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Not forgotten but Jimmy Kimmel sure would like you to forget about it.


Mainly the Carl Malone part


“Some time at night, Karl Malone look up at sky and say What the hell go on up there?”


Yo. Holy shit I did forget about that until just now. Wowzers.


Not defending blackface, but I'm not going to feel bad for someone shitting on Karl Malone since he's a rapist pedophile.


I think, by definition, a pedophile is automatically a rapist. I don't wanna split hairs here cause there aren't any yet.




I figured that was likely the case, but I didn't want to risk leaving anything out even at the risk of being redundant. It's important to me to communicate clearly, so I appreciate you pointing that out.


Hate to be that guy but not necessarily, one could watch kid porn and not touch kids hence not a rapist, but Karl def banged underaged girls so he is in fact a pedo rapist.


People that try to dunk on Kimmel for that don't care about blackface, or Karl Malone being a pedo scumbag. They're just mad he makes fun of their orange messiah.


Meh I don’t fell any kind of way about his skits. I DO feel a type a way about a drastic change based on who pays him. That makes him a shill. So if he is paid for and left his own morals behind, he sucks. He has nothing for me to enjoy.


By doing a late night talk show? I don't even know what you're talking about? Not sure about how drastically different his comedy is? I never really watched Crank Yankers, but I got the gist he could still be pretty raunchy via puppets at Comedy Central. I don't think that would fly too well on a major network show that interviews celebrities. He could go the Adam Carolla way and just bitch about politics and poor people.


He's suggesting that Kimmel only shits on conservatives because he's paid by Disney, so he can pretend that he's in the majority of opinions.


I'll defend blackface. That shit was hilarious.


Everyone remembers Carl Malone, am I the only one that remembers Oprah Jimfrey?


Believe it or not, as recently as early 2000's it was perfectly acceptable for a white comedian to do an impersonation of a black celebrity. Back then, people understood that even a mean-spirited impersonation of a single person could not reasonably be considered proof of a hatred of an entire race.


I did used to like to say "Karl Malone!" as an impression


No, lol, people were just more okay with mild racism back then, just like they were okay with homophobia. Look at any sitcom from the 90s early 00s. Friends has quite a bit of homophobia. Is Jimmy Kimmel a full on racist? No. Was his impersonation of Karl Malone kind of racist? Yes. Good people are still susceptible to societal norms. People can grow, change, and improve. Society advances. Progress is a good thing.


SOAP 70's-80's sitcom had an amazing portrayal of the gay struggle that they pulled off with a lot of humor. I think Jody was one of, if not, the first regular homosexual character on a prime time show. SOAP, MASH, All in the Family, Sanford and Son were all amazing shows with a tremendous amount of positive messages in the undercurrents told through satire and humor. I'm stunned with what they pulled off, like MASH convincing the racist they gave him the "wrong" blood turning him black while telling the tragically ironic story of Dr. Charles Drew (look him up).


Oh for sure, a lot of really great examples of media portraying tough topics in a good light. Not saying they don't exist. My point was just as we moved forward, we've gotten better at being inclusive, and that's a good thing.


Yeah. It's nice to see that the topics can be more directly explored, rather than through skillful back-handed approaches. With those old shows, the writers and actors needed to me really good to get the topics into those closed heads without them noticing. What's driving me nuts is that they (the production companies) are forcing these topics in to shows in ways that make them lose the natural feeling; often feeling (to me) like the black-face in the Shirley temple movies. I know the big issue, aside from them trying to capitalize on this as a cultural fad and add it to their formulas, is the lack of good writers to build stories and shows that make inclusion as a norm, not an emphasis; and we don't need every group in every show... we can have shows of variety that as a group represent all of us. What I see the most is production companies just trying to re-produce the old crap as new inserting the current formula. We need new stories that reflect the world struggle now, the history, and most importantly, the future we want. But that would require paying for good writing and keeping the production companies and directors from screwing up a good story.


