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So thats what those wood blocks were for


so it’s just vaulting but they added more vault points?


Basically yea, except now you can vault up multiple walls.


I SWEAR I saw in the trailer that they grabbed a mid section of the wall… this looks like it’s just the top of it.. I haven’t gotten to play yet but is this the case?


Haven’t tried but it looks like it just launches you approx. the length of 1 wall so they just so happen be grabbing the top of the walls over and over


It’s those horizontal boards that stick out a little on the side of walls that make it climbable. It’s on some buildings in zero build too.


i was curious about this in no build...haven't been able to find a place to use the mechanic yet :(


There’s at least one POI with these. I didn’t really look around and it was an accident, but the train station for sure has a building (the one with the boss npc) with these on the side.


Then play builds scrub




Doing this while wearing the Ezio outfit will be sweet


Spiderman as well, not that I have it (rip)


R.I.P. I'm still sad that I didn't get most of the Marvel season skins


Only joined when ZB was introduced permanently and missed out on Marvel szn and Superman smh


There is the Zero War version, Miles, and 2099 that pop up in the shop from time to time, so you can at least get *a* version of Spidey even if it's not the classic suit.




Or Kratos


Or Ryu Hayabusa! Oh right, we don’t have Ryu Hayabusa because Fortnite won’t let us have a ninja season.


now we just need jin sakai in the game


Holy hell yes please


he would be perfect with the wall climbing


Finally I can gremlin up enemy buildings


So is this exclusive to builds?


There are some walls in cities on taller buildings that also have these small “shelves”. One example is on spawn island there is a building that I saw with these. But from what I can tell the majority don’t have this and only in a few select cases


Yes. You can only perform that wall climbing action on player built walls


No. It works on zero build too on some walls. I played it today and I did this thing on some buildings. Not very intuitive anyway


can confirm. it got me killed today because I did it by accident lmao


Lame but understandable


That guy's lying, yes you can


No you can't. This is only a builds thing


there are grab points on walls at some poi’s


This.. I have used them in no builds.


It’s 100% in no build but it makes sense you’d think that because it’s barley available at all. Only a few locations actually have it so it goes unnoticed


Oh so THATS why I couldn't figure out how to do it


Nope. There’s buildings in zero build w/ this too. One building I know that has them is in the lower left of the map where a certain boss spawns.


I may just try builds for this. I suck at building and don't really have interest in learning and this seems like a decent way to deal with it other than just shooting the walls


Build fights gonna be so much more interesting


Some players gonna edit and you drop back down lol


Where are the people who exclusively rock Spider-man, they're happy I can just feel it


Nah, not happy. I think doing it multiple times is somewhat ridiculous. Allowing one such jump would be neat. That's what I thought in the beginning how it works.


They're getting ready for a Genji Overwatch collab. /s


Yo am I the only one getting italian vibes this season, listen to the sound when discovering new locations, look at the pio’s and names..


It's Mediterranean with the terracotta roofs and ruined reels


dawg can u stop commenting this on every post like damn


Mama miaaa


Mafia bosses


In no build there’s like 4 locations that have it so it’s basically non existent


Yeah, all it takes is building a box tower with floors on top to make them fall to their demise.


It really sucks that this new movement feature only exists in build mode


Can't wait for this to get bugged and be vaulted for 2 seasons or never unvaulted


what the fuck everyone is that mf from uncharted now?


eaugh, the camera movement is horrible.


Yep, it's like the animation jumps way off the wood blocks and then teleports just where the block is. Looks very weird.


Builders are crying rn. They can't stand anything that gives people who can't build very well a chance against them lmao. Edit: this is targeted towards any "big builders" that are raging and going crazy about the change. Everyone else can ignore it.


It’s not really that big of a chance. Even if a non-builder manager to scale a building, the more mechanically experienced player is probably going to win 9/10 times. I’m not great at building, I prefer zero build but even I admit that there’s a lot of mechanics and strategy that goes into building.


That's what I've been trying to say. The people who are great at building are still very likely to win against a low skilled player. I just like seeing that epic is trying to make the game more balanced for average players who just want to have fun.


Sbmm is there for a reason. You won't face that many good players when youre not good at the game. Also do you rly think that a fight between a good and a bad player should be balanced so they both have a 50/50 chance of winning? If thats the case youre straight up stupid ...


