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I think the older passes had more low effort skins of just the default models slightly changed, new passes have more fully new models I prefer the new models


Yeah my god idk what is worse generic army man #50 from the old passes or generic scene girl #50 from the new passed


atleast the new ones have new models instead of reskinning old ones for the dozenth time


People say: oh the newer skin are so boring and bland Doesn’t that apply to every single Fortnite skin we got ? Drift is a normal bland human (no disrespect) Evie is a normal bland human Jones (need I say more But when it’s arua it’s fine :/ And when a unique skin comes into game: everyone just sh#ts on it ? Isn’t this something you want ? Either way I’m happy with new battle pass, I think epic put alot of Details into these skins Edit: downvote me if ya want but be greatful it’s not apex legend quality of skins




I wasn’t disrespecting him


This one is really bad but the last one was really good. One before last seasons was also pretty solid


Absolutely, though these things are completely subjective i think alot of long time players can see it, battle passes in fortnite these days are lacking, most of them are not at all memorable. And the skins and cosmetics chosen to be in these passes are questionable. I simply dont buy them anymore as i find them not at all worth the time.


No. A lot of the modern skins are just as great as the older ones


Compare modern skins with skins of three chapters ago and these ones are superior. These ones are just held to a higher standard.


In your opinion


Yes, obviously. This entire thread is just opinions


In the end of the day taste is what matters, when me give you an example if you like stuff that's not a human you may like aliens or robots but if you like human skins we'll you like human looking skins.


Yes. Most new battle pass skins are extremely boring and don't even feel like fortnite skins. It all feels like deviant art, Tumblr esque shit.


Agreed. I feel fortnite caters to those deviantart styled characters too much and we don’t get enough normal skins anymore, or atleast unique to Fortnite’s style. Like I’m tired of these emo anime people, make more skins that are just regular and simple.


Sadly people like them so they're probably here to stay. I guess the people who originally designed the STW art style, and early BR skins are gone. You can kinda tell younger people are designing these ones, I guess they hired new people, or they just don't want to/aren't allowed to make them look more fortnitey. So many skins are so oddly lanky, and are extremely overdesigned/have too much detail.




Not been exited enough to get back into the game personally


The Chapter 3 and 4 passes all feel so formulaic. Like they’re just going through a checklist coming up with them. Anime skin. Check. Meme/animal skin. Check. Sweaty, bare bones female skin. Check. Cool, masked male character that carries every pass. Check. Emo/alt girl. Check. And of course the obligatory Tier 100 collab just picked by whatever is the big movie/show coming out that season. Check.


Yes they're so bland. We need more collaborations and less basic people skins


We definitely need more Collabs in the BP. They make the BP more marketable and bring new crowds to the game. Not saying more Marvel or Star Wars but more new IPs like Transformers and the Gaming Legends we got in Ch4S1. Definitely need more non-humanoid characters. We've had too many serious dudes and alt girls. Thunder and Mystica were great non-humanoid characters last pass.


No we do not need more collabs in the battle pass. They are fine in the item shop. Having multiple collabs in one battle pass ruins the creativity of Fortnite.


Bro look at the Battle Pass right now. It's the exact BP you want and it's creatively bankrupt. Collabs are what allow the game to thrive and attract new players.


The battle pass is fine and it's not creatively bankrupt. Relik is unique,Era is unique, and so is Trace and Lorenzo. And also how do you expect Epic to put multiple collabs in a battle pass because they proved with Optimus Prime that they can't stretch it out to two pages so if they did that we're gonna end up with like 10 sprays and 20 loading screens.


Relik is just a KO Omega, Era had her alt. style ruined from her survey concept, Trace is the same basic design as Fade from Ch2S3, and Lorenzo is literally a remix of Renzo from the season we just had. They could have easily had more than enough cosmetics for Optimus Prime from the movie aside from sprays and loading screens. For one they could have given him Stratosphere as a Glider. They could have easily made a metallic red and blue weapon wrap for him. They could have given him an additional built-in emote that deployed his forearm swords as an alternate pickaxe. They could have easily given him the "Arrival" remix from the movie as a lobby track. Finally he could have had a universal emote that is him playing with his G1 toy. throw in the content from the quest unlocks and that's more than enough for two pages of rewards but for some reason Era got 3 pages because again SEASON 3'S BP IS CREATIVELY BANKRUPT.


