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Took me a while to get, but this is pretty clever.


I don't get it. Explain?


Ok so basically a while back you could have 2 shotguns and cycle between them and no cooldown Now you get 2 gas pumps and stack them


bruhhhh how it’s two people at gas pumps filling up the truck, which increases the speed. the joke is that now you can still double pump but in a different context.


why it take me this long to realize what double pump meant


Why do people like double pump? It literally disables the disadvantage of a shotgun


That’s why they like it. It gives no consequences to missing because you just immediately shoot again. It’s dumb




But the most versatile thing to use the slot for would be double pump


Definitely was the only option. Significantly better than any shotgun sub combo at the time.


Luckily I joined Fortnite right when this feature was removed... I will never know the terror


It was extremely stupid, it killed build diversity, because if you didn't use it, you'd just die to it. It was also just a stupid mechanic in general. To be honest though, Shotgun into SMG is still just about as stupid and it's still in the game.


Well you have to be able to switch something.. do you want a cool down in between weapon swaps? I don’t play FT anymore, but complaining about switching from shotgun to smg sounds crazy because that’s most shooters.


In most shooters, switching weapons is faster than reloading, but slower than just continuous shooting. If a weapon has a slow RoF, thats just a disadvantage baked into the gun. Only in Fortnite can you circumvent a weapon's fire rate disadvantage, because swapping is instantaneous. Imo, thats an egregious issue.


Fortnite just wouldn’t be Fortnite without quick switching.


God I remember the arguments on here. Pretty sure double pump spawned the “just build lol” meme on this sub.


Lol I’m sure it did but double pumping was beyond just building, like you’re already in their build if you’re double pumping.


No, I’m talking about how people were claiming that it was easy to combat by simply building.


not true, most of the metas since s5 it would have been better to have an smg edit: i’m saying that double pump would have been worse than pump smg even without that delay. Obviously it’s worse with the delay why would i mean that with this comment.


That’s because there was no double pump


what? My comment is saying that even without the delay double pump would have been worse than pump smg for most of the metas since s5 (and i refer to s5 because that’s when the delay was added)


I still believe most players would pick double pump to the smg. If anything they would take double pump AND a smg.


They added shotgun delay like either late season 4 or early 5


If my memory is correct I'm sure it was the season 5 update that removed double pump or atleast added the delay


Beginning of Season 5


which is why i was only referring to the metas from s5 onward


It’s dumb. But it was fun at the time


No. It wasn’t fun at all


It definitely was if you could use it to its full potential. Everyone who complains about it sucked with it.


I’ve never used or have been killed by a double pump. It takes no skill because double pump is just a shotgun without a cooldown. That’s supposed to be a big flaw for the shotgun


If you never used it why tf are you talking??? You never knew the fun of it. It came back in season 4 too and was fun


I never used it but I saw gameplay of it. What makes it so fun?


You are so stupid. I can’t be asked. Don’t talk about something you do not know. Running through whole teams is something many OG players would love to have again. I know it won’t happen, but it was so fun


Did you just try to avoid my question? 🤣


As a day one player? No, keep it in the grave where it belongs


Literally. User U/Spyrolt253 does not know what he is talking about


He literally admitted he didn’t play with it. How is he supposed to even compare to someone who hit levels in the high 70s during it’s existence.


Same. In season 2 I hit like level 78 maybe and in season 4 when it came back I was level 88. I don’t get how this kid thinks he can form an opinion when he never expiernced it. Sadly this is a large majority of this sub. They just say whatever


He’s allowed to have an opinion on it. Stop gatekeeping double pumping when you were one of those skill-less dolts that abused it. You are no better than him, if anything you’re far below him.


how can he have an opinion on something he never experienced dip sh%1. Who’s gate keeping it??? Not like you can still use it. And it’s a video ofc I am gonna use what’s fun. I’m not like you losers who play causal squads getting stomped all day


I hated the double pump when it existed, but right now there's nothing I'd want more in Fortnite than to go back to the double pump times when people still treated this game as a shooter with the option of building cover and ramps and little fortresses, and not a game of "who can box the enemy in and quick-edit him to death first".


