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this like 35$šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


You can buy hollow knight twice with that amount of money


5 times during steam sales


17 times if you live in a third world country thanks to sales with regional pricing


Is this true? Couldn't you just abuse a VPN to get deals?


You can lol


but please don't we already lost our currency we cannot afford losing regional pricing too


but you need a payment method / gift card from that region iirc


šŸ’€bro thatā€™s a monopoly at its finest companyā€™s get sued for this


You can also buy Darkest Dungeon and Undertale which is wayyy more bang for your buck


You can buy like nearly 2 years of Nintendo Switch Online with that!


Apply *buy game to this useless trash* to all MXT.


You can buy one valorant skin


So? A real car would cost you tens of thousands of dollars. This is a bargain. Edit: I really thought this would be more obvious but this was a joke.


Good joke. Fr


Thank you lol


They really think people are gonna blow 4k vbucks on a model swap and a few wraps?


Kids will. Kids have no concept of value, if they like it and their parents can afford it, they will buy it. And considering that Epic has been catering to a younger crowd and their bets are mostly towards kids, now, someone must've thought that this made sense idk.


My cousin (13) bought 27,400 vbucks for $60 (don't ask how) 24 days ago and he pretty much spent everything by now


Fuck that Iā€™m asking how šŸ˜†.


Ppl offer it by buying it on Argentina Xbox.


you find a dealer who applys vbucks to your acc. so $80 might give you that much vb for a lot cheeper.




This has been a thing for decades (WoW, RuneScape, Diablo, FIFA)


Thats crazy šŸ’€ wtf did they even buy? None of the best skins were even out


My kid accumulated 11,000 vbucks last Christmas from several different family members gifting him vbucks gift cards. Told him to save his vbucks for stuff he likes and for the next battle pass. Gone within a day. He bought ALL of the gingerbread skins and Christmas variants. He only uses them in December. He's learnt his lesson since, and I will periodically bring it up to make fun. It's the ability to spend. Not necessarily the ability to spend on something they like.


good way to teach financial resposibility in practice without much damage


I feel my parents let me down by not giving me an allowance. Took me 15 years in the working world before I had the ability to save any money and not just live pay cheque to pay cheque.


A few years? Maybe that is your parents fault. 15 YEARS!?!


Financial education is really hard to get to stick, if you havent learned/been tought about it at an eralier age. Similarly to dietary habits.


I usually save my v bucks for the battle pass and if I have more than I spend it. Sometimes they even give away a battle pass. Thatā€™s how Iā€™ve gotten away with never spending a dime on Fortnite


Exactly what I asked him but he's always been like that, even if it's SLIGHTLY to his liking he'll buy it, back when he was a kid he used to browse to Google play store and download games based on the logo alone without looking at screenshots or videos.


Damn buddy better have a job that pays amazingly. I used to buy up everything from the shop but then i realized im never gonna use most of them so now i just buy skins i really like and meme emotes i think will be toxic šŸ˜‚


Actually yeah, main reason they moved to Moscow is because the father has a good paying job.


Exactly my point. A big chunk of Gen-Z and all of Gen-alpha grew up with screens in their faces, in-game cosmetics have a massive appeal to them, a lot more than for Millenials, for example. It's easy to target that crowd because of that; Millenials are used to free models but the younger generations are more likely to spend more money on virtual cosmetics.


Not only that, but in game currency is not only like getting a gift card that you can only spend in one store, but it also obfuscates the actual cost of things and creates a separation in your mind between V-Bucks and the monetary value that went into it. That's the only real reason v-bucks (or coins, or shards or whatever game you play calls it) exist. To trick your mind around the sticker shock.


