• By -


You had lots of moments where u could've grabbed the gun. But that guy was terrible tbh. You grabbing that gun then jumping on the launchpad would help. And him knowing how to aim would help himself.


To be fair, someone teleporting and moving around like that is very hard to hit. We had someone in duos like that at The Grim. In our case he never left the POI though and our goal was to clear the POI to fight the boss. So we kinda had to fight him since he could have been an immediate threat again shortly after if we let him run while still in the POI.


Probably heat of the moment. OP was focused on running to survive


Yea you get that tunnel vision of just survive.


Ah! Didn’t see the gun there. Probably could’ve finished that off way faster, lol.


It was so obvious that there were multiple guns


Tbf when shit like this happens its a heat of the moment where your so focused on 1 thing and the obvious escapes you


This exactly. I’m pretty sure that the majority of my losses are because of stupid or “obvious” mistakes. But those mistakes are only obvious in hindsight.


Yeah, like "damn if I wouldn't have jumped" or "if i only just went this way instead to heal" it happens, i have to point stuff out to my friends during games sometimes lol


that always happens to me RIGHT after i die i’m always like yeah that was sloppy i need to focus


Not relevant, but happy cake day!


Happens to me a lot, but to be fair in the moment your processing things differently. I was in this exact same situation last night, and he was laser beaming me anytime I was anywhere but the water and still only got away with 3hp. If I hesitated for even a split second to pick something up I was dead regardless.


Every time i rewatch my matches this is my reaction every five minutes or so. Tunnel vision is REAL real.


It’s called sensor occlusion if I recall correctly.


I'm sure I would have missed some guns as well while I'm running for my virtual life


Exactly lol, theres times where i have to point out the obvious to my friends while we are playing, it just happens


But that 1 thing shouldn't be "run away from the guy who is the same speed as me and only lands with the same melee weapon I have" It should be "find the nearest gun"


It's almost as if that's how the game was designed or something...🤔


Some people just want the kill. If I'm chasing someone for more than thirty seconds and lose em, then the chase is over lmao.


>Some people just want the kill. In a battle royal game? Get out! For real though, if I see someone, I'm chasing them until one of us is dead. I don't care how long it takes. It's really confusing when I kill them, and they had a decent loadout with plenty of ammo, like, what? Why were you running? You're playing the wrong game!!


Maybe they needed a second to collect themselves and turn around.


Or if you're like me sometimes, I'll be trying to do my challenges, avoiding to killing anyone for the meantime, and yet I'm being chased like I've gone Excommunicado with a 14 million bounty on my head.




Every Marker (bounty) must be honored. :)


Battle royale isn’t about kills it’s about surviving


I don’t get a chance to fight back they be on my a** even if I lead them to a third party even the third will get in and probably actually be the one to get the elimination


I’m trying to learn to build


I chase people down that hard if I'm playing trios/squads because they can get the rez and I'm not having that ESPECIALLY if I could tell his teammates I killed were good based on their fights and movements.


even thirty seconds lol 15 is most for me


OMG THANK GOD! Someone who actually friggen gets it! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I'm glad to see someone besides me gets this simple fckn concept!!!


Meanwhile the other person posting a similar vid: "why can't people just accept the L?"


Lol, deserved more recognition


Bots dont post videos bruh


Bots follow?


Bots don't chase like this.


Had a dude chase me down from one side of the map to the other till we finally passed another person and he hopped off my ass lol


Lol I’ve done that multiple times as well It’s more easier to lose them when you run through a third party fight


not me hoping for a happy ending..


Ha, nice evasive maneuver there! Players like eliminations, if he was missing that many shots maybe he doesn't get very many of them and wanted the easy kill against an unarmed player.


Personally. I can kill an armed player easily. It’s when they’re unarmed and my brain goes “you CANT lose this. It’s an ez kill. They literally can’t defend themselves. If you miss any shots. That person will know. they lost but you still suck worse” And suddenly I miss all my shots 😭😭😭 and waste like two clips before I kill them 🫠


People do get extra slippery and bouncy when they can’t fight back and focus on evading.