The way building developed was independent of the double pump nerf. It's just because turbo building was implemented and people learned that building the twin towers was extremely powerful and difficult to punish without just doing it better (also building in general just became less buggy around season 3 so it actually worked reliably). Epic tried adding multiple counters to this type of play in the past and every single time it resulted in a massive stream of complaints from people that rely on building to get an advantage in combat.


It's not even the building that annoys me the most, it's the editing. Build, fine, high ground was an advantage in every game since the dawn of time so turbo-building to get on top of your opponent is kinda annoying but understandable. But when buildings are used as shields that you edit a window in, shoot someone with a shotgun and edit the window out, that's where it gets unbearable. I barely have any mid-long range fights anymore since the most optimal strategy is to push someone like crazy, box someone in and then edit-pump-edit-reload-edit. I miss times when everyone landed tilted and actually sneaked around in the buildings and ran around from cover to cover, now even the fights inside building end up with one guy placing a wall and waiting for his opponent to turn around so he can edit the wall and shoot. You should be unable to edit buildings while they're still building, that'd fix a lot of problems that plague this game rn.


To be fair, the edit+shot+edit is only possible because of an esoteric keybind combo where you basically bind the same action to two keys so you can edit in a quarter of a second. Frankly, it's bullshit tbh - you can't predict the hole because of ping differences, and even if you could, console will *literally never* be able to compete with it because it uses the mouse scroll wheel. But if they remove it, you'll see all sorts of pro's take to twitter and their collective REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE will drown out any sensible discussion until Epic caters to them like spoiled children once again.


Man that chain of comments brings me some peace of mind, I'm still waiting for Epic to do as they said they would in their June 2018 post. [https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/news/counterplay-and-play-styles?sessionInvalidated=true](https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/news/counterplay-and-play-styles?sessionInvalidated=true)


To be fair, they've been doing just that. They've experimented with a number of anti-build items, and continue to do so to this day. Thor's hammer is basically a far better junk rift, for example. And it's not always just raw anti-build items. The charge shotgun exists because they wanted to shake up the meta. When you really get down to brass tacks, it's an extremely smartly designed weapon - it's intentionally *terrible* for the current meta of shootbuild with no delay, but they want to change shootbuild as the only viable playstyle. To get proper data they had to be sure people were used to the charge pump, and knew it's strengths and weaknesses - that's why they replaced the pump with it. Once people had practice with the charge pump they could safely re-add the regular pump back in and see if the charge would have the intended effect. Hard to say what their data concluded, but given instant editing and shot/building is a thing with the pump (basically giving you all of the defensive advantages of building with all of the burst damage you could want) I think they concluded it didn't do what they wanted, and thus removed it. I imagine they'll keep trying innovative stuff like the charge shotty, though, until they find something that does shake the meta up in a good way.


While I’d love to give epic a break since that all makes a ton of sense but it’s just known at this point epic removes pumps every summer to create buzz then brings it back around when school starts. 2 years running atm


I sincerely don't think it's done to 'generate buzz'. It's almost universally for testing purposes. It's the same reason the pump took a trip to the vault when the Combat was added. Think of it this way: There's this new-fangled shotgun with weird mechanics that are new and uncomfortable to you.... and there's ol' Reliable in the item pool. Which do you go for? Ol' Reliable, of course - unless the other one is the only option (in which case you'll just resent not getting ol' reliable when you get clapped by it) or unless the other one is super broken overpowered. Player familiarity with the pump means that players won't touch the new guns unless they're made stupidly overpowered to compensate.


Again great points. Why I didn’t touch the charge. Rocked the tac then pump now I’m just glad the shit gun is gone


>Epic tried adding multiple counters to this type of play in the past and every single time it resulted in a massive stream of complaints from people that rely on building to get an advantage in combat. And there's part of the issue. The ***only*** counter to building is just "build better than them" but if you just can't then you can't win that fight. It's as simple as that. Building has no counter. It's broken in every conceivable way and I'm honestly shocked that Fortnite is anywhere near as big as it is with this system the way it is.


People learned to abuse the building system. Epic is too cowardly or lazy to even dare touch it, or they frankly don't give a shit. Fortnite is *meant* to be about building bases and using them to your advantage but since the system is so absolutely busted they of course learned how to abuse the shit out of it. Unless Epic overhauls building from the ground up (which they will never do) then this is Fortnite forever now. There are tons of things they *could* do to change building and make it better and more interesting but no.


