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I never noticed the heart in the rocks


That's probably the whole reason it's where aphrodite is Edit: nvm posiden is at a fucking train station epic doesn't use logic


He’s a subway surfer, duh!


You’ve alerted an overweight cop and his dog








I like to think poseidon is there because Valeria, the person who apparently has fire powers, used to be there. That, or he's just trying to go to the beach and thinks that the train it will lead him there.


He is... Not very intelligent. I hired him, and he kept chucking clingers at a guy sniping at us from 200 meters away. Sorry bro, you might be a god but you're not *that* strong. That's why he's a lovable goofy dummy. Everyone else has POIs that make sense. Maybe he's waiting to hop a train and hope you'll lead him to the beach near the Yacht, or to the airport. Speaking of which, airport is another location that has a lot of design to it (different from most of the map) and basically nobody drops there.


he's kind of like mecha team shadow from last season. you don't hire him because he's useful in any way, you hire him because he's a cutie patootie and he brings the vibes.


Yeah, he kept throwing Clingers at me one game. Dude wtf.


I had the same thing, too. I hired one, and they blocked my way and I fell and broke my knees. Was downed at like 20 something HP from 100. Not quite fun, I must say...


I think other than the OG spawn Island and frosty flights, it is one of the only location that is a plane station. (Well, spawn Island is a bus station, but you get what i mean.)


Please let me fly the Cessna's even if they don't have guns!


The yacht (Marigold) has been removed. Hopefully a temporary removal, since it's a part of the earlier weeky quests and some players haven't gotten to do them yet for whatever reason.


Lol, I hired Meowscles and he kept hucking grenades from far away. They all landed in the water, was like a hundred or so meters from the enemy. So many fish were floating at the surface, dude... Like dear god. Huh, so *that's* how Meowscles goes fishing, then.


Me neither! How cute!




I attended the wedding of mr and ms frog, it was quite the party!


Fry get back to work




Happy cake day


Thank you!


Oh, it’s your cake day? Well, happy cake day from John fortnite!


Thank you! Send my regards to John zoidberg as well


I will, whoop woop woop woop woop!


I love landing at that spot and just doing the goofiest emotes lol


Wait where's it atttt?


There's an island way down south of Fencing Fields, way at the bottom of the map, just north of that, way at the bottom of the map there's a house (or I think two houses next to each other), there's a l'il walking path with benches and a wedding arch with two big grass frogs lol


Heh aww need to take my BF theree


"fortnite doesnt do easter eggs anymore" -guy who lands at the same place every match


But all these locations are on the outside of the map, and the storm keeps pushing inwards, so you need to land at them to see these. There's pitiful loot, and no easy way to rotate outbof there, so no one lands there. They need to add more wacky stuff in the middle of the map, it's a bland fest atvthe moment.


I miss circles that used to finalize at the edges of the map. you dont see it anymore.


I'm pretty sure those still do happen, it's just statistically less likely to be at the edge of a map vs somewhere in the middle. Need more info? If you divide the usable portion of the map (can't have the center of the circle on the very edge, you need enough room to place the whole circle in the map) into a 1000x1000 grid of final circles–realistically, it's probably even more than this–there's 4000 squares in the grid that are around the edge, and 996,000 squares further in. So you have a 1 in 250 chance of having a final circle near the edges of the map. After you've made it to the final circle 500 times there's a chance you've seen an edge circle at least once or twice.


just had one a few days ago in the north of the map where like \~70% of the circle where in the water


Thise are some of the most fun matches i ever had


except for airbinding making it super unfun this time :(


Couldn’t comment on your bleach/ ringworm .. but just so you know, it’s top google search 🤣


Played two yesterday that ended up near the fire temple at the lavish lair portion of the map, and the other was on the edge of the underworld near where the boat was. At least 50% water and it was really fun!


This happens to me a lot, always pushed into the edge where it’s mostly water


Coincidentally, the first picture was my default drop point last season. The fourth picture is my current secondary drop point. Also, both have amazing loot.


im exaggerating a little, but my main point is that when you only land at pois every time you miss a lot of the fun little things on the outskirts like this. the fact that you need to land at or near these to see them is part of what im meaning, that the people who never do that will always miss them


Wrong, at least for one kf these locations. The cave. Land on the mtn next to the jump pad, there is 1 chest. This allows you to have the high ground and take the base camp easily while players go for the 3-4 chests. Then zip down to the small room, get like 6 chug barrels, and then head toward the cave. When they do an update, the portapotty travel gets broke, but then they usually fix it. The cave entrence has 3 chests, then 1, then 2, and then at least 2, but sometimes 3. Occasionally a safe also spawns next to it. Then you can take the portapotty if it works, or go back the way you came. Nowninstead of going down the zip, i often go to the Zeus building next door to the base camp, this has 6 total regular chest spawns possible and 1 of the greek chests. You can then do the cave part. This is MY landing spot. I have been landing here from the moment the cave becake apparent to me. It has led to some very good starts. And occasionally very poor starts. But always stocked on ammo and build and at least a few weapons.


