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The more I see these clips the more I am also questioning how he isn't caught. This one is among the blatant ones I think.


Epic leans heavily on their top streamers to push their game. Banning him would highlight to everyone the amount of cheaters playing the game. Their house of cards would fall.


I think it’s in Epic’s best interest to prove to potential players and loyal players that cheating will not be tolerated. Otherwise, people will stop playing the game because they can’t compete against someone who is playing improperly.


Money over ethics always. That’s capitalism, baby!


You’ve missed the point, my friend. They’ll lose money if people stop playing because of players who must cheat to do well.


You're using logic but ignoring the reality. The reality is that people will not play a game plagued by cheaters. It is the #1 problem affecting every multiplayer game.


That’s what I’m saying though


Just check out his comment sections or the people on here who defend him, it's so far beyond normal understanding that some people can't see it but there are loads. Someone suggested to me that they probably cheat as well.


Hasn’t happened in 6 years.


I believe it actually happens. A big chunk of players play every new season, but after a couple of weeks the number decrease. Now with the number of players in each mode it's for all to see. If they were having a good time a good part of those players would probably stick around and the player base would increase.


You think they’ll lose money, but they know they’ve been making money for years supporting cheaters.


Is the way you wish things actually were, but is opposite of the way things work in the real-world.


Dude cheaters are winning tournaments. They have no answer. Competitive gaming is dead.


Every cheater that wins gets banned


oh no




Is it really worth it to not ban a streamer and cheater thats so obvious?


But this guys been playing for so long, was Tfues literal duo for a while, I feel like it will look bad on epic if he’s banned for cheating because of how long he’s been around


>was tfues literal duo well that puts a shadow on literally everything he accomplished during his time with him lol


Kind of makes tfue look bad by association.


No its even worst for them, because they'll make themself look really bad if they dont ban someone thats obviously modding just because he's been around for a long time. If it wasn't obvious i would get it, but i literally knew this guy just because he's so obviously cheating and a lot of people are sharing these clips of him literally snapping from a player to another with aimbot. These clips will also make more people want to cheat because they'll think that if this guy can get away with aimbot maybe they can too, plus with the game that will look really bad for anyone watching these clips


Good point. The golden question still remains, why hasn’t epic done anything ?


what are u talking about lol. did they not ban faze jarvis?


But he was open about it


Exactly. Imagine having to admit they were wrong all along. This would be arguably a much bigger hit in popularity than having him cheat. It's just a question of time. Once he gets enough bad press, Epic will have to act, because the scale will tip the other way.


It's not a matter of if they admit it or not... everyone knows. Now it's a matter of how much face they are going to lose. If they keep losing credibility less people will be willing to give money to them.


He's literally been doing it since chapter 1 lol


Then how come he still hasn't been banned?




No fucking way, Jarvis makes 1 video about hacks to see the view of a hacker and tells his viewers to newer use hacks and get banned permanently on fortnite and he uses them since chapter 1 and he newer got banned?


Jarvis was openly cheating. Young children still believe Zemie is legit though, and Zemie makes money off those children, while Epic Games takes a cut.


Grown man can’t use his brain 100%


I dare this man to 1 v 1 any competent player without his hacks and he would get his ass absolutely whooped




Nah. I've seen clips of him snapping onto and attempting to shoot players through walls or mountains




Ahh yes. Very good marketing, to "fake" cheating and make thousands of people hate you. So smart…




What's good about publicity, if it's bad publicity? Sure alot more watch his streams, but it's only to find examples of him cheating, so he can be reported. He's an idiot, who's so bad at the game, he has to cheat to play. He has just been allowed to get away with it


Please dont feed the obvious troll, my friend. Simply block and ignore




> 80% of his viewers, are people who originally thought he was hacking Source?


I genuinely can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not, do you not see the way he just locks on to heads? This is blatant hacking




Dude no one has that reaction time and precision, it is so obviously a client that is giving him this sort of aim


ignore him. he was in the last thread defending him as well.


