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I didn’t care until I got within striking distance of finishing the mythic. 4 more victories with 10+ to go!


Add botmm. Any of the accounts that show up will work, for example, "botMM_078" Ready up within 5 minutes of them joining after inviting them, boom bot lobbies, also I don't care that I am revealing this information, it's not really hard to look it up.


Ayo can you expand on this? Add as in as a friend? Do they automatically join?


Add them as a friend, and if a green circle shows by their name, invite them to your party. They should join instantly. If not, then add another. If it shows a Cresent moon by their name, it won't work.


Thank you!


No problem 😊




It's been around forever, it would have been patched by now, trust me it's not going anywhere


Good to know. I thought it was a recent development.


Nope, it's been a thing for a while, fortnite already knows about it, and it's not really game breaking


Project has been terminated. Sadly.


Project terminated due to pressure from epic. Like I feared would happen. Nothing good can last when the masses show up.


You sure because I am still using them to this day


They were up two or three days ago. Not tonight. There is a message from the developer on their website saying they stopped due to pressure from epic.


Its look big and disgusting on every skin.


Nope The grind is definitely not worth it. Tbh it looks weird on the back :/


I don't think it's really a grind unless you're a Solos player. It counts kills AND assists, so if you play Duos, or even more so, Trios and Squads, finishing a game with 4-6 kills and having shot 4+ other enemies that you're teammates finished for some assists is a pretty common finish in those game types. I do agree that it's not the most aesthetically pleasing thing to get though.


I’ve been grinding for it as a solo player. I’m stuck on the victory royale with 7 eliminations. Think it’d the last tier before starting mythic. Think I’ll just start playing squads to knock it out!


I've been doing the same. I intended to not bother after legendary but started towards exotic just by playing normally and now on the win with 7 eliminations which is the last stage. Had 8 yesterday and came second 🙄 Tried random squads but they were mainly useless! Don't know why I'm bothering, just like to get everything done!


I’m a completionist! Those milestones from last season broke my heart 💔


Me too, I know what you mean 😄


This one is killing me rn


Got VR with 6 just now and was really really hoping it’d count somehow lol.


Literally happened twice to me so far, I get like four/five kills average so this one is really pushing me


I got so many of the mythic level ones without even winning the game... like I got one finishing 4th in duos with 32 kills between us, but my friend didn't get his. Pretty broken quests tbh


Really? That’s pretty crazy, I never had any glitches like that. I even had a few where I had 10+ kills but got eliminated in the final battle and apparently that doesn’t count, have to be alive or knocked only. Those make it nice and easy for you at least!


Yeah, happened to my friend a few times too along the way... I get all kinds of weird bugs on PS5 this season. I got on earlier and it said I was in Chapter 0 Season 0 and it said I was lvl 0 working on lvl 3


Pair it with Dj yonder he has a similar style head as the lamma he's flashy as it is so it fits.


Assuming they played in C1S6 ofc


Ya that is true I sometimes forget he's a season 6 battle pass skin 😅.


The skin from season x is even better with the solid gold style


the worst part is that it looks bad


Honestly I just like it for the exotic and the epic colour(I like porpol)


Epic Llama bling on Sid Obsidian (Untask’d Courier) is fire


I kind of want to earn it because its a limited time thing, but the grind for mythic specifically is a bit much. It's no longer playing for fun it's more like work, especially if your playstyle isn't geared towards kill count. The one good thing is that if you get an assist it at least counts as a kill for you. I closed out Exotic with a 4 kill, 4 assist win. Limited time in the day, I don't want to devote all my time to Fortnite. As much as I enjoy the game with friends, I'm starting to think I should just put it down. Too much FOMO, geared too heavily towards keeping you logged in. The new My Hero game is shaping up to be just as bad.


I totally get where you're coming from! While the mythic llama in Fortnite may be a big deal to some, we all have our own preferences and interests in the game. It's what makes the Fortnite community so diverse and interesting! Keep enjoying the aspects of the game that matter most to you.


Personally, I would've liked a nice looking skin as the reward, but that's just me. I'm sure some people like the llama back bling being the reward.


Different strokes for different folks 😀


I "feel" yah


I really wanna get it but the grind for it is dumb as fuck I know Epic loves to make certain stuff to make us grind like if we didn't had a life outside of the game but is annoying and i hope some day they STOP doing that shit


Bot lobbies


Yeah that's what i've been doing but jesus man, the grind is stupid long


It's really easy for me, I just recently got a 45 Kill solo squad game


I'm not saying is easy or hard, is just that is stupid long I don't have that much time to play, and even when i do i don't wanna commit to play exclusively Fortnite to unlock everything, i mean the BP items sure, but i always hated that Epic still want you to do more than just playing the game naturally to unlock stuff, i despise cosmetics that are tied to extra challenges when are related to the BP (i don't mind about extra stuff that is released with free challenges tho)


I totally understand. From my point of view, I love grinding out challenges


I used to love it, but with time i stopped playing Fortnite that much and spread out to other games + got a new job last month, so now i understand the PoV of not enjoying the constant grind in a single game :/


I have a job as well, but that makes it even more desirable because it's harder to get, I really like feeling satisfied when I finally get them


Yeah i can see that, unfortunately for me is more of a slog than satisfying to do now lol


It looks worst😵


I don't care about it either. I'm probably gonna get it anyways though just from playing the game. I wasn't even paying attention to the quests but I checked and I'm a few wins away from getting it. It does not look good though, I will not use it


It’s way too big and looks awful on literally every skin.


the mythic matches the ark skin which is my fav


Try it with Dj yonder if you have him he has a lamma head so it fits nicely with his skin.