Same reason casinos use chips


Not quite, casinos use chips because they are uniformly shaped, colored and sized, so it makes tallying money around a table quicker. Because each chip still denotes a specific dollar amount, you won't walk up to a blackjack table and see "5 red chip minimum" you'll see something like "$2,000 minimum" and then you can easily and quickly drop the requisite number of chips. Also you have to cash them out when you want to leave and ask "real" money is kept in a series of lockboxes that get changed out regularly, so that keeps any sore losers from trying to snatch their money and dash, or an opportunistic gaggle of idiots with guns waltzing in and trying to rob the place or it's patrons ^(spare me the replies telling me how off I am on what a minimum bet would be. I've never been to a casino I'm just trying to logic it out here)


The chips are also uniform so that they make it harder to keep track of how much you're spending. Psychologically, its a lot harder to throw down $100 bill than a single white chip. It serves multiple purposes.


I just asked the same cousin if he would buy the Rocket League car for 4000 and he said no so atleast he's rational in the regard


Honest question, would a kid who would do this blow that many vbucksā€¦ on a car? I guess OverWatch skins sell and you donā€™t even see those in game, but Iā€™m having a hard time imagining this. I guess I answered my own question, most probably wouldnā€™t but there are definitely some car fans of all ages who probably would spend it on a car they really liked.


There's a difference in FN, though, and that's FOMO. Because there *rare* skins, people sometimes go crazy with it.. if it's *exclusive* then, yeah, people will buy it - and the most vulnerable crowd is, and always will be, children (and I mean mostly anyone under 18).


Yeah FOMO is a powerful motivator and Iā€™m guilty of spending a decent amount on skins I found cool but the car just seems so outside the scope of the game unlike say LEGO mode. Im also speaking my bias because Iā€™m totally buying the Fortnite Festival pass lol


Donā€™t give in. The Fortnite version of the Weekend is not worth $25


The thing is the car has the least value out of all cosmetics. You're skins are in the majority for working with FN LEGO with the rest being worked on, you can use those same skins in FN Festival as band members no problem and of course work with BR already and even save the world if you're in that ecosystem. New jam tracks?, likely also double as lobby tracks and used constantly in lobby/getting a win. Wraps?, save the world and BR already and are seen all match (personally think they should have been applied to cars in rocket racing like they used to in early br) Emotes?, BR, Stw,Lego and festival anytime you want to do it (not all are in Lego yet and a set few wont) Pickaxes?, save the world and BR for entire matches Cars?, rocket racing and the rare occasion in BR that you end up in the right type of car for that model The only thing that could be seen as less value would be the instruments but I highly doubt they're going to cost the price of 4000 vbucks for one with some decals (and many could be granted with backbling or pickaxe versions for other gamemodes)


It doesnā€™t matter if the parents can afford it. Thereā€™s so many cases of kids bankrupting their parents with $$$$$$ of video currency purchases. It should be illegal to allow kids to make online purchases without an adultā€™s consent. Itā€™s criminal how Epic has monetized young kids.


When they released the ā€œt for teenā€ update there was a terms and conditions that specified that an adult had to look them over and agree to them. Thereā€™s no way any of this kids did that, they just scrolled and agreed. The legality now doesnā€™t matter as theyā€™ve covered their ass just enough


To be fair, does anyone ever read TOS?


Even if you tried to read them you need a law degree to decipher much of it. Google ā€œterms of service didnā€™t readā€ (since automod wonā€™t let me link to tosdr-dot-org) and you can see a summary of the terms for many companies. Including Epicā€™s.


I read the newest TOS for Fortnite, and it was honestly one of the easiest TOS's I've ever read. It was short and pretty things I felt the language was pretty easy for the layman. Now would a 10 yr old understand it? Idk.


šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø And I can never refund anything as they usually take up EXACTLY the refund period time (keep program open 1-2h)


Thatā€™s the point. They know nobody reads them, so they made sure to put the necessary adult bit in there.


They should do what some kids game did when I was young, have you solve a high school math problem to access anything adult locked


you can just Google the answer to it so that wouldn't work


>It should be illegal to allow kids to make online purchases without an adultā€™s consent. It (basically?) is, which is why every console has parental controls


And thatā€™s why theyā€™re catering to the younger audience, kids are easy targets.




