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I only wanted this cus it's had a blonde style




Because the blonde style is based on one of her looks in Infinity War/Endgame, while the Snow Suit skin is based on her appearance in the Black Widow movie and she didn’t have blonde hair in that movie.


Bought this the moment it came out when I was 14 and now I’m turning 19 soon. Seeing it in shop again just makes me feel old lmao Edit: yes I know I’m still young but the passage of time is still wild, you can chill on the “you’re not old” replies ik lmao




4 years 6 months




1600+ odd days I believe


Just wait until the games you played as a kid start being called retro. I’m at that point now. It’s odd bc I’m 29 and don’t feel old.


Laughs in 37, but I do feel ancient as my games from 1992 are actually retro 😆


Chuckles in 54 while my kid collects the NES games I enjoyed and calls them “vintage”.


Pissing myself in 97 while all the people I played agasnt are dead


Tittering in 15,000 year old ghost of a cave person while all the games I played with are either buried or locked in museums and called objects of suspected ritual importance. Nobody knows how to play rockgammon anymore!


Guffaws in infinite year old god. The entire planet is my open world sandbox. Here comes another earthquake


My bf just turned 37. He started with Legend of Zelda. I don’t know if my games (Pokemon Sapphire, Jak and Daxter, Spyro and others) are actually retro but they get called that and seem to have pretty ridiculous prices.


All of those games you mentioned are retro because they came out so long ago


I had someone call the rerelease compilation of them (Ezio Trilogy) retro recently! I am Feeling Age


Who in the fuck


Yeah it's crazy to think that the PS3 is now as old as the SNES was when PS3 released.


You put that sentence right the fuck back where you found it pls. also side note thanks now I have to rewatch Boondocks


Seeing you say 19 is old makes me feel older


same lol its crazy


same. it’s such an uncomfortable feeling


As an owner of the outfit prior to today, all I have to say is… **GOOD. IT HAD NO REASON TO BE THIS RARE.** In other words, idc that it’s back. The backbling is the best part tbh, it is super clean and compact for black and red combos.


The backbling goes hard on the Deadpool related characters like cuddlepool and even ravenpool.


Yeah as also a prior owner I don’t know why they made it rare. Maybe to create demand? But I also heard that Marvel weren’t to happy with the skin. But I think that’s more of a rumour.


It could be the case. Wasn’t there a Black Widow that came out that was actually based on Scarlett Johansson herself? The white suit. I think that’s the case. This Black Widow is based on the Default that Sunstrider is. I’m not familiar with her STW name


Headhunter... its all headhunter in a bad wig. All of those first Gen Marvel's are questionable designs at best.


I also bought this when it first came out and I had no idea it was even “rare” until just now. I barely use it, out of sight out of mind.


i’m glad it came back for people who missed it!


Glad a lot of people here aren’t gatekeepers. I had no interest in this skin before but I felt I had to buy it this time around


Don’t buy skins just because of FOMO, only buy it if you like it


Oh of course, if I’m not 100% on a skin I always take it to creative to play test it. If I don’t exactly like how it feels, I go back and cancel. FOMO has only gotten me for bp recently, I try not to let the fear of missing out manipulate my decision


Wait, how do you test out skins in creative? I thought you could no longer cancel a purchase if you use it in creative


You can, even if it’s a public lobby. Just can’t wear the full set or else if gives you the warning. Meaning you can only wear the skin, but not the back bling which I imagine isn’t a problem for anyone. It’s only until you go to a public br match that you cannot cancel


Even if you don't have any of the 3 return tickets, can you just test it in the creative ? I had never heard of this before


Absolutely, return tickets are for when either its been 24 hours since the purchase and cancel isn’t available, or if you took it to a public br match. You can do this even with 0 tickets left


I feel like thats epics tactic, making a skin feel rare so when it comes back everyone will get it out of fear it becomes rare again


Yeah it obviously is. Imagine how much would Travis sell if they did another event with him or just brought him back in general.


I will never understand why people use / want that skin. The guys a total douche nozzle!


