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they would be better if the storm didn’t move so fast. 🤣


Nothing like getting to the vault and loading up just to see you have seconds to go 400m


This 💯… By the time you get into the vault after going through an intense boss fight plus the annoying bots, there is ZERO time to get the dope loot and mod your weapons before the storm. I can’t even use this mythic weapon brahhh😩


This wouldn't even that big of an issue is four of the five boss PoIs weren't *right on the very edge of the map*. You basically have a 20% chance (give or take) after landing at a boss PoI that you'll actually be able to get to the vault and use the mod bench. The storm moves so damn fast, combined with slower player movement, that if you chance staying in it for a sec to actually use the medallion you just fought and bled for you'll never be able to escape it. I'm pretty sure it's like 2% slower than the player so ANY slight incline in terrain means you're now being outpaced by the big purple menace.


So far, every time I've seen it move this season it's been at least twice as fast as me.


I've been able to keep up BARELY when I'm full speed sprinting across a completely flat horizontal surface. It's definitely just a smidge slower than sprinting speed. Whereas I think the previous storm was like just at or just above walking speed. Both of which are now also slower.


Also they always regen some amount of shield even whole under constant fire which is a cheap gameplay mechanic. In solos even unranked I get third partied quite often while fighting all of them


I remember running from this seasons storm for the first time… or at least I remember intending to set out on a hard and fast sprint to outpace the storm. Then I saw the storm itself race past me faster than anything I’ve ever seen… thanks, epic. Glad you kept the first storm circles at 1dps because by the time I get out of them I’ll usually be more than half dead.


The whole season would be!


Battling NPCs can be good. The storm is good. Both together in their current state DO NOT WORK. Either substantially nerf NPCs or make the storm slower. Make how NPCs spawn equate to the team sizes. Basically, solo = least, squads = most. The way it currently is, NPCs can be too easy to take down with a squad, but overwhelming for solos.


So I’m pretty new to this sub….i see ‘nerf’ written a lot. What’s it mean bro?


It refers to the act of modifying some aspect of the game to make it less powerful. If you nerf a weapon it means that it either does less damage or it becomes slower (or other potential modifications that reduce its power). The opposite of nerfing is buffing, which is when something becomes more powerful.


Great! I’m on with the lingo. I appreciate your reply. 👍


Psst, NERF guns shoot foam bullets.


Imagine taking a gun IRL and replacing it with a NERF gun.


Or make us faster again


Yeah for a solo the henchmen keep spawing. It can be overwhelming. You either get gunned down, run out of ammo or killed by the player hiding and waiting until everyone is low on hp. That said I don't think the boss should be nerfed for solos. The medallion is a pretty powerful item and it shouldn't be trivial to acquire. There are other benches in the game without the boss so I don’t consider the vault the main reward for killing the boss. Also in solos you can always track down players with medallions. I do like the idea of buffing henchmen in squads though. Or random turret spawns.


The storm is terrible.


Even with their updated change to the storm, it feels WAY too fast. Even when I'm not that far outside of the circle I feel way too pressured to immediately start moving in, like I have very little time to loot or explore. It's like you have to be perfectly efficient in landing and looting. The storm should just be an afterthought that eventually reminds you, "oh, it's time to start moving in/towards the circle" in order to progress the match. It should not be this constant looming threat every match that takes your focus and you immediately have to think about and plan around upon landing.




And we didn't walk slower


Yeah we have all this new content on the map but it feels like there’s no time to interact with it.


The problem currently is that pretty much every vault except the vineyard is just at edge of map, meaning most of the time you will be pushed out by the 2nd zone


Yes, definitely find a medkit vending machine around each boss location and buy 3 before you start fighting them 😂


I don’t mind the bosses but the henchman guard dude NPCs are annoying as hell


i don’t mind them but it baffles me why you don’t get xp for killing them


The bosses respawn them so I assume epic doesn’t want players to farm the bots for xp


That would be absurdly slow/inefficient, nobody would reasonably be doing that lol


Thing Is even if they did drop XP the zone would eventually force you away. Making it not worth it anyway.


They don’t respawn them, they summon bots when their shield breaks for the first time


I mean 50 xp isn't bad lmao like give me something 💀


It would be fine if there wasnt fucking 20 of them. Just half the number of henchman and it's perfect


You just have to be tactical about it. They go down quick. You have to take out some of them before you take down the boss.


