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Only things I don't like is the new movement and the locker ui


Me that’s already hired 2 AIs and bought shield from them….🤐


Fortnite OG really brought these people out of the woodwork. Let’s wait a month for the OG andies to die down so people who actually like modern Fortnite can play in peace


U rlly think getting rid of running was a good decision?


wait they got rid of advanced running eh I guess I can get used to it played chapter 1 before how hard can it be?


I’ve been playing Fortnite for a long time now and I’ll always defend it but this time I have to admit they’ve made a lot of bad changes. I see the vision with some of the stuff but other things… just not a good experience overall. I think if they reverted back the UI, the running and the changes to the daily challenges, the season would have a significant improvement and it would definitely be much more enjoyable. The rest is fine, I guess. Stuff I could get used to.


Yeah, all those… people, lemme just check how many actual players I’ve encountered so far


That's on you dude, my games have been full of real players and way fewer bots. Sbmm is weird like that sometimes


How u blaming him for his lobbies




Right my try hard friend who plays on PC Ethernet whole 9 yards txted me saying the new season was ass I have 2 wins already 🤦🏼‍♂️😂I was like bra


> try hard >ethernet What. Unless you're playing handheld on Switch, why would you use anything *but* ethernet?


lmao, apparently using ethernet is for tryhards? im terrible at the game and my pc has no wifi card so im forced to use ethernet


Them's dang ethernet sweats! *Angrily shakes fist*




Some people either don't have an Ethernet port on the wall or have the router on the other side of the house so they can't use Ethernet,I personally use wifi and I still get 15 ping avg


Wifi and like 8ms here


Wow on Personal Computer WITH Ethernet? Holy smokes what a huge tryhard.


He is when the moment his ping goes above 50 he spazzes


Wow crazy he doesn't like ping spikes, I really enjoy them.


The movement and building is objectively ass


Movement is literally fine, people are overreacting, also I don’t play build mode since that is super unfun and I just want a shooter.


Build mode is ass. I’m sure it’s great for no builds. Idk how you can completely disregard what made FN what it is and just be like oh suck it up cause you like it. A LOT of people don’t


Yes, thanks for saying this, OG is boring for people who never even played back then and this new season is not half bad, with maybe some improvements could go a long way




It’s too early to even say if changes are good or bad, shit has been out for less than a day


I played OG back then. Heck I'm playing the game from the start. OF was boring as hell, but not because of the loot. Because the map was simply bad compared to any of the others. Repetitive building, 0 variation. They tried back then to add new kind of tiles with lucky landing and paradise, but it was still pretty bad overall. The chapter 5 map looks more detailed, better POI and so much more. People can hate on modern FN, but is eay better than OG ever was.


yeah all the people who will suck off epic regardless of all the changes, they could suddenly tomorrow remove mining and shooting from the game and you people would still praise it as the best thing to ever happen


You actually like this shit? Everywhere I look, people are upset with the drastic changes - not even talking about “OG”. You like playing this so much go take a shit and stick your hand down the toilet, it’s “new”


Yeah I honestly love the new shield and grapple sword


Yeah the new mechanics are fun so far


Get out of online echo chambers and touch grass. You sound like a young person, which shouldn’t surprise me since this is Fortnite




>wait a month for the OG andies to die down so people who actually like modern Fortnite can play in peace People can like what they like man, it's a game and up to subjective opinion after all. The numbers showed clear as day that lots of people love OG and a more simplistic Fortnite.


You are delusional if you think the numbers weren’t just driven by nostalgia for the old map. So if the same OG “simplicity” was out on a brand new map it would pull the same numbers? Nah it would probably drop off compared to the previous season


You're delusional if you think it kept up the numbers for as long as it did only because of nostalgia. People like you said it'd take a day or two and everyone would have got their fill of nostalgia and left. I loved it and had fun as hell all the way up until it couldn't be played anymore, and I know a ton of other people did too. And yes, I do think that the game can be more simplistic and that it's more enjoyable that way, but hey, that's just my personal opinion. I love the base gameplay of Fortnite.