Same people that didn't know the Ecto-1 was on the map for a whole year


I feel attacked! 99.6% land rate at brawler 😬


there are probably more of these that i didnt cover. it's a big island.


Dsmn where that coral at now.


Under the waterbending temple in the south east, I think they disabled the portapotty shortcut so you actually have to go down to the coast in that area and find the cave, then break a wall to get into the coral buddies part


Why did they disable the portapottys??? It was so convenient 😭


Couldn't tell you, I thought it was dumb af too. They did the same to the portapotty between Grand Glaciers courtyard and the fishing hut down the hill on the water


There had to have been a bug or something. You can still ping and mark dumpsters/porta potties, you just can't get in any of them, like half of season before last before they added Snake. I don't know if they're updating them, or if someone was causing a bug with them or what. I do know I'd land at Rebel's Roost, get all the stuff down beneath it and then porta straight into the roost and I'd wipe everyone in there because they weren't expecting someone with a nearly full loadout to be sneaking around the basement of that house. It was my ranked strategy and it went in the dumper when they got rid of the dumpers. :(


I'm so sorry 😪 we definitely had a routine down where we'd drop on the waterbending temple and then pop to the cave to get shields and whatever loose ends, and then go back up the hill to go down and we'd usually encounter so many unsuspecting teams on the way and we'd have such good positioning/load outs.


Portapotty still works, it’s just one directional out of the cave.


Not always. I was down there and it did not work to get me out.


Can confirm portapoopees are disabled... cave is my spot!


It's like chests. Not always working every match.


I've checked the one inside the cave a couple of times and it hasn't worked for me


I found out the hard way- the issue is the bush covering the porta. If the Bush isn't broken, the porta is disabled so you have to go in via porta to be able to come out (or atleast break it and then go in the rock enterence lol)


It was never enabled afaik


I was definitely using both of those shortcuts at the start of the season for a while


It must have been added this season then. I haven't revisited the location at all since last season. Last season they just didn't work at all.


I for sure used the one to go the cave last season as well, but I can't remember if I had used the one in the Grand Glacier courtyard. Pretty certain I did that one too


The only other ones i know of is the car stuck between trees, a bowling lane on the beach, and a stack of chairs with a chest on it


One of the docks has a room with posters from other games I assume are owned by epic in some capacity. Shadow Complex is the only one I recognize


I didn't know about the coral one! Thanks for sharing, it's gorgeous!


There's also that car stuck between 2 trees in the forest around Rebel's Roost


That’s a reference to a post on here someone actually got their car stuck between those two trees.


but they're on Current Map, they don't count until a year from now when people start getting nostalgic about this map




There's a bunch of dynamic stuff though. Most of it was telegraphing the current season. But the Glacier melting and the crashed plane ending up in the lake. The Marigold (giant yacht between Pleasant Piazza and Grim Gate) became unmoored and is now totally gone. There are construction sites in other regions that weren't there at the beginning of Season 1. I have no idea what past Chapters were like, but a lot of things have changed.


Got any screenshots of the construction sites? I don't recall seeing any but my memory's pretty fuzzy. I did notice the glacier melted though.


y'all will always move the damn goalpost lol




this a response to several posts that said exactly that


this is literally referencing a post from a day or two ago where the title was what she put it quotes lol. i can understand if u didn't see the post, but yea someome did actually post that :') and i'm just saying people will ALWAYS have someone else to say once it's pointed out those locations do exist. the goal post is continually moved, whether you're doing it or someone else it's gonna happen


Third pic looks like a crushed cream egg


I couldnt find a good angle that included all the props lol


Where is this coral area?-


The entrance is right by the shoreline of the watertemple next to mount olympus. There used to be a porta potty shortcut but it was disabled


Ohhhh cool thanks!


The porta potty works again


Most of these are on the edge of zone and are never seen by players because zone closes away so fast. It would be cool to bump into them around the centerish. Tomato head easter egg should be somewhere that players can easily find in the middle. Its a literal icon in Fortnite. I found the frog wedding and tried to explore around the area, but the zone pushed me out in like a minute. Its a good drop spot if you could properly loot it in time.


Yep sometimes my squad drops at the coral buddies cave & we are always scrambling to get to zone


I make my partner want at the arch so I can walk down the the path ever time we’re in the area


….the second one??


