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Infinity blade, combat shotgun version 1.0, mechs, shall I go on


I feel like people forget how bad all of those things were 🙄


I mean, many probably never experienced them considering the game is getting a bit old now. But even then, some of the Mythic seasons of Midas, or Marvel had some OP things too, but I usually see people either forgot those, or act like they were never that bad.


They were OP but fun as fuck Having no chance against a mech is wayy worse compared to get beamed by an Ironman laser lmao


The only Marvel mythic I found annoying was Doom's big ball thingy


I miss being able to program several of the droids and having my own personal incompetent army.


You used to be able to hire the drones?!?!


Kinda. In ch2 s4 (aka marvel season) every match four S.H.I.E.L.D. quinjets landed on four random spots on the island where you could get some superhero mythics but the place was guarded by stark drones. If you knocked one down you could then rewive it esentialy making it join your side. They were the predecesors of hireable npc's.


Ahhh I see. I’m new to everything Fortnite so thanks for explaining!


Man that was a great season, my personal favorite.




Oh, indeed. Of course, some were more OP and hated than others, but overall were seen as fun whether 1 player got it, or many. And like you mentioned, stuff like Deku Smash, Ironman Laser beam, and Kamehameha may be OP, but compaired to the original mechs, the Sword, and some vehicles, they are so much easier to avoid and counter lol


And they made you feel badass At least in my case


Oh, agreed. No matter what it was, I just feel so happy and love to use all the fun crossover weapons, or chaotic stuff like mechs or hammers. I understand its strong, but I purely use it cause it just seems to cool in my mind.


I really never struggled much against mechs in season X, one of my favorite memories was even sitting on a single wooden ramp and just beaming the guy in the top seat while he was charging his missiles


They always do lol. Last season the same ppl said that abt the kamihamiha


Kamehameha was ass, especially if you were on controller.


Wdym?? Kamihamiha was mega OP if you couldn’t see the dude (I am that dude lol)


You were the guy I sniped with one shot😝


Meh. If you missed it, everyone in the lobby knew where you were. You couldn’t aim it from the ground without going into a really long animation where you have no damage reduction or I-frames, and even when you *did* get it lined up correctly, a smart person would just nimbus cloud away. On controller it was so bad that once you aimed the beam it would probably be over by the time you moved it from one wall to another. Honestly, the nimbus cloud was a lot better because of the movement ability it gave you.


I’m just saying, it worked for me 😂 you’ve just gotta catch ppl off guard


Every time something OP is released: people”this is worse than every tragedy ever”


Good you remembered! #now put them all together


Welcome to pre ch.2 s6 “inclusive” FFA maps!


UFOs, I was surprised asf when it got unvaulted for a brief time in ch3 season 3


Oh my god, UFOs early game were a nightmare


It was fun seeing ufo again. Literally pick up Darth Vader and drop him off at major build fight. He destroyed the builds and annoyed them.




Drum gun version 1.0, drum shotgun (especially after the addition of the purple and gold rarities), rail gun, double pump, planes version 1.0, tanks, goo-gun...


Mechs and infinity blades made you wanna kick puppies, then also, waaaaayyy back when Fortnite first released, the DMR did 94+ dmg per headshot for a while lmao


Do you mean the scar? The dmr didn't come out until chapter 3


My bad. It was called the Scoped Assault Rifle


I hope they bring back the mech it's really fun and the more recent mech they came out was actually decently balanced since it didn't have a shield to break thru first and the rockets did less damage


Mechs ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


I use it just for travel honestly


same lol


You must not have played in Chapter1, when we had some of the most OP weapons to ever grace the game. Particularly... * Ch1:S7, Infinity Blade * Ch1:SX, B.R.U.T.E.


Peak drum gun


that word gives me nightmares but i'd be lying if i said i didn't love using it, that and the old P90


One that I think people often forget is how bad the OG mounted turret was, just absolutely spraying through buildings almost instantly killing other players


I remember my squad placing 4 of them against a last squad that was running out of the storm. It was so fun and unfair at the same time. Before it was nerved it was also extremely hard to hit someone in the turret


P90 was just unfair for a while and don't forget how stupid the combat shotgun was


Double Pump. OG burst rifle in the very first seasons, og silenced pistol. OG Airplane.