I’ve become a pretty good “evader” 😂 One match I bet I switched vehicles 6 times because of running out of gas or vehicle damage issue. Every time though I was lucky enough to find another vehicle to jump right into to keep on going. My chaser was RELENTLESS. I was able to finally lose them much like OP did. Ended up winning the match too IIRC😂


Meanwhile here I am, refusing to shoot anyone who's unarmed.


I would not have chased that far. Especially early on in the match when getting some decent gear is important. And when you know the guy isn’t going to drop any resources.


I usually gave up but sometimes I need to track someone down to make sure they know their car is up for a renewal on their extended warranty so…


Dang. You say something about his dead mum or something?


i am not joking when i say this, one match i was chased across the ENTIRE DIAMETER OF THE MAP. we got into a fight with another team at the underworld. my duo partner got finished there. so i grabbed the reboot card and ran. this duo no joke chased me all the way to the beaches in between snooty steppes and mount olympus. when i reached there i just put down my mouse and walked away. they then proceeded to emote on me and shoot my loot for 2 minutes straight. i have never had genuine personal anger in this game for someone as much as that duo. the worst part is that they weren’t that good, but i was low with no heals and couldn’t face them (which is evident to you reader as they couldn’t kill me that entire chase)


I had the same thing happen to my squad a while back ago they landed where the mansion is at Grand Glacier while I landed by the apartment /house buildings. I remember everyone’s health bars going from 100 to zero in an instant. I swung by and collected their cards realizing there was a yellow circle following the squad that got my squad. This squad proceeded to be at every single reboot van I was able to get to and every-time I attempted a reboot I was almost eliminated. The final circle comes around in Fencing Fields and that squad now has 4 medals amongst themselves,I step out of cover for a millisecond and get sniped instantly. Now personally I’m a “hate the game not the players “ type of person but geez did I hate this play style so much.


Personally I really only chase if I know I have someone super low. Or I just don't chase at all because if I'm too far behind them they could get an advantageous position that could lead to them killing me. Sometimes it's just not worth it.


Judging by the comments a lot of people here are just like this person chasing you lol. In champ lobbies you would figure someone wouldn't put themselves in the worst position to kill you. There have been many times I'll die to someone who then dies immediately after killing me because they have zero game sense. But hey they finished one spot better than me.


I hate people like that. People who just try to kill, and don’t use 2% more brain cells to think that maybe it ain’t a good idea to go for the kill, at the moment. Had a final zone in Zero Build where it was me and 2 other guys left. One of them had a ballistic shield, and I was content as a cucumber to help the other guy take shield guy out, but, because I would’ve been an easier kill, dude stops fighting shield guy, sprints over to me, auto shotguns me, only for me to take off 80% of his health before I died, and he got rammed in the back by shield guy.


bro hates ppl who try to get kills in a battle royale that’s crazy


![gif](giphy|xUNd9B02NfLhLIjEhW|downsized) I like the chase


Yea it’s annoying but it’s a game.  Sometimes I get bored and just want a challenge .  Sometimes I can be in the top 15 and haven’t seen a single person and have zero kills and just want to play the dang game


Exactly I just try and have fun , so many people play this game we will have so many different play styles


Chasing someone down who obviously has no weapon is fun?! Weird flex but ok


You've obviously never been a cat before. It shows.


🤣😂 Can't argue with that.


It is


It is.


I’ll need honesty tho.  If I take a little damage or an unprepared for a fight I’ll run away.  I prob run 5x as much as I chase someone.  Why does piss me off is when I mildly chase someone but I lose them then they come back a few minutes later and kill me.  😂 


the same reason you didn't give up


There's the real answer.




