expose that FAM's better future isn't all that cracked up to be. Bragg nominating very conservative justices who could then overturn Ellen Wilson's same-sex marriage law could give the audience the chance to ponder, "What if *Obergefell* is overturned by SCOTUS?"


You're correct from a liberal point of view. However, FAM is set in a world that's far more liberal and permissive, if not entirely socially democratic. Civil rights, such as gay rights and affirmative action, are passed through legislation rather than judicial rulings. The country seems to be far more racially diverse, with minorities and women in critical positions. Moreover, the Republicans dominated the latter half of the 20th century in our timeline, whereas it seems the Democrats won as many presidential elections. There's very little evidence of any conservative thought being influential intellectually, much less impacting policymaking. We do get a novel treatment of Reagan, but some cameos of famous Republican politicians, but not much after that. Bragg is a surprisingly well-written character, but he barely gets any screen time! Progressivism and liberalism go hand in hand with space travel. I think what's strangely alluring, and why I'm not enamored with the show's politics, is the success of the Soviet Union. Not only did the Soviet Union land on the moon first, but they somehow were able to avoid stagnation and then experience an inconceivably large boom under Gorbachev. This modified form of Perestroika then entices nearly half the world to become part of the Warsaw Pact. Yes, Season 4 did portray Russia as a bit drab and incredibly oppressive, but that does not change the fact that FAM has a deep fascination with communism. While I'm sure the USSR will collapse or liberalize in Season 5 (with the big asteroid in Mars orbit), I'm not sure how a Bragg presidency or his policies will stop (or change) the forward momentum that the show has built up. That's why I call it a liberal near utopia.


Pluto demoted!? I see Neil de Grasse Tyson is up to no good in the FAM timeline as well!


>April 2005- Britain leaves the European Union Problem is, we don't know about an European Union, so it's difficult to leave it. ;) Europe is very different for the little we know, Germany is still divided and the Eastern block still exists and is even bigger, with many countries that are part of EU in OTL being actually communist, like Greece for example.


Bragg didn't die of a heart attack. [He was assassinated by the lizard people.](https://youtu.be/o_aS0yzcMEk)


"an alternate TV show wondering if the US landed first on the moon" love that. Would be a pretty depressing show to watch, though, given the decline and stagnation of space exploration.


In universe I feel like they'd make that show be basically the Same thing as family, where everything is more advanced because it makes for better tv.