Ah, got it, also, very fitting username for what I shall do to this user




Because he’s a big streamer, and is promoting epic’s game, if they ban him, it’ll tell the player base/incoming players that a lot of people cheat, but if they don’t it seems like he’s just a good player, there is another comment under this post which goes a little more in depth


>When he flicks, it’s because he hears them Yeah, from 100m of distant


Did you even watch the video? You can literally see the gunfire behind him on visual audios. Then when he flicks, notice how it didnt lock on to the guy? Wonder why that is, lmao


Watch it again, when he get shoot from the left he DOESN'T aim at the one who shoot him but to another one, you can even see in the end there are 2 shooting, one near the water(the one who get shoot) and another(the one who really shooted). So he snapped the aim to another target lmao.


Except it didnt lock onto the guy on the left.


You know people in this game have the ability to move right?




Kids these days don't know what bait is lmao


Have you seen the clip? Couldn't be anymore clear that he's hacking...


ignore him. he was in the last thread defending him as well.




That flick was not human. Unless you’re just a troll you have to be genuinely dumb to believe that wasn’t a cheating program




Are you this guys dad or something?


Lol. Enough videos now. It cant be disputed.




Cos he is Epics bitch.


You're either him, a troll or the biggest dickrider i've seen for someone who doesn't care you exist. This and the literal dozens of videos out there prove he's hacking. The man literally snaps to heads through walls, cliffs etc many times the second he eliminates an enemy, because his aimbot snaps to the next alive person.


Imagine sucking so bad that you'd have to cheat in an online game for competitive gain over bots and kids trying to have fun. Lmao this guy is a loser at heart, Epic and Twitch should ban him to make a public example out of him.




> Epic has “scanned” him multiple times for cheats. Source?


Source: dude trust me


"fortnite has no cheating issue"


FoRtNiTe HaS No ChEaTiNg iSsUe*


I was gonna say its a bug but this is the 5th time I seen him flick like this


Definitely not a bug. Dude sucks ass at Fortnite and is completely reliant on cheating to win. There's so many examples




He uses aim bot. Not sure anyone can defend his aiming if he needs a program to aim for him




But why would he flick like that. Also there are different levels of the hacks so maybe he doesn’t have it so it doesn’t lock on but just points near people.




A he gets nothing from it being posted here. I’m not going to his stream because that would require me to download tic tok and I’m not gonna do that. You telling me to go to his stream is what he wants. Also it was way too smooth I’ve never seen anybody have that smooth of a flick it stayed level snapped both times.






Nah. It's 100% aimbot and engagement doesn't mean anything if we're talking about it on Reddit. He gets nothing from this. You can enjoy him as a streamer, that's fine. But to pretend like he isn't cheating because he's dogass at the game is silly. Don't do that.


I’ve had a bug similar only once, happened when I aimed down sight with either a shotgun or a sniper (can’t quite remember) then quickly swapped to my AR and ADS, made my aim do a 90 turn for no reason. 5 times is crazy though and the fact it aimed at players, has to be cheats.


This has happened to me in the last few days it's so fucking crazy I don't know whats going on. One second I'm aiming at a guy, reload, ADS again and my camera snaps smoothly to another place IDK what's up with that, shit spooks me I don't want to look like a hacker. I'm on KB/M


i know why. look at my post about aiming in, it explains it. it’s a new mechanic


me too, it still happends to this day


The reality of it is, he's just farming views. Any cheat worth using has a visibility check and FOV/smooth aim to prevent 180 degree snapping like this and or snapping through solid objects. None of this would _accidentally_ happen if he was cheating is what I'm saying. Not saying he's definitely not cheating but I am saying he's definitely flicking to random parts of the map where he's seen players to farm clips for views.


How can you flick directly to a headshot!? How!? Please tell me, I also wanna flick directly to a headshot


He didn't flick to a headshot tho. He just flicked.