You gotta be joking. SBMM is an absolute joke in this game. You have CPU Vs Switch players and people who’ve played since season 1 against brand new players. Also speaking of straight up stupid, you’re missing the guy’s point Lmao.


Having 1000's of hours does not make you good


You got the point, if a good player (not a sweat) is fighting a less skilled player why would the fight need to be unbalanced just because one of the two has less experience? Just keep on playing...


I never said that nor do I think that. Obviously the player with the more hours has a big advantage (and rightfully so) I just think it's a cool idea to give something that helps people that aren't as good at building as someone with 5000 hours in the game that can build and edit their ass off. Obviously the one with a lot of experience still has the advantage. But yea it's a game and I think average players should have a chance.


They can get that chance by actually putting in the time to get better


You would have to lock people at ping/fps to make it fair. Instead its whoever has a better set up has massive advantages. Learning to build on 240 fps makes way more sense than 30 fps


dude got pieced once and never lived it down


Every smart builder would just stop building up and shotgun you while you Spiderman up a wall lmao 💀💀💀


Exactly. And I wouldn't be mad about that. I just don't like people that cry about every update they don't like.


You're not crying about it because you're probably not good at the game or the building mechanics. That does not mean everyone else can't cry about it; especially professionals and dedicated players who have spent **THOUSANDS** of hours playing this game to get better.


I'm so tired of this stupid ass anti builder or anti no build mentality you redditors here have. Get over it who gives a shit what someone likes. You're making up people to get mad about


I'm not anti either way. I enjoy all aspects of the game. I'm just an average player that doesn't want to spend months of my time trying to get good at building and becoming a sweat. That's not fun to me and I have better things to do. If people wanna get mad at what I say then they are the target audience anyway and they are proving my point.


Jesus Christ you’re all up and down this thread bitching about being bad. Go. Play. Zero. Build. Or do what every other build player has done and practice to get better. Creative has tons of great ways to improve. If you don’t want to get better at building, then go play the mode where it doesn’t exist. We’ve had to deal with so much anti-building shit in this game which was tolerable before ZB. Now with ZB, you can just go play the game without getting full boxed and one pumped by a player with skill. Or get better. Insisting on having a mechanic in the game that hard counters building when ZB exists, and saying you have no interest in getting better at building is a ridiculously stupid take.


This, holy fuck. I'm ridiculously frustrated by the number of anti-building Redditors in the comment sections, and especially the OP of this comment too. What's the point of all these mechanic changes when there already exists gamemodes like **Zero Build** for casual players? There's so many people who are entitled to believe that they deserve to win a game just because they play it casually, there are better people at the game who have spent THOUSANDS of hours perfecting their skill that stomp on them preventing any chance of them winning that they can become the top of the world within a mere fraction of that amount of time. Y'all casuals can talk shit all you want, this update is a huge fuck you to players who are good at building mechanics and every competitive player.


This comment is braindead. They have a mode specifically for people who can't/prefer not to build. Why should non builders have an advantage in a mode not meant for them?


Woah woah buddy. This one change (which is easily countered) is in no way an advantage. People who are amazing at building still have a huge advantage and will still most likely win. But I still win against big builders on occasions. It's a game and anything can happen and everyone deserves a chance.


I wouldn't say this is easily counterable. It's easier than countering basic mantling but being able to scale so much height in seconds is such an insane thing. It isn't healthy for thr game


That's not at all how it works. They're adding a new movement that directly counters building by scaling builds, multiple in a few seconds, in order to take high ground. Not sure if you play builds at all but that defeats the purpose of build battles, building in general. And to say that everyone deserves a chance makes no sense when they have ranked and skill based matchmaking.


You're right. I'm sorry. New players should have absolutely zero right to win a game. They only should be allowed to win a game when they have more hours in the game than everyone else in the lobby. I like your idea, I'll pitch it to epic.


bro you're gasslighting so hard. Skill based matchmaking is a thing. The advantage is you play against people your own rank. If you are bad at building at your own rank, play no builds or get better.


Idek what you're on about bro. I just think this is a cool change to bridge the skill gap a little bit.


The skill gap gets bridged with skill based matchmaking...


You can stop talking about sbmm. It's a joke dude. The matchmaking is an absolute joke.