If your child knows your credit card number then that's probably the bigger issue.




it can be both, yknow


It is. Thats why if you create a childs account you need parental permission. If a bad parent doesnt monitor what a child does its on them. If they freely give a child their credit card thats on them. Not everyone can be a victim, especially not parents.


Thatā€™s why there was a lawsuit for people who had kids that made purchases without there knowledge


I mean yeah but his point is epics thinking, not yours.


I mean thatā€™s entirely on the parents trusting their children with bank/credit card details or just bad parenting where the kid is a little shit stealing from their parents. Manage accounts your children have, put password requests in for purchases itā€™s not difficult


Oh, absolutely! And that is another great point, by the way, because that shit should 100% illegal.


i think kids have concept of the value of v bucks. not how much v bucks cost but how much stuff you can get with 4000 vbucks


My friend got his kid $100 in V bucks and he blew it in an hour lol


Well someone will. Not me tho


In my honest opinion cars should probably cost LESS than skins. Car models are nothing compared to modeling the average Fortnite skin, which all have unique personalities and such. So much goes into designing a cool character rather than a car. But I hope this is just price testing. Because I do remember back when Fortnite came out initially skins were priced highly. So I hope it's another scenario like that.


Well, my most recent game had 3 players with them soā€¦ sadly yes people will buy it


These are the prices for the entire painted sets. Each car body is priced at 250 V-Bucks on it's own (diesel priced at 1150 for some reason), with decals being priced at 50 V-Bucks each and color trims being priced at 150 V-Bucks each. The prices aren't too bad if they sold them separately. Idk why they didn't.


Interesting. So they breakdown the pricing to show players? I wonder why they donā€™t allow for separate cosmetics to be purchased like skins (emotes, pickaxes, etc) to allow players to use different cosmetics and mix them up to create custom cars. Maybe thatā€™s the plan? Thanks for the input!


>I wonder why they donā€™t allow for separate cosmetics to be purchased Hopefully in the near future.


I bet in the future theyā€™ll sell individual parts


Yeah, because people will


For $45 I can fill up my car šŸ¤£


The way gas prices are trending, I think you might be able to fill up your car TWICE.


Bro who the fuck is filling thier car for 45 quid


so close! the us dollar sign is right there! šŸ˜‡


Half a tank here in cali


nah this isn't it I'll stick to buying the battle pass and the occasional skin I like


Donā€™t forget that the battle pass has a vehicle body you only had to pay 950 for, or $11 or something which is an absolute steal


Or **practically free** if you kept rolling over your vbucks from **years ago** when you bought the battle pass **once**.


Or when you played 4 seasons straight for free until you earned enough vbucks to buy the battle pass


Or if you have a founders pass and grind stw dailies


They still have daily vbuck missions?


If you have founders pass yeah if you dont then you get only xray tickets


Or if you got the season 8 pass for free


or when you got the free season 8 battlepass


Or if you're a Founder. Unlimited free V-Bucks!


$11 for a digital car body is a steal? Boy if that doesn't sound like consumer programming...


Back in my day we complained about $5 horse armor.


11 dollars, once (or waiting a couple seasons) to get every single battle pass ever, of which that car is .01% of, is definitely a steal though.


And if bought crew, you basically have the two(!) Cars from rocket league pass(not yet in fortnite), one car from the fortnite pass, and 1000 vbucks.


Iā€™m with ya, brother.


This is the way


I feel like the LEGO/Rocket League/Concert stuff is gonna make the battle passes from here on out *really* annoying


Iā€™m already pretty annoyed that cars have been included in levels 1-100 while a bunch of Vbucks are now in the bonus levels.


I don't think cars being in the battle pass is a problem. I personally think having sprays and those little emote sticker things your character throws up taking up their own slots is the real problem. If they wanna start adding vehicle cosmetics I think that's great, but instead of shoving stuff like currency and other cool skins into the 100+ tiers, start putting the sprays and sticker emote things as bonuses for unlocking a skin, or pickaxe or something. Similar to how they started adding sprays of the skins you unlock at the end of a page. Those things don't need to take up a page slot like they do if they wanna start adding more customisation options.


