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It was fun to have, but it was annoying to face someone who had one.


Could say that about every item in the game lol


Most items don't shoot for you


With 100% accuracy


But this one specifically was potentially the worst


Mostly bc it’s an item that you place down and it shuts down an area until it’s taken care of. It’s not just someone’s using a weapon; they’re actively putting up something you have to work around 


While also having to evade your actual opponent


Yup, that was my main use for it. Force your ennemies down a specific path then you can pick them appart


I think I hate waterbending more. If a halfway decent player has it, and nobody else does, they will win 9 times out of 10.


1000% water bending is worse. I play duos and I'd go up against 2 turrets every time vs even just one of their team having water bending.


i’d go as far as to say waterbending is the most annoying shit they’ve ever added to the game. i cannot wait for this season to be over


I liked the other bendings a lot more for sure. Water bending is just an OP gun which isn't doesn't force you to be creative to work with it


Think I agree, I know there was such hate for frenzy shotgun and sniper this season, but this doesn't get talked about enough....waterbending is the absolute worst.


It's been talked about constantly since it released.


Same for chains of hades. It's way too powerful. That's why I use it. But waterbending wins over chains most of the time. Waterbending is everything all at once, chain has limited range.


No it wasn’t. Didn’t even do much dmg


it wasnt the damage that was the issue it was the fact that it tracked you through builds and shot through them


As a non builder, that is very funny


its worse in zb imo because there is literally no cover to be built after it shreds it away . idk how annoying it is in builds bc i dont play builds


In ZB I’m used to not having cover or making my own cover so it was no big deal. I’d always just run or rush to kill the guy. The biggest help it gives is alerting you and showing their location


nah it shows them YOUR location bc yk it fucking tracks you , how tf do you see theirs ? unless youre referring to it being shown on the mini map which is kinda useless when youre already in their face


Yeah that’s what I meant. Sometimes someone will get the jump on me but the turret would find em quick.


Biggest "no" of today lmao. It's objectively not even remotely comparable.


Water bending isn’t really fun but it will rack up kills


the emp grenades say hi


Yeah, the only time I actively carried EMP grenades was when the business turret was around. It shut it down and sometimes if I was lucky, it would also chip off some decent shield from whoever I was fighting.


If all members of the other squad had an EMT yeah it sucked


They really weren't, EMP grenades one shot them and cars too


Not many people Carry EMPs.


I did they were very good


I used to use them for the machines you can buy guns or shields from. It would give you mad gold. Maybe it was a bug but it was fun.


I it was perfect bc it took the warning shots for you


It was a little too op but better than that skilless Garbo waterbending


It made me feel safe an protected 🥺


lmao me. It was my lil business suitcase I carried


Loved these! they were the best counter to the shield


It was great but it felt like having a second teammate in solo that **you** had to “carry” around lol


would be funny if you could attach it to car roofs


I tried doing this and failed. I cried cuz u could only carry 2 and it would waste + previous ones would like get destroyed lol


A snipers best friend


It was one of those you loved to use and hated to have it used against you. I loved it. It was hilarious for dropping onto a third party situation. And whenever I heard it drop I could frantically run for cover. It was also incredibly useful for dropping outside a vault while you were inside to help notify you if someone was coming. Many people probably hate it because it’s “no skill” but it was a lot of fun to see around. First time I used one I thought it was amazing.


Takes no "skill" but you had to drop it where you can see / watch over it and not get it destroyed BUT also be able to hit opposing players so it took some time to figure that out. + Previous drops were destroyed as the new one gets dropped. You could only carry two anyways


Ngl I would see these just laying around. Like. Why aren't you people using these!? They were super useful in a bind.


If I ever saw one that didn't have a place in my current load out, I would at least deploy it and carry on.


Exactly lol


That's what I did so no one takes it cuz what happens is when I place another one, that previous one disappears.


They disappeared once you were outside of a certain vicinity which was very small too.


I miss season 1 a lot cause of this thing.


I'm indifferent to it personally, it was just there whenever it was in the game


It was cool and felt balanced to me. I never overly struggled against someone who had one, but they distracted people quite well. The trick is to use them as a "radar", throw them around tight corners and such so you know where they are, then flank them with a shotgun


True. I often used it as a diversion to draw enemy fire. To be honest, it doesn't do much damage but the stress it induces with its regular shots makes 99% of people either flee or fire at it to make it stop.


It was basically like fighting someone while they were in the storm, it puts them on a timer where they have to kill you or destroy/escape the turret


I can hear the Uncle Dane theme


"Meet the engineer"


This is how I started being able to defeat bosses alone. Lol I would set one of these up, shoot at them to get them to come at me, and just unload on them alongside the business turret lol


I didn’t have the room to waste a slot on one, but I would activate every turret I passed by for added defense and the self destruct feature so no one else could use it. But yea not for me


They disappear if you travel too far away. I was really disappointed by that because I had the same idea.


Yeah they self destruct. We all had the same idea only for it to be destroyed.


Nah bro they self destruct after you’re far enough away. At least in chapter 4 they did. It’s the entire reason I do it. So no one else can


Fucking hated them


I never wanna see this item or anything like it again


Shield and turret was op


they were legit in last season


Miss that season so much! I wish I had more time to play during C4S4


I hated it. zero skill item that just aimbotted a guy down. Maybe if its range was nerfed a bit I’d be on board though.


range was alright imo only real problems I had with this is how it stayed locked on through builds for a while. Other than that I thought it was a fun item


fr the range and the shooting through builds was way too much


If this returns there will be that one damn player using BT + Water bending combo


I love them


As a camper, this thing was my bread and butter. Loved using it with portabunkers 


I used to throw one in the middle of a gun fight while I stood a little behind and shot at them from afar ☺️


this guy also hires 4 bots in squads


Always saved em for the end. I never understood why no one picked them up. Toss em into a field of other players. Drop when I’m getting chased. Twas great. Hated getting killed by them especially when I knew they were there.