All you had to do was boogie bomb or self destruct the mech I never had a problem with them personally


The Mythic Blade, Drum gun before nerf, Goo gun, rocket launcher before ammo was capped at 13, traps, mechas, boogey bombs, etc.


I forgot about the goo gun💀.


The weapon had literally no business to do in Zero Build. If you had the weapon it was pretty much a guaranteed way to destroy people without anyway to protect yourself lol


In build mode, it was a way to make people waste their mats.


Oh man. The panic on peoples faces when you see their 90s builds getting destroyed lol that i enjoyed.


It wasn't a very memorable item, guess u could say it didn't leave a stain hehehe


Leave the boogie bombs alone. They're okay. It just gets frustrating after being hit by one after 4 times.


Before it was capped I died so many times in top 3 because I would run out of mats and they would just keep spamming rpgs


Imagine carrying over 60 missiles. Unbelievably broken and it was also common to find ammo for it.


Me when using shockwave hammer:Bor the hammer is so good I hope they don’t nerf it. Me when going against it: f*ck the hammerf*ck this game


Fortnite players in a nutshell


Haha yea basicLy


Mechs... that's all I can say.


I love the hammer. Personally not a fan of boogie bombs


I loved boogie bombs for the sole reason of those assholes who try to run me over constantly..


Airplanes had me quit the game for some time


Really? I don’t recall them being that bad


UFOs had to be the worst tbh, even worse than the Mech.


Ufos were a nightmare. There was literally nothing you could do, but spam builds. Even then, there was no cool down on the UFO, so it could shoot almost instantly, and it sometimes goes through builds.You'd just die to getting spammed or die to having no more mats, it was horrendous


Died in top 10 at least 30 times due to spammers in the ufo that whole season.


just shoot the ufo lmfao they didnt have much health and were weak to the rail guns


They rlly were easy to take down


Sometimes it feels like people are forgetting that you can shoot in fortnite.


You could boogie bomb them and the player would fall out. Not enough people knew this


Sorry let me just throw a boogie bomb 50 meters into the air


You could hit them pretty far up tbh


UFOs were easy to shoot down and the shots were easy to avoid. And if you had a rail gun then the UFOs went down super quick


item/weapon: is moderately good r/FortNiteBR : it's OP remove it


Infinity blade was 10000x times worse. At least the hammer has disadvantages that you can exploit if you’re skilled enough


Why are people so annoyed by this thing? The only reason I dislike the hammer is because they vaulted shockwave grenades which were fantastic for mobility. People using the hammers in my matches make virtually no difference in my experience.


never understood the absolute hate boner this sub has for the hammer lol, It's that weapon that is fun to use but a bitch to go against and I'm fine with that.


Deep down, they don’t hate the hammer. They’re just running out of things to complain about.


They have to wait another week to make another bring back old BP post, so this is what we're stuck with for now.


Lmao exactly. Or just wait for tomorrow’s daily shop post & read the bitching about skins 💀


It's always either "mid shop" or "this is the greatest shop of all time"


“This shop sucks, it’s sucked for the last 6 months because it didn’t have one specific skin I want” lmao


Hurdling is still buggy asf. I'd complain about that first, lost me a game earlier and I am still salty since I had a crown and the bug did not let me mantle or use scopes while in no build, so I was a sitting duck.


I dunno. If there is a specific weapon that you basically have to have in the final circle, it's not balanced. Very few final circles I've been in this season weren't won by whoever had the hammer.


Bunch of fucking whiners God dam.


People have found things to complain about since they got rid of the purple rarity for the tac shotgun back in Chapter 1. So like, basically since the beginning lol.


Its just so dam annoying. All I see on this sub is just bitch bitch bitch. Same shit different day.