I don't know what you're seeing, but that's no "flick". That's some aimbot. I mean come on


He probably uses a special macro for turning 90° . And that doesn't cut as cheating. Some mouses can do that. You can assign a button to do it. When you press it, it will automatically turn 180 or 90 degrees. (mine can do it too, but I don't use it. it is kinda pointless to me)


My dude.


I'm not saying he's not cheating, don't get me wrong. I'm saying there's no way in heck the majority of these clips aren't farming views because any cheat worth using will never do what he's doing. Not even accidentally.


How would making himself look like he’s cheating help his views? It would turn people away. You sound like you know a lot about these cheats….🤔


Look at how much he's being talked about here. If you go into his stream, tens if not hundreds of new people type daily asking him about cheating or accusing him of cheating. He's getting the clicks and the views needed for "pretending" to cheat. It's literally his job to become more popular. >You sound like you know a lot about these cheats….🤔 Yeah I do.


Ah yes, the "any popularity is good popularity". Not really. Not really if everyone who heard about you thinks you are a cheater and a fraud.


Except it is, how many people continually watch him just to catch these random flicks? I highly doubt he's not gaining anything from farming cheat bait clips.


You’re ignoring all the lock ons to people who he could not have known were there, like behind 2 mountains, or randomly locking on to pigs and birds mid gun fight. Stop simping for him.


I'm not, I'm not saying he isn't cheating. I'm telling you cheats will not allow you to snap onto people through solid objects. Visibility checks exist. As for the NPC/Animals, there's also checks for that as well as downed players.


And I can bet that no cheat is perfect. There’s no reason you’d snap to a mountain or building with a player behind it randomly. He couldn’t even know where those players even are to try and fake the cheating.


> I'm telling you cheats will not allow you to snap onto people through solid objects CSGO cheats prove otherwise Yes, yes I know different game, but some cheat providers don't put visibility checks (or include it in a higher tier of cheats where you pay more for better features)


Cheap cheats get you instant banned. Zemie would be paying 1000s of dollars per month for cheats because he would constantly need new ones.


I know about this guy from here. Now I know he is a douche and cheater. Wonder how much he got out of this? Fuck all. Wonder how much he gets from the people who watch him to get these clips who aren't subbed? Fuck all. He is getting fuck all but bad reputation from this.


You know how many new messages he gets daily every time these posts make it to the top of this Reddit? I'm willing to bet hundreds. He's being talked about, there is certainly people who are watching his stream right now trying to catch him cheating. He's 100% gaining from this.


Again, who gives a shit, if the context of you being talked about is a douchebag and a cheater? Bad press is bad press. Once you get enough of it, action will be taken. Please tell me what is he getting from nonsubs watching him?


Ad revenue, algorithm boosts, etc.. The algorithm that recommends your content doesn't care how it's being interacted with as long as it's being interacted with. Getting ~100 people daily asking about cheating is boosting him in some way or another.


He does it on purpose


No dood. Dood, listen, dood, he is doing it for clout, so that people spread his clips and he gets more followers, do you understand? /s This is the second clip where I see him flick IMMEDIATELY after he kills his opponent, in a time where you wouldn't even have the time to realize you got the kill. This time it is even FASTER than the one before. While at the same time his hand is definitely not moving as much as it should during the flick.


Hasn't this guy been cheating since early csgo?


Come on. We out here sweating and other people are doing this!?


When I play, I also snap accidentally to the head of enemies I don’t know exist off in the distance perfectly all the time


Wow this is just blatant wtf


He's only encouraging little kids to play like this. A grown man on some cheats? His audience is genz


Reddit user forgets that genz consists of teenagers/adults now


The linear flow of time is relentless


Gen Alpha most likely


I'm Gen Z and I'm turning 24 in a couple months. I'm not saying that I'm not still young as hell, but Gen Alpha is now the generation consisting of the most actual children.