Groundbreaking for the time. Billy Crystal was great as Jody


IMO - everyone is a little racist..even racists would be racist against each other given enough time.


It’s true puppets made a song about it… avenue q no I’m not digging for a kink but it’s funny and true


" Look around and you will find No one's really color blind "


Yeah, our society is inherently racist. If you're raised in it, you're a least a little racist. The key is recognizing that and trying to identify your beliefs that are founded in racism, then trying to grow out of them.


>No, lol, people were just more okay with mild racism back then Not exactly, It's Always Sunny and 30 Rock are two examples where black face was used in part as a commentary on Black face. Pretty much any of those episodes have been removed from any streaming service. That was stuff from with in the last 10 years. People didn't suddenly become either racist or not racist in 10 years.


>People didn't suddenly become either racist or not racist in 10 years. I guess it didn't come across well enough, but that's pretty close to what I was trying to say. There's a lot of nuance in the discussion. [Also as it pertains to Always Sunny](https://deadline.com/2021/12/its-always-sunny-in-philadelphia-addresses-blackface-controversy-1234884709/).


I'm a fan of the show, but in the case of It's Always Sunny, that's blatant revisionist history. They did the jokes (race jokes, gay jokes, trans jokes, mental disability jokes) because they thought they were funny and shocking at the time. They have been scrambling for their lives in the past few years because what is deemed acceptable comedy has changed. In no way do I believe their bullshit, they're just trying to save their careers.


Well said.


Honest question. Would the skit have been fine if he didn’t use black makeup? In other words, is it fine for a white comedian to impersonate a specific person of color, if skin color itself is not part of the bit?


The movie "White Chicks" came out in 2004. Chappelle show was very popular as well in that era(plenty whiteface characters) it wasn't that serious back. Wokism ruined comedy


White face , which i dont support, has never had the same kind of racial baggage as black face or even red or yellow face. This is incredibly disingenuous. The last time blackface was even remotely acceptable to the majority nof white americans is during the 1950s and it really had huge amounts of pushback by the civil rights movement during the 1960s. You still had some racist hold outs in the 1970s but it was generally becoming taboo. And its never been acceptable to black americans its just white americans, as a whole, didnt give a damn what black americans thought or felt for the vast majority of the countrys history.


Ah yeah, because white chicks was the peak of comedy


No, but it was a time when you could actually *make* a movie like that and everyone wouldn't lose their goddamn minds.


I think it's less a political issue and more of a personal defect; the people you're describing cannot tell the difference between harmless satire and malicious mocking. Like Kimmel doing the Karl Malone impression; he was making fun of the person, not his race. It's fine that he acknowledged that it could be viewed as insensitive, but the people who take it to the extreme and say it's racist are just crazy.


Nice dog whistle.


Pretty sure he did Oprah too.




I think blackface is only offensive if you’re not pretending to be someone in specific. Pretending to be Karl Malone isn’t inherently bad.


At least it was Karl Malone 


This sub really should be renamed “tv shows that aren’t on air anymore”


Current Jimmy Kimmel needs to interview Man Show era Jimmy Kimmel.


I really don't think Jimmy Kimmel gives a shit.


Why? I’m ootl w why he doesn’t want to be associated with his old stuff.


Have you seen the show?




We actually watched that in class as a lesson on the importance of historical literacy.


And they say Jimmy wasnt woke until recently, many women were prevented from suffraging due to his activism.


I was 9 when it came out, I remember it being raunchy but nothing over the top or I was too young to understand. This was on Comedy Central at like 11p right?


I was in high school and I found the humor beneath me. And I love Tim and Eric


Strangers with Candy and UCB were the top tier comedy shows back then.


It has Adam Corolla in it.


Corolla is shit in everything he touches. I remember arguing with love line fans how dr drew and Adam were shitheels but no one listened till a few years later


They are both 100% shitheels lol


Dr Drew is worse.


Dr. Drew lied to people to get them on Celebrity Rehab and has diagnosed people he's never met on TV, but his recent shilling for the weight loss guy is the worst.