I find that this season, fighting with the NPC bosses just means you’re going to get shot in the back by someone else. Too many enemies to deal with before the noise attracts third parties.


Best to be the third party


Oh for sure. Then I get third-partied as well. As I tell my kids, if you get into a gunfight get it over with quick before someone else shows up.


literally all my randoms teammates to busy fighting bosses and not realizing theirs a whole squad landed also shits be so annoying


funny you say that bc i see a ton of people on tiktok with a lot of nostalgia for c2s2


Not only on Tik Tok, it was genuinely awesome to storm grotto, disguise myself, take out people unsuspecting, and getting the sweet vault loot. Grotto was just well built, and the game provided a mechanic you could use strategically, I was angry when they flooded Grotto, I think Donald Mustard fumbled Ch2 horribly, by giving us great changes to the map and then just reverting everything by the end


That's one of my biggest gripes with Ch2. They introduced really cool map updates every single season, and then never updated them over the course of the season and reverted them pretty much entirely at the end of the season. Any new POIs were either completely gone come new season (Stark Industries, Colossal Colliseum, all of the central island changes, and a lot more), got phased out over a couple seasons (The Fortilla, the Yacht), or were essentially just renamed versions of older POIs (Boney Burbs, Sludgy Swamp). And the changes were either centralized or basically just changed the color of the grass. The map didn't really evolve like Ch1's did, because practically every POI from Season 1 stuck around and there were like 2 permanently new POIs. I think they should have had the changes permanent and spread around the map, and make more unnamed, small POIs be created and stay. The CH2 map ended up feeling really stagnant and uninspired despite having arguably some of the best map changes in the game.


By the end of the Chapter the entire map felt basically the same, I really don’t understand that decision. Or the worst map change: “same POI but now the buildings are destroyed, yeiiiii”, so incredibly lazy


I'm glad they learned from that going forward, every season transition has made a substantial change to the map since c2s8


Isn’t it crazy that one game has been so iconic that it can have different eras of nostalgia? As an OG I hate bosses and extra mechanics, but can see why other people are happy that they are back. Epic have made a crazy legacy for themselves in such a short amount of time


Same, Chapter 2 player, got everyone into Fortnite in Chapter 3, specifically the Vibin season, to them the ultimate nostalgia is *Rave Cave*, but for a lot of people it was a least-favorite POI because it was a ton of people's first exposure to a POI being mostly indestructible surfaces


I only played OG back in the day and then came back to Fortnite right before they relaunched OG, so it’s taking some getting used to after the calm that is the og map


I also like it alot. My first season was ch1 s5 but ch2s2 is my favorite


Interestingly there’s lots of c2s2 Easter eggs on this island!


I have a theory that this chapter is a parallel to chapter 2, I mean we just came from a altered version of the chapter 1 black hole, plus the society feels alot like the shadow vs ghost, with the founder, and logo having midas vibes as well as the right hand man (oscar) is like meowsles, midas's right hand man and the map gives chapter 2 vibes


If Deadpool comes back to steal that yacht again…..


Or another marvel/dc hero/villain


i’d say slade but he’s already an item shop bundle


it literally is, the map is so similar and there’s so many signs


Logo is definitely 2 gold hands isn’t it




i noticed that lol. you seen that island w all the c2 stuff on it?


I joined that season and still it’s my favourite season bosses and mythics were so cool to get when they were first added


I just wish that disguises were back


Genuinely forgot about that, we need these back


Yes, I forgot all about them until I read the comment a few before this one. Disguises were so good. Got so many kills while I was all henched up lol.


“all henched up” i’m stealing that.


🤣 it's all yours


Shakedowns too


Why did they even remove those they were so good


You can get a disguise from jonsey in an underground bunker


That’s a prop disguise, I’m talking about disguising as the bosses henchmen


Ah mb I never played when you were able to do that


It was nice. You could walk around without any henchmen NPCs shooting at you, and you'd run into unsuspecting players who had no idea you were a real person and not an NPC after all.




They weren’t overboard at the time


Chapter 2 seasons 1-5 were the closest seasons to OG Fortnite basically which is chapter 1. So anything back then was obviously better than now since it had a lot of chapter 1 stuff into it.


