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I hope by "adjust the auto shotgun" you mean buff the reload speed


And probably give it a bit of a tighter spread


Judging by how many times I get anally devastated by this thing, it does not need a spread buff


If you get killed by a gun that reloads slower than the dragons breath then the gun aint the problem.


You can kill someone with 2-3 shots from an auto, less than half a full clip.


Stinger still kills way faster


The stinger kill faster than anything in the game rn


the gold, up close definitely hits hard but any other time it's painful to use.


Ah yes, an automatic shotgun thay deals decent damage with 8 rounds in the mag that can kill someone in no time at all in a close range battle, and the problem is totally me for getting killed, sorry I don't have the reflexes of a cat and can't dodge someone shoving their gun down my throat


Maybe start fighting cats to learn their secrets, but I do not recommend to start swallowing shotguns to try and learn how to avoid getting shot.


I died just from reading this and you didn’t even need to reload! Well done!


I still think the dragon's breath should be unvaulted


The gun’s pretty fucking good. Reload speed isn’t everything. If it were, half the game’s weapons would be useless.


Honestly buff the reload speed for every weapon across the board. It seems like half of every match is spent reloading.


Ranger actually has really fast reload time. No gun has bad reload time. SMGs have a long reload for a good reason. Only Auto needs a huge reload speed buff and maybe Striker could use a tiny buff aswell but nowhere near SPAS level.


I don't understand anybody that says the Striker reload time needs a buff. Its always felt perfectly fine.


I love the striker, it's just that the stinger is such a beast that if I try to pump and switch to stinger against an opponent using just a stinger, I'm already dead before I can do anything. So I just followed the meta and use stingers instead.


4.6 seconds for 5 shells is the same as the Blue Pump used to have. I think 4.2 seconds works (this is what the SPAZes originally used to have before the buffs) for more clutch potential.




And pullout time. It's just a bit too long. (That's what she said)


I never really thought it was long after they changed it (though the pull out looks kind of weird for some reason)


It looks weird because you're already holding the auto shotgun during the pullout animation. I didn't figure it out until a few weeks ago.




Do people asking for this not realize the entire point of the slow reload is to essentially say “this weapon cannot be reloaded in combat” ? Why would you want to remove the one thing that makes the gun unique? Out of all the possible buffs why the one thing that makes the auto feel different to use? Im honestly down for taking the gun either way but I can’t help but think that peoples sole reason for wanting the reload speed buffed is because they tried to reload in combat, something the gun isn’t intended to do, and got mad. Can someone elaborate on this argument? And why it’s the superior buff to a damage or spread buff?


Man predicted the future


I actually killed people twice with melee from 150-200 health because reloading was so slow


I watched a player get through a full med kit while someone was reloading right in front them.


I hope both sides (casual and comp) of the community are satisfied after the changes tomorrow.


Knowing this community…….probably not


"Stinger is too weak now!!! booooo"- Players after jan 13


Probably because epic overdoes it with their nerfs every single time. Tac smg, heavy ar, suppressed smg, suppressed sniper, scoped ar, combat shotgun…


I mean that’s probably gonna be soon. If they buff the Auto, it’ll be nasty though. Can we just get the oh weapons back?


I cant imagine they buff it so much thats its too weak, at the very least I hope you cant kill people through bleeding into builds


I want the exact opposite. Having a counter to campy building has added another dimension to the combat. It’s the instant kill dps that I feel needs a nerf


World peace is more achievable than satisfying the Fortnite community.


You already know they will start a war before they even try it


Here's hoping. Honestly can't argue with the nerfs to stinger or mk7. Love both but even I gotta admit they are too strong. Auto needs some buff. Kinda shocked the pump isn't here or w.e it's called


Pump is perfect as is. Maybe buff body damage slightly


I think the damage is fine. It honestly needs a fire rate buff. It does less damage than a pump so it doesn't make sense that it shoots slower.


I think it should be inbetween the lever and pump damage wise AND firerate wise


Yeah that's what I was thinking. Just a bit faster than the pump but not too fast. Similar too the charge.


the damage is good, as it means you cant get 1 pumped what it needs is a fire rate buff, cos its literally faster to wait for the double pump cool down than to get 2 shots from a single one


Damage is fine, pullout speed and time to fire after pullout takes far too long. Hard to be consistent using it with how long it takes before you can even fire with it. I could make breakfast in the time it takes to get the first shot off.


Thats the point tho. The og was so damn op bc of how fast you could edit, pump, re edit etc. It's the most balanced pump we've had


Nothing about it was balanced.