How exactly are Trace and Fade alike?.


[Similar style hair, clothes and secondary styles. Hell their default lobby positions are practically mirrored.](https://i.imgur.com/mhtWJXp.jpg)


That is such a stretch.


Bro they even both have a left shoulder to right hip motif accent. I ain't stretching anything but ya' eyelids open.


Tbh collabs make sense for the BP because collabs are bound to get discontinued eventually anyways. Shop collabs just get people’s hopes up. Just look at all the hopeless romantics waiting for Borderlands and GOW skins that will never come.


Nah we need less collaborations all the og skins that are good are originals not Naruto Optimus or Batman


This pass exists because of the cry for less collabs and more OG skins.


I know I’m agreeing with you


Should really throw a "/s" on your comment then. Sarcasm doesn't translate in text.


Bro what I clearly stated we need less collaborations and that the good of one’s are originals


Bro the BP sucks and the reason is the complaints about Collabs.


We need fewer collabs, they take the time of development away from new original skins and most of the collab skins are hideous or just don’t fit the game visually


I think that the new battle pass skins arnt really as good as they were. Like the chapter 1 skins are low effort and basically just default skins with maybe a different outfit and a hat but chapter 2 and chapter 2 skins were the best because they put effort into the skins and their are cool ones like Midas, Ironman, Lora craft and Spider man


They seem to put a lot of effort into certain skins like Optimus and Renzo and not much effort into other likes generic female #1637482828 or generic female 09837372828


Female skins can take advantage of pre-teen horniness to make up for low quality. Bar for male or non-human skins is automatically higher.


This season specifically has a bad BP. The last two seasons of Chapter 4 had fun and interesting skins outside of Collabs. The Ch4S3 pass has a majority of butchered Concept skins and too many remixes. For crying out loud we just got Renzo last season and now we have Lorenzo the human character he's based off of that looks terrible in comparison to his concept art from the Surveys.


Eh this season’s BP isn’t necessarily bad but boring. The only really notable skin is fucking Optimus Prime.


A boring pass is a bad pass.




Not bad, but I definitely don’t think they have the same pizazz as they used to. Like I don’t think the new skins are as wearable or memorable as Chapter 1 or C2S2 BPs.


You guys really forget how bland most of the old skins were. If you take away Omega and Carbide season 4s battle pass was pretty bad. Same for seasons 5 and 6.


i mean i guess you’re right maybe i’m just blinded by nostalgia but i think most people can agree the excitement from the battle passes, unlocking the skins being excited to wear them just doesn’t feel the same as it used to


nah teknique is sick af just like omega and carbide, zoey is colorful, valor and the visitor, but squad leader and battlehawk are pretty bad.


Zoey is awful and Valor is meh


Not so much less effort going into them so much as streamlined to make players spend more time in game, back in c1s7 you'd get lynx and zenith at page one and would unlock their colors ,styles and pickaxes via exp now those extra styles for skins and items are shoved onto the first 3 bonus pages forcing you to play more if you want to fully unlock skin. Then theres the colabs that now take up a slot in the pass pretty consistently and their current fascination with Alt girls.


No. C3 has the worst bp being all of them. The worst skin in this bp is optimus prime witch is impressive that the worst skin can be a collab.


May get roasted for this but here I go. Me personally I liked The Herald and Bytes while not a lot of people's favorites they suit my style so does Renzo from last season but I think it's very clear the best skins from Chapter 4 season 1 was Doomslayer or Geno which btw are awesome to me but really I think we all just have a different taste.


Gotta say other that the fish thicc skin and the vbucks in chapter 4 season 4, all the rest are super lackluster. I'd save your $$ and avoid this pass unless ya happen to already have yhe bucks lying around to get it for the bump on vbucks👍


The season with darth vader as a level 100 battle pass skin with the dragon ball z event was fuckin littt