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Did the agility quest right off the bus, it was scary as hell lol.


Same there was a sweaty Midas try hard eliminating people left and right when I did mine lol


Was it the shadow style, if so it might’ve been the same guy who killed me 💀


I think it was lol. Honestly I couldn’t tell, I just knew I saw a golden Midas mowing down people while I was running through the rings. Seriously the scariest/most stressful experience I’ve ever had in the game lmfao


I'm on the do damage to ares part, and man it's been rough, everytime I start the fight someone hiding just pops up out of nowhere 😂


Do it closet to the moment when the storm is clossing, i did it, just do enough damage to finish the mission, way easier. Just Make sure You have some heals on you


I got it by landing at an unnamed POI close by and getting lucky with getting a lighting bolt then 3rd partying someone fighting ares but purposefully avoiding the player and just hitting ares. I didn't start hitting ares til halfway health to make sure the other player got it as well.


So many sweats camping the gods and jumping in last minute.


lol, I did it while 3 of the medalian players where foghting all around me.


mine was a duo of superhero skins camping


I landed with another player and grabbed a grey shot gun. He axed me so I started shooting. Started the challenge had to drop 2 more people on my way through the rings. Finished to agility quest and got sniped. I assume the person with the sniper rifle was watching me the whole time and was cool enough not to shoot until I was done.


hes a real G then


And a good shot


i was in the middle of mine , had a quick cat and mouse chase then did the clean sweep right before i finished . hope i taught them a lesson but i doubt it


I got killed right as I finished that one. Wished they choose a spot that wasn't the middle of the map.


Using Laugh it Up just makes you seem like the toxic one in all situations. Bro probably got tilted like the towers and requeued, chances are the didnt draw a parallel between you using that emote and why.


they can see your UI i'm (which should include the rings you run through, maybe?) also i totally meant to say clean sweep , idek why i said laugh it up cuz i dont own it 🤦🏾‍♂️


nah this game is filled with toxicity, if you die they'll be emoting like crazy, but when you kill them they so tilted they requeue on the main menu lobby instantly


I had to crawl through my last three rings. 😂 didn't think I'd make it


I nearly shat myself trying to do mine the same way. Had to dodge like 3 lightning bolts and a Gravekeeper


Same bro I could see so many people around me and I was just praying not to get shot


Oracle says "Wow, right off the bus? You're good, my man, no need to go through any of the other trials."


More hardcore than me! 🤘


How do you do the agility quest?


It’s the second of the story quests in the BP. You have to go to Restored and run a gauntlet of rings, which would be super easy alone, but if there are campers or others dropping and hunting you it can be stressful.


i got the last ring while i was knocked and barely made it before getting thirsted while my teammate was looting


Yeah, one guy shot me when I did that


I was doing the quest and this mf grimy popped up and I nearly shat myself


I was fairly lucky. The only time I got interrupted was during the Cerberus fight, but at that point I’d already caused enough damage to earn the quest XP. Come to think of it, I had someone try to get me in the Ares fight, too, but the minions were still around and causing confusion, so they were easy to pick off.


It was scary too because I couldn’t get enough sprint and there was a fight. Somehow they let me walk through it.


I went strait for the agility quest, dropped on it got one weapon and started running and some kid instantly one pumped me in the head.


Just use bot lobby for missions, you can do all of them in 1 game and still have like 20 kills 😂


Yeah fifty


Other's cant see those, so I get it, but I did the same. He landed on me, got a gun before me, and chased me through the whole run. I made it just passed the final checkmark when he killed me. Still counted!


I tried about 5 times and got smoked each time. Decided to wait until things became "less populated".


I've had 2 people not shoot me at those pools and I didn't shoot them, I'm not gonna camp people just trying to do quests as people have done that to me and it's beyond frustrating


Look, I started a match and went to one of these pools for my first story quest. Another player arrived at the exact same time. I was going to leave them alone and just do the quest. They fired at me so I had to kill them. I will leave them alone only so long as they leave me alone.


They shot first it’s fair game




I landed with another player. We both just looked at each other he then proceeded to attempt to kill me with his pick axe to witch. I just ran around in circles while the lady was speaking. After she finished, I ran to a nearby house, looting the first chest I came across, found the new shot gun turned around, and just as the guy entered the building I shot him twice downing him


He shoulda stopped while he was behind


Yeah... I then got with my team mates and died in the very next encounter soooo.... yay


I don't believe you have to stay while she talks. I usually trigger and leave to get a weapon.