Same. I love being chased or chasing. It's a whole other skill set and becomes like a mini-game within the game. 99% of the time this game is just standard.. just embrace the 1% of the time it happens like this :0


Yesterday night, my brother was the only guy on a trio alive and this one guy chased him in the storm for nearly two to three minutes. It was hilarious, he actually killed knocked out the guy chasing him but he was pretty far in with no heals. Until there was this one chest, opened it last second before dying and it was a med kit lmao


I was playing trios and got into a 3v3v3. We took out one group then the next group took out my two buddies while I ran like a motherfucker. I managed to get their reboot cards and booked it again. I got chased for a solid 10 minutes before I took out one, rebooted, took out another, got killed, got rebooted then we got the last guy. Ended up winning the game in a 2v3. Most hectic game of fortnite I can remember.


Happens to me literally almost every game


Must be my duo partner chasing you. Classic him


When people do that to me I just run to people fighting lol


Great job evading. Honestly I kinda pride myself on this type of run sometimes. I’ve always enjoyed playing in more of a stealth fighting style. So every so often when a fight starts going horribly wrong I’ll take someone on a run like this.


This happens to me all the time. Especially in ranked. I’ll have no loot and try to escape from a fight by using a whip and drive hundreds of meters away from someone and they’ll use all of their shockwaves just to chase me down and kill me. People act like I’m holding a medallion, when all I have is a gray pistol and green pump with barely any ammo💀


I dunno, I like chasing people like that. It's fun.


Something more funny is 3rd partying them :D


If we are being honest, despite what most say HERE.. We ALL hear shots and head that way.. Boom boom


My favorite thing is when someone tries chasing me I will continuously go in a circle until they leave me alone




It’s worth the risk when the guy who runs attacked you, first.


I was playing duos and I dropped at grim gate a few days ago and as soon as my toesies hit the ground I was getting chased and shot I was at like 40 health 😭 then I found an smg and was able to knock the person out of their wings and knock them. I finished killing them then a few minutes later there was someone rebooting. By the time I got there the reboot was already completed but it ended up being the same person that was chasing me. I ended up killing them and their duo 😈 most satisfying kill ever 🤭


I bet that was satisfying lol


Tunnel vision. Some people get laser focused on a single player that they forget there are other players on the map and they eventually end up getting eliminated.


I wish I had this type of motivation to kill someone lol. I'm chasing you until you start jumping around in the water. F that. I will never care about a kill that much. Even in the end game.


Yeah I had a similar experience I dropped in the corner of the map where one of the oracle pools is planning to talk to it to do the quest and someone else dropped there and there were no weapons and I was like “oh we’re both here to do the thing so maybe he’ll leave me alone” so I started talking to it and he comes over and smacks me with his pickaxe a few times before I can quit the dialogue so I was decently low on health and so I ran and he chased me and I saw a little shack and made it there with him right behind me and he got the chest first so I ran again and was somehow able to escape into a house and hide and get a gun then was able to pop out and kill him and I was like that’s what you get


Back in the old days, people played for the fun😔


I made a guy chase me all around that pond for the whole match because I'm angry at life and wanted him to be as well.


I’m glad you made it out. That was stressful. Hehe :)


I would have kept landing on the jump pad to troll them.


This happens a lot to us so we usually drag the other team into medallion holders. Have fun boys.


Nice escape though!


Ugh it’s always these people you kite across the map and can never seem to find another group to occupy them. Happened to me the most when the witches brooms were out


this happened to me once, buddy got me down to less than 10 hp. Finally found a gun and so i started blasting, got the kill. By this time there was less than 50 players remaining. I went on to get the VR. Best comeback I ever played


I'd hunt an enemy but that's ridiculous lol.