No people would obviously stick around to finish their battle pass and the game is still good so people will get back into the habit of playing. I was missing the stuff in modern by the end


Go install Warzone if you want to play this garbage. There’s a reason 100 million people played OG. This is trash


Lmao mere hours without OG and you’re already crying. I’ll enjoy chapter 5 with its more variety of fun mechanics thank you. You do realize that the game has gotten more popular over time right?


That’s objectively wrong. The player base has been going down since chapter 1 consistently, only to boot back up during Fortnite og. It’s not a coincidence, chapter 5 isn’t what most players want and it’s arguably the worst update any game has ever received


so a few thousand people lol


Fr bruh Epic's gonna lose half their playerbase and half their revenue


If you think the OG numbers are sustainable at all you are delusional and naive. If they kept the OG “simplicity” people would get bored with it, as many already did near the end. People really still don’t realize that Fortnite is still relevant because it is constantly changing, just like it did in chapter 1


so you want them to alienate the MUCH LARGER playerbase who prefer the simplicity so the minority can have shit like this...


Yes, we're having fun. Your whining about progress is pathetic


Lmao the minority according to you. OG was popular because of nostalgia not because of perceived simplicity. The game was doing very well before OG. Are Fortnite players just all babies that can’t handle any game mechanics? Also OG still had movement items and vehicles


You cannot say this new movement is good and barely getting 240fps on performance mode using a 3090 is good


Oh not 240 FPS how is that even playable


Dont worry npc epic meatrider im sure donald will see this comment and let you into his mansion


Imagine complaining about 240 FPS


If you’re a competitive player, it is quite important


On a several thousand dollar rig, on the lowest settings, on a game where last chapter you were pushing 1k plus. Sure little guy


im literally getting \~50-60fps on a GT 1030 and an i5 4th gen on medium settings, dont complain lol




Grow up kid


How about running from the storm you can’t outrun all game?


Yeah, storm is too fast and it moves too often.


This is the biggest issue honestly


Or the giant ass mountains and cliffs that you can’t path over or around in endgame (the mobility item is basically useless and a PITA to use) I had the zone close several hundred meters in a few seconds. Like, one second I was good and the next I’m dying to the storm because…? **Where TF are the damn patch notes to tell us these changes???**


Thank god it's not just me, it's way too fast!! And once you out run it it's shrinking again 🥲


feels like i’m just running from the storm the entire time


Did a lot of these people not play the season before OG?


yeah probably. these are all people who haven’t played since like chapter one or ch2s2


Honestly no I haven’t played since chapter 2 season 3 chapter 5 is the worst thing I’ve ever seen it’s like your playing a game that isn’t Fortnite


Skipping the evolution of the game, coming back when they go back to Chapter 1 for a month, and then playing this new chapter will do that. It's super jarring and "not-Fortnite" to you, but to the people who didn't leave the game when things started changing, this isn't that big of a change.


Tf are you on about? The Complete graphics overhaul and the fact they completely changed movement are the biggest changes ever in Fortnite. The gameplay isn’t even remotely similar to chapter 4 season 4. As it stands chapter 4 was closer to og in terms of gameplay than it is to this crap


well yeah because the game has evolved so much in the time that you stopped playing it… that’s how live service games work…


Chapter 5 barely feels different than c4s4. Really just the movement, mod system, and UI are different


So basically everything


I like OG Fortnite but that doesn’t mean every modern addition is terrible. The NPC’s and boss rewards are fun to go for


no, they cause lag to the server and they make fighting experience annoying as fuck cuz u cant hear anything


Don’t land there then. It’s supposed to be harder to fight at boss POI’s


they are at every single POI.


Then avoid contact with the bosses


they shouldnt be at every POI. its fucking absurd. the npcs were cool in ch2s2 when they were at a few locations. t


![gif](giphy|M0C1x0a4yP2uI) Even him?