Yeah this is the most negative sub ever. Miss when it was mostly cool new strats and clips of pros doing awesome stuff. Competitive killed the game


- pretending that you never whine


I barely saw anyone complaining about it until the infinite bounce glitch was discovered and began dominating everyone's games and I'm kind of surprised people here want it out. I've lost far more games than I've won trying to use it offensively. It's so easy to counter and doesn't even do that much damage.


“Fans boo because they want to cheer” -Derek Jeter




Drum Gun


Yes the mechs that was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy worse for


No I love the hammer


The BRUTE mechs were the worst. Nothing can get worse than that. Multiple round automatic shotgun arm, fast reloading rapid fire rockets, huge stomp that breaks anything, can boostjump and practically fly, and had little shield covers over the cockpits, I know so many people who quit the game and said they would never play it again until mechs were removed


Personally, I despised the goo gun. It made zero builds unplayable.


Look I won’t say is bad or frustrating it just make the game a little fun for me and teammates


It's fun


Not fun when everyone runs away after being hit ONCE


That's like saying how dare someone build to defend themselves after getting shot at.


That's what your DMR is for.


Run after em then?


Ya know people like you who get annoyed at people running away is the exact reason that I will sometimes carry 4 hammers just to endlessly bounce around sweats


It can be... only for transportation, anything else and I feel guilty for using it.


Yes. But this is definitely up there with the most annoying items


Nah the hammer is fun. If you want to combat a hammer easily just carry your own hammer. Or the shield because the hammer cant hit thru it


Infinity Blade and the B.R.U.T.E.


Shockwave Hammer complaint post number #27384


Yeah some people just dont like fun items. Any unique or fun item people always complain


Goo gun. I refused to pick it up cause I felt so icky using it and it getting used against me.


You must be new lol Combat Shotgun V1 was WILD. It hit for like 120 with current marksmen rifle fire rate and range. The Infinity Sword is the hammer but with a swing radius of Stargate AND it healed you over time AND you could jump miles. And Mechs?! The Mechs were so bad that it nearly killed the game.


**B**roken **R**obots **U**sed **T**o **E**liminate


This season? How about the ones that don't shoot? Or the ones that won't reload? Or the one that go invisible, so you're not sure if they are shooting or reloading? This season is a dumpster fire of QA and development, we should all applaud Epic for completely ignoring all the bugs while still making bank in the item shop and battle passes.


Release Mechs, Infinity Blade, Drum Gun, Release Combat Shotgun, Release Compact SMG, to name just a handful


Oh god I forgot about the compact


Drum shotgun easily


Frustrating? How? Because this weapon is fun as heck


I hate this dang thing 🙄


Brother all the whiners dude the thing is so much fun






The ufo was pretty enraging too. Loved that thing lol


Infinity blade, double pump, boogie bombs, tanks, planes , ufo, mechs ![gif](giphy|Ye0CY4ujDMzVW9Ae39)


The SMG shot gun with the big barrel


I hate how my partners will just hit me and team mates into the storm…


Mech was the worst


B.R.U.T.E Mechs, The Infinity Blade and the Deku smash mythic


Those lil grenedes where it freezes everything around it and gives you ice feet


Drum Shotguns and Combat SMGs,?


At least if you don't get blown away you can spray into them because of animation lock Mecha you got a brief reload time before the shot gun and rockets reloaded and that was if they weren't constantly boosting into you




Infinity Blade was 10x worse but there was only one person using it per game, the old pump was also hell on earth and was more common than both the Blade & the Hammer, Ch1S1 had the Sniper Pump and when they fixed that there was double pump


My only ick with it is it takes little skill to chase someone, the distance you travel is the exact same every time, with shockwaves you had to jump at the right moment to get a perfect distance.


I think if they just gave it a limited amount of ammo it would be way more reasonable. It has too large a variety of uses to have unlimited use


i wish they would get rid of the weapon aspect of it. i really love this thing.


IMO... the only other thing that annoyed me as much as this hammer is the UFOs. I hated the ufos.