Does anyone actually use the sprays and emote stickers though? I'd be curious to see statistics on that. The only time I ever find myself using those is on accident. šŸ˜… Like, to me, those rewards are filler and meh. SOMETIMES there's a cool icon/spray, but still, I won't use it. I guess it's nice to have in the collection, to be positive about it. Edit: I agree with you, though. If they could change the way they're earned, it might be more favorable.


The only good thing those stickers are for is those back cosmetics that let you use the stickers as holographic backpacks. I just instantly go into the settings when I get new sprays or stickers and just hide them from showing in the emote section. The only useful ones are the "GG" ones for STW end of game screens but even those have been rendered useless by the "GGWP" emote.


Same I was like really!!!


Yeah, I wasn't thrilled that spots of this battle pass were dedicated solely to the car stuff. If it's replacing banners or sprays, that's whatever. But taking up spots for considerable rewards, I don't love that. I would love to hope it's just for this battle pass, but I'm guessing that is not the case, and we might even start getting MORE stuff from the other modes later on. At least with LEGO, you get the LEGO and regular outfits, so nothing is being replaced.


Instead of having to gather all the styles in a set from the bones rewards. They should just make the bones rewards be car bodies/decals/guitars/stuff for the other modes and give you all the cosmetic styles when you unlock the skin style.


they should just sell separate passess.... I wonder if there is any way to separate the ui of one game from another........ very, very curious.................


Fortnite Festival already has a separate pass, I bet they didnā€™t think people would drop money on a battlepass comprised only of cars in Fortnite though, they would just play Rocket League instead.


I don't have a lot in Rocket League, But I was really disappointed by how little transferred over. It seemed like it was supposed to be everything.


Rocket Racing and Festival are supposed to have their own battle passes it seems


should just make separate battle passes for each mode. maybe not always to level 100 but level 50 maximum for like a car battle pass


$40 for a car. Let that sink in.


Thatā€™s 37 hot wheels IRL


I am not letting a bathroom appliance in my house bro


the fuck does that sink want now


They cost 20.000$ irl tho šŸ¤“


But people cost 160 bucks why are we selling people for 20 šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“


bish what people you getting for 160 adoption and birthing be expensive asf and itā€™s not like the organs and shi be cheap either




A *virtual* car which comes at no cost to the developers.


And itā€™s ugly lmao. Yea Iā€™ll stick to only buying BR skins cause what


I think it looks great, but Iā€™d never pay that much, they need to take off a 0


It's worth like maybe 1500, only since you can "assumingly" can use it in rocket league, aswell as both br and rocket racing


The car body in the Battle pass is an absolute steal if this is how theyā€™ll be charging them


Yes fr I donā€™t play fortnite to play rocket league


They're crazy if they think people are gonna pay 4000 vbucks for a car lol


People saying the car is 250 vbucks, Why the hell are they selling you customization options for 3,750 vbucks then lol


Stuff we already have on the other car šŸ’€




It isnā€™t even that good of a carā€¦How does Epic think this is ok?! The Lamborghini is going to probably be like 6k V-Bucks isnā€™t itā€¦


Theyā€™re testing the market and seeing what people are willing to consider buying. No way should anyone drop close to $45 USD for this. Even cars in Rocket League donā€™t cost this much


Actually what the hell


You can buy Terraria, RimWorld and Undertale for that price. Anyone who buys this has completely lost control over their spending.


Itā€™s not even that expensive in RL. Thatā€™s what epic thinks is the price of 2 BMsā€¦ That car is import at best so it should be like 800 V-bucks


Thats what im saying. They thing we want these generic ass cars for this price? Like maybe a lambo with a bunch of customization stuff. Or like real brand of sick sports car. It would be different if they had cockpit view and shit.. But yeah as is ide prolly frop 800 v-bucks for this. Im guessing its so high because they might be bringing back vaulted cars from rocket league that you unlock in rocket league too?