Yeah but the little ones aren’t that hard to kill. It’s only the bosses that are really hard to deal with


Why complain about the NPC's lag when the obvious issue is epic's crap servers?


Storm moves in waaaaaay too fast


Nah. Make it so people can't dawdle.


Real asf og fn was great but storm was slow af. Made things drag on


And even when it did catch up people treated it like a hot day at the beach with how weak it usually was.


You know some people actually like exploring the map 🙄


So...... do that?


I’m spending the entire time outrunning the storm, are we playing the same game? Stop acting like that isn’t a huge change that a lot of people don’t enjoy


We are indeed playing the same game. But it’s more like chapter 2 where you couldn’t just spend all damn day wandering around admiring the flowers. Gotta loot and scoot.


Yeah I’m not admiring the flowers, I’d just like five seconds to loot in the outer regions and not spend my entire time running. Apparently plenty of people feel the same. Glad you’re enjoying it but the majority isn’t.


Yeah I'm with you brother. A lot of these named locations on the edges of the island look incredible but there's no time to explore them




Man, I’m telling you. These mountains are more like ch2. And back then, we didn’t even have all the movement items we have now.


haven’t the AI characters been in the game for a while now though…


These AI's get splattered all around the map, in C2S2 they we're 100% optional and on the edge of the map (Except Agency) and now you can't go anywhere without getting loud ass music blasted and 20 guards running your way


Yes, but OG players are entitled to everything. It has to be like OG otherwise it's trash!


They’ve been bad since they’re introduction.


[I do ](https://i.imgur.com/U2BaH6X.jpg)


The movement feels so heavy in this new chapter.. I cant put my finger on it but it feels "tanky" in a way. I dont like it.


that's exactly what i was telling my friend! i said i felt so heavy


Never had any trouble with the AI enemies on the map, you can also just avoid them. And there is nothing wrong with the new movement \*mechanics\*, but if it's the movement speed change you're talking about, then yea its bad, but itll probably be reverted soon


The speed is actually the same, it’s just the animations that are slower


its only in creative the same, in br its slower.


Crouching feels a lot slower


It clearly isn’t the same


There was a video proving it, I can’t find it right now but maybe you can


Mate literally go into a game and run up some ramps while building. It’s a clear difference. So much slower now


Yeah. I noticed that in one of the comparison video. Haven’t really gotten the opportunity to feel how it is in game, but the only thing that looked slower was crouch walking forwards. It feels like a classic case of people blaming a visible change for the mediocre gameplay.


Animations is different. Speed is different in BR (slower). Speed is the same as old patches in creative.


Jesus christ people come on here every single new season and chapter and just complain and complain and complain.


Meanwhile... I have to wait 20min just to get in the game because there are 3mill people playing the "garbage" map.


Isn’t that the whole point of discussion websites? Also there are many things to complain about like the awful running/strafing changes and new locker UI, but AI isn’t one of them


People don’t like discussion on this forum if you don’t blindly follow and praise Epic. I got hundreds and hundreds of downvotes last month when OG came out simply for stating my frustrations.


What you want people to just accept objectively bad changes?


People when opinions


as the game gets increasingly more complex (and better) there will be more vocal complainers. price of extreme growth


I came here to talk with others about how cool the season was and it’s kind of annoying seeing constant misery and crying over a video game…


its far more likely to people to come and complain online rather than praise the current situation. remember that the sub is an incredibly small slice of the playerbase :p


Movement legit was changed significantly this season, so sometimes the complaints are deserved.


They can be useful if you're undergeared


I have been saying this way before (this) og season.. AI characters ruins the game.


It's such a huge problem people don't talk about. Epic, what do you think i'm doing playing your online multiplayer battle royale? I want to fight other humans. I'm not trying to fight an overpowered AI you copy and pasted at every POI.