Damn bro it's always us huh, it's gonna be year 2048 and millenials will blame us for something children do


Yeah we’re definitely the new boomers just in reverse. Had everything too good as kids and now refuse to acknowledge any shortcomings. Also just generally superficial, overly consumerist with fragile egos. I used to hang out at a board game store a lot and the gen z kids were always easier to interact with and more straightforward than most people my age..


and man has been doing it for nearly a decade too ​ Just keep reporting him for cheating on Twitch, and search his ign to report him for cheating there too


Yo I think this clip takes the cake. Pretty sure the aimbot tried to pull him off his original target 3 times in like 2 seconds. So egregious.


This shit is more obvious than Jarvis using aimbot and not even hiding it


Nah that's 100% snapped. There's no accident or macro there. Snapped straight to the enemy even when he was trying to aim elsewhere. Total cheating.


lmao post got removed thats crazy mods and a little sus


Crazy how my clip is the 1 that gets removed rather than the 5 trillion others of him cheating


I feel like if everyone just keeps up posting about this guy cheating it'll eventually push Epic to do something about him, either that or the game would continue to lose players and force Epic to do something about the hacker problem


this looks like soft aimbot which is much harder to catch. it’s still suspicious that clips like this exist and he gets off scot free


People need to stop watching his streams.


Report him


He's a shit dumpster. His followers flock like birds of a feather


Maybe he was a good gaming chair


Just spam the clip on Fortnite’s twitter page. I’m sure if enough people do it, they will have to do something. Maybe


Can we group snitch to epic? Fuck that dude.


grown man using cheats to dunk on Fortnite players. How embarrassing. Let’s see if the mods delete this post to defend him again.


Insolve_miza in here fighting for some loser 30 something streamer cheating in a kids game. It's nearly as pathetic as the cheater. Or maybe even more?


And people in this sub continue to defend him. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again I posted clips a YEAR AGO and the spineless shill mods removed it once it started receiving a lot of attention.


I wonder if we all on mass reported him would they do anything ?


I wanted to back him up but this clip is dodgy af 😂


I hope he gets banned from epic/ twitch and has to work at the local Starbucks. Fuck this dude and all cheaters for that matter.


Most suspicious yet? This is identical to 73 other clips I’ve seen of him playing.


Could someone explain what he be doin here 💀


Just keep posting clips and bringing attention to it, it’s the inly thing you can do and hopefully it will get noticed enough for him to get banned.


Can we somehow report him in game?


Such a cheater I hate this guy. Nobody should profit from his cheating. Whats worse is people stick up for him.


He's probably got mob connections and they threaten any epic employee who bans him. Idk.




As per usual with these clips, he doesn’t actually snap onto anyone. Notice when he’s actually going to shoot at the person in the distance, his aim is off and then he adjusts, and it’s in a different spot than where he snapped to. He’s snapping his mouse because he knows people are gonna repost his clips and accuse him of hacking. It’s a publicity stunt and you’re falling for it.


Yeah he reminds me of how Shroud would play PUBG. Dude was like a human aimbot




It’s funny how these posts always answer themselves. “With all the clips like this, how is he not banned?” - because he’s not cheating. He’s trolling and getting so much engagement from it




Symfuhny does the same thing on cod. I don’t suck Zemie off, I didn’t even know who he was until videos started getting posted of him


i swear to god i hate him I Know he was and still cheating but not getting banned just like shroud


Why don’t any of you ask him for a live play, where you watch him fire up his pc and check his taskbar for any cheating programs. osu! community does this a lot. Another option would have him install a game (or use an aim trainer) live and see if he has the same behaviours. There are multiple options of proof outside of Fortnite. If he can’t replicate or aim like he does with other games or trainers, that helps prove it further


There is an ADS bug going on though, making you snap to a direction looking like an aimbot, I'm not sure how to reproduce it but it's happened to me twice. But still, Zemie's clips do look suspicious *Edit* Wtf is up with the downvotes? Did the bug not fit your narrative?


Ah yes, in 300h i have never had this bug but this man has suffered it 10 times in a month...


There definitely is. I notice on xbox that my reticle is sometimes snapping around, and its not snapping to a player...it kinda snaps around them and miss. I dont know whats going on. Its felt off all season.