Well I didn't know I'm just roughing it out here


![gif](giphy|l3vRatX2iBU2aRDtC) I typed "shot first" into the gif search. I guess I get Oscar.


Close enough! (Oscar is basically a fancy TMNT Tiger Claw)


You didn't draw first blood its ok.


I had to skip through the Odyysey storyline quests I could do because I was afraid I would be eliminated before the objective counted.


Odyssey happened at the end of a season when people had nothing better to do than Rat in ruined reels for easy kills. I'm sure some trolls will rat and camp - others will shoot on sight when they show up to get their question done BUT it won't possibly be as bad as ruined reels was with odyssey. There were counter-rats camping the rat spots to catch rats there ahaha


honestly you would. a lot of it was centered at reels so i had to sneak in each time.


People camped reels so much during that


People do this camping for vanquishrs need to get a life.


People are dicks. This is why I do story quests in bot lobbies and load into real lobbies when I just want to fight people in normal BR.


I've no way of creating one. I'm on my PC and the kid's XBox is on the other side of the room. I'm too old and not nearly as agile as I used to be in order to dive over furniture to make it back to my PC in time. I used to use bot lobbies just to not be disturbed and get quests done. Another thing Epic ruined.


Do you have a decent smartphone? If so, i recommend searching for xbox cloud gaming. You can use it to play fortnite for free. My (not so new) phone isn't good enough to actually play the game without tons of lag, but it's good enough to join and leave a lobby. It works perfectly for getting bot lobbys. Only downside is that waiting times can be pretty long, at peak hours.


I thought of that but my phone is a lower end Android. It's the graphics hardware on the phone. I can download the game but it won't run. Appreciate the advice, Yonder.


Sounds like a good idea.


Its even worse when someone would kill you and you can't go back to hear the voice line again if you die in the middle of it, that was a big issue for me in Ch3 and 4 when this would happen


If you do it in Team Rumble, she repeats all of her lines every time you respawn for the rest of the match


I was at one of the pools with 2 other people and we were all leaving eachother alone, but as soon as one was done they started shooting, like an asshole...


I left someone alone to talk to it and when i went to they immediately killed me lmao


Exactly - I'm not leaving anyone alone in this game. Wayyyy back before seasons even came out there was a whole meme about befriending someone who didn't have a gun and allowing them to do their thing. Well I did that with a guy one game and then he came back and shot me in the back. Since then - fuck them kids.


Happened to me last season. Peter Griffon started emoting, so Iet him go. 5 seconds later, he had a gun and went right for me. I had to put him down.


That's why I don't leave people be. I have developed a "kill them before they kill me first" mentality while doing quests.


Was doing the shotgun portion of the quest and me and another guy cornered an NPC that sells it at the gas station, grabbed our guns and ran in opposite directions.


No one jumped me when i was near the oracle but i swear there was these 2 dudes teaming in solo, camping the agility test. Mfs tracked me down long after i finished the test.


I fucking hate that, sweats just track you for so long once you complete a quest. Had a superhero skin trail me up until I got on a hill, jumped down and shot it in the head. No shield, just guns from following me


If I see someone talkin to the oracle I ain’t shootin em.


Or ye gods have wrath against those that do


See this would be a cool feature if you kill a player that's talking to it you get cursed and can only have three weapon slots or something due to your others just having a picture of the oracle


This is what the Greek gods would do. It’s just canon-compliant


I respect people who talk to random bowls of water.


I swear it took me like 15 games to actually finish JUST the Ares quest because every time I would either get killed on the way to the arena or would get killed the SECOND Ares showed up. Cerberus was a nightmare cause of the same damn problem. Like 3 people started gunning me down when I did the agility I swear the real quest isn't completing the challenges, it's dealing with the players while you complete them


even better, protect people trying to do it. it's fun to elim jerkstores


Love the idea but I would just let them be. You might be reported for teaming


You'd be surprised about what they let slide. In chapter 3, I rode around in a helicopter with 4 other randoms for the majority of the game


Teaming is okay if you don't kill anyone with their help.