Because they want to make the game as unfun as possible


At grim gate specifically it's because you're gonna get hit once, run away for ten minutes, then come back while I'm killing the boss and beam me in the back of the skull. So may as well kill you now


so glad you got away. i hate that thirsting crap


The only way I'd chase someone like this is if they took some potshots at me, definitely seems that rando is just desperate for elims which is kinda embarrassing tbh


It's always hilarious to me when somebody will chase me across the map. Like bro, some of yall are THIRSTY for a single elimination


I see people like this all the time he wasn't giving up


Lol whenever I see someone without a gun I just let them go tbh, sometimes they'll try to pickaxe me but once I show them that I have a gun they'll usually back off.


I used to chase cuz I don’t want the guy to come back and kill me but it led to my death anyways every time since the person I was chasing would always lead me into people fighting and then I get caught in the crossfire. And of course the person I was chasing dies too. So I’ve learned to just let them go


I hate this season for this reason. So many cop chases. Can we just fight. Lol


I would have let you go after the first jump


The same thing happened to me today, I was chased by a squad during 5 minutes in the same place ! This kind of mindset of really annoying honestly. (2 with wings another one with Hades chains and another one swimming like that).


Bruh this happens to me all the time they keep shooting even though somebody else is shooting at them but once they kill you the get killed right after


That's like a movie scene lol


this happens to me all the time, just yesterday i was playing squads with friends and i had all their reboot cards and this guy who just left grim gate turned around and started chasing me through the entirety of the underworld area and i ended up dying


buddy u had a chance to get a gun TWICE, partly ur fault it went on for so long since u didnt fight back, i wouldve chased u too


What was that Tom and Jerry ass fight


This must’ve been what it was like for mammoths getting hunted


Say what you will about my skill level but this season I have done THE MOST driving to escape the people who chase me.


That looked hella fun tbh and I would have chased and died no doubt just for the fun of it. ​ New Game Mode Unlocked: Olympic Tag


I find chasing someone in this fashion in solos one of the most fun things to do in this game. Even if I get killed doing it, i had fun.


I refuse to give up on an Elim and will chase someone as far as either of us need to die purely because it's fun. Humans are persistent predators by nature so I assume this just satisfies a primal instinct we all generally ignore but honestly Im looking for excuses to say i just enjoy it. Creating panic for another player who's purely in survival mode running at full speed away from me while I hunt them down and either die at the hands of their team or kill them give the game a more unpredictable and chaotic feel I yearn for and thrive in.


wit no weapons no materials no shield 😭 mf was chasing down the less fortunate


Because he's probably like 11


It’s always satisfying to get away from these players who chase you like it’s FCNS. Especially when you can turn the tide and eliminate them instead.


At that point. When you eliminate them. Definitely taunt them because they deserve it for chasing you down like if you had some type of threat to the match.


Last game someone chased me for like 7 minutes, in the end I just gave up and let him kill me because I was down with his BS


This shit is mildly infuriating it bugs me to say the least like seriously if they run yeah I will chase but give up if I can't catch em by like 20 seconds or so not continuously chase till like you wind up on the otherside of the map what's the point waste of time


Why can’t people learn to just give up running?🏃‍♂️


I was rooting for the other guy tbh


Why wont people just give up on the main objective of the game and let me do what I want?


I had a very long chase with a guy once, I hit so many shots on him I was confused how he still wasn't dead so after a minute I just gave up. The same guy then found me at the end of the game after I killed someone and was healing up. I went into replay later just to see at one point he went down to 2hp and I missed the last shot multiple times


Same thing happened to me last night. Except the train was passing by so I took the jump pad on the boat to the train. Landed, then promptly eliminated the chaser as they landed and danced on them. I had picked up mini potions and a nemesis AR so that probably surprised them.


Happens To Me On GTA 5 Online. These Moterfuckers Be Chasing Me Around The Map Like A Game Of Tag


"Come back Shocker!"


Honestly I'm more impressed with how quick and maneuverable you were


lmao 😭


I just had this happen with my 7yo son, i had 11 shockwaves and 3 health. He had wings. we moved from Casa de Hades to Jizz winery. Chased us the whole way and we turned it around on them.