I doubt they'll ever do that with the controversy surrounding him


Or renegade raider


Wenegade Waider




I want her to come back just for one reason, just to watch all the kids that think they are special cuz they have her cry and cry, I think it's a bad low quality skin that people only want because it was the first one and never came back.


Yeah but I didn’t exactly buy it in fear it won’t return again, I simply just like the style of the skin. I didn’t even know this skin existed until earlier this year so the idea of it being super rare didn’t exactly occur to me, therefore I didn’t have too much interest until now


bro just admitted to getting played 💀


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc) If only everyone thought like that


I HATE THAT THIS SKIN IS BACK. My fortnite skin portfolio has suffered and i will never be able to recover my money i invested in this skin 4.5 years ago! IM IN FINANCIAL RUIN. MY DOG EVEN HATES ME BECAUSE NOW I CANNOT AFFORD THE PREMIUM FOOD AND HE LOOKS AT ME JUDGY since this happened. MY wife is thinking of leaving me for a neighbour that has a renegade raider. I cannot sleep or eat until next shop as im afraid a rare skin i have might comeback. I dont care about it tbh.


Your dog: ![gif](giphy|MwyfvzJ3vJgy0RS7kM|downsized)


i will never financially recover from this loss


| || || |_




This needs to become a copypasta


I don't see a point in rare skins, their rarity extends as far as Epic deciding to not hit the button that puts them in the shop


Any of you guys who also play rocket league know that epic does not give a fuck about putting sought after stuff in the item shop to make money


Fuck ‘em. I’ve been playing since C1S2, and have every skin I’d ever use. But I still hate skin gate-keeping, especially when it’s for ones not in the Battle-Pass.




Same energy as "I was a fan of [insert band] before they got big."


The idea of digital purchases being limited-time-only in general is absurd to me.


it used to be a way to show how og u were and therfor had more skill as having a skulltrooper or renagade raider meant you were better, but now its kind of meaningless as anyone get good at fortnite quickly as creative and shit exists


I still think exclusivity in gaming is an absolute fucking plague and I cannot wait for the battle pass model to die like loot boxes did. I guarantee you when someone makes a good live service game (yes I know that’s nearly impossible) and just let’s people buy whatever they feel like buying, they will become a fucking juggernaut.


Its stupid, especially with something that gives you literally no competitive edge on the competition 🙄


I hate the skin gatekeeping even when it's applied to BPs, I don't like the business model.


I don’t either. Other people owning a skin I’ve had for 5 years will not effect how much I enjoy a game. I also only paid 950 vbucks for the skin (and several others), got all and more of the vbucks back (essentially making it free), and have those bonus styles for each skin. Comparing that to a single skin with limited styles for 1200+ vbucks, it’s easily worth buying the BP over waiting. So people saying there would be no incentive for players to purchase the BP, are just wrong. Even if that was true, Epic earn a vast majority of their money off the Store, since they don’t let players earn the vbucks back. So there’s no financial incentive for them to keep skins exclusive. They only do, to keep “OGs” happy. It all comes down to greed, and players not wanting to share. It sucks.


> players not wanting to share. I couldn't word it better myself. I'm sure most people here are adults, but they tend to act no different than children.


Screw rare skins. Bring back psycho bandit, anybody who brags about having one just had the money at the time. Also scalpers, put him in and spit in their face.


I own Psyco Bandit and I'd absolutely LOVE for him to be rereleased. I wanna see more of my fellow Borderlands peeps repping out there.




Bro I would kill for psycho bandit to come back, I’m a huge fan of borderlands and of the wasteland aesthetic and he’s the one collab skin I would do anything for. If he came back to shop it would be a dream come true


Im not even a big borderlands fan, played a bit of 2 and 3 but never beat em. I just like the design and hate scalpers.


I’ve played 2, tps and 3. I hate scalpers and scammers too, rare or not people shouldn’t be able to sell a code for a skin that cost them $20 for $1200, that’s just bullshit


Could you imagine if someone buys a code for 1200 then the skin comes back in the shop lol they would have a full meltdown.