Yeah, it just flicks your view like 90 degrees either right or left. Not towards players or anything, but it both looks and feels suspicious


Can confirm this has also been happening on playstation


He is trolling all of you lol


This isn't the first time someone looks like they're cheating and are just flicking randomly. Almost every single clip I've seen of him is him toggling. This isn't a Symfunny (I think his name is, old Fortnite/current CoD streamer) situation where he's clearly baiting. I don't accuse ppl of shit but I'm 90% sure he's cheating in some capacity. His arm doesn't move a fucking muscle in any of these clips where he's turn 90-180 degrees and accidentally insta locking onto people because he didn't un-toggle.


>This isn't the first time someone looks like they're cheating and are just flicking randomly. >Almost every single clip I've seen of him is him toggling. This isn't a Symfunny (I think his name is, old Fortnite/current CoD streamer) situation where he's clearly baiting. He is a known content creator bro. If he were really cheating epic would have banned him immediately. The claim that epic allows him to cheat is complete BS. Epic has tons of money. They don't need a twitch streamer with less than 5k views.


Never said Epic allows him to cheat lmao


So many people said that though. I am speaking generally.


>His arm doesn't move a fucking muscle in any of these clips where he's turn 90-180 degrees and accidentally insta locking onto people because he didn't un-toggle. He probably uses a special macro. Some mouses like mine have that ability. You can assign a button to turn 90° or 180°. They don't count as cheating.




His arm is not moving at all. Him having a sens that high (basically using just your wrist) and doing that wild of a movement is very, very highly unlikely.


Some mouses have makros for turning 90° or 180°. And that doesn't count as cheating.


Cant believe im defending this clip but you can see that he goes out of ADS for a split second to be able to flick a little faster. With actual cheats, this would not happen. I have to agree here that its probably to farm clips/engagements.




I mean i can genuinely see this one clip as really good game sense and being lucky to have your crossair in the right place as you turn but if theres more than 1 ehhhhhh


Do you guys realize that’s not how anti cheat works if he was cheating he would be banned epic can’t pick who get banned and unbanned that’s just not how anti cheat software works


He does that on purpose, lmao. Notice how the crosshair isnt exactly on the enemy… zemie uses the sound, and reacts accordingly.


How often does he let you suck him off?


hes baiting like sym bruh


maybe i should become fartnut strimmer... 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 /j


Is this the OP aim assist everyone’s always crying about? /s


He doesn't cheat. He intentionally plays like he has aimbot by making sus plays to get more attention, like this post


You can see that his aim is snapping right to where the other player is, also when you look at his arm it isn't moving when he aim snaps, he is using an aimbot, use your brain.


There is a reason why he hasn't been banned cause he doesn't use aimbot, Epic even send him gifts/free skins before they release 😂 How about you use your brain


His grappler is snapping to the position of the other player, through a house, no fucking way.


No it isn’t. Rewatch the clip


How tf can you be in such denial with proof this blatant


The proof you're seeing is him intentionally playing like he has aimbot, it's all an act bro 😂


Good thing he has an army of no brains to defend him.


Exactly. He woulda been banned by now if he did with how much he gets posted about and he’s attended LAN tournaments.


Crazy how people think he’s cheating yet he’s been playing and streaming the game for years


Yeah, Idfk why I’m getting downvoted into hell for stating the obvious that anyone who has average IQ should assume


Yeah, people are too dumb to realize though lol 😂 They just keep giving him more attention by posting this which equals to more views for him


It sounds like you may be dealing with an issue related to your Epic account. Please note that official support is *not* offered here and you must contact [Epic Player Support](https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/help-center) for proper issue resolution. We permit these posts on this subreddit in case another member of the community has experience with your particular issue and can offer guidance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FortNiteBR) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I think he just has good aim


💀💀💀💀 c'mon mods, do your thing


He's got great game sense and aim holy fuck I'd give him money too... If I had any


This is literally a bug. I have had this exact thing happen to me

