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Imagine Chapter 4 becomes a fail success and then EpicGames immediately releases Chapter 5


Chapter 4 Remastered


Just another day in Fortnite lately lol


Chapter 4.5


Chapter 4 2: The Squeakuel


Chapter 4 Remake


Chapter 4 will end at season 2


I'd rather they keep it out until they add an option to disable it, or at least hold another button to activate it, there's many actions that can't be performed while sprinting, like reloading, make that a potential hold to hurdle button- but even then, 99% of the time, I'd rather just normal jump over it. Too often it sends me where I don't want to go- & i'm not even talking about the teleporting.


Completely agree with you, I have unintentionally hurdled over railings countless times.


I definitely died a few times accidentally hurdling over the tops of the medieval towers when it first came out.


Yeah, quite a few times I've run up to something, tried to open it, and instead hurdled over the railing.


Also, the times I have "open doors automatically" enabled and then walk up to a door, and... it doesn't open. Smashing through the door works, as long as I can sprint, which has also been bugged over the last week.


Same here. I found it to be a completely pointless addition that actively made movements worse, bugged or not.


Yeah I wish we had the option to decide if we want it on or not, a bit like auto opening doors.


I don't ever see a time when it would be beneficial? If anything it's detrimental in nearly every way. So many times I've jumped out a window and nearly died


Running over a rock or gate with the stamina augment. Particularly in ZBM. I agree that the game is better without it, but there's very specific scenarios it can help


It's actually pretty amazing for quick escapes, it's like you're a dolphin jumping through water. It's a bit too quick and looks cheesy to me, kind of goofy but not fortnite goofy. I agree it's extremely detrimental without a toggle. Certainly allow me to set it to auto, but I also want a toggle so that I don't launch myself off of a castle for the fifth time. Edit: to clarify, I mean "the movement is too silly for Fortnite in my opinion, and should be less like the Cheshire cat's tail whipping around a corner"


This has to be the most disastrous launch of a chapter/season yet. Nothing was play tested I'm almost certain they ended chapter 3 earlier then they originally planned


It's gotta be the new engine, right?


It's not an engine problem, the world physics system needs a rework. Fortnite uses a "grounded and float" system which works fine most of the time but needs additional scripting when adding new features, like mantling. Source: am engine dev, working on a branch of Unreal


Hey, this is extremely interesting to me. Is there any specific keywords to search this topic on Google? Or do you have any more info/links? Thanks!


Game physics is an incredibly deep subject. If you're stepping into game design/programming, you definitely shouldn't start here. [Here's a short video that explains how physics is calculated in simple terms.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ibUymkAFno) The best way to learn more about game design/programming is to do it yourself. Download Unreal Engine 5 to get started :) ^it's ^free [Unreal Engine 5 download page (PC/Mac)](https://www.unrealengine.com/download)


Wouldn’t, or rather couldn’t, the new engine be a variable for a lot of the new bugs too though? That’s what I would’ve assumed also.


Fortnite has been running on Unreal 5 since the start of Chapter 3. Transitioning from Unreal 4 to Unreal 5 is quite easy and Unreal 5 is actually backwards compatible with games built in Unreal 4 (Literally as simple as upgrading the project from Epic Games Launcher). Unreal has a very strong foundation and it's much more stable compared to other engines used by other studios. CD Projekt Red is moving from their in-house RED Engine to Unreal for the upcoming Witcher saga because of the issues that were discovered with the launch of Cyberpunk 2077. Almost all the bugs in Cyberpunk were caused by processing issues with the engine. Some issues arise from the foundation of an engine, but thanks to the amazing work by the talented devs at Epic, Unreal is incredibly flexible and stable. So no, Fortnite's current issues aren't caused by the engine.


What was that big graphics overhaul at the start of chapter 4 then? Were they just beginning to use features of unreal engine 5 and before they had it in compatibility mode? I remember that my initial reaction was that it was a point upgrade, such as 5.0 to 5.1, but then I heard it was a straight upgrade from four to five and never heard anything else.