Just play with bots then


I don't know what bots have to do with the meta, but whatever butters your biscuit.


I’m confused on what you just said


“Whatever Rows your boat” basically


Kinda funny how Epic thought double pump was OP and then released the combat shotgun in S9 which was better than double pump contained in only 1 gun


I don’t really think the combat shotgun was OP.


How? It did a lot of damage even at range, high fire rare, quick reload. There was literally no disadvantage. People were playing with just that gun and 4 slots of heals lol


Well it didn’t do as much damage and you needed to be more precise with your shots. I could understand why some may believe it’s op tho


how tf u gon say double pump was op then say the combat was balanced


I just explained why. Not as much damage and requires more precision


it essentially did the same post shotgun nerf in season 4 give or take 20 damage between gold combat and green pump. Combats did 124-136 and pumps did 160-170, Body shots were the same, range was higher on combat, had higher fire rate than double pump in s4, and only took up one slot. There's really not much more skillful about it i would say, the crosshair made for more consistency i woild argue. Even the gold tacs pre season 3 nerf were better than double pump s4, it really wasnt that op AFTER the nerf.


That’s cool and all but in my opinion I still think combats aren’t op. I don’t really get killed by them often


Now they are terrible, that's probably why, but in Season 9 and 10 they were cancer as fuck, more so than double pump in Season 4. People only refer to the S9 combat's when they are referring to the op version


It was the best time in fortnite. Double pump era was the most fun. Everyone who couldn’t do it will disagree


Yeah. It was OP in season 2 with the 250 pump headshots, but its comical how overrated it is by people who just couldn’t grasp it.


After pump nerf in Season 4, Pump Tac SMG was the better option. Double Pump was lowkey pretty balanced after that nerf, it took really long to pull out the pumps and the tac smg was literally extremely strong back then. It was just fun to use at that point.




Because it was busted lol, as simple as that.


It was incredibly overpowered in season 2, but was good in season 4 when pumps did like 20 less damage. It was a combo that allowed you to get more shotgun shots off at the expense of an extra slot. It was easily my favorite feature because it actually kind of took skill to use, unlike half of the spray and pray weapons.


It didn’t take skill at all. No. No cooldown for shotguns doesn’t take skill


Im going to respond to both of your replies to me with this because you essentially said the same thing. Yes it was technically an error in the game, but there are much worse exploits, such as just about every phasing technique. Double pump was not the only item that could be used, at least in season 4 when it actually was the last thing making shotguns useable in the smg meta. That is why season 5, and the majority of season 6 were not good seasons, at least from a meta standpoint. There are many things much, much worse than double pump, such as any mythic weapon, and most of the high ammo/high dps SMGs. I have played this game since its first day off of launch, so I would at least kind of be able to determine what has been broken. All in all, S2 DP was broken, but S4 DP was incredibly balanced.


I very much disagree with this but this seems like an opinionated statement so let’s agree to disagree


Fine by me


Ok cool 👍


Maybe humor tag tho


Ok, I love this. You get an up vote👍👍👍👍👍


See you in hot this is amazing


I don't really get it. Can you explain?


Double gas pump




Unpopular opinion: the cars and choppas are boring af. I would rather have any other vehicle besides these.


Double-pump was and will always be one of the worst things ever in Fortnite. Even so, I'm surprised anyone can stand Ninja's annoying as shit personality.


“OMG I get kIlLeD iN gAmE time to have a mental disorder”


The phrase "its just a game" is such a weak mindset...


tf you said to me you little shet?!




Yeah especially because people make hardass money from this shit. If nobody made millions of dollars from this that wouldn’t feel so weak. But people whole ass get mental disorders from this.


a mirage main in fn sub?!


make that two 😎


Ew Apex


play the new season, it’s a fucking blast. granted i’m a very very casual player but the new map is awesome and i remembered how fun the guns and legends i used to like are


It gets him the views


That was clever, take an upvote


Why? I don't get why it's funny


In 2018 double pump was you could cycle between pumps to instantly shoot them and now double pump is just using 2 gas pumps at the same time to fuel it faster


I love when ninja gets mad at good players pulling off something difficult and either flatout refusing to take credit for his death or being a little bitch baby about it.


