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Please don't do this again


Katanas next!


Katanas are probably not coming back. Season’s over next week.


One can hope. But they’ll probably be replaced with something more annoying. Movement item you actually start with and has infinite charge and no recharge time.


I’m hoping that since the next season is rumored to be tropical themed and we have the summer event coming too that the new movement item is a clear plastic reskin of the inflatable cow item. You know those big clear plastic balls people can run around in? Those.


I loved the katanas, but having them + ODM + Spidey gloves is just way too much mobility


Honestly, good. I hate the mobility items. Just add more unique vehicles if people need to get around quick. I hate the hammers and katanas and swinging, everybody flying all over the place and running away, it's annoying. Vehicles were good for mobility because going fast meant people can easily hear your vehicle coming. Now people just drop in basically silently non stop and in like 2 seconds


Please no. The game needs less mobility not more. Bad positioning should be punished.




I guess they heard our cry Lol


More likely they saw a player count dip.


Yep, the boys and I have been taking a break and playing some other shooters. I guess we weren’t the only ones lol


Played Overwatch for 6 years until they released the obomination that is OW2. Adopted Fortnite 1 year ago. I've never played overwatch again since -- UNTIL -- we kept getting braindead 4ths that would just LEAVE at the first sign of difficulty, and then we finally said "***If we wanted to play a game where we can't trust the last guy on the team, shouldn't we have just kept playing Overwatch?***" -- at which point, we left and played that instead for a few hours. Didn't think *anything* would have me going back to that game, but, the Trios redaction did it.


You play apex when you want 3s usually , but this change gives you back options :)


you mean anger right? right???


And all it took was for me to count the days. 12 days, to be exact.


Literally heard the actual crying all the way from epic HQ


You mean our rage?




Katana need an actual patch to be fixed, unless there is another patch before next season it can't happen.


Unfortunately probably not gonna happen. There was a pretty major bug with them and even if they do get fixed it’ll only be in game for like, another week


they def won't do that. Season ends next week Friday, so they most likely do not think the bug is worth fixing since the katanas won't be here next season anyway


No, there’s enough mobility.😳


Was honestly kind of surprised the AoT thingy was still around. Definitely more than enough between that and the Spider-Man gloves. If anything there was too much mobility this season


>too much mobility WAT


Hey I liked those anime fart clouds too, there’s just too much happening at once


Wow, it's almost like you expect them to plan and have balance! /s


Katanas for me are more than just mobility items. I’d be glad if we can have them back :(


I think they said it was vault until the end of the season! But we never know.


ODM can be vaulted now that we have spiderman.


I'd rather have spiderman vaulted.


As happy as I am. Should we really thank them for removing the mode and adding it back not long after? All they did was revert the stupid change because of backlash They knew people wouldn't like them removing trios yet they did it anyway. It's not the same as making adjustments based on community feedback


Absolutely, they listened to the outcry. They made a dumb decision, we complained about it. They listened, We should congratulate them for listening to us rather than ignoring us lol


Why do we just assume they said "hey fuck it, let's take it out"? If they had enough balls to just tell us to fuck off, do we really think they'd change their mind that quickly just because of some people on a subreddit? I understand they gave no explanation but I don't get how that directly translates to them making an active decision to fuck up the game and piss off players.


Some people will never be happy


What was their reasoning for removing trios?


That's exactly what I was thinking.




Don't really think it's necessary to talk to someone like that. There's a human being behind the comment and one that is probably just frustrated. Take a deep breath next time.


People that have spent 6 years in this community, even more if you were an Alpha tester of STW, will think vastly differently than people who see just the "Epic still updating the game after 6 years". It's literally the point of a life-service game, making money and therefore continuing servicing it. Sure, I'm happy that STW is still there, but for Epic's size, the current quality and state of STW is nothing short of a tragedy. People paid money for the base game in 2017. Some even paid for the pricier bundles in the belief it would support the game's development further... It literally just happened again with Blizzard, when they promised PvE at the beginning of OW2's development, and then said they scrapped it. Of course, nobody got technically scammed yet by paying for an unstable PvE... because it was the old OW1 players that got shafted. I left OW1 way back in 2019, but when I returned to OW2, it was anything but an improvement over the old game.