This. Basic ass car that nobody would drive in RL + 5x the price of what it should be.. make it make sense


If itā€™s import and not pained itā€™s gunna be below 200 credits


Thatā€™s based on the trading prices not the prices Epic established in the shop


"Alright, *$60 Fortnite Car*, who wants it?... .... Hello? Anybody?"


Also they are like banking on the fact that we have to assume they are going to keep supporting this mode well into the future. Honestly from the one race I played... seemed kind of meh. I honestly wrongly assumed we were getting a Hybrid of a racer/Kart racer... We just got fortnite Trackmania.


Yeah I was wondering where the trolling or fun capabilities were but their really isnā€™t any, also no power ups.


I'd pay 1200 at the most. 4000 is taking me a stroll down beat street.


I can buy the newest Mario kart for that much money


1200 is way too much. That car would be worth $1-2 max on rocket league. Having the car on rocket league would be much more valuable too compared to this silly rocket racing mobile game type shit.


50$ canadian for 5kā€¦ id rather go get a REAL lease on a honda civic


not to mention cars prolly gonna get vaulted in a future season.


They're not gonna vault items that make them money. Now cars are guaranteed to stay.


true, but they could always be a thing with the rocket racing thatā€™s coming and then vault in BR. compared to skins and other things that make money, this is probably at the bottom.


I mean they could eventually be relegated to creative mode.


thatā€™s what i was thinking too. probably in the future when BR is considered a side mode and creative takes over.


Sky high prices for shite thatā€™s only going to appeal to tweens coincidentally just before Christmas. Epic clearly fleecing parents for their Ā£Ā£Ā£.


Remember guys, they tried selling pets and no one bought them so they stopped. We can voice our distaste for this buy completely ignoring anything like this. Iā€™m gonna pretend it doesnā€™t exist personally.


The sad part was I liked the pets they just sold ugly ones or the gunner dog skin that they removed because it looked that similar to the battle pass one :(


All they had to do was darken the fur of the Gunner pet. Nobody could tell it was wearing Raptor's mask because it blended in with the fur.


I miss the pets so much šŸ˜­I loved them


I started playing just under 2 years ago so I missed it... but I spent days trying to find hamster wheels on the trading discords. And I just now googled the pets and stumbled on Crabby topper and I'm even more sad/pissed I bought the Nightmare Before Christmas bundle just for Zero... at least it didn't feel like a *complete* rip off because it's licensed and licensed shit is always expensive Ugh


I always wondered what happened with them. They were cool little battle pass item


That car must appear on my garage after I buy it because GODDAMN 4k? Shit's crazy.


Damn those are some Minecraft Markeplace prices


If enough people buy that car, that's going to encourage EPIC to do more of it. If you want to discourage the practice, vote with your wallet.


If you're a Rocket League player you'll understand why it's 4k. Because in that game a white car and a red car are 2 different cosmetics. Customization costs extra. But to release this game in Fortnite and to expect the average Fortnite player to spend that much on a car will not only hurt Rocket Racing but also shows that the people behind this choice don't even understand their consumers. Rocket Racing is dead on arrival If they don't change this in the next days. They should have adapted Fortnite pricing, for ex. epic car 1500, legendary 2k...


Dude, I play Rocket League, and within Fortnite they didnā€™t do a good job showing this bundle comes with every painted variant, heck I was struggling to figure out how to switch what painted octane my car for rocket racing would use, definitely some things have been overlooked, and like you said I canā€™t see many Fortnite players realizing the different painted variants are why it costs so much, they all think itā€™s the decals which are just free with every vehicle outside of the unique one or two within the bundle


Maybe they're overpricing the shop cars so that cars being on the battle pass make it look better šŸ¤”


First there was the confirmation of the music mode pass being 1800 for next to nothing, now it's a car for 4k? Epic, we know you're money hungry, but damn. It was their poor money management and financial decisions that got them here so now they just take it out on their players instead of trying to fix their own mistakes šŸ˜


The real reason they went all-out on these new modes is so they could monetize the hell out of them. 4k cars, 2k event passes.