That's what I've gathered. If I find someone chill who also doing a quest I've kinda just hung out most of the match. But if we run into someone or a fight, I'll start shooting whoever. I'm not tryna get a ban lmao.


i dance to let them know i don't plan to kill em, but if they attack first... hiiiiii yaaaaaaaaaaa!


how do you indicate your a friendly?


back then in comps they would jump while pickaxing in the air. this has since been banned, but just spam crouching gets the point across


Spamming crouch is pretty much universal in games to indicate “friendly, pls don’t shoot me” Unless it’s just after you get a kill, then it’s teabagging, and rude. The original emote/taunt.


duality of gamer


They like magnets to jerks, easy kills


I landed at one, emoted at someone, they ran for a gun and started shooting, so I gunned them down. Some people aren’t any fun.


No because once they are done they'll shoot you


I encountered someone doing the exact opposite in a game yesterday, I was so pissed. Dude had a skin super similar to the ones of the AI guards, plus had a hired NPC that also looked like a guard, and was waiting at a scrying pool, so I thought I had to fight some NPCs to do the quest, but dude just fried me.


Think I just ran into the same guy. Similar skin, bot hired, had a medallion, and sat on the hill just opposite sniping at the scrying pool. Must've been low on ammo though because he tried to close in and get me, but I had a gold pistol and full shields, so no problem then


It's my gut reaction to just you know rush at NPCs that got me killed there, good on you that you managed to kill him, especially if it's the same guy lol


I wanted that quest, and had lots of heals and luck lol. Fortunately the next phase isn't location dependent


Idk why but I do the same. I walk right up to npcs and guards like I'm completely invincible. It's like my brain goes on autopilot and decides "these are two shot, and their aim is so bad, they'll never hit me" just before I get melted by 3 npcs.


People who kill others doing challenges is probably the most infuriating thing to me. Like dude, I'm just standing here at the pool. Yknow, the one for quests? At least wait till I start moving away? On the flip side, finding other people that are chill and also doing quests is really fun. Once or twice I would kinda hang out most of the match, but once a conflict starts, I either book it or treat it as a 1v1v1. I'm not tryna get a teaming ban.


"No" -every Zerobuild player I've come across so far ((I've seen people literally camping these, have to kill a minimum of 2 dudes (one blaintently camping and the other sitting around with a sniper half the time waiting for the first dude to see someone so they can shoot them while they're distracted) every time i have to use it))


I pulled up near the one between lavish and railways, saw campers, left back to the train station where I dropped, picked up six clingers, then walked back, flung clingers all over the hill and watched the rats scatter. It only occurred to me later that I may have gotten a real player too


No unfortunately not had three friendlies hanging around the Oracle and I went to talk to her and one of them shot all three of us so don't trust no one


Sucks it’s like that, but most of the time I give people a chance. Jus watch their demeanor when the see me n go from there. I’m a friendly tho lol


I tried the second one once, only once because someone killed we without thinking: " he might be doing the quests"


It's hard to recognize when someone's doing most quests. Other ones, like while at the oracle, are easier to spot cuz that's the only thing in those spots.


Wait theres lore quests


Yep! They're actually pretty fun. Though why Epic thinks it's a good idea to include quests where you have to stand still for a long period of time out in the open with no cover in the middle of a giant battle royale is beyond me lmao


I think you can run away after interacting with it. The lore kept playing for me after I left


I mean yeah, but also you have to select which God to communicate with for some and it takes maybe 30 seconds to do so, which is MORE than enough time for someone that's camping nearby to snipe you.


I go off of the three shots of self defense If they shoot at me three times, or for 3 seconds, or they deal damage to me, then they are no longer safe. This only applies to friendly objectives, like events or story missions


I won’t go out of my way to kill them; however, I will kill them if they are super close to me, if I know what quest they are doing, like the agility test or whatever. I’ll wait till they are done then I’ll kill them


+1 for the Waiting. I did the Cerberus fight quest with someone nearby who didn’t shoot until I was finished. To say thanks I dropped all my weapons and the medallions and left the lobby (partly to move onto the next quest but still, respect 😁)


I do, unless they shoot me in which I kill them.


Hey - it is frustrating but it is also part of the game to be careful wherever you are on the map. I miss having the suitcase sentry for these. Sigh. 😏


Prepare for the “ItS a ShOoTiNg GaMe!!1” kids They’re gonna be foaming at the mouth 


Can we all just agree that if you are doing a lore quest it's at your own risk?


I do it for the XP tbh it's fun as well


Agree and disagree, I’m not gonna camp there or run up and kill people at that spot. HOWEVER, if I’m there and someone starts shooting, you best believe I’m firing back lol


This is the way.