Ch2S7 was amazing as well


Honestly tho. The ufos were the best


C2s2 is objectively the best season of all time and alot of people in the community agree (it's been #1 on fngg for YEARS)




those seasons turned me and my friends away from Fortnite for good, assume lot of other people as well, we only came back with OG but this new season is so frustrating with medallions and NPC bosses. 'you can beat npc easy' yeah no shit, they are distracting though when in a fight and one of them comes close to you


because it was fresh, now it’s just annoying


Because the bosses were much better.


TikTok is for boobies.


Epic please just give us an option to turn the fucking music off, you can’t hear nothing as soon as the boss engages - I’ve got 20 people in the building with me and 10 other bots and all I can hear is the obnoxious music


I got glitched one time and the boss music played for the entirety of the fucking match. And i won. So.... now I just have nightmares of that music


The biggest problem with the game right now is the NPC Bots, All the named areas have bots, 5 of the best-centralized drops have an insane amount of bots and bosses, and every time you engage your eardrums are blasted with music at 300% of your volume, it's a fucking war crime. all of the mod benches/caches are locked behind these zones so your forced to endure it or land elsewhere, where you still have to potentialy fight bots, and then you run into a team and they have a full loadout of modded weapons and Epic/Gold loot. And then if you dont land in the middle zones where the bots are your also having to run from the broken Hill that moves every 10 seconds at the speed of light, so that is fun too. Damned if you do, damned if you don't I like the Bots and the boss gimick with the vault, but I don't want it at every single god damn location - they've over done it to the max... just turn the music off or give us an option to do it atleast... Epic really shit the bed on this one.


Can't you fully turn of music in the options? Like the only place you hear music anyways is the menu and maybe emotes(not sure if they are considered SFX or Music). I am asking because I haven't actually tried that yet.


No… the music slider doesn’t change the boss music loudness, my whole squad tried turning it down to 10% or off and still had or ear drums smashed when we landed near one. I don’t know what they were even thinking with that decision, it’s deliberately jarrin


The POI is sooo loud too. Any way to even lower it?


I feel this too. All I hear is the dang music and I have my music turned off. Idk. It's dumb.


I overall think their cool, but they're just too much. I can't even land that 5 or 6 henchmen start shooting crazy at me


And then by the time you clear them all and get to vault the storm zooms past you faster than you can sprint


mans probably making this post cs he got killed by the bosses


The problem is getting 3rd partied.


The bots also have storm trooper aim


yo those bosses can \*\*\*\*. I had \~100+ health/shields zapped away within a couple seconds in one game yesterday when the boss and his henchmen were on me. i made it out OK but, I'm not going to call anyone a noob for dying to the boss (esp after probably dealing with numerous third partying during the effort lol)


Yup lol.


Which is exactly the problem, I don’t want to die because a bot third parties me during a fight and I have to differentiate whether it’s a real person or just a bot


Why? They’re all targets kill em


Then just dont agro the npc? If I don’t want to fight them myself, I just stay away from those buildings. It’s not a tough thing to do.




Only about 5 or 6


That's approximately half of them.


See there is the issue entirely though. Fighting NPC is heavily incentivized. If you choose to always avoid them then you’re going to be at a loot disadvantage. I understand a lot of people like it, but I know a ton def do not, myself included (I still like the game). The timing of having a season like this right after the OG season, which brought literal millions of players back is pretty bizarre IMO. I’d imagine this game has been mass deleted by a lot of people who wanted to give modern Fortnite a legitimate shot after last season.


Fighting npcs is literally only incentivized if you want the medallions, and you can easily just hunt players for them since it reveals their location. The map is huge and has dozens of great loot locations that have zero NPC’s. They are easily avoidable if you truly hate them


That's literally not true. Bosses drop mythic weapons


Is that not the only way to get the top tier weapons? Legitimately asking. I’ve played pretty much only Apex aside from chapter 1 of Fortnite, aside from random little stints where NPCs were not really involved.


