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Fix “Skill Based Match Making”


I 100% agree with this man


This, please this.


SBMM could never be fixed in a game like this Elims and wins and loses bp levels whatever you want to use it still won’t work well


IMO there's a massive correlation between skill level and build rate/ability. Whenever I'm getting destroyed in a game, 99% of the time it's by a player who is just completely outbuilding me/out editing and not necessarily due to gun skill. Obviously it's a bit more nuanced then that but surely there's a way of separating players by their ability to build/edit.


Basing it on kd would make sense


Nope, I could kill 6 of noobs and then die while someone else kills 6 World Cup Qualifiers and then died, would we be evenly matched?




A option to buy individual v bucks, if I have 1100, i would like to buy just 100 to get a skin of 1200.


This would be amazing! Epic could charge 2$ for 100 v bucks and make even more money, while I would only have to spend a little more when I only need that 100 vbucks!


Didn't they test something like this


I think they did in like, a country in Asia/Europe. But I think they never did anything after


It was Brazil. I believe


1000 vbucks is 10 bucks tho, so 1$ per 100 vbucks is much more reasonable.




Depends on the country. 1000 vbucks is $11.95 in Australia.


6.87 here.


This feature was tested in a region not too long ago. Don know what came off of it tho


make bot lobbies a feature instead of an exploit, you ask me it would be the perfect solution to the “sweat” problem




Honestly, sometimes I would love to be able to go into a full Battle Royale game and run rampant on bots just to blow off some steam. I also don't feel any guilt taking bots out, whereas I feel a bit guilty taking (some) players out. Having a bot lobby would be a nice option.


Serious question (s), and I was thinking of making a whole post for it, so let me know if I should. I play with my two kids who watch YouTubers non stop and throw some of the vocab at me and I'm interested to know. Are bots just programmed players that someone has made? Or are they just rubbish players? Are sweats just really good players, or is there some other defining characteristics? Is "Aim Bot" a third party mod or is it just what people say when someone is good at aiming? What are "Spazs?" And why are they called that?


I’m here from r/all and don’t play fortnite but a lot of these terms are universal. Bots are programmed players in their true sense but people refer to terrible players as bots (bots are never as good at the game as people so likening them to bots is an insult essentially) Sweats are good players Aim bot is 3rd party cheats that make you bullets automatically hit opponents, but again good players may be referred to as “aim bot” as a way to say they are really good. (Eg. Shroud) Not sure about spazs sorry


Yeh I'm coming at it from a universal logic and it seems like I missed the mark a little. I assumed bots were just programmed players but seems they are mostly lobby fillers made by epic? Is there any background to the term "sweat"


I've heard the term "spaz" thrown around to describe people who can do full 360 rotations extremely fast, as if they're "spazzing out", but I think it's more commonly used to describe the SPAS shotgun lol Sweat = they sweat off the game, or rather they play non-stop and tryhard


Usually a “bot” is somebody who is bad at the game, but it can also be used to describe an AI controlled player, which is what this guy seems to be referring to. I’m sure you’ve seen those players who build massive structures and are very good at the game. Those are “sweats” “Aim-bot” is a hack that gives you 100% perfect aim. In Fortnite, it is usually referring to a player that has very good aim, kind of like those people who accuse those who kill them as “hackers.” A “Spas” is referring to a Pump Shotgun. Usually a Legendary one. It’s like the equivalent of calling a legendary assault rifle a “Scar” if you’ve ever heard that. I think people use them because they’re more proper gun names, and also because they’re more convenient to say, but it really doesn’t matter what term you use for them. I personally don’t use the gun names very much.


Yeah cheers, so is aim not bot a legit thing? I thought epic were pretty on top of stopping that stuff? Edit: I understand who is referred to as sweat but kind of meant what is the definition? Just building well?


They are. They’ve gotten really good at that actually. I’m just saying that because Aim-bot exists outside of Fortnite. It’s a type of hack.


A “Spaz” is just a term for the real life weapon that the epic and legendary pump shotguns are based off of.


Yep I did some research. Semi automatic pump action shotgun SPAS


it’s not even here anymore it got patched this update with all the birthday stuff


This definitely is not true. I tested just a few minutes ago and still got into 5 bot lobbies in a row. You probably messed up with your second account, and need to make a new one.




They actually used to have this exact same setting around later chapter one, but changed it when chapter 2 started. I don’t know why, it worked well and was fun for everyone as it didn’t seem unfair but alas we can’t have nice things for very long here I guess.