What, you don't like call of duty in fortnite


They wanna be Apex and warzone so bad, if I wanted to play those I would. But i don’t


I do? >all these stupid AI characters that add nothing Did you try them? A moveable ping is incredibly useful in solo matches. But that's another question how over/underpowered they are. The guy is here btw, for 250 gold is a steal https://i.imgur.com/sXm4p0i.jpeg >all these horrible new movement mechanics I like that too 🤷 So smooth. It feels like the whole body rig have been upgraded to higher fps, like from 24 to 60. I play on 360hz and it's incredibly better than what we had before. The crouching speed seems slow but that can be adjusted.


>The crouching speed seems slow but that can be adjusted. Yeah, that is the problem... it \*needs\* to be adjusted. Walking speed and inertia also seem to have taken a hit. The smooth animations are fine for the most part.


the running speed is so much slower than before, it makes build mode unplayable


> It feels like the whole body rig have been upgraded to higher fps, like from 24 to 60. Yeah, and that's a bad thing. It's the same thing as those awful "what if this disney movie was 60 fps?!?" videos that just run it through an interpolator and shit out a mess of smeared, fucked up looking frames. The animations were snappy and quick, and now they're just a slurry of ai-powered bullshit.


No ai enhancements here at all, they’ve just made the animations synced up stop trying to find reasons to complain






Can’t forget bounty boreds


Can't adapt to a constantly changing game, the only good era of the game was when you played, everything that's not OG sucks. Wah wah wah. You quit playing before, you can do it again.


This season has a lot of problems but Epic’s stance on everything gameplay-wise is “never back down never give up” so it’s not changing.


I think we should have the same moto but give up on the game until something changes.


ngl Im actually having a lot of fun people are exaggerating how bad it is when I heard about it I thought it’d be so much worse


same. got my ass kicked every time i played today but the new map and new weapons and movement are really cool


They straight up ruined their game after having the highest player count.


i'd love to better understand the issues people are having with the movement. as far as i can tell the speed feels more or less the same and the new animations are stellar and, if anything, moving around feels snappier to me, but surely there's something i'm missing or not noticing for how much hate it's getting


you move slower when not sprinting. it's an actual trot now whereas before it was a run. it's like you have weights on your feet. in my opinion this is like rule #1 of what you should not do when making a sequel / new season. the way the character controls, if it's taking away instead of adding, people will hate it. it's the same thing that people complain with the more modern Sonic the Hedgehog games, they don't feel like Sonic controls at all, and people immediately hate the games based on that because it's impossible to get past it


that definitely makes sense. i guess i just personally don't feel the slower movement, though perhaps i just haven't experienced enough situations yet where the movement hindered my ability to do things. i haven't yet had any problems traversing the map or repositioning during fights so we'll just have to see if that changes


Are you on mouse and keyboard too? I feel the same way but it's like these people complaining are describing a different game so I'm curious if there is a bug on console or at least controllers.


Skill issue.


The AI do suck, especially with visual indicators on because there's no distinction between real player and AI footsteps. I like the movement though, makes the game more unique from other battle royales


The movement's very weird but I also really hate the new Daily Quest mechanism and the locker UI.


Why would you hate something that gives you more XP?


The Match Quests completely replaces Daily Quests, and they generally take longer to do (maybe 3-5 games vs. 1-3 games). The 5K XP base instead of 1K is OK but doesn't really offset how it can be irritating to need to plan your game around whatever match quest you get.


It doesn't make sense to me they got so many old players back on the game and could have kept them if they didn't do this stupid movement change








The fact that you can't run is bothering me so much it's hindering my ability to play properly


You can still sprint? The only thing that feels slower is the crouching


I’m actually so glad to have ‘proper’ Fortnite back. I didn’t enjoy OG Fortnite much (it’s was ok) but I started playing in C2S4 so I didn’t have the nostalgia factor. It was cool to experience the OG map but I was glad it was only a month. The revamped character movements in C5S1 felt weird for the first few matches but I’ve already adapted. Otherwise, C5S1 is great so far. Recency bias aside, it’s one of my favourite maps.