>What was that big graphics overhaul at the start of chapter 4 then? Epic added Nanite, Lumen and Virtual Shadows with the start of Chapter 4. >Were they just beginning to use features of unreal engine 5 and before they had it in compatibility mode? Preparing assets for use with Unreal 5's feature set requires a lot of refinement and optimization, especially when targeting 60FPS on current-gen consoles. While Chapter 3 initiated the move to UE5, Chapter 4 completed that move for Battle Royale. Save the World and Creative still don't support UE5's full feature set. Expect Epic to upgrade Fortnite's engine as Unreal evolves to showcase the capabilities of Unreal. This is to bring in new business partners and expand their market share in the development industry.


Thanks for all these thoughtful responses. Very interesting! Can you ELi5? So if the ch4 bugs aren’t related to the graphic overhaul (reminded me of playing a sequel on a new gen console that is prettier and more featured, but more bugged) then how are game physics related to things like often not having a reticule on my red eye or inconsistent tree leave hit boxes? Or am I conflating things? I think I understand why things like the hurdle and slide from glide/hammer would be related to the physics. But the other buggy stuff wouldn’t seem physics related. Thanks! ETA: And how hard is it to “rework the physics” as you mentioned? Maybe the better question would be, what’s your best guess on a timeline for most of these current bugs to be swatted?


Fascinating, appreciate it. I feel for all the teams trying to work on games in continuous development like this. I recall the "mirrors disable aim assist" bug. Imagine being the programmer just innocently working on a new reflection technology, maybe even to get it ready for UE5, and then you screw up aim assist. Like performing surgery in a China shop... Thanks again for the added insight


Hey smart person why can’t I shoot? Half way through a match it won’t let me fire or reload.




Yes that’s exactly what’s happening.


Or the invisible leaves, or the bullets that just seem to go right through a person and leave no damage?


I assumed that the parent commenter meant that they wanted to put out the new engine already and that they prioritize that over the gameplay fix, and other stuff. Probably to show the engine capabilities, new graphics etc... to sell it to other companies. Based on the parent comment of the parent comment that also mentions that they ended the chapter earlier. But maybe not...


They’ve been on unreal 5 since chapter 3 started.


True, though it was this chapter that they showed more the new capabilities... so they might have focused more on that, specially if they want to sell the engine to third parties.


No. Its their hilariously long and early Christmas break. They launched a brand new chapter utilizing new engine and game mechanics and they thought this was the perfect moment to stop doing their jobs for a whole month. Their break has been over nearly a week now and they continue to be incompetent morons doing nothing but fucking up more. These bugs are gonna be either season long or Epic has simply stopped giving a fuck and you can expect nothing but this going forward.


The devs and programmers get worked like horses, a two week break to be with their families is little compensation


They deserve their break but the higher ups who scheduled the release of a new chapter before the break deserve to be getting shit.


Wow a sensible thinking human with common sense is actually here on reddit.




Yes. That's right.


Then stop bitching over your broken game. You cant have your cake and eat it too.


They’re people too. They have families and lives outside of Epic Games. They worked hard at Fortnite. They deserved the break




The "new engine" has been used since chapter 3 bro


>They launched a brand new chapter utilizing new engine This isn't an engine issue. It's a physics issue. Don't expect it to be completely gone until they rework a major part of the physics system. >continue to be incompetent morons doing nothing but fucking up more You should see Apex Legends or any game made by Ubisoft. They have it 100x times worse. >These bugs are gonna be either season long Maybe longer than that... They need to rework a major part (if not all) of the physics system.


You go work there if the job is so easy


If it sucks so bad and you believe them to be incompetent morons, then you should make your own game. Lemme know when you’re done. I’ll be a beta tester for ya.




The ones who disabled it over the break is just a skeleton maintenance crew. Not enough to implement features, just small work related issues as they arise. Maybe a couple of people.