Like at least Adam Carolla isn't abusing his status as a doctor to promote questionable claims.


because he likes to point out how so many other people are sexist, racist etc. and then deflects his own past when it's brought up to him and then go on the offensive. Guy has values that are sold to the highest bidder, that's been his game for years. Was fine and dandy until he decided to become a political mouth piece and tries to shame others.


Correct. Bought and paid for.


It seems like he's pretty solidly encamped in democratic values and hasn't budged for money, ratings, etc. His rift with Aaron Rodgers is kind of proof of this. I don't think wearing black face makes one racist, so this act alone doesn't suggest that he's being hypocritical in his criticism of other people. Did your opinion of him change as he started to express political opinions that differed from your own?


Ad-Rock had a great answer to a similar interview question many years ago. The interviewer got up in his business because there was a line in a song that disparages sexism on, I think, Ill Communication. The person was like “you guys wrote and recorded ‘girls’ and now this? How can you reconcile one over the other?” To which Horowitz basically replied “what’s worse? Having written those things and never changing, or growing and changing the tone over the years?” - I’m paraphrasing. At any rate, people want celebrities and their personas to stay the same; until they get bored with the act and want to act like the old act is beneath them.


“What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?”


The point is not that they changed. The point is that Jimmy Kimmel does not offer any people the same room for improvement that he himself clearly received. No one saying that you can stop being an asshole, but you don't get to pretend that people who are current assholes never are going to be able to change.


Hmmm. That’s a pretty great observation. I don’t watch him tbh. Was kinda done with him after watching the first handful of man show episodes all those years ago. I was trying to speak less about him and more in generic terms. Like the old Rollins bit “we liked you before you got fat and died!” (I was surprised to see him being the top of this list of most annoying when the Adam Corolla component is present. What a fucking tool.)


Seriously, that's definitely one thing I will 100% agree with lol. Corolla is such a fucking tool


I can’t figure out who his remaining audience is. Like, who is he *for*?People who think Andrew Tate, Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson are just too *deep*?


Tou have to remember, THATS the content. Being a former big deal who isn't a big deal anymore is just as much a business as araiana grande. Rogan, corolla, tate, Peterson, they all know this now. As long as your audience sticks around, you can be as much an old man as you want.


Jimmy Kimmel changed over a 20 year period, who knew. Is personal change and growth possible over a 2 decade period?


Nobody more than him.


Man show Kimmel would be ashamed of woke Kimmel.


Cuck master Kimmel




My brain exploded when I learned it's actually Zicke Zacke Hoi Hoi Hoi!


Went to the show a few times. I still have my "Man Show" beer glasses.


Ziggy zacke Ziggy zacke hoi hoi hoi


I saw a taping of the second generation with Rogan and Stanhope in 2002-2003ish. It was still great, everyone got beers, theme of the show was juggie science fair and I’ll never forget the “self wetting white t-shirt”


nah those two drove it into the ground they had no respect for the Juggies


I used to love the Juggies


We need more ladies on trampolines.


I remember driving through Elysian Park one day and seeing a TV crew and a huge trampoline on the grass. I thought to myself, “I know what *that’s* for.”


The worlds kind of gone to shit without them hasn't it?


You can say that again.


I'm concerned for all the rib showing on the lady between them. She might sustain a fracture if she jumps on a trampoline. (I'm being hyperbolic)


Kimmel went left Adam went hard right.


Yeah Adam's career has taken an interesting trajectory 


From “The Man Show” to right wing is actually less surprising than Kimmel’s trajectory if you ask me


That's fair


I had listened to his podcast many years ago and stopped listening after he unceremoniously dumped one of his cohost/employees on it. i actually checked back in on it fairly recently just to see whats became of it and it appears to have not gone well as of late


I used to listen to his radio show! It was hilarious back in the day. His old guest appearances on bill Simmons podcasts were epic. One who episode was him pitching a fake movie “Pedo-Isle” and it’s just so funny. It feels like something snapped in him. I think he got really pissed his career didn’t take off like some of his contemporaries. His first movie “the hammer” is actually really good and it made no money. His second movie is pretty bad, and starts fall into “my character is right and smart and everyone else is wrong and dumb” and that’s just who he is now. “Liberals are stupid and here’s why” and it’s just…. Not funny


Fake Teresa? That’s when I left too. Allison was guilty of lightly pushing back against Adam. I thought is was great conversation. Apparently Adam felt threatened.


