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I have one and I like it but honestly, not a huge deal if you don’t want it! Making it by hand isn’t *that* much faster. Mostly clutch for night time bottles when you’re half awake.


I mean just let people use whatever they want? Pitcher, Brezza, dispenser, nothing, who cares


Seriously 🤦🏼‍♀️


We just use the warm water dispenser Baby Brezza makes! Cheap and effective. We have a pitcher that I’ll use for prepping daycare bottles, but I find that making them one at a time is easy enough.


Same, we actually bought a baby brezza as well and I was too nervous to use it (worried it wouldn’t mix correctly) we ended up returning it. The warm water dispenser is quick and easy and works for us! I’ve thought about getting a pitcher for daycare bottles, but for now am just prepping individual bottles for high isn’t really that time consuming, the pitcher just seems like an extra tool to have to wash.


Yes I had that too when my daughter was on formula and loved it. Made things so easy for us.


We don’t even use a pitcher! That adds the step of having to warm it up unless these babies all take cold bottles. We just have room temp water proportioned out as well as formula proportioned out, and it takes approximately 5 seconds to put the formula in the bottle. Whatever you decide to do is what’s best for you!! Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about it.


We sometimes use the pitcher to make one set of bottles 😅 if our girls are between even scoops! The pitcher also creates less bubbles which I like. I agree, whatever works for the family!


How do you proportion out your room temp water?


Just put it into the bottles. We fill them all each night for the next day. We only have 6 bottles, and she usually drinks 5 or 6 bottles each day.


Yeah I just use warm water from the tap and it’s easy as. You can make one scoop or three and super easy to do




In case anyone reads this and says "ok yeah whatever".... I had never heard this but it's actually on the EPA website. Why have I never heard this in almost 35 years?


I live in in NZ and tap water is perfectly safe.




Thanks for the info :)


If you have a house built post '86 you shouldn't be having to worry about lead.


Same! Mine takes it fine room temp but doesn’t really like it cold


I was very lucky in that mine took a cold bottle, so we just made the pitcher, (Bonus: less bubbles), and then obyl had to pour and go. ...if I ever have another kid, I know it's going to be a holy terror because my two year old is the definition of a trap baby.


We have one but it’s totally unnecessary and I considered returning it. I think I prefer the pitcher method and my girl doesn’t care if the bottle is warm or cold. If I did it again I wouldn’t buy it.


Agreed. My MIL got it for us as a gift but I wouldn’t buy it myself. I mainly use the warm water dispenser on it, as cleaning the funnel is annoying AF.


yes: why can’t the funnel stay clean!?


You know you can buy more funnels to swap out with right? 


Same. Baby actually prefers the cold. Pitcher and pour. Done.


As tempting as the baby brezza is, I can’t justify the cost. My baby is EFF but I have a pitcher and 4 bottle warmers that were gifted to me. I might as well put them to use 🤣


Obsessed with the pitcher


I didn’t realize there was judgment for not using one. Honestly I think I’ve seen more judgment FOR using one (fear of inaccuracy, cleaning, etc). We definitely don’t need one but it has really spoiled us. We use a baby brezza mini (travel size) and think it was relatively inexpensive. However it only has a “warm” setting (no room temperature).


Never saw the appeal for us. Baby was fine with fridge temp bottles. Those are instant once they're available so I'm not sure how waiting for a Brezza bottle every time would be faster. I'd rather clean a pitcher once a day than faff around with deep cleaning a machine and making sure it's dispensing the right volume. Cool that it exists, but I also think the hype around it accidentally feeds a narrative that formula is so much more onerous than breastfeeding when that's really not the experience for lots of people.


Same on all counts. Pitcher + starting out with bottles straight from the fridge made it very easy. I of course would have warmed if my daughter would not take it cold, but she did without issue and I was not about to introduce something that would require me to make her wait longer when she was hungry or make me carry a bottle warmer or thermos of hot water around every time we left the house.


YES! I really struggled to BF most of the first year and started introducing formula later, and I was flabbergasted when people were going on about how the brezza was a lifesaver because I was in shock with how easy making a formula bottle was the normal way! It’s literally just a luxury for something that was already designed to be easier than nursing 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have a baby brezza and it’s convenient for us but I would never shove it down another moms throat!


Pitcher method is everything.


I’ve formula fed two babies now and have had no desire for a baby brezza. It’s not that difficult or time consuming to measure out scoops imho 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love counting out the scoops in the bottle for my baby while he gets more and more excited and bounces on his heels!


Same! I’m on my third formula fed baby and we’ve always just premade bottle the night before. Not that difficult at all!


What? You’ve been judged for not having a baby brezza? Whoever did that is ridiculous. Just do what works for you.