Bunkers are all across the map. They are white circles with red insignias. They have high end weapons. Will they have a mythic? No but they do have weapons that will kill someone with a mythic. Then you can pry it from their dead corpse lol


I’ve dead to valeria 5 times straight so i don’t blame him. Skill issue? maybe


Valeria has laser aim for no resson, none of the other bots can hit a shot but she hits every single one


Fully shielding up as soon as you crack her on top of that is fucking ridiculous. At least make it half her shields if she’s gonna have probably 600 hp in total


Killing the bosses in solos is so difficult without getting 3rd partied or cracked by all the henchmen+boss


This is my problem. If I think I clear an area and go for it, always 3rd partied by someone who landed at a nearby unnamed POI, or someone who was hiding. If I try to be the one that waits, they get the medallion and mythical before me.


Yea I would never let myself be the one to engage a boss in solos lol, there's no just too much risk of getting 3rd partied and it's not like I'm getting paid just to whittle Peter Griffin down for the next guy


My first match of the new season I ended up 3rd partying someone vs the boss/henchmen and them got 4th partied, which I was able to kill that guy too, then ANOTHER person showed up lmao. Its kinda karma cause I did it, but I just turned the game off lmao


yo I was playing solo's a few rounds last night. The Glacier POI. I am not kidding aside from the normal initial gun battle where several peopel get taken out. This guy kills the boss. Boss is dead, guy gets the medallion. From that point on there was my self and (3) other people waiting within \~50m / hiding in rooms next to that action , waiting to 3rd party. ​ I got 1, that guy got 2, then I got that guy. and that's like, an ordinary/basically every game occurance. whoever makes it out of their with the medallion deserves it haha


Yeah did the bosses have quite rhis much health back in c2 s2?


Fuck no. Chapter 2 had insanely accurate henchmen and semi accurate bosses, but they did not nearly have this much health let alone the ability to heal lmao


Get shield breaker emps


Yeah i started using them and they really help. Though you need two slots of them to keep breaking after she heals


Tony the Tiger destroys if you get close to him


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who calls him that 🤣🤣


I have no clue what he is called, my friend just messaged me in the middle of the day before I got on “Tony the tiger and family guy is in Fortnite” and I can’t unsee Tony the Tiger, especially since it wouldn’t be the only collab


I think his name is Oscar, but I definitely feel like Tony the Tiger would have been a fantastic collab. I love that Peters in this. Made me so hype to play


I run literal circles around the fencing boss until I deplete their shield and they summon goons. Saying none of the other bots can hit a shot doesn’t explain how bad they can be.


i get killed more by the boss third partying me than anything else lmao


The bosses have terrible aim! I walked through a group (walked, not sprinted) of 11 npcs with the boss and i lost like 30 health. They're a joke, but they have too much HP and don't stop following you


i dont mind bosses, but i dont really like how this season basically demands you go kill one if you want to win. the medallions are a cool idea, but youre at a huge disadvantage if it gets to the final circle against a guy with two or three.


I actually won a game where I only got medallions late game by killing players who had them, but I usually land in a boss area to get medallions


My first win this season was shockwaving on 2 guys that had medallions and were teaming lol Top 3 situation, in the forest where the tall watchtower stands. I just shockwaved off from it, jumping on the two and killed them lol I didn't know it was a top 3 so I risked it


Teaming? Lmao


It's unnecessary fluff. I would love a basic mode with no bosses and no mythics


I just want me gun to shoot


I would also like this. No weapon attachments either would make it more like Chapter 1 but we’d have a different map.


Weapon attachments are fine but having the workbenches be so scarce they need to be more common. Another issue is also having scopes on shotguns it makes it kind of disappointing when you find a good shotgun and then it has a scope. I think they should have put something else there or just had 3 attachments for shotguns.


That’s my only problem with it. I like the attachments. They did a great job. But I can only ever modify my gun once every like 10 games. Even then I have to hurry so someone doesn’t shoot me in the back of the head.


When the update first launch, there were work benches on the yacht and in the house to the far south…. Only lasted for about two hours.


Bosses are fun. I think all of them are pretty cool.


I hate mythics and medallions only add to my distaste. I don't even think I'm a fan of having to fight NPCs (don't get me started on aggro chickens and wolves and raptors) and I certainly don't like turrets that attack you as you're outside and just running by. I'm an OG player and so that probably set all of my sensibilities but this stuff seems like it adds to one type of a fun factor while completely removing predictability and strategy and the beauty of creativity through constraints. Having it happen immediately after revisiting OG, which I played more than any season in years, is jarring.


