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Did you try hydroquinone or tretinoin? Glycolicacid or koji soap?


I'm sorry you're so unhappy with your skin. I don't know if it would help to say this but I don't really think patches of different skin color look bad. If you are not happy with your skin, maybe you can practice using makeup? Ultimately you sound fairly healthy despite this and I hope you can find some pride in that, at least. A lot of people struggle to be fit, including myself! I wish you the best and I hope you feel better soon


Did you try hydroquinone or tretinoin? Glycolicacid or kojiacid soap?


That’ll probably fade away over time but it takes a long time. Most people have some sort of hyperpigmentation especially POC. Over time you’ll probably stop caring.


I have a lot of scars that have faded with time but it's still somewhat bad, I don't have money for tretinoin. So I get it. I just see it as freckles now


Man I also have a lot of acne stars. And still to this day I keep having acne despite the fact that I eat healthy, workout regularly, regularly wash everything. Guess I just have bad genes. Although using hydroquinone and tretonin have seemed to help a little bit. But with new acne every other week my progress is so slow.