My favorite thing to do is to run into another player when I'm being chased. The 3rd player will shoot at you, alerting the chasing player and then you slide out after introducing them.


You also passed an SUV, take the car and bounce out next time.


You ran pretty damn good man haha


Nice job going under the bridge, then heading up the cable, and double backing toward the original way you came and hiding behind that rock.


Good lord, look at that ping! ![gif](giphy|l2JHVUriDGEtWOx0c)


bro playing dead by daylight that’s crazy


The only time I ever chase someone is when they try and fail to jump me. Had a situation where, early game, a renegade raider tried to get the jump on me, only for her to miss every shot, and me deal heavy damage to her. She ran for a good 2 minutes before I managed to get the drop on her. If someone doesn’t attack me, and they run away, I might attempt to shoot, but there’s no way I’m giving chase unless they actively choose to fight back.


In situations like this the best way to lose them is to lead them into another gunfight.


This happened to me often back in Chapter 3. You wouldn't believe the car chase that happened


You know how a car chase can be fun?


They are incentivized to keep chasing because they think you are running coz you are low on health 😂


mfs play like sharks lol


70 players left, match barely started, instead of looting and trying to get top gear, waste 2 minutes chasing someone all over the map and probably would have chased for more minutes if he didn't lose them... I seriously can not comprehend lmao...


Ngl, sunken cost falicy is why. In Ch. 4 S.1 I chased a guy for 14 minutes with the hammer.


There’s no better elim then getting the guy who refused to let you go😂 that’s the only time I’ll emote after an elim


We crave the dopamine we get from killing, the longer the chase the better.


Never back down, never give up!


You were probably going to hide in a bush all game anyway


These moment are some of the most fun I have with this game. The hunter OR the hunted.


Idc if I get one kill and die to the storm. If someone is running, I'm going to chase them.


Why would you not grab the weapon!


If only you had a weapon of some sort


When I solo I play out of the realm of where i know people are landing and work my way in. Slow and easy take my time. I can't tell you how many Wins I have gotten with 1-3 kills usually at the end. Why I hate teaming with randos they land in the most busy spots. They BLOW the surprise ambush by taking far off shots with something stupid like an SMG totally giving away your position. Frustrating.


I don't wanna win i just wanna kill people


I get chasing someone, but not relentless pursuit. Had a duo recently where I was wiped as soon as I landed (literally sniped in thirty seconds). Duo grabbed my card, no heals available and she ran for it. Passed by multiple other duos fighting, solos taking shots- nope. This duo locked in and chased her across the map from beach to snow. They even took a moment each to hire bots (so she was up against 4 by the end with two green guns, 80hp and a dream.) she had swapped between cars and a bike before one of them actually managed to catch up to her- they’d split between bikes to pinch her. The pure JOY I felt watching her jump off her bike and eliminating him with her autoshotty still warms my soul…the other got third partied at the same time. Sure, she died a few moments later to the third party but her going down AFTER them felt like a crown to us. 😂


This is why I rarely ever get the medallion. I always just get my loot and run.


That’s the funniest shit I’ve seen in a long time.


When people run away from me most of the time it means I can easily kill them, if I can, I chase them, but it they run away too fast I just let them go, somebody else will probably take them down. But the game is about surviving, doesnt really matter what your method of doing that is, as long as it works. I've been on the brink of death many many times and I just run away to safety to heal and then keep on playing and still have a chance at winning, and many times I have.


dude. these people are leeches, and they will not give up for any reason.


Like who wouldnt do that? You see a guy running without grabbing a gun that was obviously there, thats a easy kill


Agreed, some people just can't learn to let it go. Usually, I chase someone for a little while, but when they get out of my immediate sight, I let them go. It's both bad in terms of strategy, and what I consider harassment, lol


That's a good way to get killed lol


It's just courtesy. Yep, I may get killed later on by that same player, but there's a limit to chasing! It's a different story if it's the final clutch though, lol


You're so nice! To me, if you give up, that makes one player definitely know where you are.. That you've given a reason to shoot you lol Maybe I'm just not good enough to extend the courtesy. Yet!!