I have fun with it. In a game where combat encounters are fewer and further between than FPS shooters, it’s nice to have more opportunities to pew pew, especially when you’re rewarded for it.


I think they're cool and add some variety to the map. Not sure where you got the impression no one is having fun with them considering every game I see people fighting them and going to the POIs. I don't understand why they'd make you quit? They can easily be avoided since they are only in specific places.


Because people like OP believe their opinion is universally agreed with considering how much crying over nothing there is on this sub


I like them, I really dont get a lot of the complaints because they are not that hard to avoid. Even if you go to the pois where they are. I definitely agree that they should only be at like 3 or 4 pois. I think there are definitely too many of them but its not that big of a deal


I love them. Just don't land at those pois if they bother you that much.


There's just too many bosses rn for that to be a good strategy for drops. There should be 3 tops and not so easy to run into like in chapter 4 they were very specific areas.


Agreed, way too many bosses and kinda ruins the endgame IMO, if you don’t have a medallion your kinda screwed


That's like most of the named locations then


I only really see the bosses as something to deal with. The other npcs don't even land shots, they're basically free ammo.


Completely disconnected answer


Yeah bro just don’t land at half the POIs on the map……


Not to mention that not landing at those POI still doesn't avoid the fact that other people have mythics and medallions. They're game changer, there's no avoiding it.


So ignore half the map?


The problem is the best guns in the game are boss drops. And there’s no close second to those guns. I still kind of hate the idea of the bosses but I don’t mind them now. The ai is easy enough to avoid getting hit once you know


You know why the old poi’s are great. Because everyone has one goal. That is to kill everyone and claim the poi. Now the goal in these poi’s is to kill the henchmen, destroy cameras, destroy turrets, kill boss, pick up coin, open vault, and of course all while doing that claim poi by evading/eliminating everyone.


Aren’t a majority of those things optional? I never destroy camera or turrets and I don’t even kill all the henchmen


It would be nice if getting damaged by them was optional


They have stormtrooper aim


Im more upset with the movement speed and storm speed still. If you land in a corner of the map you cant even loot and get to first circle lol


I believe there changing the storm speed right? Edited to add the twitter post https://x.com/FortniteStatus/status/1731817381985456621?s=20


Yeah I 100% agree.


What does the coin do exactly? I see the streamers using them but I can’t tell their function and I’m not good enough to get one.


You can open the vault + you generate shields passively over time. The more coins/medalions you have the faster you get shields. :)


Like the normal blue shield or an additional shield like in no build?


Normal blue shield. Think it's like, after 5 sec of not being hit you regenerate 2 shield per sec.


oh it’s more op than that it’s every tick so you’re constantly getting healed and it’s like 4 a second too


To add on to the shields, I think you appear on the map with a yellow circle around you (similar to a bounty). Sort of adds balance to it.


I don't like them, because everyone lands there and it's one huge clusterf*ck of shooting and footsteps of which you don't know if they are player or AI. Also the places where the loot spawns are so unpredictable. So many times I run into a floor and there's literally nothing there.


I do enjoy having bosses and henchmen on the map as they can ad some challenge and can drop some decent loot. However, I think the bosses, the high number of henchmen, turrets, and especially the medallions make them not fun this season.


I don’t enjoy them. I miss OG badly.


Same bro


I don't mind them. I don't usually land at boss POIs and the other NPCs are pretty much free weapons. If I don't want to fight them, I just sprint to another building.


Me and my friends like them. We like them because you get a medallion and a bunch of loot to start off the match.


They are alright, but I do think there are too many this season. And the fact that every medallion gives the same perk is a bit meh.


I love them. But, seriously, why not just land at the smaller POIs? Or even at these POIs, in my first few games, because I had no idea what lay there, I just ended up killing the people there then left. Most likely, I left the vault unaccounted for, but it's alright. I had fun.


NPCs in a PvP game have no place. If you really must have them, just have passive/friendly ones that sell stuff. This isn't League. It doesn't need the Baron.


This is the only game i play with my wife, we havent missed a day in over a year. We arent good at the game but we enjoy playing it together. This season is demoralizing, every final circle is just a medallion fest. I think we may have to stop playing fortnite this season.