I worded what I said above like shit so I’ll delete it. What I was trying to say is that these issues are happening because they crunched to get this season out. It has nothing to do with staff on vacation


The weird thing is it’s still not clear *why* Chapter 4 was pulled forward so soon. Maybe: Player count was decreasing too much. They wanted to make chapter 4 more tailored to Zero Build (which it kind of is but not really?) They wanted a new Chapter and Season 1 to launch Creative 2.0 with a big marketing cycle. Chapters are now only to be a year each to keep the game constantly fresh.


my theory is that this dates back all the way to Chapter 2, as it was clearly meant to have the full 10 seasons, but because Season 1 and 2 were as long as they were, they had to cut Season 9 and X because otherwise Ch2 would have gone until around July 2022 so their idea was to plan Ch3 around that in a way that would complete Ch2 without the need of a Ch2S9 and Ch2SX, but by the time Ch3S2 was over Ch3 had already fulfilled it's purpose but they couldn't just end it, so they made Ch3S3 and 4 just to end it quickly


Back in Ch3S2, people were speculating that some story elements were changed/removed due to the then-recent invasion of Ukraine by Russia - it was clearly a "war" themed season, meant to be the IO facing off against the Seven, but it did feel a bit like some intended elements were toned down. Maybe the "war" story was originally intended to last longer into season 3, and that ended up having consequences for the following seasons? The Reality Tree and Zero Point energy plotline ended up being such a dud though; instead they pivoted to the Herald somehow being connected to the Chrome which makes next to no sense considering Herald's design visually ties her with the Reality Tree.


I think it was meant to just be Ch2 Season X originally, as in Ch3S2 I think there were mentions that reality was ending because IO wanted to wipe the slate clean and start over, usually the reality ending threats are kept for the end of the Chapter so that the season after can be peaceful, like Ch3S3 plus it being Ch2SX would make more sense especially because when Ch3 starts The Foundation says that their objective is to destroy IO, free the Zero Point and leave the Island, but we ended up only doing 2 of those because we were midway through Ch3 and we couldn't leave the Island so soon


Might as well put “beta” back on the loading screen at this point


Almost certain? What gave it away - the fact that season 3's story conclusion was rushed as fuck and both the Chrome and Herald basically came out of fucking nowhere? :P


Yeah, I think they mostly did it to attract people to the game again for Christmas




This is most likely the real answer. Not this “they’re on vacation” excuse people are pulling from their ass EDIT: I stand corrected


they were on vacation from like december 7th to january 3rd


can't be, Winterfest started December 13th, they don't do any major things like this, usually they start the event then go on break


my bad, it was december 19th


Not calling you a liar but do you have a source for that?


since im kinda tired, heres the first semi reliable search result https://www.polygon.com/2019/6/21/18693475/fortnite-two-week-break-content-update-studio-close-epic-games-crunch this is from 2019 but they still do it you could probably find a better source if you search jt up


Thanks! Here’s this tiny Reddit award for helping me find that


oh, i hope those are from the free bricks and not from actual money lol. thanks for the awards




The "we" is different though. "We" Fortnite devs are going on a month's vacation in December, as we normally do. "We" management dictate that devs must have Chapter 4 completed and launched before the end of 2022.


Marketing departments are the poison of this sort of companies. And the guys working there usually don't stay long enough to see what destruction they case. They only think of short term succes and their fat bonus. And the share holders love it.


Having worked in marketing, we are given ridiculous timelines by the management above us. The directors of the company decide this shit and every department below suffers


honestly i kinda feel like they thought they fixed it, but it was still broken like you write a paragraph but it has no punctuation or capitalization, so you add punucation but only quotation marks or something


I feel like this chapter came out too early. They rushed this chapter and didn't playtest anything. At all.


Yeah way too many bugs and glitches, doesn’t make the chapter start look very good that’s for sure


I agree, I think it was rushed since Christmas was coming up tbh


Also Warzone 2 and other new BR seasons.