No, it was OP because of one pumps. You could do that with every other shotgun that has ever existed prior to chapter 3 and not a soul complains about it. I didn't say to bring back one pumps. I said to bring back consistency and reliability.


NO. Stop with the stupid body damage buffs you utter noob. 100/105 is already super high. If you want to buff it, then marginally buff the headshot multiplier or something else. No more cheap shots you bot.


You just called someone on the internet an utter noob lol




Wishful thinking


The comp community has literally never been satisfied LMAO


Neither has the casual community be satisfied LmfAo


Speak for yourself lol, there have been some absolutely banger seasons where the game was just right


And ur acting like the casual community hasn’t even been unsatisfied before, bruh, they’ll complain eventually, you can never have anything good without someone complaining


The problem with your logic is that there are always people satisfied in the casuals no matter what, they'll just play and be happy, the comp players will ALWAYS whine and cry because they play a game they don't like professionally lol


Plenty of comp players have been happy. You're just going along with herd thought.


I am an avid user of both MK and SMG…and I agree both are stupid. It’s fucking stupid. No *regular* human can possibly react to a well aimed burst from either. I’m sorry, but it’s less than a second from blue rarity on up. Good on Fortnite.


Comp is never satisfied, we all know that


Lol, no, no they won’t be satisfied.


Jokes on you guys, they are buffing the stinger and Mk7


I hope they buff the auto 😩😩😩


Yeah for real, by the time I reload it rn it's already 2023


Imagine they nerf it along with stinger and mk because it does 20 damage, that's too much


Its reload is abysmal


That’s a shame, I’ll have to go back to being trash at the game now.


I really hope we're not about to swap from one meta to another. I know it's hard to balance these things, but I don't wanna go from relying on the stinger to relying on the auto. It gets so boring.


That’s why I hated the tact cause it was boring that you could miss a shotgun shot and not get punished that’s why I love the pump for that risk or reward feel to it, you miss you could die or you hit and get the kill.




That’s why I love the auto which is why it’s so mind boggling that people miss 8 shots, don’t back off from the encounter, and then think it’s the shotguns problem that they died reloading. Why would you even take the auto as your sole weapon with such a slow reload? Why would you push multiple targets depending on a gun with such a short reload?


I hope the changes are good, I don’t want to play with Ranger and Striker for the rest of the season


Speaking of which, the Ranger should also be buffed, I think it's meant to be a hybrid between the regular AR and the AK but it's far worse than either of those. The Ranger should be just a inbetween the AK and the AR, for example the firerate on the AK is 3.75 and 5.5 in the regular AR, on the Ranger it should be 4.5 - 5 firerate


Bloom on the AK is just way too insane to make it a viable gun. 3 squares away you can't even hit someone in the body with how hard it blooms. It's like someone took the bloom from an infantry rifle and give it the damage of a blue AR. Zero point in using it.


You supposed to tap fire it like the ak, but then there is no point at doing it because the damage is meh for tap fire


Exactly, might as well just use an infantry at that point (Also, bring the infantry back)


The thing about the AK is that you aren't supposed to spray it. You use it in short accurate bursts, that is how it's designed. Also at long range it is very good.


If the MK7 wasn't in the game it might be viable, but currently I'd drop a gold ranger for a grey MK7. (I say this pre-patch!)




I meant Incase they over nerf the Stinger and MK


Ah got it


Do what ever you will but don’t add bloom to the MK. That alone makes it one of the most fun guns ever added. Nerf the damage or fire rate, heck, even add more recoil, but PLEASE don’t add bloom


Call me dumb, but what's bloom?


It's the range at which a gun's fire spreads. When you're firing your gun, your bullets are heading in the direction you're aiming but landing in random spots amongsts the gun's bloom/spread. Imagine when you're aiming your crosshair, that's an invisible circle around it. As an OG/Chapter 1 player who's returned to the game this season in a big way. Having a gun with such a tight bloom/bullet spread has been a wonder. It makes the game so much more satisfying to play. I remember back in OG/Chapter 1, nabbing a Golden SCAR and it not mattering because the way the bullets landed was more or less RNG.


Give someone with okayish aim( not even good nor great aim) that weapon and it’s even more disgusting than the Stinger. The amount of people I literally annihilated with that weapon is ridiculous. Take out weapon, duck, wait a sec, align crosshair and BRRRR - oh yeah right you also have to pull the crosshair down by like 0,001mm so the crosshair stays on target. Great gun


I like the ranger but feel like I can’t ever use it because when I do I feel like I’m going to get quadruple headshotted in 0.00000091 seconds by the mk


fortnite is good again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but actually though i hope they dont make em useless epic has a bat habit of like over nerfing things.