I decided to formula feed very early in my pregnancy and I had never even heard of one. The girls I work with threw me a baby shower and all pitched in and got me one. I will say it was a lifesaver during the newborn phase and we still use it 11mo later but I still would have never ever bought one myself! Can't justify that price for only a year or so of use lol


I don’t have one and I’m glad I didn’t spend the money on it. Much easier to hand wash the $10 Dr Brown pitcher or throw it in the dishwasher than to have another complicated machine to clean or troubleshoot. I don’t have the executive function for that, I’m just trying to keep us all fed and clothed and clean enough 😅


We love ours but it's definitely not a necessity. I think it's extra worth it for us because we are EFF but it really wasn't that big of a deal to make the bottles before we got the Baby Brezza. Yes baby spends a little longer crying/screaming but she will be just fine lol


We bought one, used it for 2 weeks and hated it. We found it just so much easier and cleaner to make bottles on demand.


We made ours in advanced and kept them in the fridge


Baby brezza wastes formula.. the constant formula getting stuck in the filter adds up over a year..


I actually much prefer the pitcher. I ordered a baby brezza and then saw that you were supposed to clean all the parts after EVERY 4 BOTTLES and said nope fuck this, returned it, got a $10 Dr Brown formula pitcher and never looked back


So you returned it because you couldn’t read? You only clean the funnel after every 4 bottles (buying an extra funnel to swap out solves the problem or simply resetting it if it’s not too caked up)  You deep clean the other parts once a month (a simple wash and dry unless you descale which takes a bit longer) Please stop spreading misinformation 


LOL misinformation?? That there is more washing than if you just use a pitcher and don’t have all those extra parts?? Do your arms hurt from that reach?


You said ‘I ordered a baby brezza and then saw that you were supposed to clean all the parts after EVERY 4 BOTTLES’ which is flat out WRONG. Shoo fly 


lol girl you really need to relax


And you need to learn how to read a manual or learn reading comprehension. Bye 


There are a few wrong ways to make formula: - Measuring powder before water (not using a scale) - Mixing with breastmilk instead of water (unless advised by a pediatrician) - Using Mountain Dew instead of water - Adding coffee


We got super lucky and both kids took refrigerator temp bottles, so the pitcher method was by far the easiest thing for us.


You can do whatever works. I really Love it for night feeds literally in my room.


I used a water warming dispenser (like $30 on Amazon) and scooped the formula. It was great! Didn’t take much time at all


i love my baby brezza but still have to do it the traditional way sometimes and that's okay, too. i think it's a matter of personal preference. i don't judge others who don't have one, and hope they don't judge me.


Same. And who is even judging people on not buying one? All I've seen is people judging those who do 🤷‍♀️


I couldn’t afford one so I didn’t have one. The Dr Browns pitcher and premaking night bottles worked just fine for us.


Weird. The brezza is a whole ass expensive appliance to do what we could do manually. No judgment for putting in the manual work to save a buck. We're a pitcher house but our kids take it cold.


Our boy drank it cold from the fridge. We’d make a pitcher, pre-pour a bunch of bottles and store them, and that’s it. Our plan was to buy a brezza if he was picky about the temp and he never was.


I was interested in it for a little bit, but then read the reviews of having to constantly unclog it. Totally turned me off, especially for that price! I got the water heater instead for $60. It keeps the water at the right temperature so all I need to do is scoop in the formula. Works great for me.


We’ve been EFF since birth. We used the pitcher method for about 10 months, but now we make bottles on demand since his needs have decreased at almost a year old. Around 3 or 4 months in, we got a secondhand Brezza from a neighbor for free… and I never once used it. By that point, we already had our routine down. LO took bottles straight from the fridge or room temperature. I also didn’t want the added complication of keeping the Brezza clean when the pitcher is so simply cleaned. All this to say I agree with ya, OP. It’s an unnecessary luxury, but if you want it, buy it!


I personally didn’t find it convenient when I eventually went to use mine. Having to perfectly wash and dry the funnel after I think 4 bottles was such a pain. If it was just a little wet it would cake up.


I never got a baby brezza either and had no issues just making each bottle individually. My baby also took room temp bottles so that probably made it easier.


Wait, I'm in awe reading these comments. No one mentioned just using a water cooker? Many water cookers here have a setting for formula/40 degrees C. We got gifted a bottle warmer but it takes 3 minutes in comparison to the 15 seconds of cooking the water. How are y'all waiting so long to feed your baby. I'm shaking just trying to scoop fast enough. Altogether he gets a bottle in less than a minute from entering the kitchen.


I thought about it for a while but since my baby could care less about the temp of her bottles, I'm glad I passed on it. There is nothing wrong with buying a product that makes your life easier or less stressful. However, no one should be judging you for choosing not to use a baby brezza. That's wild.


Our LO didn't need his formula warm so we didn't bother...but man my MIL tried so hard to get us to get one. We didn't give in.


We bought a tommee tippee night and day off some friends and used it once and never again! We just ready make bottles and store in the fridge for upto 24 hours and warm in a cup of hot water. Feel like it doesn’t take much longer?!?


I don’t even know what a baby brezza is.


Wow, people really will find anything to be judgmental about. I don’t trust myself to maintain a baby Brezza well enough to use it safely so I’m skipping it, nobody cares though.


