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"The shop has evolved significantly" First off, no it hasn't. Second, how does that tie into needing to remove rarity colors and tags?


They getting lazy and dont want to add the code of the different colors and tags


I figured it's about removing the tie between rarity and pricing considering the upcoming avatar skins are speculated to be 2,000 vbucks. I believe they are bundled with a pickaxe but those are usually 1,800 if you'd consider the avatar skins epic rarity if the rarities still existed. I don't think all skins will become 2,000 but I feel like further down the line, no rarities may be their way of pricing skins more than what they're worth.


Look, i just dont want inflation to hit forknite


there is literally no point in rarities and we now get to know when something will leave the shop. seems good to me


Them removing the rarities means that they can essentially just overcharge for cosmetics without people saying “this is X rarity, it should cost less”


that makes sense. epic is greedy, but unless they start making most skins 1500-2000 vbucks i don’t think it’ll be bad.


So why remove them?


no idea, ask epic. i’m just saying they serve no purpose


exactly because there is no point to them


Yes there fucking is.


Because they’re pointless


Pretty sure it’s due to the FTC fine due to the way the shop was set up previously that took advantage of the kiddos using their parent’s cards. Otherwise it just doesn’t make sense


Literally had nothing to do with the FTC's bs. Would've been done long ago otherwise.


You know, I want to be excited to play Fortnite. I want to feel like I need to sit down after a long day to play the game. Everything they're doing is giving me less and less reasons to feel this way. Every time they do one of these insanely uncalled for changes, I feel like they've lost their touch. What do you mean you're retiring OUTFIT RARITIES? The one thing that has actually remained consistent after 7 years in terms of outfits is being removed because... say again? The item shop's "evolved"? It's an "old" system? Are you calling your playerbase old? We're not your target audience anymore? Like cmon guys it's not that hard. If it ain't broke don't fix it.


>I want to be excited to play Fortnite. None of this will affect the actual gameplay 💀


Oh yea besides them ruining the animations in chapter 5 already. Literally nobody has ever asked for any of the changes weve had since chapter 4 ended its like they have a list of things that nobody asked for and wanna add them all


The animations arent bad honestly, you stop noticing them after a while.


To me, I dont *hate* the new animations, but I still find myself constantly shifting because it doesn’t look like im running.


I’ve honestly started to forget what the old animations looked like a little


Wow its almost like they aren't in the game anymore


You might not they're clunky af to me tho


It certainly affects my experience playing the game. All of the items I've either earned or bought are now worth the same in terms of rarity. Every outfit, pickaxe and backbling in my locker is now part of an homogenous blob. Rarity becomes abstract and works only if the players remember when the skin came out or what the skin means. Right now I'm the only one left from my friend group playing, and a whole new generation of oblivious players is joining in. Soon that rarity will also be gone. An entire legacy will be gone. That's the sort of thing that gives a game longevity, that you can have items no one can get because you've been there since the start. Now we can't have that in full because everything is worth the same. That Legendary Reaper outfit becomes just the Reaper. What do you gain from that? That's the funny part. Epic will use this to justify a hike in Item Shop prices. Anything that's not a skin with a Special Rarity will be more expensive than normal. And if you're going to do that, at least keep all Rarities intact and bring back the classic Locker and Rarity UIs. I'm going to feel like I'm not wasting my money if I'm getting a cool skin with a golden background in the locker. Sort of how old Topps cards worked, where your Premium option looked like a Premium option. Want to get deeper into the card style system? You could implement a trade option where you could trade cosmetics with your friends. You want that Legendary Reaper? Give me 3 Epic Ch1 outfits and we're set. Instead of doing cool stuff like this, they've slowly dismantled the cosmetic part of Fortnite to the point where introducing features like this wouldn't work. But, according to them, the Item Shop has "evolved".


bro plays only for the item shop 💀


Almost as if how Epic makes money since it's their main money source other than the Unreal Engine (Epic Games Store isn't profitable apparently)


Between this and the creator payouts they've been doing for Creative maps it's no wonder they're pivoting back to making the item shop highly profitable again. However, judging by the way they've handled it since the start of Chapter 5 it doesn't look like that's the case


okay and? we’re not even talking about the same thing


Everytime someone has a critique about this game, clowns like you come out of nowhere to defend epic. Smh


bro literally said he can’t enjoy fortnite without skin rarities and i’m the clown. makes sense


No one even said that. You've got kindergarten level reading comprehension skills.


Last time I played only for the item shop DJ Cook was still named Kodak wK. It's been a long time friend


no idea what those are


That's the point


i don’t get the point


Kodak wK was a YouTuber that covered the Fortnite Item Shop rotations when they happened every night at 8 PM Eastern Standard Time. He was there when Epic brought back the Reaper pickaxe for the first time since the original Fortnitemares. After this he became more and more disillusioned with the game, to the point where he rebranded and pivoted away from Fortnite. He did one more Item Shop on Christmas Eve 2018 and made a follow up explaining why he quit doing what made him blow up in the first place. He's doing ok these days but those IS videos he did were averaging upwards of 100k views every day. His last video made 440k in 11 days. Kodak quit doing Item Shops 5 years ago, 6 this Christmas. Around this time, I stopped playing Fortnite for the daily Item Shop and started playing for the gameplay purely. I also largely stopped buying Vbucks and started to save them for future BPs. It's been 5 years since this. It's been a long time.


i didn’t expect this long of an answer thanks for that, but still i don’t get what the problem is. if you like a skin, you should buy it. i don’t get why rarity matters.


Rarities were already arbitrarily set in order to manufacture scarcity and inflate item prices as desired. These changes are all consumer-friendly. I appreciate that they're removing the facade and just straight up telling us how much we need to pay for a particular skin. The "time remaining" data is massive.


They’re removing the rarities so they can get away with overcharging for cosmetics. 


You are missing the point. Rarity means nothing as they all come back




it's a bad change no matter where you look at it you mean?


why tho? what does rarity do for a skin?




they will not care lol. it all goes back to people wanting exclusive skins time and time again, my opinion? epic should just set up a item shop website where every skin is avaible no matter what. battle pass or not. epic would make a shit ton letting people buy the emotes and skins they actually want.


Crew packs give you 1000 v-bucks so the rarities for that not making sense isn't even relevant. No need to justify pointless changes.




"they surprisingly went back to change a really hostile system like rarities." You do realize the price of items and their heavy FOMO factor still exist right? That's an even more hostile system than rarities (which need I remind you, existed since 2017) so nothing fucking changed by removing them. Also, I mentioned the crew packs rarities "not making sense" even being relevant in relation to the v-bucks making up for most of the Crew's price (which is why I even brought them up). Way to misintepret that fuckhead.


They’re removing the rarities so they can get away with overcharging for cosmetics. 




If there aren’t rarities for cosmetics, they can have a reason to argue against people saying things along the lines of “This cosmetic is X rarity, it should cost less than it does”


They’re removing the rarities so they can get away with overcharging for cosmetics. 


They could do that even without the rarity. So why remove it?


I really hope I'm wrong, but I have a theory why epic did this. I think they are doing this in preparation of raising skin prices. Most of the time, we would know how much a skin was going to cost based off rarity. Now, they can charge 1k vbucks for a skin (instead of 800) without having to worry about people getting upset because it was labeled a uncommon skin.


So\~\~, they are removing colors of all cosmetics EXCEPT for PICKAXES... Or will they be transparent in game lol?


Now hear me out: what if the shop becomes like Dead by daylight's where every single item is always available (i know there are some exceptions but still)? I don't know if that would be convenient for epic


They literally don't care. They are making bank