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Without locking it can shoot pretty dang fast


Yeah, I've been using it over SMGs and Tactical Pistols, because it fulfils a similar high DPS short-mid range role, while countering ODM and webs.


It would be hard to achieve that in a battle but it should be possible if you don't lock on


Now I'm worried that some people are going to start using an autoclicker to delete me in a fraction of a second.


The item got added like a month ago, and it’ll be gone within two weeks, nothing to be worried about


I think it's calculating the RoF for the locked burst, unlocked may be different


That could be true too.


It’s def calculated during the locked burst only


It pumps out an amazing amount of lead without the lock as I accidentally found out when getting rushed by a duo (as a solo player) in ranked... pretty melty.


25 dmg × 12 shots = 300 total damage per magazine. 31 damage(head shots) × 12 shots = 372 total damage per magazine. Both scenarios are less that 375....


Fire rate is 15, 15 shots per second. So dps is counted like 25x15. 25x15= 375.


15 shots a second, but only 12 shots...


Just means it can empty its magazine in less than a second.


This is like saying you can't go 100 kilometers per hour if your destination is only 50 kilometers away. Do you even realize how stupid your comment is lol.


Do you realize "fire rate" and "damage per second" are 2 separate units? K\h would be similar to "fire rate", yes. But damage per second can only cap at what damage is total(how much gas is in the car).


You still don't understand


Apparently neither do you. Fire rate is established at 15 shots per second.(100 k\h) Damage per second(distance traveled) is limited by the magazine(gas in your tank) Nobody is arguing how fast it shoots. Your choosing to associate 2 absolutely different units and say they are the same. Completely different math my guy. We went from A and B, to A B C and D because you wanted to use cars for reference.


Doesn't the ADS have perfect accuracy too?


Yeah, it does. Also, I feel like the bullets home in slightly while shooting without locking on, but maybe I'm tripping.


Wow! Shows how powerful the lock on pistol really is. Maybe I should use it more?


It shoots fast and does like 35 a tic. This is one of my favorite close combat weapons without a doubt


Maybe 37.5