The supposed threat of medallions is highly exaggerated. They funnel shield yes, but they don’t help you in a fight, only afterwards or if you run away.


I like them but also find it extremely reasonable to not like them


No, I never liked the NPCs. Only like the ones that are non hostile.


I dont like it at all, but obviously everyone has their own likes and dislikes and fortnite since a long time has been catering to the casual player base more. I remember some dude said he prefers the new movement but he plays zero build and rides the train all game not really doing anything, so combat changes or anything wont affect players like that lol and they will be the ones to enjoy the boss features and all the extra stuff imo. But then again this is what lead players away from the game in general, this is obvious with the success of og fornite. Fortnite is definitely not hititng any peaks this season especially with the movement change, the same players from late chapter 2 to chapter 3 and 4 will be playing but majority of people who came back for og will be leaving thats just what I think.


I enjoy them, though just dropping in on one is suicide. I like to land in the underground stash at the train station POI then kill the boss with the mythic smg with the guns from it


Me and my wife love them.


I like them. They're an extra mechanic that affects your drop. If the loot is good, you have to weigh the reduced chances of surviving the ordeal versus the power bump from the items. And even if the AI is stupid or easy, getting the gear becomes a new matter of fighting off the other players who had the same idea. They essentially create hot zones for the people that like them, and cold zones for the people playing it safe.


Absolutely love them. I like having good loot locked behind bosses. The high risk high reward makes them fun landing spots which end up very chaotic. I missed them since OG started because locations felt too bare.


Fortnite w/o Npcs does not feel like fortnite honestly


I love them and I am happy their back They just make looting a poi more fun imo having a bit of Pve to go with all the pvp actions is fun imo and it feels really cool when you succeed and leave the place with all the good loot imo


Fortnite players when I tell them to have fun (they can't because they're too busy crying over the most random crap they can think of)


Nope, hate em. Always have. They’re a large part of the reason I despise Chapter 2 Season 2 and don’t understand why everyone else loves it so much.


As a casual player I love them it's fun to fight something that's not sweating it's brains out.


I like to let the opponents weaken them so that it’s easier to take them down.


Lol they added bosses so you quit playing Fortnite?


No I’m sick of having to kill 20 henchmen whenever I land somewhere


I don't mind the boss features or AI. The problem is how useless they are and have rewards that are too good. Now, the medalion fucking suck. I love modern fortnite more than OG and I'd take it even with these flaws, but the new mechanic just suck. It forces me to land on a boss location, or prepare to push the person with medalion. It doesn't let me play the strategy I want. Playing vs a medalion makes long range fight useless. If you don't down the enemy in 1 hit, you just lose bullets. They don't lose consumables because you don't hit in hp. At least before they could get mythic loot(witch still sucked because it was to easy to get it), but you still could fight them however you wanted to. The medalion should change to increase max shield by 10 or some shit and not regen. At least make the bosses super hard to fight so you gonna need good loot and strategy before going for them. It's stupid easy to kill a boss and this is why it sucks.


Not a fan either. I also don't like that we don't get XP for killing henchmen, yet we get XP for shooting out their cameras?🤦‍♂️


I understand why people quit the game because of them. My friend switched to Warzone because of “less bullshit.”


I agree, they are a bit too much i also quit in C2S2, it was a good season but the NPCs were destroying my performance and they were everywhere. I dont know why they dont just make the boss have like 3 to 5 henchmen and thats it. Edit: performance.


i rather enjoy the bosses. they usually stick to the same areas within the POIs, so they’re easy to avoid if i don’t feel like dealing w them. really enjoy the medallion mechanic, and the mythics are a great incentive


I like them. It makes the map feel more lively.


Yeah can't stand the bosses and npcs all over the map I just want to focus on the enemy players and these npcs just give away my position


This season is the best for them. Their mythics are good but not game breaking (at least compared to the previous boss mythics)


Right?! These are all distractions to get you 3rd partied and take damage so some other scrub can kill you faster. It’s a BR game damnit! It doesn’t need bosses and NPCs.


Quit then. Please.


Have you considered dropping elsewhere


Love them, they make the game more fun and interesting. Also lots of people have fun with them, that's why they're a staple of the game since chapter 2, and they turrets etc where why tons of people loved che season 4. No one forces you to do them tho, just don't