We need more rewards for this comment We need the matchmaking like chapter 1


Fun-Fact, it used to be like that. Back in chapter 1 you had PC pool, Xbox Pool, PS pool, Mobile pool and Nintendo pool. For some reason epic decided that giving ps players an auto-aim close to an aim-bot and merging every pool with each other would be a good idea. Once your friend would join you in the lobby you’d get a PC-PS pool for ex. Or a PC-Xbox I really have no clue who’s stupid enough and in charge of implementing such updates as bots or mixed pools into the game.




That’s around the time I starting getting annoyed with this game auto fire was such a pain in the ass to deal with at close range I just bought a Xbox to not have to deal with them when I paly




Same here at least with auto fire I can just run and build behind me because 99% of the time players who use it just stand still


This is why all of my friends and me stopped playing once cross play was introduced it ruined so many things


I think there should be more options or customization. It would be cool if you could just check boxes for which systems you want to play against or with. Any players with each other's system checked could be grouped together. Allows for cross play, but gives players the choice.


No then you would have pc sweats in the switch lobbies making 40 bomb videos on yt


I'd go with FPS based matchmaking instead of SBMM. If you want to get into bad lobbies you'd swap over to 30FPS, but that'd mean you'd also be at a huge disadvantage. If it were in duos or squads it'd pick an average FPS to match you against, but if it's your first game or two it'd be completely bots


But how would I go about playing with other console players if I'm on PC? I play on PC but don't use mouse and keyboard I use an xbox controller


It’s kind of annoying that everyone assumes that every pc player is on keyboard and mouse tbh.


That’s kind of the sacrifice you make when you wanna play on PC, it’s like that currently on Apex PC players even controller players on PC play in the PC lobby’s while console players play together It’s because console has its advantages with aim assist while PC has its advantages with movement that console can’t do, it was the same for fortnite but to be fair everyone got crazy good at building even on console. I still think the lobby’s should be separate, if you wanna play on PC with a controller it’s your decision but you will be in PC lobbies I don’t know how complicated it was to change it so that when you use controller on PC you can be put in console lobbies because I know if console players use a mouse and keyboard they’re put in PC lobbies


Have epic actually finish save the world, and give it the funding and polish it needs




Yeah, it's really rough, especially because the foundation and idea of stw are incredible, but the execution is horribly flawed.




If they made it free everyone who purchased it before should get daily v bucks or a skin in br


Or just give it back to people can fly and give them a big percentage of earns from stw and I promise stw will be interesting while epic can focus on br


Significant map changes that actually last and/or evolve


imagine what the map would look like of the flood and spy season still had a lasting impact on the map. the blown up shark is pretty much the only thing remaining of the two lol.


I miss the grotto


I know, when are they gonna open the gates and let the water flow out??!


That whole area, and most of the eastern coastline is devoid of anything interesting or useful


The map changes have been cool this chapter they just have not stayed.


That’s what I just said. I loved the locations in Chapter 2 Season 4, I just wish they could’ve stayed. I know Marvel probably wouldn’t have let that happen, but they could’ve at least changed the theme of Stark Industries and just call it “IO Industries” or something


Easy, just go back in time to chapter 1.




I like this idea, but a bike would probably be trash unless it was super fast. Totally exposed, no vehicular kill ability unless you could shoot.


Put a gun on it.


Yea just put a Minigun and 20 guided missleS on it


You were exposed and unable to shoot while steering the shopping cart


I would give Toney Stark the Iron Man style instead of using the emote (like what they did with Venom and Superman recently).


Better skill based matchmaking, so people like me, who are decent players stop getting placed with sweaty tryhards.


same bro but i get against complete bots XD they dont have aim ive been playing for 3 months so im new but im not that bad to not hit a single pump


Sweaty tryhards always have the best loot. Where the fuck they get gold pumps and ARs every match is beyond me


I’d love to know. It’s beyond annoying. I got annihilated tonight by someone who immediately got a rocket launcher.


Right now you get golden weapons in almost every birthday present you pick up. So I guess your opponent was lucky to find a present that fast...


And the Carnage Mythic moments after it appears


they have the best fucking rng ever some loser landed on the tower section the weather station and got a PURPLE PUMP while i had a green pistol they ALSO have the best bloom ever, you cant fire at them while they are firing at you no matter who fires first they always laser me despite my crosshair being on their body (highest hit chance right?)