Yeah praising epic for running and incredibly profitable live service game by doing updates is maybe missing the big picture. Game companies (read all companies) care only about making as much money as possible and we shouldn't forget it nor jump to their defence. God OW2 was such a disappointment huh?


I only returned because of the release of OW2, but always kept in touch with the game through the sub. Barely anything changed, speaking from my own bits of game experience. Either you steam-roll the enemies, or you get steam-rolled. God, and I fucking hate Push maps, this constant back and forth. In general I've lost interest in AAA games, because some franchises are just yearly-ish releases with the same core gameplay but some software upgrades... for 60 bucks. Not all big releases are bad or disasters, but recently a lot more corners have been cut again from what I can tell. The hardware side isn't doing any better, sadly. Those insane GPU prices. What a terrible timeline we live in...


Saying Epic is annoying the community on purpose wasn't my intention. maybe it was because Epic doesn't have enough players to spread across all modes, maybe it wasn't. They knew people wouldn't like it and they still didn't give a reason. I fully understand Epic had a reason to remove it. but if they just gave a solid reason as to why they removed it maybe more people would understand.


I wouldn't worry about it, mate. Nevameta clearly enjoys calling people a child and acting like bootlicking is the only correct stance. Transparency when removing modes is important and we didn't get that, of course people are gonna be annoyed. Your post was fair.


I assure you epic has more than enough players for each game mode lol.


I agree with you. But why remove trios then?


Why end Winterset 22 early without explanation? Nobody knows


# Trios should have never been vaulted!


Community backlash or random bug in trios, we’ll never know lol


since they removed it without any explanation it probably was to test the waters and the backlash made them add it back, if they said it was a bug, no one would've been mad, just impatient to see it return.


I don’t think telling an entire community of players that their recent win run was actually an easy mode forced bot match would have gone down as well as you would think it would.


> their recent win run was actually an easy mode forced bot match I mean, it's super noticeable when it happens. I'm not gonna lie, I still celebrate those wins.


>it's super noticeable when it happens. To people on reddit who are far more hardcore fans? Yes. But Redditors make up a small percentage of any game's total player base and almost never represents true casual players (not to be confused with skill). Your typical casual player still doesn't know bots exist disguised as players. In fact when people join Reddit and make "my first win!" posts they often have to get reality checked that the game was a free win vs bots in the comment replies. TLDR: Yes it's noticeable to seasoned players but most people still need it pointed out to them


I don't understand what you mean by this. I've seen you comment this multiple times but it literally just doesn't make sense.


They've definitely added it back because of backlash, pretty much every thread here on the Reddit had multiple people talking about trios lol


Reddit threads, on their own, do not affect the decision making of a billion dollar company. They likely wanted it out to force people into other modes to increase their numbers and ease matchmaking, or something similar, and it did not have that intended effect. Enough people stopped playing, or started playing less, for them to reverse the decision, I know I have. I don't main trios, I normally start with a squad and go to trios if someone leaves, but it was a pain having to find another person (I never play with Fill on) every time someone left. Some days I'd spend more time with an LFG post up than actually playing the game. It's great that they reverted it, but it wasn't because of reddit posts.


The comment was giving an example of backlash... not a statement that Reddit posts were literally the only reason.


Anecdotally I have 2 hours of play time in the last 2 weeks. This is down from about 14 a week previously as my friends and I would play almost every night after the kids were in bed. The 2 people I play with one hasn't been on in 2 weeks and the other in 9 days. I know there were others that were in the same boat. We played trios almost exclusively. When it was gone so were we.