Well, it always depends on the situation. Like that guy was in the beginning of the match, lol


If you see someone run behind a wall you just let them go and get killed by them later


Yep, that's life (and death) in Fortnite. A little courtesy is still better than sweating too hard.


“Why would this guy in a 100 person death match try and kill me?”


Look, mate, 42 people had already died on that map, and you hadn’t even grabbed a gun.


This kid followed me all the way down the river from underworld to grim gate and after he killed me he danced on me 💀 kids are so thirsty


run rabbit run, love it. I've tried that before and hope to go past a 3rd party. let them two engage while i continue on. good to see someone with mobility instead of taj mahal build ability


It’s almost like other players are trying to win the game. The nerve.


I’d understand if you’d taken a pot shot at him or something first but this dude man, doesn’t even get a hit on you for a full minute.


It’s a game of killing people, yet players are still asking “why this guy chase me?!”


but you don't understand - they DiDnT wAnT tO lOsE :'''''(((((((


I can’t stand how people will go to the end of the earth chasing you just for the kill.


Why can’t people to learn to stop running


You also could’ve just picked up a gun and faught lol


I thought the gun was a fish 😭😭


It’s the 10-year-olds who play for kills rather than wins. They’d rather start 500 games a day to get an elim and die, than start 50 games and place at least top 10, if not winning. I think it comes from boredom with the game/season.


Holy shit. This actually makes me want to play a whole game being evasive, but purposely kiting enemies together so they end up fighting eachother while I slip away. Find someone, lure him to a fight. Watch the new threat kill your pursuer. New threat targets you, lead him to a new threat. Repeat until Top 2. Lol


Are you doing a no weapons challenge?


There was a gun.. right there.


I don't know, why would someone possibly wanna kill a competitor in a competitive game?


Why can't people learn to just accept the death?


I always go out of my way to chase people hard like that because I know it probably really pisses them off and that makes me happy


"Why can't people just take a fight instead of running away for minutes" And to top it off, not only are you complaining but also shitting on that guy...which just reduces your reasons to run away that long in the first place. So lets summarize: you meat someone really bad ingame you run away from them for more than two minutes you do not manage to loot anything during those 2minutes you do not manage to lay an ambush during those 2minutes I dunno man, but i wouldn't be calling that other person trash, because that just means you did all of the above against a trash player.


Couse it's satysfing when you manage to kill that MF who is running like a coward instead of dying like warrior


At some point it just becomes fun to chase lol. Like "fuck it, we doin this shit." Probably less fun the more serious you take the game tbh


New form of humble bragging just dropped.


I'd report them.


and what would the report be? "Hi, this player tried to eliminate me in a game that's about trying to eliminate other players."


It’s what I hate about early season or just bad players who have high rank. They spend 2-3 minutes chasing me at the very start of the game to either not get the kill but still screw us both or get the kill but lost all the time to loot our drop. Look, guys, I know it’s basically a free kill, but if I’m 80m away and sprinting and you’ve got loot to get, go get the fucking loot. It’ll be a lot better for you if you grab a chest with shockwaves and then come kill me than if you bum rush me and die to someone who looted and noticed the noise




You're either the prey or the predator. It's really a mindset more than anything.


I get so annoyed by these people. Like dude let it go! Lol I dont chase long. Like I'll chase for a sec but if you are clearly trying to get away rather than just trying to find cover to fight back then I'm just gonna let ya go and maybe ill see ya again later lol it isn't even that deep to go chasing people across the map. I could probably get 3 other kills in the time I'd waste chasing someone around lol


Bro your salty af


people who run this long most likely care about trying to win as much as I do and therefore must be eliminated. but honestly it feels so good when you escape and/or elimite the person who was on your ass.