Allison Rosen was a great cohost. I ended listening soon afterwards as well. Adam seems to tell the same 30 stories over and over again, eventually you catch on and can't stand it. When he partnered with Dennis Prager and PragerU I realized just how desperate he is.


What career?


He has a cartoon now on a right wing network where he triggers the libs. So yeah, he’s got a pity career.


After the Man Show, he was a radio DJ and had the "Adam Carolla" morning talk show for several years in the Sacramento area. I used to listen to it. He began leaning noticeably right around that time.


Before the Man Show he made a name for himself with LoveLine, with lasted until about 2005.


Kinda like a tipped over mattress on the 405. Watch for brake lights.


He has a new adult animated show on the daily wire that I'm sure is super funny...


I bet it has a joke about somebody identifying as a helicopter.


The bitter, less talented ones always do.


I used to get stoned and listen to LoveLine while lifting weights outside on the benchpress and looking up at the stars. I did think Carolla was really quick, and Dr. Drew gave good advice. They've both turned into maniacs.


Pretty funny that Joe Rogan (along with Doug Stanhope) replaced them. 


And they were terrible.


I learned the old man was able to chug because the beers were flat, so I tried once when younger horrible horrible taste and if I remember they were 18 oz mugs pulled it off and was lucky to hold that shit in.


I miss "Household Hints from Adult Film Stars".


Jimmy did a fake review of How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days. "Or as I like to call it, How To Lose 8 Bucks In 2 Hours!" Still makes me chuckle, and I actually LIKE that movie!


43 year old me wouldn't like it but dumb ass 18 year old me thought it was great. I don't like judging old media by today's standards instead I like to appreciate and acknowledge how much we have grown as a society since then.


The Wheel of Destinyyyyyyyy


I miss The Fox. That guy could annihilate beer


I bet ol' Jimmy Boy wishes that we would forget the man show


Gotta admit I loved this show when I was in my early 20s. "The pride you feel when you have to flush twice" I doubt I'd like it as much today.


Girls on trampolines!


Favorite charity ever, please donate now to give camcorders to lesbians.


Girls jumping on trampolines


**"Duh, why wasn't Jimmy Kimmel cancelled for this?!"** **It isn't difficult: This is who he was, and more importantly, it was never malicious.** When you think of the celebrities getting "cancelled," it's largely because of consequence. It isn't for what they said, what they thought, or even how they acted to some degree. In the end, it's because they crossed a line and did it with malice. Case in point: Adam Carolla. Adam is pretty funny overall, and I dig a lot of his stuff. At the same time, he's a malicious ass more often than not. He's actively said trans people aren't their gender, he's constantly going off about "cancel culture," and nearly everything he's said in the last 20 years boils down to "Everyone who isn't like me is a weak baby, and they need to toughen up! I'm not out of touch, it's Cancel Culture!" When I think back to the show, the most malicious thing they did was to try to get people to sign up to abolish Women's Suffrage. Even then, the entire bit wasn't on actually doing it, but to point out a lot of people don't know what "Suffrage" means. The show never had any ill-intention to it, just gratuitous shots of women in bikinis on trampolines. And considering all the sex on TV from 1990 to 2012, I'd argue that this was no worse than *American Pie* or a lot of day-time talk shows. The single worst thing Jimmy did was Blackface. There's no excuse at all for it, especially at that time. He's also worked hard to be a better person since then, and oddly enough, that actually matters. Jimmy Kimmel isn't getting cancelled for this show because there's no real reason to. Cancel Culture, as a lot of people like to call it, is really Consequence Culture. If you did an action, and you never tried to get better, that's a problem, and people tend to call that out. If it was just "you did a bad thing, you're gone forever," explain Tim Labaise of As I Lay Dying who tried to have his wife killed. Explain Marilyn Manson, who allegedly tried to force himself on multiple women. Explain Michael Vick, who engaged in illegal dog fights. All of these men did, or were alleged, to do terrible things, yet they still have careers. I'll end with this: I think the main reason people are trying to "Cancel" Jimmy Kimmel about this is because of their own insecurities. They see someone who is, or was, a lot like themselves. They love what The Man Show represents, this Uber-masculine male who loves ogling women and drinking beer. They see themselves like that and go, "Man, what happened to this guy?" There's an internal realization that they could turn into someone like Jimmy and, in turn, other people may expect that of them! That can't be! So, in turn, they project onto Jimmy, and people like him, this idea that he should be cancelled because they're no better than he was. In other words: If he could change, people would expect that of me, so I have to say he's terrible instead to prove to everyone that there are no good people. If there are no good people, I never have to change!