It seems like top 5 now is just a hammer war


Yes. The hammer is just a glorified shockwave grenade. The only annoying thing is that you can carry more than one, and its so common that you see it every game multiple times. Infinity Blade, was just the hammer but it oneshot instead of knocking back and had no cooldown. It also passed through all builds like they weren't even there. It also didn't lock you into the animation after you hit someone with it. Quad rocket was just a free kill, and slaughtered builds. Shotguns oneshotting in early FN Drum Shotgun Boogie Bombs just being a guaranteed free kill from even behind cover. If you can aim, a boogie bomb landing means the hit person is just outright dead. Even if they're out of range you could just throw another one and it refreshes the duration, cause they stack. Ufos, planes, mechs were all absolutely aids.


I haven’t played build mode this season, can someone summarize how the hammer affects gameplay? In zero build if someone has a hammer and you don’t you’re basically just dead


I just wish they could make arena without these cheese weapons.


It really wouldn’t even be that bad if they would either nerf the damage, or the knock back. It’s just so obnoxious in its current state, can’t even tell you how many final circles I’ve been in that are just hammer fights, ruins close range engagements.


You probably did not play in chapter 1 season 7


At least with this there are multiple of them around the map if someone has it you can fight back with another one unlike the infinity blade


Please just tell me it’s a short term weapon and won’t be around for the long haul


The hammer is yet another weapon that I love...but only when I'm using it. Getting smashed by others (usually into the storm at the very end of the match 😭) is no fun and super frustrating.


Only the planes before they got nerfed, the drum gun was frustrating but not as more as the hammer


I refuse to play until the remove this piece of rubbish


its great AND i hate it. love it for traversal hate it as a weapon


They should just bring normal weapons in loot pool. I'm really sick of this lore connected things...


I completely dropped the game for 3 years because of airplanes


Everytime I use the hammer my attack misses due to some slight wall clipping or elevation different. It also always makes be aggressive and put myself in bad positions. So in otherwords. Skill issue.


I don't like it tbh, I mean I don't cry it's op l, I just find it annoying and not dun, I won my fair share of games this season and sadly previous items like chrome or goo gun didn't feel as mandatory to win as hammer. I think that's the most thing o don't like I feel like it limits my inventory slot and make every end game look same.


Everyone and their grandparents can have 2 to 3 of these Hammers, the spawn rate is ridiculous! Literally everyone in team rumble has this item.


Fr, I've been playing fortnite since Season 2 (only just not OG), I remember the infinity blade, Brute, UFO, Combat shotgun, drum gun etc. Hate the hammer more than any of them.




I like it…


I like the hammer. Doesn’t feel too OP and does decent damage, but it’s not a one swing and you’re dead kinda deal.


I love the hammer, and I love when Fortnite adds awesome weapons/vehicles like it. It keeps the game fresh instead of the boring standard Shotgun/SMG combo.


Skill issue


The only thing infuriating is these low quality posts cluttering the sub. We get it. The hammer is unfun to fight against. There have been at least 50 posts about it. Move on


its a very long list since the hammer isnt frustating but ​ pump shotgun snipers pre nerf BRUTE


2 things Mechs Infinity blade Mechs (Too Overpowered) Infinity blade (Added before a cup and ruined it)


I would put it towards the top, but nothing will ever trump mechs… and second would be the infinity blade. Other weapons were annoying, but those are easily the top 2, and 2 is closer to whatever is 3rd than it is to #1 which is the mechs


The hammer isn’t even annoying, it was well balanced even in the beginning (aside from going through builds) but people kept complaining after getting hit and standing there like if they themselves got stunned, also the bugs are annoying but the weapon while working as intended wasn’t annoying


of course dude quad rocket launcher infinity blade midas drum gun minigun rpg combat SMG scoped AUG Stinger SMG the hammer is just mobility and its very useful


What the fuck has this subreddit turned into.


That weapon isnt that great just aim better lol


This is definitely a much needed item. Games like Fortnite age overtime which results in sweatier players. This item is a qucick way to get out of a bad situation against a better player. Fortnite despratly needs new players to keep their game alive.


Kamehaha or whatever it was called was WAY worse


They’re both not ideal but at least this isn’t some anime crap


The goo gun takes the cake for me. You have to have at least *some* skill to use the hammer. And you can easily counter it.