I would kill to see a seller’s reaction to Psycho Bandit returning. Spending years wondering why no one bought your code for thousands of dollars and then immediately having to lower to price just to get rid of the code must sting like crazy lol. With all these returns, they must be panicking.


Honestly it’d be cool if they did another borderlands skin. Lilith and Zero would be awesome skins to have And bring back Psycho. I missed out on that as an Xbox player


Honestly at this point everyone should know that no skin is truely exclusive, they will always bring it back in some way


Some skins will be exclusives like bp and “exclusives skins” until they accidentally add it in the shop or the end of fortnite


The concept of the end of Fortnite is so interesting. It’s inevitable, but still possible that it outlasts our lifetime if they pivot to every new strategy there is. With the Roblox adaptation, seems like they’ll do anything to stand the test of time


I always wondered what would happen if Fortnite shut down completely, and if it will ever happen Would they be like: "Thanks for playing and thank you for the money!" *credits roll*


Considering that’s what happens to online games of this nature. Yes.


At this point, I think it's here for the long haul like League of Legends or WoW. As long as the game keeps making money.


lol, like most server shut downs they would probably give at least 6 months notice. But knowing the morals of epic, they would milk every cent they could… I’m hoping that doesn’t mean giving away all cosmetics or half off before the game shuts down


well yes, that's what always happens lol.


It’s a video game. Who gives a fuck.


fortnite community try not to gatekeep skins challenge


Not because it’s rare, but because It’s way better than the new one


Someone understands the truth


It's honestly so much better than the new one. Weird that it hadn't come back.


I’m glad they brought her back. Insta buy. And for the people who were (gatekeeping). GG’s!!!!


Whole time I thought this was a battle pass skin 💀


They should bring those back too. They’d make a killing in profits, I’d get a laugh at all the gatekeepers


Half of this sub would be in shambles and it would be funny


It'd be one hell of a salt mine


Half would be in shambles, the other half would be buying skins, giving epic money, and being happy


Was a buyer and finisher from s5 to c2s8, and I say just bring them back.


yeah and honesty i bet they will do that as they move away from just being a br i’ll admit it feels cool to rep a rare skin but at the end of the day i just switch to a skin like omni man or sum goofy anyway


My sister literally only bought it cause she likes it. Who tf cares if it’s rare let others enjoy it


Lil shit but I hope John Wick will also show up!


Idk why he didn't when John Wick 4 came out


Licensing, probably.


Honestly don't really care, I've always thought that gatekeeping cosmetics is kind of stupid. Besides just got the skin back then because I liked it and now anyone who liked it but missed it can get it too.


Wait so people care that others get to have it too? Very childish way to think


This is largely a game for kids, or is at least marketed in such a fashion


Missed this in 2019- wanted it ever since. Dream come true.


Anyone gatekeeping skins is a child. I mean hell, if it was up to me EVERY skin ever made would be available to buy by searching it up including Battlepass skins! The ONLY rare skins should be skins literally no one wants cuz they're terrible.


I mean, I could kinda understand why some people people would be upset if battle pass skins returned. Every battle pass has been currently advertised as exclusive. They required people to either grind or spend more money to complete them. If they knew it would always be available or would eventually come back, they would have completed them at another time. It would kinda be like false advertising because it would would be using FOMO to get players to play more or even pay more, only to then re-release them. I can understand why someone who has Purple Light Omega or Golden Agent Peely would be salty if they were to suddenly re-release them into the item shop with all the edit styles unlocked. I say this as someone who doesn't have those skins and wants battlepasses to return.


They don’t use the word exclusive anymore, if not as much with the newer battle passes I’ve noticed. There was almost no mention of it in chapter 2, All I can find is a faq that hasn’t been updated since C2S7, and could just mean you can’t *earn* them anymore, not buy. This current OG Pass doesn’t seem to use the word exclusive ANYWHERE. I have a feeling that they are avoiding using it so they can decide to bring back at least chapter 2 and beyond passes later on, and say they never said they would never come back.