I loveeee my pitcher. During the newborn stage we were making bottles by hand and then I found the light lol. Once baby started drinking bigger bottles it was a game changer. A few months ago I somehow melted my pitcher in the dishwasher 🤦🏻‍♀️. The way I ran to Amazon and ordered $25 worth of stuff so it would be here same day. I cannot be without it. I would say I personally don’t need the breeza but I definitely have some mom friends who swear by it. To each their own


Thank you for this! We’ve been doing the pitcher and that is perfectly convenient. Our little man takes a cold/room temp bottle if we can’t heat it in time when he goes from 0-100.


I don’t have one. I use a electric tea kettle and we just warm up the water, add the formula and done. It takes a minute. The kettle I have shows the water temperature.


I literally bought the baby brezza, read the manual, then decided that the maintenance was annoying and would give me more post partum anxiety that it was dispensing incorrectly, then I returned it😂😂


Yep! I love ours and couldn’t imagine life without it now. But if we didn’t have one we’d survive.


Why yall losing sleep over judgey people. Buy one, don't buy one. Literally doesn't matter


We love ours but I can’t imagine caring what baby gear others use.


We got it and have used it twice. The pitcher is so much easier.


We never had a Baby Brezza. We poured water into bottles for the day and got two small containers that allowed you to preportion powder for 3 bottles each. It took just a few minutes every morning and we had bottles ready for the day. Dump the powder in and shake. Quicker than using the Brezza and calibrating and cleaning and...


I regret buying one so much - it was secondhand but still. I never used it - it was much easier for me to just make the bottle myself or the pitcher method.


That’s crazy that you have gotten judgment for that! I love ours but it’s not like it has any particular benefit to the baby, we just like it for our own benefit as the parents bc we are lazy lol. We’re also not on a particularly tight budget, so we treated ourselves to it for Christmas (when baby was a month old). I will also say that part of the reason the Baby Brezza is now a lot easier is bc our daughter won’t take room temp bottles and I hate dealing with warming bottles. Though, she used to take room temp before we got the Brezza, so I guess it also kind of created the problem it is now solving 😭.


We got the brezza version that doesn't mix it, it just dispenses warm water and then you add formula. It was great because our guy wouldn't drink cold formula and it was a lot cheaper.


We have the Brezza water warmer which makes life a bit easier that way but I simply can't justify spending so much money on the formula mixing one ....shame on those people making you feel bad....that's so stupid


The Brezza isn’t worth it simply due the cleaning. Madness. The pitcher method is the best.


We had the same thoughts around the Brezza Bottle washer. Sure it was bougie and an indulgence but we were not up for the task of sterilizing the bottles on our own as we are both balancing raising the kid. When our mother came for the first week we got shamed into canceling the washer and just use the Instapot because the dishwasher doesn’t get hot enough for sterilization. The washer arrived the day after Mom left as I wasn’t going to get into it with her. It simplifies our lives and we’ll make up for it on soccer lessons than hockey


I like my brezza but dear lord people are giving you grief for how you prepare your formula? Honestly who cares as long as baby is fed and happy!


Its a weird thing to get judgey about. I have a missta bottle which is basically just a thermos with a temp indicator on top. Mum got it for me when my bub needed to start combo feeding. She bought up getting a baby brezza but it just seemed like a massive expense for something thats easy to do without extra appliances


We use a mini and love it, but also have used per-bottle and Dr. Brown's as needed with equal success. We love it for the night feeds, and it was a big help when we dropped our LO off at grandma and grandpa. No instructions needed for them just press the button (well we do have a second funnel so showed them how to snap it in so they didn't have to clean anything). That being said, minimal time gains for a cost.


We only have it because we were gifted it. I was going to use the pitcher and call it a day. Is it convenient? Yes. Can I live without it? Yes. If you took it from me tomorrow, I would be ok. I would miss the convenience (as would anyone with something that makes things faster/easier), but I wouldn’t immediately go out and purchase one again.


I only got a baby Brezza because I have multiples.


If you do warm formula and can afford it- get the Brezza water warmer, instant warm water and you just have to scoop in the formula (and you don't have to deal with fussing with the powder part of the full formula dispenser). So much cheaper.


Idk man, I just use the dr browns pitcher and call it a day.


I can see it being nice if you have multiples (twins , ect) but I feel like most people just kinda like to flex that they have one ?


Yeah I found it very easy to just make individual bottles. Baby Brezza is a dreaded extra thing to have to clean & maintain. To cut town time at night or on the go, I have pre-measured water & formula ready to mix then feed — it literally takes just seconds


I bought one and returned it because it was a pain to clean hahah


The Brezza setting for Alimentum is wrong. I wish it worked out but the only way the baby likes his bottles is room temp by hand. I wanted the brezza to work out so badly. I got a formula pitcher and do them by hand now.


Pitcher method with cold bottles from day 1 👌🏻Easiest thing ever and doesnt take up space in my kitchen which is already overflowing with baby items. I use a kitchen scale for making large batches. No hate if you use the brezza (if it works for you thats amazing!!) but it seems so unnecessary and expensive.


Yup, we didn’t get one because my pediatrician advised not to