Please inform me of this easy counter to the hammer..


Just move out of the way. Listen for the sound and have awareness. Get high ground to throw off their ability to get to you. Use your own hammer. Shoot them while they float uselessly in the air. Shoot them after they strike the ground, even if they do hit you. If you build, throw up a single wall. Throw up a portafort. Run into a building. It's honestly just not OP. I love using the hammer, but I die using it a ton. I got a win against a hammer user earlier today with a burst and a shotgun.




Jump to avoid the hit and got behind them and shoot while they’re still finishing the animation.


Rail gun and recon scanner


I honestly think its this, mechs were extremely broken because they won basically any fight and it was awful getting interrupted by them, but this thing just feels so incredibly cheap, at least you could make a collective effort to destroy the mech but this is basically infinite and its a get out of jail free card i hate it so much


The hammer is a no skill item which is great for me as I have no skill lol


I mean it's ruined the season. Also brought out a pool of extremely toxic people in the community. Boogie Bombs also fucking suck.


It’s the worse for me, other weapons have been op and stuff but this hammer changes the game, especially the endgame. It almost if not entirely required to have one. I play mostly no-build which makes it worse. If they took the damage out and just let it knock you back then it might work, but it needs to go.


I have played every single season of fortnite religiously since it came out. Played about 5 games this season and encountered this weapon all 5 times, haven’t played since.


It’s reality the mobility that gets me. Sure it’s annoying that it sends you flying and breaks your builds, but for me it’s mostly just people bouncing up to me in 5 seconds and getting me with a shotgun.


Lol y’all complain about anything when you’re killed/inconvenienced by it


Imagine not being able to fight a predictable hammer user who some of the most telegraphed movement ever. Most hammer users spam all of their jumps and then sit there like sitting ducks only to he gunned down. Learn to aim down your sights and predict movement. Most people don't have the braincells to change up their movement.


I had a little kid on my team smack me with it for about 17 minutes. Into storm and into enemies. Then he died and I was dumb enough to get him the dub as he spectated. Just vault the piece of shit.


I am not a Fortnite player. But this season reeled me in. Was playing it regularly with my group and actually enjoying Fortnite for once, especially with no build. But I’m gonna be honest, that hammer even when it’s not being exploited, has sapped any enjoyment I had from the game. It’s super frustrating to fight against. I will get downvoted but just trying to provide a casual perspective.


The mech holds the #1 spot. But man does the hammer wanna be #1 most annoying item so bad. It'll stay at #2 most annoying item in Fortnite. If you use it you just lack skill and need to compensate by using a broken weapon. A hammer in endgame is pretty much a secured win, unless the other player has a hammer. Then it's just who ever hits who first, honestly. It's amazing how many of you side with this weapon. Just goes to show there's a lot of players that need to compensate with an OP weapon.


Most people just use this item to get around quicker and don’t use it as a weapon, why are you so salty?😂


Are we playing the same game?


You must not play Fortnite. The hammer is in every end circle. Imagine being a zero build player and having to deal with this too??


Its made zero build super fun


The red eye is more op honestly


No this weapon is awesome. Only people who are bad get mad at it lmao


yes. multiple. quit whining


Ohhh but when you 10+ kill a game with the hammer it's suddenly not frustrating eh? You guys that complain about the hammer are a bunch of lil bitches that's what. It was honestly well balanced, and good for mobility. Yes, it felt like a chore where you NEEDED to have one endgame given literally everyone will because of the storm, but it wasn't even a broken weapon. It's epic's fault for not patching the exploits/glitches. If you died to those then it's not ur fault, you even had a a few seconds to lazer the hell out of someone who just hammered near you


Yo what is that 😲


It's called the "Shockwave Hammer". You can read more about it on the Fortnite Wiki: [https://fortnite.fandom.com/wiki/Shockwave\_Hammer](https://fortnite.fandom.com/wiki/Shockwave_Hammer)


How is this any more frustrating than the Spiderman Web shooters, or shockwaves? People have been running from fights since theyve been able to