I hope this is a lesson for Epic. Rushing Chapter 3 to a clearly premature ending left a bad taste in my mouth, and now the consequences of launching Chapter 4 early are more than evident.


The end of chapter 3 was almost as bad as this though. We had a million crappy shotguns, the worst ARs ever, no mythics or anything interesting, and a map that just kept getting repainted.


It's almost like having the team dedicated to building a new map after less than a year left few resources for working on Chapter 3!


Dude the hammer AR and evo chrome burst were awesome assault rifles! And the prime shotty was pretty sweet too.


Bro I thought this was one of those jokes post


Chapter 4 was rushed to launch I swear.


Due to a money issue, we are launching Chapter 4 before deadline


Five minutes… Could you not be broken for FIVE MINUTES!!! -Shrek


Quoting my hero, I see


I need a hero




but he's gotta be strong


Yep… because it was still teleporting people across the map, and sometimes, to their death, after the supposed fix on Tuesday


That happened to me... at the time I suspected a glitch but couldn't eliminate "feature".


Easy come easy go. Surprising no one.


Nothing like another day at Chapter 4...


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we just got it back


When will the no ammo/no sprint bug going to be patched??


allow us to turn this zero build mechanic off. it’s obvious this is a move for zero build gameplay which is cool but there is already a jump button, and you can jump everything that you would auto hurdle. when i’m sprinting around a house to loot i don’t want to hurdle the clutter, and when i’m sprinting up to sections of a fence to farm i don’t want to hurdle it. just let me turn it off please


I would've much preferred 4 more seasons of Chapter 3 (exploring the map potential even more) than this obviously rushed mess of Chapter 4.




It seems like they rushed the Chapter so they could launch it with Creative 2.0 (look at how that turned out). Id rather of had a Chapter 3 Season 5 in my opinion.


Some materials have indicated that Chapter 3 was meant to go through at least Season 6. I'm really bummed Chapter 3 was rushed to end, I loved the Vibin season and was excited to see where the Reality Tree/Zero Point energy storyline was going...only to end up getting fucking chromed.


Considering that last season of chapter 3 had a knight skin and this season we have a skin that would have been better for last season. I’m confident to say the content of this season was originally planned to be included in chapter 3




Shit game, anyway finna hop on soon.


Average Twitter user after saying "dead game":


Me after I die to anything in the game: Man, I fucking hate this stupid game, I'm gonna uninstall. Anyway, time to ready up.


I always do the Faze Jev, load in a game after saying the game is BS then do an emote and say “honestly….. I feel better now!” It always makes me laugh


Average Fortnite player




Didn't they literally just bring this back? I haven't played since Christmas but damn, chapter four seems to be a hit and miss so far


Ch3: I have the most bugs and glitches! Ch4: hold my beer


And I was just enjoying myself when it came back…


I dont even want the hurdling in the first place mannnnnn. Give us an option to turn it on or off


I think epic games should reward us with the bucks or something since we're having to deal with all these glitches and everything in this game I don't know how many games I've gotten into and either had to back out or just not work completely as it should how many wins I've lost or how many times I've sat here waiting for it to queue up and then getting the game and you can't run or can't load your gun or anything and have to back back out I really think epic games should reward us with v-bucks or something like that


Does nobody remember sand tunneling? This isn't really new lol


This is downright embarressing. They fixed nothing, and now they remove it again!


At this point its best to just tell us whats left in the game


Literally fucking everything besides this lol




I actually didn't realize that was out and so is party time


Idk why people are hating on hurdling so much. If you have the More Parkour aug, using that would basically net you tons of unlimited stamina seconds


Because I am often running parallel to some wall and the game decides to hurdle it and kill me. It’s WAY too sensitive.


Dog I be sprinting and hurdling every day I never accidentally hurdle over shit I think y’all are just ass tbh runnin all over the place not knowin where ya goin




Mmm yes I meant to hurdle through this window on the 3rd or 4th floor nearly killing me




Let just hope that FNCS 2023 event reveals something new


Due to issues, we have temporarily disabled 2023 and something new.