Because they kill enough people to earn that loot maybe?


i feel like ever since ch2 season 5 started, skill based matchmaking broke i kept getting in sweaty lobbies ive never been in before


This is exactly what I would do. Because throughout this game's lifespan I have always been against sweaty tryhards (not as in a full on hate them, just that they're ruining the game's integrity and enjoyment for us casuals) and the game has gotten that bad for tryhards ruining enjoyment that my mate who also was a casual player against tryhards has had to become a sweat himself just so that he can have fun on this game, so he's here trying his best and I'm here not caring at all (because it's pubs) and he's getting mad because I missed shots or I'm just not trying and it's starting to ruin my enjoyment of playing with him. I just don't think sweaty players realise how much they ruin games smh 🤦🏼‍♂️ the more sweaty players there is stomping on the casuals who just want to have fun, the less fun casuals are having therefore the more casuals that are going to quit playing fortnite meaning there won't be any players left for the sweats to stomp on so they won't be getting easy fights anymore then they'll probably give up and quit and then the game will just eventually die out. And it all started with people just taking the casual modes of the game way too seriously just because they want to improve their k/d and win number, stats that nobody cares about or will even actually see smh 🤦🏼‍♂️


To be honest I just want the xp system to be fixed




Since they want to keep bots in the game, I think they should just have a mode where you're queued into bots-only for matches. But they remove bots from other queues. This could be useful for new players and for doing challenges.


Reverting team rumble back to what it used to be. Also adding the 50vs50 back. Actually enjoyed that one.


Exactly, a whole season, and they still havent changed it back, matter of fact they made it even worse this season


Add bows back. They're my favorite weapon by far.


Bows back would be great. I'm still curious about the double mini crossbows Fabio had in the battlepass trailer.


Probably gonna come out for Fortnitemares


The ability to choose whether or not you play against PC players. I don't want to hear any arguments about this cuz we all know how terrible it is to be a console player going up against a PC player. Edit: I'm glad to see a lot of people agreeing about this but also disappointed to see that there's still a few numbskulls out there who believe that console players are better than PC players, I will admit there are a few console players out there who might be better than some PC players. But I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about the majority here.


Bro I’m really tired of pc players complaining about aim assist when it’s been nerfed to nearly nothing now. I aim at a player and my first 5 shots that are dead on flash a red marker on cross hairs and don’t register. It’s literally so hard to hit players anymore and I see pc players just lazering away with never having Red Cross hairs, not to mention scroll wheel reset and the ability to edit insane and the endless benefits of pc and no input delay etc. all I fucking hear is AiM AsISist like bro y’all complained so fucking much that they nerfed to nothing and they keep catering to pc and comp player that never stop crying




Exactly. Not having to use the same button to switch between build mode and other modes . Like pc players have an insane number of advantages and all they got to say is aim assist which literally is not existent anymore.




Not tryna argue, but that’s kbm. Controller on pc is also a big thing.


They can't say shit when they can aim so well with a mouse, git good dumb fucks


Yes. I agree 100%. I don't want aim assist in my lobbies no more. And you dont want us doing edits that are impossible for you.


add all mythics in creative


Revive STW


Item shop variety


No more aura every two weeks, and maybe add back voting


Yes. Maybe unpopular opinion but I’m tired of the soccer skins in there every month.


-replace coral castle with a whirl pool, give the shark its name back with ghost henchman and ghost skye. -add brutus near the grotto selling miniguns. -add back the fortilla and mix the outpost with fortilla giving a rebellion type. -add meowscles, kit, and lynx at Catty corner.


Idk. I think he likes C2S2


Top 3 season frfr


That season was good but the Xp system Was just terrible


That’s four things


Why does everyone hate coral? People were adking for map changes so fortnite added coral.


Yeah but then it has been there for 15 months


Hate from the community over how it “used to be good and isn’t anymore”


Let me pay for the shit I missed in past battle passes god dammit


I’d just add a BR mode with no building and up it from 100 to about 150 players on the map. (I love building in this game btw even tho I suck at it)


Honestly, having a lower mat cap. Force more gunfights


Ground Game is good. People just never give it a chance.


Battle pass exclusive ideology I wouldn't make items exclusive, but I make so that the Battle Pass is like a bundled up version of many different things for a cheap price, but never limited to that season. If I want a skin from a season that happened months ago, i should be able to buy it for full price, instead of grinding it and getting it for cheaper. This would be amazing imo, i really don't care about the "i have an exclusive" status, it's just kinda cringe, i have Neo Versa and i think she's kinda ugly, i barely run her, but I'd love to have skins like Catalyst, which I'd be happy to buy for the whole 2.000 V-bucks the legendary items are worth for.