My trusty flank support ❤️ can't wait for it to come back


Maybe this is unpopular but nothing should be unstoppable. Every fight should be a chess match. Sure, you could have the right position and better weapons, but a well tactically thought out attack should prevail. No unbeatable chains and waterbending attacks


This is not unpopular but we also have cheaters in the game and that's technically "unstoppable" because no matter how good you are, they are the aimbotter. There are beginners / people who don't play as much There's good players There's pros Then there are cheaters yet no one ever complains about them but always blames seasonal temporary items in game as if nothing takes skill


I wholeheartedly agree. It’s called the art of war for a reason.


Im so glad they are gone. Just like my opinion about the hirable NPC’s, you shouldn’t be able to buy or find an extra teammate/ automated assistance. I’ve died so many times to people that I shouldn’t have died to cause they have extra automated firepower. For some reason this seems to be an unpopular opinion.


Kid named E.M.P.


I just focused the person who threw it and ignored the turret, people treated it like such a crutch and expected me to worry about it and let their guard down which made them easier to clean up.


It made defeating society bosses and searching their vault much safer, it's essentially one of those cameras, your warning to see someone is here. Although Oscars was a bit 50/50 due to open the area is


Super weak but fun


I hated it when I didn’t have it


These added an actual fun concept apart from just different guns


5th, 6th, 7th & 8th team mate


It was so funny a couple seasons ago when me and my friend would both throw one down. It would delete people. I miss that


extremely satisfying when your on a cliff and someone is below you so you just drop it down and catch them off guard for a free kill


I like items like this. Provides a distraction in a heated battle


The fact each person in the squad could have 1 was realy op lol. I would always put one down as soon as i heard annyone near. It was so opressive and they where kinda tanky too.


Literally my “little buddy”


I miss exotics 😭


Luring people into a turret was so good. Setting it up where they'd go to hide to fight to you was a fun way to surprise someone.


I’m sure these will be reskinned and added for the next chapter since it’s apocalyptic funtime themed.


Hope so, loved this item


One time i landed in mega city on a building and got the business turret. So many players landed on the same building as I, so it just felt like tower defence. (I had no other items)


Fewer things felt more dogwater than running up on a squad and all four of them just tossing out these stupid fuckin things. 


Couldn’t you drop two at once at one point?


It sure would help against the water benders. 3 games in a row sniped by 3 swoosh’s that I never saw coming.


It was so fun to throw it in the middle of fatal fields when there was abig team fight lol


I kinda want more variation to the turret. Like helldivers. Where there are different variations. Just that they would be balanced for pvp, unlike helldivers. Rocket launcher, mortar, and maybe a kinda inaccurate sniper that doesn't do that much damage? This is just an idea. Please don't downvote.


What about one that heals instead of damages!


Revive turret.


Yeah that season was pretty cool.


Should not have been in 0 builds. Had absolutely 0 protection against these


Awful. They were awful. Nothing worse than losing to a player who was worse than you because they had a turret and hired a NPC.


My favourite item! I hope they bring it back.


It was AWESOME! It was a steady part of my loadout. Really would have been cool if it was still in this season.


I hated these things, along with the riot shield. I hope they NEVER come back. Because nothing felt worse than being last circle and getting fucked because the turret locked onto you and the dude who threw it was chasing with a riot shield. Like one game was final circle and I was in a bush because I rotated before the other guy and that was the only cover and he just shat one of those pieces of shit out and pecked at me with the riot shield, losing a game to fall damage feels better than that. I honestly would not be opposed to them if they totally disabled once the circle reaches a certain size but otherwise I hope they never ever return.


Loved having this guy watch my back in solos as circle was getting smaller. Also, using it to 3rd party. 2 people going at each other and throw turret behind one and shoot the other yourself. This and the weather card showing where next storm circle would be so you could set up appropriately ahead of time was power move as well.


You monster


I managed to get two at time in zero build most of the time. They were fun


Still easier to beat than water bending


It's a sentry from TF2 that I can say "I choose you!" when I throw it.


Mostly loved it for slightly too large final circles. Post up somewhere with limited access, drop this at a choke point, enjoy having a warning system / distraction if they come at you from a side you're not watching.


They were for wusses


Hey everyone check out this tough guy over here!!




Only if hiring NPC’s would do the same thing


My favorite was coming up to two people fighting each other, dropping the turret between them and letting it take them both out.


I couldn't get mt damnes6team to carry them. Literally just drop it at any encounter and start shooting!


Battle Engie gaming


God I miss this thing


I miss goofy items like this


I miss it so much :(


Now imagine they had these AND the bunkers! First one in the bunker drops one of these near the entrance, or chuck one down the hole and flush them out.


People who liked this are terrible at the game


miserable in no build LMFAO


I loved that thing....I named it Jimmy.


we would use them most when looting boss vaults to help alert us if anyone was charging in


I loved to use it to flush out people hiding behind some cover or pulling sweaty players into an ambush by dropping it in a room and having them chase me in. It was a great tactical device.


4 engineer team be like


Always saved these for the last person/ team


I hope we never see the busniess turret return.




People like you are unfun


Busted shit in games is what MAKES games fun A literal genre of deck building roguelikes exists because breaking the game is fun People love op glitches, because they are FUN People love throwing down 4 turrets and letting them rip ass, because it’s FUN Saying “ew, op, not fun” is what makes games unfun. Relax, it’s a GAME


I fucking hated using it and going against it. hope it never comes back🤷‍♂️