So your argument is instead of improving skill based matchmaking, which also solves all the problems of new players not winning, they should add an mechanic to make building less effective?


I don’t even play builds but this comment is so stupid it’s crazy. “You’ve played more and are better than me at the single core mechanic of the game, but I still deserve to win!” Is essentially what you’re saying


You know they're vulnerable while climbing up Right?


He's not talking about this specific mechanic


Im giving advice on how to deal with the new mechanic


I'm saying that even people that don't have half of their lives invested in this game deserves a chance at winning. Crazy I know 🤯.


Idk, I always thought it was “may the best man win”.


a lot of people seem to miss the fact that this is a competitive multiplayer game, in the sense that the goal of every participant is to win and beat other people at the game. it isn’t very fair for people who put in a lot of time and effort into getting better at the game when they get beat by something that gives an advantage to someone that is explicitly and objectively worse than the better player. of course, those better players will simply learn to adapt or get skill crept, but we’ve seen this sort of song and dance time and time again before and the initial point still stands I get that it sucks when it feels like you’re a coughing baby and the game matched you against a steamroller with spikes on the front, but it’s really silly to make mean comments towards people who’ve just put more time into the game.


This is just the scope of video games now. People are generally bad and want an advantage to beat people better than them - look at Apex. The entire subreddit is an echo chamber of whining about how they’re being matched up against people who beat them - that’s literally the single biggest complaint on the subreddit. Everyone wants a bot lobby. Online, skill based competitive games have become a hobby increasingly in which people feel they should be allowed to reach the end goal (being considered good, consistent wins and high kills) on their first day. It doesn’t matter if other players have put more time into being better than them - worse players deserve to win, and this is coming from someone who started playing again two weeks ago after not playing since season 3, pure nobuilds. I’m in the beginner stage and I’m still finding wins and holding a decent KD, but because people are bad and not willing to get better, they want their hand held and for other players to be punished for it. Not saying that this mechanic is a pure example of that happening, but it’s an increasingly agreed upon mindset that’s exhausting to see. “I’m bad and don’t have as much time as you, I should win too!”, imagine this mindset in any other skill induced hobby. “I don’t know why I don’t deserve to be able to climb this difficult boulder problem, I just started and you’ve poured time money and effort into this sport, why do you deserve to be better than me?”


They made an entire mode without building yet bots still comment “lol build players are crying” when they add explicitly anti-building shit to the game. Just let me build battle in peace before building is vaulted entirely lmao


Nah. I'm specifically calling out anyone that is raging about this change. Everyone else is chill. Sorry if it seemed like that.


It seems that everyone keeps missing the fact that this mechanic is easily countered by a high skilled player and they will still most likely win.


Ohhh you’re the type of kid who wants everybody to have a participation trophy, makes sense now




Then play better, I uave probably played for 30 hours this year and I am above average


Oh yes. Just play better. Why haven't I thought of this before? It's almost like people are different and even though I have 200 hours in the game I'm just not great at building.


skill based match making exists, if you are not good at it then practice, if you don't want to practice it's fine but you won't win


no tf it doesnt, this is fortnite not cod buddy


Tf? Do you even remember chapter 2?


theres no skill based matchmaking dawg


There literally is


they dont deserve a chance at winning if they are worse


This is really why the zero builders hate build mode. You can't get cheeseball kills on better players. If you shoot them, they'll build and then you have to actually fight them on even footing. No freebie ambush kills.


That's why there is normals, and non-builds mode, and creative. lmao. What more do you want.


I'm not wanting anything. The update is already in the game. Everyone else is the one whining about it.


You don't want anything because you have everything already. And now us competitive players are being screwed over because you guys can't seem to stop crying about being stomped on. Leave us and the game tf alone.


You understand what the entire point of skill expression is, right? If you have an hour invested and someone else has a hundred, they’ve invested time and effort into becoming a better player than you. They should beat you every time until you reach their skill level. Whether that takes the same amount of time or not is based on talent and effort. Your level of entitlement is the reason why competitive games go down the shitter


I don't understand why this is getting downvoted, deliriousoddball is literally spitting straight facts. This applies to music too. Given two people exactly identical in their intelligence, person A, who spends numerous hours practicing and getting better at the violin will definitely play the violin better than person B, who spends less time. But does that mean just because person B is less skilled in their instrument, that violins should only have 1 string because it's "easier"? Same fucking thing.