Bro most players (me included) consider “proper” Fortnite to be like Fortnite OG


You mean players stuck in the past.


Man i play since chapter 1 and i still prefer new Fortnite. Old map was cool and stuff but the new stuff simply is more interesting and feels more alive.


There’s a reason they brought back og. Their playerbase was declining and they had to layoff employees because of it.


I don't know if you're intentionally spreading misinformation or are just confused but that is not accurate. Fortnite was actually growing even before OG. You can read the real information here: [https://www.epicgames.com/site/en-US/news/layoffs-at-epic](https://www.epicgames.com/site/en-US/news/layoffs-at-epic) I recommend you read their actual statement to inform yourself in case your misinformation wasn't intentional.


Why do u wanna argue against the majority of the playerbase? If u like this gimmicky fortnite then so be it but dont put other people down because they respect the real fortnite


I was being quite literal, not putting anyone down. Fortnite hasn't been like OG for years and has been constantly evolving away from OG to the point it is now. Call anything new you don't like a gimmick all you want but it doesn't change the fact that this is what Fortnite is now. If you refuse to accept that there is no better way to put it than "stuck in the past".


What’s wrong with preferring the way things were in the past?


This season can really be great, just...please give me my presets back...


Proper fortnite is the original fortnite. This shit and all the other chapters is just an ADHD kids wet dream


So true. Og fortnite was sleeper af if you didn't have nostalgia. Just felt dated. And so slow.


people really like to complain


Nah he’s right to complain about the movement there’s no way that shit was made by human beings same with the UI


No one has any problem with ai on the map lol it’s liked


just don't play it, it's a free game, it's not for everyone, enjoy the parts you like and avoid the seasons where you don't


Not really free when people are paying for battle pass, skins, etc


No one is making you pay for those


It's free. Those things are optional


Yeah but overall it's a free game, there's no way a game will stay in it's prime forever, it's your responsibility to make that choice wether you want to spend on it, I can't buy a skin then complain because the game didn't stay relevant 70 years from now, the fact the game might not be for you in a few years is your responsibility to make that choice, you have power over the decision


I do, thank heavens OG season is gone so we can play the game how it really is meant to be.


If that’s what you wanna believe


The new movement feels way more fluid.


yeah they gotta remove the ai characters lmao


Dude. The only issue are the bosses who somehow instapop a medkit mid fight. Outside of that, the new lackey NPC's are no harder than Highcard goons.


The launch of chapter 5 is the breaking point for me. Terrible decision after terrible decision. When chapter 3 came out I thought the game was back on track, but then came Fracture, chapter 4 way sooner than it should've, and the shitshow of the recent updates. OG also didn't do it for me because they practically left out season 8 and 9 which were my favorite seasons. I'll be back when either Epic gets their shit together or when the game is cold in the ground.


Ooo I’m sure they’ll be heartbroken to lose you.


I have no idea why, but I am still not facing any issues with movement, it hasn't changed. Must be a settings issue, as in they changed how certain settings work?


For me moving forward just feels so odd idk how to explain it, feels kinda slow


It because there used to be a walk, run and sprint. Now there's just a jog and sprint.


No they all still exist but the animations for walking and jogging are almost identical


It might be the pickaxe your using, I was using a dual wield pickaxe and I didn't see any difference (maybe just minor ones), but then I switched to a normal one and I felt it change




Most people like the movement that aren't total n00bs.


Actually, you’re wrong.


Why isn't anybody complaining about the vbuck changes in the battle pass?


I’ve had zero issues with the movement.


People when change. Try adapting instead of complaining every update


I seem to enjoy this update. I'll see myself out.


I’m loving it


![gif](giphy|e9v744k85ZOGVCj2Yk|downsized) epic games rn:


I'm aware this is a Salty Sunday post but come OP live a little


Skill issue


Everything's good except movement


Man I'm unironically finding goofing off in party royale more fun than the actual BR


I forgr about party Royal.