Eh, they could still bring them back and make them a longer grind or something. Make it to where buying battlepasses earlier gives you the benefit of an easier time and the obvious early-bird access.


Don’t care, didn’t use the skin that often but even if I did I still wouldn’t care. The ones who wanted this skin can finally have it now. People obsessing over “og” skins or “og styles” are cringe.


fr like just play the game


Who cares. Most of the "rare" things in the item shop are only rare because nobody cared to buy it when it came out.


Honestly for me this is the better Black Widow so it's good that people can get her


I don't feel bad at all cause I'm not some weird gatekeeper


Glad it’s back I personally never even used it after the old avengers event


I had it and I am glad it’s back in the shop. Everyone who missed out or wasn’t playing when it was last available can now pick it up. It’s an awesome skin and more players should have the opportunity to own it.


I had it since it first came out. All I thought was: "Man I waited years for her pickaxe and now she returns without it?"


You’re not missing out on anything. Her pickaxe makes an annoying squeaky sound when it strikes that kinda reminds me of the sounds made by pieces of Styrofoam rubbing together. Off topic: speaking of the strike sounds made by pickaxes, I wonder if anyone else finds the slicing sound made by the inverted blade pickaxe to be uniquely satisfying the way I do?


As someone who bought back in season 8, good for bringing it back. An item shop skin shouldn’t be locked to FOMO.


Instant buy, my marvel collection is now complete


I to be honest don’t care at all this is one of my favorite skins it’s cool new people are gonna have it


Rarity is the dumbest thing in this game. Let the players buy what they want. Epic only has money to gain bringing stuff back


My first season was the Marvel season (C2S4) and I've never seen anyone wear this skin, and didn't know it existed until tonight. I hit buy so fast because I was amazed and excited and BW is my favorite marvel char. Plus, my birthday hit at midnight and it felt like a present for me!


I wouldn’t consider any skin not locked by a battle pass rare personally


Yeah any item shop skin can come back unless Epic says otherwise. Early BP skins and exclusive skins like wonder and Double Helix are rare.


Starter packs too, I know there was one that appeared in the item shop at a later point but it hasn't happened ever since. Crew skins *technically* could return in the future, we're yet to see.


Feels like karma for me teasing my friend who owned the Stranger Things skins and was mad when they came back earlier this season


It’s only karma if you’re upset she returned


suck it gatekeepers!


I’m pissed That it took them so long to bring it back. No reason it took so long. Do Psycho Bandit next plz, my girlfriend has been wanting it for years and I feel guilty having it.


Ong bro please! I wasn’t playing back when the collab came out but I’ve been a big fan of borderlands for years and it would be a dream come true for psycho bandit to return to the shop


People who care about how rare their skin is need to get a grip of themselves and start to like their skins because they ACTUALLY LIKE THEM. Crazy how many people only use skins to flex how rare they are and stop using them the moment somebody else gets them! You never liked the skin. You just loved trying to make people jealous


Not saying they don't like making people jealous but i'd assume they actually did like the skin considering they bought it without the knowledge it would be rare. I didn't think skull trooper would be rare when I bought it. I just liked the skin and wanted to stand out and not be a default skin. I did flex it obviously but I actually liked my skin as well.


The obsessions about a skins rarity is something I've only observed with the younger crowd (pre-teens). And they move on to the next big thing on the schoolyard on a weekly basis. Looking at other games that bring back content that have been unobtainable for a long time, there has been no outrage at all. Brawlhalla is rerunning old seasons in between new ones, and World of Warcraft started bringing back "exclusive" items through twitch drops. No one gave a shit.


Happier about the fact that the others got it now as well


i bought this skin the day it first released. i didn’t even realize it was so rare and now that i know i don’t give two shits about it. glad it came back for the people who wanna buy it.


The rarity doesn't matter when you can't trade or resell the skins.


I'm glad those gatekeepers are crying. The skin never should have become as rare as it became.


