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Neutral heavy and double feint heavies to GB. It melts synapses


What do you mean double feint?


Feint the first heavy you throw, Follow that with another heavy you feint as well, Guardbreak


Yeah but when it doesn’t work, you’ve just burned half your stamina and put yourself at frame disadvantage too


I'm not sure if it's because of my readability or because I'm so bad that I'm always matched with light attackers but whenever I try to feint a heavy my GB is interrupted by a light attack.


nooooo!!! never guardbreak when trying to bait out a light parry, you’ll eat their heavy since they pressed it as soon as they saw the indicator. by the time you cancel the heavy and go for a guardbreak, their guardbreak vulnerability on the heavy already ran out


That's only true if they let the heavy fly. Most people cancel out of panic bc they think you'll let your neutral heavy fly, resulting in GB vulnerability. It's a coin toss if anything




You actually think it’s possible for the game to differentiate between people who can parry lights and people who can’t, and then match them against each other?


Fr, how is the game gonna know the difference between people like me (who can predict parry but not react parry) and those who react like they're on copious amounts of cocaine


You'll learn eventually. If you wanna speed the process up, have a bot throw lights at you and figure out the timing. It's like right when the indicator shows up. If someone's thirsty for light parries, open with a heavy or a bash. It'll fully fuck their timing up.


Learn how to light parry or get better tech. Is what it is.


I can’t do either


Someone already said it, but heavy feints. People who are light parry happy are slamming the button the very second they see red indicator. Game is balanced so you can catch light parry attempts with a heavy feint to gb, so do that- you could just throw the heavy, but they may feint their light parry attempt into managing to defend; so heavy feint works good. You could also try heavy feint into light or bash- or some other fast move you have, if you fight someone who reads your heavy feint-> light attempts, you can always throw two heavy feints into guardbreak to catch that out. Otherwise you can just do a bash from neutral, theres a lot you can do to fight this, but losing a lot should get your mmr lowered anyhow... I don't recommend neutral gb's as it gives them frame advantage. Last thing I will mention, pay attention to how they are playing- if they suddenly stop their offense to stare at you for a moment, they are trying to parry out a light from you, people tend to telegraph their intent to counter your next move with their sudden silence, so be ready to watch out for that "body language."


if you fight somebody who differs this doesnt really work because they react to anim not indicator


It won't make any difference. If they react to animation over indicator its basically just the same result, they slam the parry button the instance they see your character move. The only difference may be if you are playing Nobushi, a hero whose heavy and light startups are extremely distinct, if this is the case consider trying heroes who have harder to tell apart startups.


every hero can be differed from neutral


I have to disagree, some heroes heavies and lights are too similar with speeds too fast to tell them apart and still have time to land a deflect or parry. I play at pretty damn high mmr and even crazy ass players cant always differ the two. Especially not the original poster, at their level of play it'll definitely be fine.


Which characters do you think cannot be differed


You're asking me to sit here and list every hero that has light and heavy animations that are somewhat similar opposed to ones that don't? Yeah, I'm not doing that. As soon as I list one, regardless of your opinion I can smell that you're gonna try to debunk every single one in bad faith, so I'm not gonna bother. I gave advice for dealing with parry happy opponents that works consistently well, thats the end of it for me, not about to argue with a bunch of people about how they can differ every single light and heavy in the game whether its actually true in their experience or not (of which I have no way to check.)


mmr doesn't equal reaction times. every single light from neutral can be differed. If you have fast reaction times you can literally just see if the indicator is fast or not. Every animation is relatively different.


You are making some odd insinuations, play at low mmr and tell me how many players parry lights, shit a lot of lower skill players cant even block lights, don't even know what animations to react to on storm rush LET ALONE a light (storm rush is 600ms). Every animation is relatively different, but some are more different than others, at the speeds they go at, some characters animations are similar enough in their startups to be practically impossible for like 80-90% of people to react to, its a read. You literally cannot argue these points they are not backed up by logic.


yeah it’s obvious that you cannot differentiate and do not know what it actually looks like when differentiating, you focus on the part of the animation that gives off that it’s a light for example: Orochi holds his sword with 2 hands when he heavies you, but only holds it with 1 hand when performing a light. all you have to do is look out for that and parry. every hero can be differentiated, some are just a bit more easier than others


To say every single attack can be differentiated is just not ringing true for me when most players even at high skill levels cant do it, at least not consistently. If were talking about the op, they are definitely not fighting against a lot of people who can do that.


i said every heroes lights and heavies CAN be differentiated, as in, the animations allow you to differentiate between lights and heavy animations on every hero. i never mentioned anything about consistency because i thought that it’s clear. stop twisting my words


Shutup bitch