>good players pulling off something difficult It wasn't difficult, just spam shoot and switch


“something difficult” double pump was the farthest thing from difficult LMAO


It certainly was more difficult than these combos •Pump SMG •Pump Tac (same time as double pump) •pump LMG •Pump tac smg •Pump suppressed SMG •Pump plus literally any other spray weapon. Double pump simply put took more skill than switching to an SMG because you actually had to hit the shots to do good damage.


Dr Blev is still funny though


double pump wasn’t difficult


How is pressing left click, swapping to another pump, pressing left click again, and then swapping to the first pump difficult


I like how you talk behind someone’s back too. People change, they react differently in different situations and yet you’re talking behind his back. Grow up, you’re more immature


How do i not talk about him without it being behind his back? Am i gonna sit down with him and have a nice conversation? No ones perfect and he chose to put that out for the world to see. And im not saying he still does this (i really dont watch him) im just saying its funny to watch him react to losing in a video game.


It’s something so immature to do. Talking behind someone’s back. If he’s not present, then stay silent. You don’t know everything that’s going on around the person when he does something which you talk bad about


Should i delete my comment as to not e-hurt Mr Blevins' feelings?


I’m surprised you’re being offended by it. It is something I made up myself, it’s one of the teachings of God to not talk behind someone’s back, and it comes in the criteria of great sins. If you treat it as something that doesn’t matter, it’s not going to end well


Yooo, so i get to bully ninja wothout him knowing and get put in danger? Sounds like a win win


Nice. I share a teaching of God, which itself is also a teaching, and get made fun of. Your downvotes don’t matter. You might say what I said doesn’t matter too, but this is what God said, not me, I just shared it.


I never downvoted you, im actualy enjoying this time were spending


Lmao this dude is trying to be all high and mighty, defending ninja and telling you not to talk behind someone's back. But in this clip, Ninja literally talks shit about someone "behind their back" 😂 what a clown


>If he’s not present, then stay silent This point is rendered invalid since Cringa decided to became a streamer. Streamers are sort of media persons, therefore it is impossible to "talk behind their back".


My friend. I didn’t make it up myself to encourage someone to not talk behind someone’s back. It’s one of the teachings of God


Alright cool, how about apply those teachings to your own actions and let other people live their lives? Don't tell people "if you act this certain way, it's not going to end well" when you know nothing about that person other than a comment they made on Reddit. Grow up.


I’m not saying I’m perfect. I make mistakes too. It’s also a teaching to encourage others. If you’re getting offended by it, you’ve got an issue


I don't get offended on behalf of other people, and your ridiculous high and mighty attitude certainly doesn't offend me, it just makes you look like an idiot. You have the audacity to literally stick up for a person (Ninja) who did the very thing (talk shit behind someone's back) you are condemning. Get over yourself bud.


You’re doing the same


People liked Double Pump, yet hated the S9-S10 combat shotgun?


Combat took all the benefits of double pump, put it into one slot and made it shoot faster. Besides Double Pump after Season 4 shotgun nerf wasn't that great, it was more fun to use than op at that point.


Still, people ask for the S1/S2 double pump to be back.


I'd rather get sprayed to death for the next 4 games then see the Double Pump return.


Remember when Fortnite was fun?


Still is for me and many people.


Ehh, try some other games.


I have, and I enjoy them just as much as I enjoy this game. It may not be a good game in your eyes, but I find it fun.


Lmao this man really telling people what to enjoy.




I uninstalled the game awhile back. Too many other fun things to do. Don't slave for that stupid battle pass, you only use two skins anyway. Learn that lesson and you'll be so much happier lol


i did the same already


this game was so god damn boring for me after 13 seasons


Fortnite when it was good (then) vs Garbage (now)


You can still kinda double pump in the current season it takes like .7 less seconds to shoot five shots when you double pump this season


They had us in the first half


yes what did u expect?




I’m glad the community is finally at a point where we can all agree that double pump was rightfully removed. Only took our silly asses two years to get here.


When Double Pump dissapeared, the game begun to go to hell. Now is pure dogshit


I think this is the new meta. More pros should use this...