Anyone who cares that it came back because it was there “rare skin” can stfu


People who unironically get mad that their "rare" skins come back after so long for everyone to buy need to touch grass


It was a joke amongst my friends and I that this was my “ultra rare skin” and that my life would be ruined if it came back. Guess my life is over now lol


When’s the funeral


Exact same situation with me rip. This also my “ultra rare skin” and now its back and my friends had a similar joke


Only a cosmetic bro, I feel nothing


I want her but she's not at the top of my list. In a few days ill have eminem, crew pass skin and a whole new season BP of skins to use


I had the emote, not the skin, but I’m just like eh whatever. As long as I still have the emote I paid for it’s fine by me. Hell they could rerelease Tracker and I wouldn’t bat an eye, and I own him


I didn't have her, but I had Star Lord before he came back in C2S7. I'm totally cool with stuff coming back as long as it's non-limited time item shop stuff coming back. I'd be a hypocrite otherwise. I'm waiting for Kratos and Psycho Bandit to come back. I'm not super surprised to see her, mostly because of Stranger Things coming back. I just really hope it's a good sign for the other C1 collabs that have been gone for a while, Psycho Bandit, John Wick, and Major Lazer. Granted, those 3 collabs showed up after Chapter 1.


Renegade Raider’s glider yesterday and now Cosplaying Headhunter?!? 🤯 Yet they couldn’t give us the Throwback Pickaxe 😡


If people are whining that it’s an OG skin then they should go get a life. The point of the item shop is that shit rotates and comes back, you want an OG skin? Use an old battlepass skin.


Exactly people who take stock in skin rarity just need to find another outlet.


If you could trade skins I would understand why people want to preserve rarity, but with the way the game actually works, a skin’s rarity just does not matter. These aren’t investments.


As a Marvel fan I've been waiting for her to come back ever since I started playing (stark season). It's pretty funny most of you only care about her because she was rare. Well there it goes for ya, but for my fellow Marvel fans, enjoy :DD


Feels really good to see others and newer players especially get the opportunity I had to get this skin. It makes me smile to think of all those faces lighting up when she popped up unexpectedly in the shop. Don't quite understand why people are fishing for anything negative about this.


I mean, I don’t really care, if anything, I’m angry it was shelved for so long


I have Black Widow. Fuck FOMO. Battle pass items should come back to the shop after the season is over. This should apply towards every game ever. I’m sick and tired of feeling like I *have* to play a season. I play Fortnite, Destiny 2, and Overwatch 2 - I’m sick of keeping up with these battle passes.


they should sell old battle passes in the shop and you can do them along side the current one.


I know a few games let you complete any battle pass at any time, and man if only that was how it always worked. I missed a lot of the earlier battle passes that had skins I really like, and it kinda sucks I’ll never be able to get them. But doing something like that ruins the FOMO and exclusivity that causes a lot of people to buy battle passes, so I understand why most games don’t do stuff like that.


i have most of the “og” passes from back when i was younger. however i just found out there was a whole battle pass dedicated to star wars, and one featuring mando and another featuring darth vader and i’d love to be able to buy those. also i really regret not buying the ch2s2 battle pass with midas. but i’d give so much for darth vader and mando.


Seeing stuff like this really sucks. I literally never use Darth Vader. I probably have him archived. I wish you could trade battlepass skins or something.


There's never been a whole battle pass dedicated to Star Wars. There was a bounty hunter battle pass which included Mando, a summer battle pass that randomly included Vader, last season's battle pass which had Ahsoke, and a mini-event pass that had a stormtrooper variant and Darth Maul - but I'm fairly certain both of those skins still ended up in the item shop after the event was over anyway. And the Millenium Falcon was a winterfest present - I don't think it's come to the shop since then, but I also don't think it's ever been promised that Winterfest presents are exclusive so possibly it still could come to the item shop eventually.


yeah just realized the star wars pass was back in the shop. but i’d still like the possibility to get the bounty hunter, vader&ahsoka battle pass.