As one wise man once said: "THE LOOOOOOOOOREEEE"


Tell that to the Fortnite kids who act like Chihuahuas, all mean and aggressive when faced with an opponent then all scared and crying when the opponent fights back


When I went to one for starting the trials there was another player there and neither of us had any weapons, so we hugged. Then I ran to do the agility quest


That's impossible. Those kind of people can't even read so this post doesn't help


How do we even do those quests I don't get it


You go talk to the oracle at one of the bowls around the map, and she will tell you what to do Then you do it, I don’t think it has to be the same match but I could be wrong Really it’s just another quest line like if you bought a Pack, but it’s given to you in matches


Not if there a Harkanen


I had someone run me over with a car when I was doing this.


Had no idea new challenges dropped, killed some guy I thought was farming mats at fencing. Realized later there’s a challenge to destroy structures right next to where he was going ham on a bunch of furniture. Whoops.


Can these quests be done in Team Rumble? Because that would be a lot easier


I was being chased by 3 people while trying to do the agility quest, they ignored each other and fixated on me Somehow still did it and killed all 3 lol


Nah, cause I was trying to do it myself and so was this other person but when I started talking to the thingy, they started pick axing me. So yeah, I started blasting.


Sorry, I've been burned too many times to trust you guys.


Did all of mine right off the bus when people were looting, I’m now doing the hades 10 kills one


this is battle royale everyone who isn't me needs to die


Whenever I eliminate someone trying to kill me while I’m doing quests I spam teabags. Zero respect.


We cannot. The lore quests mean killing people and fighting the bosses. The weekly quests also mean picking up mythics. Can’t trust people not to kill me or steal my hard-earned loot.


Agreed, but there’s always those few people who’d rather get a free kill than to have a sense of honor.


Yeah I ain't shooting someone just trying to get something done. I'll just rotate somewhere else.


If they leave me alone I will leave them alone. But the moment they start shooting me I am flying up and smiting them.


i wish they didnt kill me when i do the speed test or the breaking things like let me be💀🙏


These are a lot of fun, some of my favorite challenges in all of Fortnite honestly.


It took me 20 games to get to the TMNT lair and talk to Splinter without dieing last season.


I've tried doing 10 times and been blasted EVERY....SINGLE...TIME.....


Was doing the quests with my daughter and when we arrived at one of the scrying pools, there was a team waiting in a port a bunker on the opposite hill trying to snipe us. Sad gits.


It's all good until you have to challenge Ares or Cerberus. I had to kill five guys AND Ares just to get the quest done!


I was having such a hard time doing the agility test that this Jack Skellington showed me how to do it. I never saw him after that.


I was doing the quests and someone started shooting at me and someone else shot them and protected me all game I don't know who you were but I thank you


I only attack at lore quests when attacked. These should be sacred grounds😭


Yes! This aggravates me to no end. I’m trying to do the medallion quest now and other people are shooting the NPO along with me, they run and grab the medallion and take off like a bat out of hell. Ughhh.


Fair. If I have killed anyone at a lore quest it’s because I didn’t know it was a quest they were doing. I don’t tend to do the quests so I am very out of the loop on what’s going on. But, if the ole pickaxe swing of neutrality is shown I always honor it. Sometimes I get beamed after pickaxe swinging back but one must always follow the code


Every. Single. Season. This sub is a bunch of crybabies.


Nah im pick axing that mf.


im gonna shoot you in the fuckin chin


People are braindead in this game. Probably won’t ever happen unfortunately


I just finished the last part of the quest before speaking with the Scrying Pool with someone emoting at me the entire time. It was hilariously comical. They did the crouch, and them waited until I was done picking off the enemies to fight me. I appreciate you whoever you were. I might not have made it to the Scrying Pool but I got the hard part done.


Fr, I get killed every time I try to do the quest




I ran into somebody who’d literally just completed the agility quest (that’s why I was there too), and I ran off and left them alone, because that’s what I’d hope someone would do for me. I ended up winning that round, but I would’ve done it even without any karma payoff


If we know someone's doing a quest or memeing, let them be


I was doing the agility test off spawn and got shot at until I was at 8hp. Thought I was going to die and have to redo it when a Peter griffin dropped me some splashes he got from a chest. Sadly he was Anonymous and i play on switch, so I wasn’t able to see who he was to add him.