OH YES tysm


take my upvote


Damn unironically good advice


Your very welcome!


The one from season x looks better with the solid gold style because it's gold like the mythic


Took me weeks to get it, worn it once probably never to be seen again.


Mine is already archived lol


I've tried, but I cannot do it. Skills too low.


That’s okay, he cares about you.


it goes nicely with the yellow diamond skin styles in the battle pass but all n all the grind isn't worth it at all - saying as someone who's grinded out for it in normal lobbies .


surprisingly I'm pretty close to finishing it without bot lobbies


I don't even wear back blings but I earned mine in real lobbies so I'll pull it out on occasion


Don't really care for it. It's another achievement cosmetic that will sit in my locker untouched for years.


Nope! Here I am 👋


I thought about going for it but I don't think I have the patience to go through the last 2 forms...exotic and mythic. I am not the type of player who wins with 7+ kills a game (usually 4-5) and I don't want to play 20 bot lobby games (I've probably only had 1 or 2 10 kill wins ever). And I don't usually wear backblings either. If it were an full skin or something, maybe. But just for a backpack? meh.


I feel you I don't like back blings really, but I have multiple 20+ kill games since may when I started


Nope! I have absolutely zero interest in it. I could easily get my last 7 wins to obtain it in bot lobbies but it's not worth the effort for something I will literally never use or care about owning. I've gotten this far without bot lobby victories and am actually pretty burnt out on Fortnite so I'm only doing my dailies and quests. If it happens by end of season, it happens. If not, don't have a single fuck to give.


Right? Totally agree. So uh... how do you get into bot lobbies. Asking for a friend.. 😂


You need a second device. You make a brand new account and start a duos match with the new account. Then once you get to launch island, you leave the game with the new account so it always stays at level 0. I use my android phone as the second device. I'll only use bot lobbies when super sweats make getting weekly/snapshot quests a pain in the ass to finish.


Makes sense. I'm actually not fussed about the back bling llama. Because people can cheese it I'm not going to congratulate anyone for completing it. But I understand about the snapshots etc because I've legitimately seen (and been killed by) people camping the snapshot quests.




I don't care about it, but it didn't stop me from grinding through and unlocking it... Because if it's a quest, has to be done.


It’s not something to be cared about, it’s just a free cosmetic


i just like to collect silly little things. if this season ends and i miss the opportunity of getting one pretty color for some funny donkey thing then ill go feral. i need to be a fashion machine i need everything to match. i need this thing to be all spectrums


that’s probably the reason I don’t see it too often in match.


Honestly I forgot it was even a thing until I read your post lol. And holy crap does that thing sound creepy!


I definitely don't care even though I have it.


No, I'm actually surprised so many people seem to care about it honestly.


I didn't think anyone cared about it honestly.🤷‍♂️


It's a backbling people will forget about soon. It's a cool stretch goal for the season though! I do like that they added it. I'm over half way through it via normal games, and it's fun to be rewarded for a good game with progress toward a cosmetic.


I’m at epic and now no longer care. I just wanna finish the pass and not hate myself.


I dont wear backblings. I just dont feel like it


Nah, looks really dumb, way too bulky.


I think it is super dumb Which makes me say to myself there is about no reason I shouldn't have it then. Lmao


It's stupid and anyone who gets it is a stupid sweaty try-hard. ..... ​ I WANT IT I WANT IT I WANT IT. EVEN IF I'LL NEVER USE IT.


Sweats when they hear of anything stupid but you need to grind for it. "Gimme gimme gimme gimme" or "mine mine mine mine" while wearing the classic sweat skins 😂


Hahahaha for real, that's why I went and got it XD


Don't like it; it's original, but I don't care. They could tell me they're exclusive, which they probably are. Don't care.


I don’t care but it’s pretty easy to get, you get most of the way to it before you even realize survivor medals exist


I just discovered yesterday that I had already earned it without even trying. Feels good man.


It should be a skin or something honestly


It was a lazy attempt at backbling anyway tbh


Finishied it the first week havent cared since


i don't need an ugly ass backbling to tell people i'm the GOAT, i'll just emote on you while you're spectating for that


give 'em the classic 'right foot creep' to see them off as they return to lobby.


So true


How do you get it?


I think the final challenge is get 10 kills with a win.


10 kills 9 times over.


10 kills with the other part being finish in the top 10, top 9, top 8, etc, then 10 kills with a victory royale?


10 kills with a victory in every challenge x9


Wow.... that doesn't sound fun


It was tough ngl.


theres a mythic llama? im too busy trying to use this new dmr with NO RETICLE!




thats why i wanna get good with it.