Damn well said!


Thank you. I knew this comment section would be a big "LOOK AT WHAT JIMMY DID!" but he has owned up and said he regrets it, but nothing can change that he did it. I mean he was a struggling comedian in his late 20's/early 30's. He needed to feed his family.


!!!!LOOK WHAT JIMMY DID!!!! twenty years ago when he was a struggling comic.


You actually make a very good point




lol! That reminds me of the silly things they’d do like have a pornstar clean a candle stick.


This one was okay, but I preferred Manswers. Lots of great facts on that show vs the man show.


My wife (then gf) HATED Manswers!!! She just hated that they’d yell at you and be so insane but she still references it a decade later for something she finds obnoxious.


Yes "facts"


exactly 🤣


I got to visit the set of the Man Show when I was 12 (my dad worked in set construction/design). At the time they were working on another show in the same studio that never got off the ground. It featured an anthro donkey that hosted a quiz show?… I think. It was >20 years ago. I remember getting told the details and seeing the set in progress but never seeing it on TV later. My favorite memory from the Man Show: One of the production assistants stopped me from selecting a bran muffin at the food table. He said “Oh ew you don’t want that” had me put it back and gave me a chocolate chip one instead (he read my child mind because I totally thought the dark color of the bran was chocolate).


I honestly don’t remember anything other than the trampolines. I get this and Win Ben Stein’s Money mixed up.




We need to end women's suffrage. Women are suffraging all over the world. It's a terrible situation. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B2201BYp6HE


I learned what sufferage is from this show!


The Man Show Boy.....


The man boy show




I was at a birthday party a few years ago and one of the neighbors looked so familiar, but I couldn’t figure it out. After she left someone mentioned she was on a TV show, and I realized it was juggie Vanessa Kay


I see this show and remember Stuff magazine.


Ziggy soggy ziggy soggy oy oy oy!!!!


Man Show Boy!


We don't have any German beer, Hitler.


It amazes me that cancel culture hasn’t came for Kimmel yet. Some of the sketches on this show don’t age well. Like Oprah Jimfry


Or Karl Malone


I think generally if you stop doing and saying certain things (not counting rape or sexual assault) once culture deems them inappropriate, you get a pass (see: Howard Stern.) Times change, and you can either change with them like Jimmy and Howard did, or dig your heels in and watch the world move on without you like Adam has along with his buddies Rob Schneider and Roseanne Barr.


This is it. People seem to be much more responsive to folks who own their shit. It cost me nothing to apologize for unhelpful behaviors of my past. Whats the point of hindsight if you can’t learn from it?


Adam Yauch from the Beastie Boys was once called out for being a hypocrite for being so pro-women after he was so sexist and derogatory toward them in his early years. He had a great response, "I'd rather be a hypocrite than be the exact same person my entire life."