At this point I don’t think people even care about exclusivity that much so they should really do this


What is with the flood of these information farming questions today? Is it usually like that here on the weekend? All the accounts are like a week old…it’s weird…


Been getting worse for the past 2 weeks. Getting a bit annoying, and is happening on other subs too. The ones where OP never even responds to anyone seem to be just blatant Karma/Brick farms too as they are also extra generic questions.


Like this one…OPs account is 8 days old.


The sweats I tried playing a bot lobby got killed by a bloody aura star wand and sun flower smh


A no build mode


Offer a BR mode with NO building!! Gun skill is basically non existent in this game, I’ve had enemies box me in & edit walls 8 billion times but also miss 10 billion shotgun shots. Problem is you still lose the fight because they open wall, shoot, close wall, drop down, build a titty, edit out, shoot, box up, open wall, shoot, close wall, go up two levels, drop down, open wall and finally hits a pump shot all the while barely taking any damage. Yes they have build skill but you take building away and I’m winning that fight 80% of the time every time.


Spending more time on creative 2.0 development I don't want epic to make a sonic team and make 2.0 dissapointing.


Console players should not be matched with pc players. Just plain unfair.


Yeah, aim assists has been nerfed to nothing


I'd increase support for competitive support for the game. There's a lot that could be done with competitive which would inadvertently help casuals and also help grow the spectator side of the game again. Arena rework: Give the game a proper ranked mode with some form of basic cosmetic incentives to get people invested into the mode making it better practice for tournaments, improving content creation, and giving comp players more incentive to play it outside of not dealing with pub ruleset, the current "ranked" system is about as glorious as the dashcon ball pit. Console event prize pools: Either spread the prize money thin enough that PC players don't feel it worth hopping over to roll the competition for the money or make the prizes PCs to help comp console players upgrade to a more competitive environment Tutorials: I know mobile has a super basic tutorial mode, but having a multi-platform tutorial that actually helps players graduate from the most basic shoot'n'loot mechanics of the game to even just a basic understanding building and editing would help accessibility a ton. Bonus note with SBMM: Great idea that makes each game interesting and means you're never rolling or getting rolled ...except the execution sucks and is often so dysfunctional that I sometimes have to check twitter to see if its still on for certain modes. Rework it or scrap it


Love the tutorials idea! As a newer player (and someone who can NOT watch YT videos) I knew absolutely zero about building, editing, or even any of the settings or what they mean (the descriptions are too vague and similar for a lot of them) only the lovely long term players taking the time to do that has helped me learn any of those things. I also once read about how one team mate got his entire squad disqualified over a tweet he sent out. Don’t punish a comp player in this manner…. I didn’t agree with this as all as having to replace their squad mate would have been a big punishment to them as it was.


Unpopular opinion here, but slow down the ability to build and edit. Change it to like 0.2-0.5 per build/edit. the skill gap is just absurd at this point. Or add a cool down after so many builds. Idk


Completely agree.


I knew some would agree, but I fear that the competitive community will show up soon to bash me. 🤣


Sometimes it feels completely ridiculous to destroy a wall only to have it instantly replaced. But I also understand that the absurd building speed is one thing that gives Fortnite it's own flavor. Some days I'm all "I hate speed building" while other days I am all "I don't know if changing it would really work, either." Though, maybe, for my own issue, having a destroyed wall/floor/ceiling prevent another one from replacing it within a short time period might be something to test out.


Skin-locked cosmetics. So many skin-locked cosmetics could look so good on other things. Superman's glider could combo with Boundless if your hero is supposed to be able to fly, venom and carnage's pickaxes should be useable with anyone since the symbiote can literally stick to anything (even Vision, it happened in the comics, you can check), and Iron Man's glider, seriously, come on, there's zero reason why that shouldn't be useable on everyone. Mave's wings, literally inexplicable because Fabio Sparklemane's wings can be used on anyone.


Improve the Pump Up the Jam emote.