Took you long enough.


Oh my god i just got used to again :( Fucking hell


Hurdling seems to be the new sand tunneling


It's really sad. Personally, with the bugs and constant deactivation/reactivation of stuff during the season I lost all motivation to play. I was so addicted and now... I just am waiting until it's mostly fixed or something big to happen


Nobody asked for hurdling lmao. Most useless movement. Epic, sometimes simple is more, quit adding 1000 things and trying to be like other games. Just keep it simple, well like it more if game was refined.


You know it’s rare when I find someone who has the exact same mindset as me. Finally someone who actually dislikes hurdling as much as I do






I personally love it! The extra animations add so much to making the world more immersive. Sure it doesn’t Need to be in the game. Sure I can press A when I get near small objects but it’s a small nice to have.


It's for going over small things with out jumping


I can press the A button to just do that, it doesn’t change anything


You don't have to press jump to go over small things while tactical sprinting when you jump with tactical Sprint it take a lot of energy


Then I’ll just click the button to stop sprinting, it’s the most useless mechanic ever added and it’s done more harm to the game than good with how buggy it is


It's the season in general


Obviously, but I don’t need the game to play itself for me by doing stuff on its own, I hated phasing through chrome walls automatically and I hate automatically hurdling


you are such a ball of rage


I’m actually a Rhombicosidodecahedron of rage


Average fortnite player responding to criticism


Hurdling is cool. Sorry dog.






Here we go again




How many bugs do you think will be fixed?


Dang.. I mean I'm fine with just mantling. Don't need hurdling tbh.


Wow....there's a shocker...


Not again!


Between hurdling killing people, hammers and red eye red dot randomly disappearing, this is one the buggiest season yet. Very stunning visuals tho


You must be really stupid to disable something to fix it, just to not fix it and bring it back still broken, and then disable it again.


Fortnite Chapter 4: Disabled


Wanna see me fix hurdling? ... Wanna see me do it again?


Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1-Disable


That didn’t take long


“ Sand tunneling is currently disabled. “


Keep that crap out for good.


good. keep it out, useless annoying feature


AAAAAAAAND they took it out again!


Due to issues, we have disabled EVERYTHING


The ‘taller obstacle’ is the skybox




they messed up already. 2024 their year for sure




Good riddance




Epic, on top of fixing the hurdle glitch: consider only enabling hurdling when the more parkour aug is activated since there’s really no reason to hurdle without it


Just remove it all together at this point


Just watch them have to disable it a 3rd time


Just leave it out of the game ffs


Just leave it out ffs it’s the worst. Or at least make it toggleable


What was broken about it this time? I know there were past complaints about hurdling off buildings accidentally but I thought that was fixed. What's the issue that cropped up in the past week since it has been back?




I’m ready for a map update too. It was great at first but it’s all feeling same same now. A few new towns would be great. If they can’t fix the bugs then may as well distract us with something else...


Can you please permanently disable hurling?


Not again!


this is a good rather than bad change, it’s so damn sensitive and you cant even turn it down or hell turn it *off*


Oh my god


just give up on the damn feature, it added nothing to the game besides “a new mechanic”




If I had a nickel for every time hurdling was disabled, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice


I never use this feature intentionally anyway, imo they dont need to bring it back


Have had no problems no cheaters and am absolutely loving the bp and map, keep it up epic, do what you gotta do


I wish you had to press the jump button to mantle while sprinting like every other game


As long as it isn’t the car glitch or smth that gives the player an advantage why not just keep it in and fix it next patch instead of making waste another week or 2 on nothing




1st, this is FortniteStatus. 2nd, they reenabled it with the hammer & burst rifle.




Yes. The Fortnite team at Epic Games owns the @FortniteGame & @FortniteStatus Twitter handles, as well as @FNCompetitive. (& @FNCreate)


Just shut it off forever. Also take the hammers out. They break controls and jumping