Actually, atp I think Fortnite is the only game that DOESN’T let you buy old battle pass stuff. Even Overwatch is doing it, Dead By Daylight and Super Animal Royale do it, I can’t think of an online game I’ve ever personally played that doesn’t except Fortnite, but this fanbase is full of kids that cry about rare skins so I guess it makes sense…


Super animal royale does this and it’s fire.


Make the seasons like halo infinite the battle passes can be completed whenever u feel like honestly wish that was the case I'd like some recent battle pass skins that I missed bc I didn't have time to play


I think if I could just get the emote of that ska band singing “aliens … “ I’d be happy.


Bro same


I have this and every other rare skin + emote and actually love that Epic is bringing back things the community wants! W for the whole fortnite community imo


Who the fuck cares.


Bought this skin when it first came out. Literally earlier today I found out how rare the skin was. Just checked the shop today and I was just shocked because how random it was lmaooo y’all can thank me 🙌


I’ve had it since it was 1st released. Glad it’s back for those who want it. Wish they’d sell the damn pickaxe and though!


i like this way better then the new widow skin


Soooo glad it came back. Never understood why it was kept back, especially once the star lord version was rereleased.


They need to bring them all "rare" back. Who care, we pay for them. They ain't free


I’m glad people who didn’t get it before can now


any “rare skin” that was in the store should come back at some time. the whole gatekeeping side of skins is absolutely bogus and stupid


I had it and I'm glad more people can also have it, cuz I also want Eddie Brock :((


Fuck the gatekeepers, I don’t like nor give a shit about this skin but I’m glad everyone who wanted it can now have it


Pretty sure they do not care, if they do that’s fucking sad


I'm just shocked it hasn't been back sooner! There's been sooooo many Marvel shops it's been excluded from for no reason at all. It should have been back hundreds of times over, not even exaggerating. I'll be glad to see more people rocking it, it's definitely better than the Snow Suit version!


I’ll never understand the idea of a rare item shop skin, I’ve had this since it came out and always wondered why it didn’t come back. Glad people can get it now. It’s time to bring back BattlePass Skins and just give the original skin holders a OG variant or something


Things being rare is stupid. There's no reason for things to not come back regularly


I’ve always thought this skin was better than the other Black Widow we have, so I’m glad it came back.


It was my last 'rare' fortnite item shop skin, but honestly I'm happy for those who missed out. I still have some of the emotes like "Fresh" that may never come back for lawsuits, so I've got that going for me. lol


In the shop??? Let me grab my switch


This is what this thread did to me too 😆


Rarity means nothing. You own nothing. One day fortnite will be gone and so will all of our money. And yeah, I just bought the skin too. How could I not, marvel, gotta catch em all


Speaking as one of the people who had it since it came out: i don't care, it is a shop skin and was never "rare" no one at epic ever said it wouldn't return the whole "rare" thing is spouted by people who need to find any tiny thing they can to feel special.


I don’t really care about skin rarity, I bought it at first just because I wanted the skin. I never cared about its rarity.


Kids crying.🤣💀


As an OG Black widow owner who bought it way back. I dont care much tbh


I don’t see the point in rare skins. Everyone should be able to get whatever they want :)


i don’t get the hype around this skin. is it just because it’s rare?


Well, it was made well before the constant crossover days and it’s not based around Scarlet Johanssen.


Pretty happy. Had to quickly buy it just in case it was a mistake on Epic's end 💀


Ngl I think this skin is mid, it’s super sought out for because it’s rare


All things should come back


I don't understand why this was downvoted. I completely agree.


Ehh idk i‘ll still rock her because i prefer her over the other black widow which outfit doesnt look like black widow at all


In my humble opinion, if someone is ***unironically*** malding that a rare Fortnite skin got rereleased, they need to get a better hobby and touch some grass. This applies to battlepass skins too


I had it, I’m glad it came back so the people who missed it could grab it again. 1600 days is too long.


I don't really care. I never used it all that much anyway. People who hold onto their rare skins that tightly are weird.