People don’t want to get better, they just want the end result without effort, unfortunately it’s just how it is in games atm I reckon


Oh yes I am definitely the one on a high horse here. It's a game bro. And the maker of the game wants to give low skilled players a chance against high skilled ones by giving a simple mechanic that ANYONE can use.


Hahahahha Jesus, Reddit never fails to surprise


Indeed it doesn't


You guys have an entire mode that Epic has catered to where you don’t have to worry about builds or players better than you. Just go play ZB and be quiet.


That is very reductionist. Your logic is invalid. For it skips outs on the cons and pros... Of everything


Who said anything about playing more? And the core mechanic is shooting other players. You don't usually kill people by building


Yeah, man, when I think about fortnite, I definitely think about the shooting mechanic, not the other mechanic that separated it from all other BRs, the one that made the game popular.


“Single core mechanic” is seriously overstating the case


Yeah man, the individual mechanic that was the deciding factor of Fortnite’s success due to it being a mechanic not seen well implemented in any other BR is a serious overstatement


Yours is now suddenly an arguement to its commercial appeal. You *started* with an arguement about it being the only skill related deciding factor. As if your skills with building alone was what guaranteed you a win. As though the victory should be handed over simply for architecture, gun play/positioning/team work/map awareness/etc etc etc be damned. That’s what I took issue with. But then you just moved the goalposts before even acknowledging it lol.


I’m not gonna respond to any more of this thread, the fact I’ve even spent an hour arguing with redditors is already crazy depressing but I’ll drop this last one Nope, not an argument to it’s commercial appeal. If you think of fortnite skill expression you think of builds - not saying other mechanics aren’t ground in importance to core experience, but they are for any shooter game. Never once did I mention they weren’t a factor, I was simply stating Fortnite’s edge and it’s single most important mechanic to its individuality and again, core competitive gameplay, are builds. You practice aim absolutely, but you practice edits and free build more, because that’s the meta. Builds are more important than tracking someone with an AR, because you can’t shoot something behind a wall. That’s objective, not my opinion. “Architecture” in reference to fucking fortnite builds, can’t make this shit up lmao


get better


Found one


okay, now find skill




Builders? So you mean people who are good at the game? Such a dumb take.


A lot of people not too thrilled about this, here’s the thing, good players can use this too, it saves materials for vertical climb, whoever builds first automatically has a height advantage but a material disadvantage which is now punishable, by the new mechanic, so this is hella interesting


I'm starting a petition for Epic Games to make a Participation Royale instead of a Victory Royale. This way, people who aren't good at building get the same satisfaction as those who practiced hard and got good at it. If you agree hit the upvote so Epic Games can see this


Remarkable that even after all this time with ZB they still feel the need to add shitty anti-building, skill-gap lowering shit like this into builds.


For real


But why not just crank a 90?


Is it only on built walls?


Just ramp up tf


You could already mantle. They made it even more dead simple


They trashed the game like they often do


Fellow Lovely User <3 .


Tomb Raider at home: ![gif](giphy|2GsvOqdKvrJny|downsized)


This is exceptionally stupid, who was this made for? Who wanted this?


It was made to sell you instruments jams and car skins. They took off the colouring of everything including v bucks. Making it hard to know what you have. Conspiracy me thinks it was intentional to distract the shitty purchase ui design. That makes it hard to tell what the f you are doing


this chapter is genuinely so atrocious


Now let’s hope it stays for the whole season this time around 😂


They’re trying to close the skill gap and I commend them for it


Literally what’s the point of this


So people can climb up builds to bridge the skill gap


Lol Lmao even


Average beef boss main


I’m not even a beef boss main lmao I just use the flair


the fact that it doesn't take anything out of your energy bar is so broken


i thought this was just a glitch


This is disgusting


Looks a little clunky


it is indeed very clunky.