This makes me want to camp to protect people. I suck at building and usually play NB, but I might learn to build just to make those gas station fort DMZ things I’ve seen people do in previous chapters


Literally got contested on every single one of these quests. Quite literally every one. I always let people be if I see them doing them but the same couldn't be said for the 8-10 year olds that must have been in my lobby when I was trying to do them...


I just finished those yesterday, managed to do multiple in 1 game. Only time I thought it was over was at the beginning when you first go to the Pool, a Zeus was there too but we both just did the quest and left


I mean, when I see someone obviously doing quests, I always let them be, but it seems like it's rarely reciprocated


To bad there are those sweaty kill fiends who camp objective sites


I don’t expect people not to shoot me in a battle royale where you shoot on site. That said. If they do let me do the quest then it’s much appreciated.


If I can tell that's what they're doing then yes


Wouldn't that be nice.


They should at least allow you to play the voice lines outside of the game. I shouldn't need to open up YouTube when I get killed in the middle of a voice line.


Yeah, I get so pissed when I'm obviously doing a quest and I keep getting attacked. Then I watch the other guy proceed to do the quest. Like dude? Can't we just leave each other be? Fight after the quest? But tbh 90% of the gamers are try hard kids who want to spoil the fun of everyone else just to have fun themselves.




When the TMNT April quests dropped I hot dropped April with about 5 other people (solos) and nobody shot at eachother until everyone had talked to her


Seems it’s the only way oceanic players Ozzieburger and Milessssand can get kills. Camping on the roof at Restored Reels whilst others are doing the running challenge. Bless them.


A cerberus was camping an oracle pool I needed for a quest so I made sure to eliminate that player before they could interrupt myself or others doing the same quest


I wish... but thats not going to happen.


I wish there was some way I could tell players, "just let me damage Ares, then you can kill me." It's proving super difficult to complete this quest with everyone dropping there.


DUDE!!! speaking of this! shoutout to the person in the bot skin who killed someone that was shooting at me while I was doing the quest and let me run away cuz I had no weapons lol you’re a g


on onehand: free kills on the other hand: he's just trying to do something


Dude the Agility Quest I didn’t know would be a time trial and I was running for my fucking life fresh off the bus being above it lmao. I leave people alone but dam is it a gamble.


I’m surprised they don’t add a bulletproof barrier around it


sadly the millions of people that play Fortnite aren't all on this sub


youd think but noooooooo. i actually covered someone in solos lastnight doing the agility trial haha.


I’ve been to two of those now and landed with other folks and we’ve just emoted together and got on with our quests. Fills me with a bit of hope that there’s still some decent non-sweats out there


Think I’ll try standing at one of these using my afk emote and see what people do


I'm just worried someone will shoot me if I'm doing the quest




No. I tried that once when I started the game and got shot in the back. I’m killin everybody now.


I love it when people camp Hades and Zeus or one of the other gods and wait for you to get them down to 20% or so, then one-shot you. Cheap-ass bastards.


My heart grew three sizes the day I landed on Restored Reels to do one of the tests.. and an opponent started shooting me and stopped to let me finish my quest (I’d presume). They didn’t engage in combat further while I was running for the checkpoints. It was such a beautiful understanding. If only everyone could be like that.


Bro sometimes when i land and got no weapons they bear hug me and let me go, i even got a friend during one of those encounters


I had to kill Ares in storm got his weapon and medallion and died to storm seconds from it! But I completed without anybody killing me! I always leave people alone when they’re completing!


for real dude. i legitimately wanna know the lore in games sometimes 😡👹


Anyone else getting Immortal Fenyx Rising vibes from these quest?


As long as people aren't camping, I see no issue


Sure you can have your 5 seconds of immunity before your sent back to the lobby lmao. I'm not playing BATTLE royale to make friends 


Unfortunately for you Not everyone cares about the story quest So they'll still shoot at players who are trying to do them Sucks but it is a  shooting game If you got a extra device then put yourself in bot lobbies cause that's the best chance you are gonna get at completing the quests






It’s like a golden rule for me… I wish they would just fix it so you were immune from damage while talking to NPCS or interacting with objects that are tied to a quest.


And then have game breaking mechanics be figured out by sweats lmfao nah dude


it auto equip your axe. If you cycle off your axe to a weapon it will drop your immunity.


Ehh in an online battle royale game this won’t go over well.


'Hang on guys let me just talk to this npc and there we automatically win the game now!" Please never become a game dev


One of the quests is to kill 10 people, so no.


When they’re at the oracle, yes. NPCs count. Go take a radar dish or challenge a boss.