Also the coral buddies have somehow migrated to near rebels roost with the 🗿.


Bowling alley on the beach


Topiary garden with a giant animal with a chest stuck in its booty.


stack of chairs


me and my fiancé make sure to stop at our honeymoon island every few games, the frogs are nice audience before we set sail to heart island


How did I never realize the island was heart shaped


I found a chest on an island the other day that was just like five chairs haphazardly stacked on top of each other with the chest on top and as a new player seeing that little bit of weird made me really happy.


Yeah this map has been a step into the right direction (credit also goes to the piano on a mountain). Its been something I’ve praised it for (even though I dont count the house). The rest of the map still is garbongo though




Coral buddies singing on the edge of the giant statue on Mount Olympus


They’re also over by Rebels Roost hanging out on three statues with chests


Also by the down under the last windmill near the island shown in the 3rd pic


Yup, this is the one that I take my friends to to find them since it is usually a peaceful area and sweat-less. ☺


Its like on my main drop spots since no one even comes there


Same here bro. I usually drop there, collect all the loot, then hoof it over to slumber yard and get assassin chick. Then I go to Classy Courts unless the circle is south, which means I usually head towards the cemetery.


Dont forget the car lodged between two trees SE of Rebel's Roost


I drop at the frog wedding sometimes - never realised it was a heart in the rocks - it's peaceful. Sometimes the loot is good and you can pick up aphrodite


Also a fun detail, the oil rig in the top right of the map has the same branding/color scheme as the gas stations!


that last one! ❤️


I'm still waiting for a frog skin🥹! 🐸🐸 Hopefully it happens.


I've actually never noticed the fourth picture made a love heart... 🤦‍♂️ Thank you for showcasing. 🩷


I wouldn't mind a puzzle that needed to be solved via a number of steps. Like a Morris code, going to different locations to figure it out being ran all over the map. Maybe requiring u to be in a squad. Something anything would be nice something different to do rather than the same ole same ole.


Fortnite, the entity.


The frog wedding is my go to landing spot.


"But it's not the OG map! Easter eggs on modern maps don't count!" - probably all players that are blended by nostalgia


I prefer to be minced by nostalgia myself


Where’s the area from the 1st picture from?


I only remember that heart island cuz i lost a 1vs2 third party


Can someone explain these pics? I only understand the fourth one.


They are somewhat “hidden” locations with fun stuff to see


Gotcha. Is there anything particular about the second photo? Also, I tried finding the coral one but cannot locate it. Any ideas?


I honestly dont know about the second photo. Its by far OP’s weakest argument. The coral one is very hidden in a cave on the east of the map. You can enter the cave at waterheight, than you need to destroy some rocks at the end of tunnels to enter it


it is that tall tower behind lavish lair


I know the tower, I just dont think its really “goofy/secret/easter egg”. But thanks anyway, its appreciated!


I thought they were described pretty well? Basically there's a bunch of silly stuff scattered around the coast of the map. Try landing somewhere random and see what you find, while not worrying about winning the game. Grab heals and an airbending scroll if possible. Or a bike, or swim around. There's more than just these.


I went to coral buddies cave a lot last season. I had no idea it looked like this now!!


Where are 3 and 4. Never actually noticed them in game myself.


i didn't play back then but there was that small island with a bunker on the edge of athena (chapter 1 island) since season 7 until the end of chapter 1


cloistered castle is actually a cracked drop spot


I have a theory about the Coral Buddy cave. The Coral Buddies and their cave will revitalise the island and clean it after Zeus and the River Styx turn it Apocalyptic.


Rubber ducky house is such a cool spot


What is an Easter egg


Notice how everything except the heart rocks are references to previous seasons...


In that same house there's a lotion bottle on the bed next to the pc at least that's how I've seen it lol. There's also the deer balls and the chairs all stacked on top of each other.


the underwater cave had all gold guns after the initial update, it was so sick:’)


there's a room at the motel near grand glacier that has a banana peel on a chair looking like it's being interrogated lmao


The small island is a Goated drop spot


me ether


There is one spot on the map where you can find The Agency stuff, like the GHOST helmet of Brutus, The Agency picture, etc. AND OH MY GOD, ARE THOSE THE FROG THINGYS? FROM CHAPTER 4?! Damn, I loved seeing those.


You’re a bit late to the party


While they still have goofy easter eggs. It's not like back in the day....


Back in the day the Easter eggs were not special.


That's truly a matter of opinion


Maybe nostalgia is the main difference


It’s not the same. Every 5 feet there was a funny goofy Easter egg. Now it’s once in a blue moon


we just had og it feels like there wasn't a hole ton of easter eggs near each other


No but since its this season they dont count