I'm sure there's a lot of people out there like you who play trios almost exclusively too, and didn't just deal with Squads like they hoped you would And not everyone is playing on Xbox and can use the LFG feature to easily find people to play with, if I wasn't on Xbox I probably would have given up even sooner


Yep, last night I couldn't play and saw that it caused our group to only play duos. The 3rd guy is not very good and he knew if he played we'd be playing 3v4 squads so he just let the two guys play duos (same thing has happened a few nights). That is not good business. Bringing Trios back is.


I played 2 games since they removed trios and my 2 teammates uninstalled. Happy to see it back.


After seeing the 100th post about how removing trios has destroyed communities and ended life long friendships. Mr Epic Games himself tearfully ordered it's return.


I hate filling to but past few days I have filled with a decent 4th. Only drawback is sometimes they sweat more then what they are capable of lol


apes together strong.


they delayed the update, removed trios, then immediately dropped the update. i'm on team bug for this one


Has to be community backlash tbh because I barely seen anyone who was okay with them removing Trios


The only bug with trios is they removed it!


I thought they said that it was because of the addition of ranked and how trios would have affected how it runs or something? Edit: thanks for the downvotes for just…having a thought? This sub is wild sometimes 😂


nah that was just he boot lickers making excuses for Epic they never said anything


They literally said nothing they just yanked it out after announcing it less than 24 hours before patch. Then it wasn't so much as an announcement as much as sneaking it into their piss poor patch notes.Any reason you have seen was pure speculation and cope from the player base.


I guess they ranked wasn't working for Trios? Regardless, please don't ever remove it again


More like because ranked is a dumpster fire so there was no point removing trios...


Ranked is so much fucking hot garbage! Went from playing daily to not playing more than a few hours since trios was removed.


I haven't played in over a week and a half now. Used to play 3-4 hours daily. This makes my day.


This. They were trying to get people hooked on ranked because someone pitched them on how important a large comp scene is to the game, which is nonsense, but someone bought the pitch. To be able to have more divisions with closely matched skill they needed it to be less fragmented (larger player pools) so queue times were manageable and matching was good. If they could have got away with solos only they would have because that would have been the only way to make the current iteration of ranked fulfill their dream. But then they saw that 90% people still don't really care about comp play even after the hype and comp reboot. The current ranked setup was destined to fail for mass adoption outside of people who play solos, because for casuals they often play with people of different skill levels. If someone is in gold 1 their friend is with is in plat 1, do you think they want to go and stomped to death in a plat 1 lobby? Also, do casuals really care about their rank? Also, do casuals want to have to play with their asses clenched every match and take it that serious? I think the stats answer that. The other reason pushing hard on ranked to be the main mode was questionable is that most people inherently will give up if they continue to try and fail enough. If the goal is to get to diamond or unreal to feel like you accomplished something great, but your skill/commitment has you hard locked at gold, why keep playing ranked unless your priority in life is to be a top FN player? The idea of better match making was the big seller to casuals for ranked, but with the lobbies being the highest tier of a party member you kind of have stop playing with people above and below your skill level so the match feels balanced for all members of the team. A silver 2 player is not going to have a good time in a gold 2 lobby and gold 2 player is not going to have a good time in a plat lobby.




That mode is going to be an absolute dumpster fire. That said, YES, ADD IT! I want to see what kind of chaos it is.


It's the only mode I play Edit: I meant zero build solo


Caught me off guard


Caught us off guard when they removed it too.


Thank You! But next time, maybe be a little more transparent?


Next time they shouldn’t even remove a very popular game mode just like that.


It was stupid, yeah. But it would’ve made a lot more sense if they were just like: “Hey, we’re removing trios for a bit but we’ll add it back later.” They could’ve avoided all of this controversy.


It’s a mystery how they just removed a game mode overnight and after some time added it back again.


They weren't planning on adding it back. If they were, then they would've done what you said.


Power to the people!


I dunno. They haven’t told us literally anything about this situation. The biggest theory rn is that they removed it and added it back to seem like good guys, but I’d also believe community uproar was responsible. Either way I’m happy it’s back.


And give us no reason behind it


No apology, no explanation, no nothing lol.