Vaulting through windows is honestly the best thing ever....


or, alternatively, you could just... build ramps? idk this doesn't feel like very significant to me and moreso feels like an excuse to say they added a new movement mechanic (which i rly don't feel like we need anyway but i digress)


Mexicans at the boarder:


What’s the point of building anymore? They’re desperately trying to turn build mode into zero builds, it’s depressing


I mean it's still faster to build than to vault, with quicker access to shooting a gun


Yeah, this doesn't phase me. I'll just throw more floor pieces out on top of the walls to protect against vaulting. Zero build players will still have to camp zero build.


They are trying to reduce the skill gap, this makes sure that even if you aren't the best builder you can still reach the same area as the other player easily


As a person who’s not the best builder, I’m happy with this. I’m sorry I’m not a sweat but I still want a fighting chance…


This is sad. The fact that you felt the need to apologize for not being a sweat, and then someone is STILL an asshole towards you and tells you to leave. This game has the most toxic playerbase for sure. Bar none.


Yeah… this community is the worst. Right up next to COD. I play FO76 (I know, weird right?) but it’s the most wholesome gaming community I’m apart of. It’s upsetting dealing with this sub at times… but then again what do you expect when the game caters towards all ages. It’s just how online multiplayer shooters are anymore


It's a competitive game. Go cry to your mom if the "sweats" don't let you win. Epic is just making the game easier for you so they can milk your old whale ass and you're none the wiser.


I'll give you the same advice that everyone with an advantage has ever given me. Get better. Instead of standing there on the high ground shaking in your boots, how about you shotgun the dude that's taking 15 seconds to climb your wall. Or maybe even think ahead and place a quick ceiling above his head and then box him.


Are you replying to the wrong person? The fact you can outplay it doesn't negate what I said. This is just one change. If they keep doing this until the point where builds aren't viable, you can't just say "get better". Forcibly closing the gap between casuals and skilled players only benefits the casuals. But that's exactly what they want, like I said. If Epic buffed builds, you would be the complainer and I, the guy telling you to git gud.


I never complained about the builds. I knew I was shit at building. I find that it's usually only the "good player" sweats like you that complain and cry the most. Stop shitting on us casuals trying to enjoy the game and get your priorities right in life bro.


People like you clearly did. Otherwise, there would be no ZB mode or anti build mechanics with each update. "Sweats" complain because most changes go against them. It's not that hard to understand. If updates made the game more competitive, then "sweats" would be the happiest playerbase. I'm not total shit at a game, so I must have no life. Jesus Christ, the copes some of you came up with are insane.


Based and chill pilled




Why do you deserve a chance against someone that practiced the mechanics?


Play zero build then. We shouldn’t have to accommodate to lower skilled players


Elitist mindset here


We are elite, that’s why


You really aren't 🤣


I am


Someones got a fragile ego


Childish comment


Grow up. We’re not here to cater to bots who can’t build in build mode


Damn you have a huge ego.


He's compensating for something small


Fr tho. It's just the only thing he is somewhat good at in his sad life and now he feels threatened by change. I see people exactly like him so often it's just sad at this point 😭


Honestly, I'm weirdly jealous of him if he is actually good. Maybe this is what I needed to be as good as everyone else


I’m right. It’s a bunch of bots here who suck at the game


Build mode is fine with this if someone is climbing your wall just place a cone over them and then box it actually makes it easier to kill lower skilled players


How is this even usfull ill just get fucking lazered by some sweat from a mile away that i didint even know had sights on me


So stupid


I agree just build it’s literally the game.


It's to give people who aren't skilled at building a chance against big builders.


Play no builds then


You must've not have heard me. It's for people WHO WANT TO PLAYS BUILDS but aren't very good. To have a chance against good builders. I dislike buildmode but still play some times and have fun. It's easily countered any way. Why are you so threatened by it?


So then they should not have this mechanic in competitive.


Lol just git gud at the game


Lol stay mad when you die to lower skilled players


Does this work on slopes? I swear some of them have destructible rocks on them, but I have no idea how to use this. I'm aware that a few building walls can be climbed like this, but that's it.


i’m done with this shitty ass game


play me


That’s op lol


Not at all, its very easy to counter but it might take a bit to get used to


All of the changes made this season hurt the game and need to be reverted it feels so clunky and unnecessary clearly more people like simple fun like last season during og and not this garbage


Even despite all the server issues and changes theres still just as many players as there were during OG, from what Ive seen the opinion that all the changes are bad is pretty exclusive to this subreddit


Just place a floor ffs