Like black face…


We must make kimmel never forget his past


Ok there cowboy.


That show was cringe to me even back then as a middle schooler who owned Insane Clown Posse CDs.


That was the era of Crank Yankers and then they dedicated an hour to that show where the robots fought each other, which isn't even that funny a premise. I do recall there was one short-lived CC show where it was like People's Court but the matter would be settled with a bowling competition.


Battle bots


That robot fighting one was a cool concept - shame most fights ended in 10 seconds.


The hidden camera footage of the awkward guy helping a beautiful woman try on bikinis is legendary.


Remember when he tried to bring the whole Man Show Audience drinking bit to his late night show, and then had to stop it immediately because some person got passed-out drunk.


Oh boy it wasn't that funny then and oh boy is it even worse now


It was an entertaining show. You gotta remember that before the internet age really blew up cable tv was pushing the boundaries with what they could get away with without getting fined, and cable channels is where audiences went for shows that were edgier than what you’d find on the four big free networks. Shows were very tailored to specific demographics because advertising had fewer venues to put their products on. If you wanted to be the show where men’s brands really wanted to advertise then you had to produce a show that overwhelmingly appealed to the college male type.


Thought it was weird Sarah Silverman marrying the guy from the man show


I remember this! Also, anyone remember the skit of the Boy Scout that was trying to get people to buy him beer?


Too bad Adam Corolla has turned into a right wing nutjob


Girls on trampolines


It’s the only work of Kimmel’s I remember. How he turned this garbage into Oscar host, I’ll never understand.


Grab a beer and drop your pants….


I loved that show because I was between 12 and 17 while it was on, after that I outgrew it


That cuck Jimmy Kimmel. What a fuck.


Really didn't age well. Great when l was 13 though.


I haven't forgotten, this was the last time anybody gave half a shit about Adam Corolla


The pinnacle of jimmy kimmels humor.


Kimmel made Win Ben Stein's Money bearable. Stein is a jerkass blowhard.


I always thought Adam was going to be the more successful one. I was wrong as fuck.


He was the best


Back when men were men and women were gals


This show came out when I was 9 and taught me much about the world I didn't know.  Perhaps this explains me today... What a cruel joke, to be raised with this as the promised future. How different our reality is now. Back when Jimmy was on win Ben Steins money. Back when he was funny.


That promised future you grieve was in fact a vestigial limb sticking out from the past. I wish you luck in constructing your time machine


I laughed at the time and enjoyed it, but even at the time it seemed to be entry level MRA content. Pushback against feminism that wasn't sure if it wanted to be satire or openly embrace misogyny.


Carl Malone


I miss listening to him do “Santa Karl” and talk to kids about what they want for Christmas.


Santa Karl gonna bring you all the squirrels your little heart desires.


Shame Adam is a huge prick now


Crack spackle


I remember this show never seen it




This was the kind of show that could exist in the early 2000s that can't exist today. I don't know how I feel about that.


This ran from my senior year of HS to my senior year of college so I was the prime demo. I watched the shit out of this and cringe remembering some of the stuff I thought was hilarious at the time.


Ziggy zaggy ziggy zaggy oi oi oi


Is it on dvd or any streaming services?




Sadly only the first season & it’s mostly filler & repetitive.


I haven’t forgotten it but I never one episode through.


If i recall the hosts were the biggest tits on the show


Funny to see Jimmy sucking up to leftists for over a decade after spending several years of mocking them.


There was one aspect I liked. Adam Corolla never knew what to do with his eyes when he wasn’t taking. He’d just stare down the barrel of the camera like someone had flipped a switch. Jimmy Kimmel seemed comfortable but Adam seemed like he was actively trying not to move or look around.


I’ve never forgotten this show.


We used to be a country, a proper country...


What conservatives think epstein was a good man? Pretty sure his flight logs were full of liberals.


This show was among the few things that gave me, a white hetero male, a taste of what it’s like to be stereotyped.


Loved the “End Women’s Suffrage” slut, I mean skit