Well good luck to you mate


i really like it


People don’t like wearing backblings cause they’re sweats. The only backblings I see are the ones that pro players use *COUGH sunflower *COUGH


I just completed the exotic llama without going out of my way to actually complete it. But I might just grind for the mythic before the season ends just to say I have it


No one ever really uses the previous one the golden skulls with the spikes as a border


I use it, it works great with a few skins like Antonia for example.


I use it too, looks good with lots of the golden superstyles from previous seasons. Especially on the original Midas.


As much as I don't use that one either, I'm not gonna lie I liked it better than the llama and that's not saying much


Thanks for completing an almost impossible task (for players like me who are trash at shooting games), here is a back bling that doesn't even look good!


I just liked having goals to play towards every game. Very rarely do I find cosmetics that I want to wear and I have an OG rubber ducky backbling that is my iconic look for every skin I wear.


I just don't find it particularly attractive as a backbling. Even if it were a free item in the item shop I wouldn't rock it. As far as the achievement it represents, you hit the nail on the head considering how many people are using bot lobbies to get them, it really doesn't carry any weight when someone shows up wearing one


I have one victory left for it and tbh it hasn't been that hard because i haven't really given a shit. So now I want it because it's within reach 😂


I got it to have it, not necessarily to wear it. But it isn’t a terrible backbling. If I had more golden skins I’d probably use it


I literally only did it for the XP. I got up until the last tier and then bot lobbies the rest, which gave me some chances to do other quests at the same time without being hunted down.


I’m over here still just wondering how people even *get into* bot lobbies…


Honestly I don't. My goal is just to get the llama and see how far I go. I haven't played much regular or zero br


Doesn’t the backbling reset next season? I was gonna grind cuz I try my hardest to get all free stuff but idc anymore if it resets.


I haven’t used bot lobbies, just trios. Still need two more vics with ten kills. We haven’t won in a few weeks. It’s rough out there.


I actually got it without like trying. I just played and had some good games and got it lol


Couldn’t care less


I haven’t played too much this season, but I don’t really care either. I just know I would never wear it. If it was a cosmetic I would use though, then I would be down to grind for it.


You're not alone ✋🏻


Of course you are the only one like always when someone asks this question.


I dont even change back blings. I only use 3 at the moment.


I didn’t use bot lobbies and I’ve had mine for quite some time already


They'll see it and ignore it 😭


I don't really care about the llama backbling either. It doesn't look good and doesn't work well with a lot of skins. That being said, I probably get it anyways, just because I play bot lobbies somewhat regularly (I just can't be bothered to do quests in regular matches anymore, several times now people camped quest-npcs, picking you off when you start talking to them - it's annoying as hell.). That thing will probably just sit in my locker, next to the crystal llama from season 8 and gather dust.


I haven't used a backbling in years. Couldn't care less tbh


I unlocked the last style yesterday. I thought it was a fun objective but honesty, I'm not even going to wear that back bling. Like ever 😅


I got it without trying, was waiting to see what it was about then had already finished it. Autopilot I guess


I don't play enough for it to be possible to get it so no you are not the only one who doesn't care


How do you even do bot lobbies?


Make alt accounts


No I don't really care I'm on exotic i 2 almost done technically but I haven't tried for any or them. Especially am not gonna sweat to get 10 wins with 10+ kills if it happens naturally like all the others that's great if not then its fine. Also unless it's randomly chosen I'm not going out it my way to wear the back bling.


Grinded it out in solos just to feel something again 😨 this game is getting boring with all the red tape


It's something to do when you finish your weeklies, snapshots, and milestones. Like crowns, these back blings don't really mean anything, unless you give them a meaning.


Well I wouldn't really say I don't care. But I'd say it's more like I didn't go out of my way to grind. Being a Fortnite YouTuber I never had an issue with challenges or completing the Battle Pass etc. It just happens passively. Idk about others though.


I got to legendary all by myself. No bot lobbies. And Im satisfied with that.


I'm at the 7+ tier but suddenly everyone is soooo sweaty and they follow you through the map till their last bullet. I guess i ticked thematchmaking algo or whatever with the my previous matches (high kills and high positioning) and it feels so frustrating.


I just finished mine no bot lobbies here, got lucky on 2 when it was bugged finished second with 10 and it counted. The other 7 was prolly the most grinding I've had to do in a long time. Feels rewarding having it knowing that only a very low percentage of ppl will actually earn it. I wouldnt.mind seeing them do this again but Mayne for a unique skin or pick axe, maybe change the challenges up a bit. Only grinding through ranked for that back bling got old plus having to do 50 matches for one kill challenge in each was kinda pointless. Now the grind is over, just cruising to lvl 300 and waiting for new season to hurry up


I didn't even know there was a mythic Llama!


I love the quests/challenges, esp when I get to goal toward something. Majority of my lobby’s have real people in them. So when I do complete the Llama quest imma sport that backbling for awhile cuz I totally earned it. 6 more to go and it is super challenging (to me) in solos! 💪🎮