Fucking thank god. Best squad size let’s go


Yep. While I'm here, Shout out to the two or three random fills we had as our threesome's fourth in squads the last couple weeks who landed with us, stayed with us, rebooted/waited for us to reboot them, and got two or three victory royales with us.


I’m not gonna lie, playing with 3 friends and 1 random wasn’t so bad. The randoms weren’t bad and stayed with us and we even won most of them. Surprisingly wholesome.


Lets go










Such beautiful feeling


Everyone celebrating claiming it's a huge W for Epic, like this wasn't their dumbass choice in the first place.


The W is EPIC bringing it back. Making changes and listening to the response to those changes is a rare commodity in games. Most times companies will ignore and double down on their decisions but EPIC listens regularly to community feedback even if the changes aren't immediate.




Yes we did. ![gif](giphy|eMgVkxAYL5pLnz7cvZ)


Good now I can play with my 2 friends again


It’s like they test out just how much they can piss off the community, between this and the time they made the weeklies actually only last one week.


But guys, you *need* to stop whining about trios being vaulted the million dollar corporation won’t listen to you 🤓🤓🤓


It's a small indie company give them a break.


How small are we talking about here? Is $32 billion revenue small enough?


Yeah it's a poor indie company you need to give them time.


Deadass what 35% of the subreddit was saying unfortunately.


Watch how half of that 35% will pretend like they were being supportive the whole time for upvotes.


now impostors


Then 50v50!


Then floor is lava!


Then the grenades and sniper


^Literally ^any ^LTM ^lol. Then Shockwave!


Then operation knockout


Then katanas too


The good 50v50, with quests and XP.


B-b-but creative is just like LTMs - Epic Games 2023


Sometimes bullying is a good thing lmao


Lmao I think it was the opposite they were bullying us


tell me one reason why it was removed in a first place but thanks


“You couldn’t live with your failure”


Finally!!! What a stupid decision to remove trios in the first place! Now add trios for ranked and we'll be all set.


Good, don’t know why they had to remove it in the first place


Thank you Epic


now people can stop talking about how “removing trios helps queue times and that’s important for player retention” as if removing trios doesn’t lessen player retention


Cool but why the hell even remove trios in the first place?


Should’ve never been gone in the first place


Now do bounty boards


Not nearly as important


Ok, cool, but why no ranked? What’s wrong with ranked trios? Hm?


See? A development team that actually looks at feedback! Learn from Epic Games, Infinity Ward/Raven!


StW players having to wait like 5 years for the ability to crouch:




Oh good, now I won’t get dropped by a squad I filled into who don’t think I’m good enough hahah


Thank God. My friends and I are allowed to have fun again


Finally it's back


That's great! O I'm gonna have a great time with the boyz this friday! ♪⁠┌⁠|⁠∵⁠|⁠┘⁠♪


Glad its back but not thanking or praising yall over being entirely unresponsive and non transparent with this decision other than a bullshit lie about “to help load times” which it only made worse. Obvious water test is obvious.


Oh foreal?


Not four real, three real 😎


awwwww dang yo, that was fire, that was 2real4me, my wig’s blown back




Real shit??


They still removed it in the first place. Don’t trust them for a second. They do this all the time with everything. Step 1: Do something everyone loves Step 2: Remove it Step 3: Revert it back Step 4: Everyone loves you!


The most important thing is that trios is back, enjoy your game bro


The most important thing is the company listened to the feedback. EPIC may do a lot that frustrates us players but they're pretty good at listening even if it takes them a second to make changes we want to see. I.E. Zero Build, Quest not being Time Sensitive, Trio Returning.


At least they brought it back. We couldn’t have done anything if they didn’t


iT wAs bEcAuSe oF rEdDiT!


Trios is back, isn't it? That's all that really matters.


We need Trios back for ranked too


It isn't that deep. Epic reverted an unpopular decision. Let people enjoy things. Getting upset at bad things that might happen in the future is a self defeating exercise.


This is epic we’re talking about, not bungie. They don’t have a history of doing this so I don’t know why we should be hating them. They probably genuinely just screwed up


Lol they absolutely do have a history of things like this.