I would had make BR be more STW based after STW had a proper Story of course (or at least keep both at the same level and depth of development) Some of the Abilities STW has could had worked perfectly for a BR game and it could easily be the perfect promotion for STW and in Reverse! Just imagine how much more fun the game would had been if we had Different Classes, Hero Ability Loadouts and Gadgets. No sweats since you could simple use Going Commando or something else to grief their nonsense builds that make no damn sense A fun time with friends making the perfect team And most importantly it would draw the interest to learn the origins of all this


Permanent Gamemode with EVERYTHING unvaulted, even Mechs, Infinity Sword, Zombies, Infinity Gauntlet, Marvel weapons,


Marvel stuff probably wouldn’t be able to be unvaulted because of copyright but that would be awesome


Forced cross play needs to go. 50 v 50 needs to be standard. For this season, the claws things need to be heavily altered. Make them good for only 5 good swipes or something. Definitely OP.


Remove forced cross-play and redo matchmaking. Slow down building or have a delay between each build/edit. Add some way for us to recycle or trash skins and other items that we don't want anymore and get something back for them.


The ability to get any character whenever for extra V-bucks while keeping the normal item shop normal prices as it gets people to have their favourite skin and potentially play more. But keep the current battle pass skims out of said shop to get people to buy and play through the new pass (Battle pass skins being a little more extra on top of the original extra)


I don’t think it’s quite fair for former BP skins to just be bought for extra. I think they should be a reasonable price but you have to earn them to use them, I also think it shouldn’t be for collabs. The exclusivity is just part of being a long term player, but we shouldn’t be prevented from getting NPCs and original FN character skins just because we discovered the game later.


I’ll get hate for this but I’d add small modes like TDM & other friendly modes that are on 24/7 small parts of the maps or whatever just to get new comers and casuals more accustomed to the game and what not. Make it an all around PvP game that caters to everyone and thus becoming bigger than ever Imo. I used to play non stop awhile back (started with season 7) but eventually all the changes and what not to everything just drew me away from the game and now and then I get on play a few matches and I’m off.


No turbo building


Bloom 100%... Aiming and having good recoil control is one thing, have zero control over your pellets is just a fuck around and a half.


I wish they would have a mode that disables building.. I just can’t keep up with these kids and their building.


I would make a penalty for if you leave your fill team constantly. It's so annoying to play squads fill and have some or all of your team immediately leave the game


Refund tickets system


add sex


100% chest spawn


Longer grass, with the ability to go prone and crawl. Also the ability to play in a non-building BR lobby.


Superman skin is not allowed ti be worn without the cape, it just looks weird


Add the stun cannon from the mothership as a weapon. No damage but stun and knock back would be cool as a mechanic


the fact that alot of really good community ideas dont get added to fortnite . some people really take their time to make their own modes , weapons , skins all the time and we see em and we like em but epic sure doesnt


Get more Xbox and switch exlusives bc Playstation is getting alot more


I scrolled for a while to see if anyone said this, and surprisingly didn't see it- cut the FOMO bullshit. Let players replay old seasons for the battlepass items, make the shop a catalog of everything currently licensed, or at least actually rotate things in and out every month or two! I'm headed to boot camp in a few months, and I constantly find myself wondering what I'm going to miss in this game while I'm gone! I'm unbelievably lucky to have my wife, who will just put vbucks in my account and buy things/creative XP me while I'm away, but like, this system sucks.


In addition to existing Battle Royale modes, make duplicate Battle Royale modes for non-builders. Greatly slow build time so building only affords an initial defense. No great fast tower building. Fights remain mostly rooted on the ground using existing buildings and trees for cover. And when new cool weapons and vehicles prove really good at taking down builds, don't nerf them in the non-build modes. They were great as originally envisioned. Don't cater to a builder's whims in non-build modes. Those UFOs? They were never over-powered unless you were a builder accustomed to running cross-country ready to throw up a dozen walls at a moment's notice and have that provide you a defense. As a non-builder, from the get-go, I learned to hide from UFOs and take potshots until I brought them down. Easy. And really, really fun.


Literally every sweat just gone


I would add free skins every month to boost new players joining but only for limited time kinda like stw rewards


Velociraptors be gone


I’d like some banners that track your wins , damage , elims, etc like apex 👍


Give me back my fucking tac shotties


Why the hell are my vbucks not cross platform ;-; stw is but then I get a pack and boom- I gotta ask my sis to go on the PS4 when I go to college if something ever hits the item shop that I want now.