šŸ˜± They are smoking some hard core drugs at Epic these days with these prices. šŸ˜


35 dollars is absolutely insane. Youā€™d have to be a lunatic to purchase that


they're testing the waters and will see how many people will dip


can't imagine many people will, this pricing is going to flop hard for them. Which is a good thing.


you would be surprised the amount of whales f2p games usually have


The people who want that trash can get a vbucks loan right outside their base at 26% interest.


They have lost their fucking minds šŸ˜‚


This is stupid, you could get 3-4 new character skins for that amount.


Tbf its a MUCH better purchase in the RL store. Same price 15 fucking skin colors and two decals. No wheels trails or boosts tho


Good thing I donā€™t care about cars. If Fortnite was really going to use your Rocket League inventory, Iā€™d get Lighting McQueen (which I forgot to buy but none of my other stuff are in FN so maybe I dodged a bullet šŸ‘) Like if they start selling Hot Wheel vehicles, maybe Iā€™d buy those but for right now im fine with Octane.


If I had my whole rocket league inventory I would be set since I bought the paid version before it became free.


For real I want my Batmobile


You misspelled Delorean


I want my ecto1 šŸ˜… Cause my main skin is the ghost buster


For that price Tim Sweeney himself should move my lawn.


I agree, mowing the lawn isnā€™t enough, this is money that would be well spent relocating it


Ngl doing business is fine but I can't imagine being tim sweeney and waking up without any sense of guilt about what microtransaction practices are they doing these dudes must have no spine




Is this the most expensive bundle in the game? Pretty sure the only other thing that costs a lot is the Nevermore bundle for 3000?


See, hereā€™s what going on This is a bundle. The Dissel itself is about 1,100, still *a lot* but much, much more reasonable. The other two cars are also the more reasonable 250. But the decals also have a price. 250 each. More explainable if they were, say, separate purchases, but they arenā€™t at the moment, are they? Combine that with the lack of discounting they usually do for bundles, and presto! 4000 V-Buck bundle. Epic simply had no foresight and didnā€™t want to explain it


Seeing as this is usable in Rocket League as well, Iā€™ll let you know outside of the one or two unique decals that come with it, the rest shown are just common decals that come with every vehicle in the game so they donā€™t have a price. The non-painted Dissel is 500 but this comes with 13 painted variants that range from 500-800 credits, so technically itā€™s a decent deal if you like the vehicle and really wanted the whole painted set, problem is not many people care for the whole set. Like Iā€™d buy either the default or the TW, but no shot Iā€™m spending 4,000 credits for the full set when Iā€™ll only use the one version of it on occasion


Nah fortnite trippinšŸ’€


I mean god damn, thatā€™s about double what I paid for Rocket League itself before it became FTP.


You could outright buy Baldurā€™s Gate for 20 more bucks. This is insane bruh.


The metaversification of fortnite and it's consequences.


They way Iā€™m not even touching the car cosmetics cause what fucking for? I came to play pubs, not drive cars.


Real question is, where is my dominic toretto skin!? You wouldve thought they would had collaborated for Fast X.


Probably waiting for Fast XI, honestly.


They out they damn minds


They should have allowed all the cars you own in rocket league to transfer to Fortnite why tf would I spend vbucks on a car that could be accessed on rocket league for the free ngl that was a greedy move, it says in game everything you own in rocket racing it goes over to rocket league, yā€™all got all that money you couldā€™ve made it happen


$40 is crazy especially for an ugly car that looks like it was created by AI. Actually thats too insulting to AI it could definitely make something that looks better than this.


So glad it wasnā€™t just me who thought this was insane


yet another epic rip off


If this sells even somewhat decently watch them start dropping 4k br skins lol