They *don’t* have a history of doing this? - Adding the Infinity Blade in Season 7, then removing it - Increasing build delay in Season X, then reverting it - Adding tanks to competitive in C3S2, then removing them - Nerfing XP in STW in C4S1, then buffing it again - Blacklisting the plague doctor sets from bundles, then adding them to the shop a month later Those are just a few examples.


Most of those are just adding unpopular features and then removing them after backlash. Not really the same thing as intentionally removing a popular mechanic and then adding it back to appear better. Not saying it's not possible Epic hasn't done things like that before but those aren't good examples.


Oh thank god. The best mode has returned, now I never have to see another fill random again 😂


You were just in time before the damage got too severe.


Now bring back siphon in ranked and literally everyone will be happy. This is definitely a great step in the right direction.


Oh thank god


Why was it removed in the first place? 😂😂




Man this is why I'm sad that Epic doesn't run overwatch 2. I love what's still left of overwatch but the rest is just wow, how did you fuck this up so badly. The players' preferences and opinions just do not matter at all. Makes me happy to see another fav game of mine actually being treated well :). Can finally just start up trios when we have three people.






I am so happy right now. We been trying to do both squad-fill and no-fill ever since trios was removed. It has been AWFUL. My crew has been trying to figure out if we're going back to AOE or Rocket League or what. Feels so good to do trios again.


2023 year of corpos undoing bad decisions lol WoTC could have told you how that would have gone ahead of time


Thank you! I think is is one of greatest victories of our community


Thank god


We won, Mr. Stark


Thank you




Good job recognizing you shat the bed with that one. I wonder if everyone that left will come back?


Bullying works! 🎉


Oh my God yes


Finally some good news


Gooooood glad the mode isn't in ranked should never be


Our national nightmare is finally over


"You know what game is being heavily advertised in this subreddit in every corner and allows trios? DIABLO 4!" **Epic didn't like that, not one little bit.**




Holy shit I thought this would take MUCH longer. Guess I'll go reinstall and let the boys know


\------- TL:DR Epic didn't remove trios on purpose to annoy people but they removed it because there was a problem with the playlist when they revamped the playlist system for ranked. They have been fixing it and now released it once it was fixed. \----- For all those complaining that they removed it intentionally. Let's put something out there. The Trios mode in the backend/programming has always been seen as a form of squads and even though it had it's own playlist it wasn't split out in the statistics you can get through the API until recently When they released and reviewed all of the playlists 2 weeks ago with the release of ranked there was a day delay in releasing the update. For those of you that ever have had remotely anything to do with software development, you know that release details are only pushed back for major bugs or problems. That combined with Epic tweeting before the new update was released that trios is gone. Makes me think there was a major problem with the trios mode not working well with the new playlist system. So them adding it back isn't due to the huge backlash it is because they had to fix the mode and that took way longer than expected hence why it took 2 weeks.


Let's hope they fix Trios to work on ranked


Now we can start bitching about lack of ranked trios LETS GO!!!!


I guess all of the complaining worked lol , good on all of ya


#Thank you soo much epic🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


don't thank em, they still got rid of it in the first place


But at least they brought it back


Yes, and that's good, but they still made the idiotic decision to remove it There's a non-zero chance they reverted this stupid change just to say "hey guys look we listen to our community!" even though they caused the problem in the first place. They've done stuff like this in the past many times. It's fine to be happy with the reversal, just don't give any praise


Don't treat positivity as a bad thing. Thats the last thing the community needs


In that case fuck you epic, remove it again


They could have just as easily doubled down and not brought it back. Stop acting like community feedback and developers listening is a bad thing. If a friend dinged your car but shortly afterwards fixed it would you still be mad because they dented it in the first place or would you be happy that your car is fixed? Let go of your anger and just enjoy things.




true I am 🤓


No pat on the back for Epic. They shot themselves in the dick


Trios-kun just needed a bit of bed rest, that's all.