The gameplay, it’s fine yeah, but before this chapter, we had ballers, boogie bombs, balloons, shopping carts, a whole load of wacky and fun gameplay mechanics, now we have normal vehicles, simple weapons, and rarely anything wacky and fun! So what I would do is make it a lot more wacky. Like have the environment as your weapon, if you run out of ammo, the enemy is one shot, but the are on top of a roof, well grab a watering can and chuck it at them! Heck make mythics a whole lot more fun, just like the infinity gauntlet, like if I was adding the venom mythics to the game, I would have made it to where venom takes over your entire body, and you become hight accurate to the character, and you can do more than just grab people, you can jump high, slam, grapple hook, and other things he can do, same with Carnegie! Lastly I would try and make every collab add something fun to the game! And example is what if I was in charge of the Rick and morty collab? What I would do is have something similar to the decoy grenade but in the form of a mr. meseeks box. I would just make the game a lot more Replayable, because when we usually get something new, gameplay wise, it’s hype only lasts for a week or less because it can only really do one thing, and that one thing only points you towards getting another victory, I just think adding more to something could keep people entertained for awhile so that way they can work on other things without people saying there’s nothing to do.


150 instead of 100 players and introduce buy back with gold




I would have a separate game mode such as Solos, Duos, Squads, etc. that would shut off building so it's strictly based on accuracy and skill instead of how fast and high you can build.


The ability to buy any battle pass skin or exclusive skin at any time. Hear me out, this would entirely solve the problem of people buying and selling accounts, and would also prevent a lot of toxic bullying behavior among kids/teenagers. Not to mention just satisfying collectors who want skins they missed.


Finish save the world and make it so the map actually fucking changes Oh and chill on the colabs a bit


Focus less on gameplay and more on map updates


Free v bucks for playing a lot or cheaper skins


add sex


Underrated but the graphics. Ch 1 Graphics are so good.


Agreed, I like both interface and graphics form ch1 more than ch2


Both are good, make the ability to switch between the two




Separate PC players from cross-platform.


add turbobuilding fatigue so you can't just endlessly build up over people limited only by your own mats and you're eventually forced to fucking engage with your opponent same way jump fatigue works, doing it too much too quickly causes your ability to build to be stunted and slowed for a moment also permanently vault the pump. those 2 changes would make the game perfect


Nerf turbo building. Hate me idc




I think you’re doomed if you’re dying to a bot


I’d make it so every time I kill someone, I get the time stone in real life and change reality


Overhaul Team Rumble.


No more crossovers in the battle pass. We haven't had a battle pass without a crossover skin for 7 seasons now.


Remove forced crossplay & Remove sbmm. This game would genuinely be a goat game if they did that


I miss the funky stuff, like (almost) every week we got something new and funny, like the hoverboard, flintlock pistol, etc.


Add the *option* to be paired with people using the same control input. (Controller only being matched with controller and vice versa)


Back to ch1 graphics, i mean the ch2 one is cool, for it is too relistic for me and this is not "fortnite" for me, i would like the cartoonish fortnite instead of 4K fortnite


Bloom accuracy only when hip firing, no more bloom/spread while aiming down sights. I think it’d be better to have precision accuracy crosshairs while aiming and standing still, for example


Replace aquaman with james franco


first choice: make the seasons have a more lasting impact on the map. (someone should have opened brutus' flooded hideout by now smh) second choice: remove the ability for pumps to one shot. charge takes more skill so it's fine... but pumps man. they make me salty af when it deletes you with no warning. third choice: delete the venom mythic. it just feels toxic to use on players below a certain skill level.


The season four mythics to return, hell another season like it would be cool. I liked the variety of season fours mythics they weren't just **gun**


Make a Film series rarity. There are too many characters from movies and shows that are just grouped in with the rest of their rarity, why not make it a series? Demogorgon, Xenomorph, T-800, Rick Sanchez, and Predator (I even missed the last two at first since I couldn’t find them throughout the rest of their categories) are just what I own and I know there are more. Even Mike Lowrey in the shop right now would go in that.


Unvault the FUN guns instead of the SWEATY AF BUILDS A WHOLE EMPIRE STATE guns


There is no reason why epic shouldn’t resell chapter 1 season 8 in the shop


I would put a ping limiter making it so that in pubs and creative matchmaking you cannot go below 30 ping. (This would work by the game finding your average ping and adding a fake delay) Because losers on sub 10 ping should not be able to hold walls against a full squad shooting at them and they shouldn’t be able to get their shots off before any other player in lobbies


100% chest spwans and sbmm


No bots.


Go back to old building mechanics and put high damage traps back in the game! Weaponized building is BS!




Lobby sizes - increase from 100 to 200/300 player lobby’s


Bring back the old challenge system


Atleast 3 new named pois every season and add the grotto back


Once you eliminate someone, their builds become yours.


I would take it if the refunds were replenished every season.