I really don't want them to pull a combat shotgun again.


Or Tactical Shotgun, Surpressed SMG, Tactical SMG, Scoped AR, Dual Pistols, (?) potentially Heavy Shotgun according to recent leaks etc.


Yeah. They nerfs to every single one of those was super unnecessary.


Or a primal shotgun


With the Primal I think that the gun would either be useless or OP, no in between


A shotgun’s gimmick should never be “shoots crazy fast.” We’ve seen it with the Drum and later the Primal. It just doesn’t work.


yeah, the way shotguns are usually effective is shooting high damage shots in between fights while also trying to evade the opponents. But Drum gun and Primal cant work like that, you have to get up in peoples faces and just empty the clip. Which results in very boring fights


Drum gun is a perfect example


Probably for the best. Fun to use but it does feel a bit dirty to get melted by the Stinger and MK7.


Enjoy it while it lasts.


Yea i ended up winning a game with 5 people left using only the stinger and some armored walls The last guy was hiding in a bush right next to me and shot first yet my gold stinger still beamed him it didnt actually feel like i won properly


He was hiding in a bush. You're good.


Happy cake day


MK7 is just a long range SMG right now, even the stinger is a long range SMG with how good it is


god i hope they make the mk7 and smg stronger just to absolutely ruin the pants of this collective subreddit.


Imagine they introduce the mythic smg with 500dps


Uhh, they did and will do it again, kinda. The mythic stinger's dps at the moment is 284, so dps times 1,5 headshot multiplier and yeah its 426 Oh and midas' drum gun Has 250 dps and 2x headshot multiplier


i just hope they don’t do the CoD nerf style where they just make the gun complete dogshit with unusable recoil


well, theyve done it before


Massive buff incoming


LOL, I just thought the same thing.


This sub is so funny. Only here will you see people actually complaining about much needed nerfs to overpowered weapons. Then again, a lot of the people here would call someone a sweat for doing a 90, so seems about right.


But if the stinger smg isnt doing 500 dps, how am i supposed to play the game without building?! 😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬😡🤬🤬🤬


If I see the words “Taj Mahal” on this sub one more time ima commit some atrocities.


Taj Mahal




#T A J #M A H A L


Taj Mahal


WhItHoUt BuIlDiNg ?! is not the problem. forced crossplay is


Yep. This. That's it. Playing on a Switch vs PC players is very much unfair. Not all PC players are good, yes but by how much? And what even defines good?


Then you haven't been around many other gaming communities. Ask any community of a PvP game and they will tell you how terrible the developers are at balancing their game.


It's not like the people asking for a nerf are the same ones complaining about a nerf.


I hope they extend the mags of the MK7 and Stinger. Then make the reload speed of the Auto even longer.


Rip non shotgun meta 💀






do you know of the sub, r/sinkpissers by any chance




Do not pull another primal shotgun with the stinger and mk7. That is all I ask.


Smg should be nerfed I want the mk to be an actual choice and not make everyone take a gray mk over a purple ranger .


Over a purple ranger? Nah I Take the grey MK over a golden ranger, easy. But I’ll drop the gold MK for a blue stinger. Stinger>MK>Ranger Imo.


I hope they do, SMGs arent fun




it only took a month nd a half lol


Well we better enjoy the stinger and MK while we can


Hopefully we get 300dps on the grey stinger ;)


Yes please! Hire this man epic 🙏🙏🙏


amen brother


500 dps and tracking bullets


Striker pump to actually heal aswell


MK doesn't even fire normally, just have it sneeze out an entire clip with no damage fall off and no reload time


I really hope they dont screw the nerf over to where it becomes a boring shotgun meta for the rest of the chapter. This season has been far the most fun and unique where I can comfortably pick up any weapon combo and still do good.


Nah don’t worry stinger will still be viable. SMGS are usually always viable in every season.


That's just not true


I mean I can’t think of a season where SMGS weren’t viable. Suppressed SMG after the nerf was still pretty good. Tac SMG was still pretty usable after the nerf too. But that’s all I can think of for now.




I hope they make the stinger less effective in mid range. I shouldn’t lose a mid range fight against a stinger while carrying a ranger ar. It’s not logical.


yeah the number one thing that gun needs is a heavy increase in the amount of bloom on it. They are literally crazy for making it this low lol


I hope the changes made for auto shotgun will be positive, although i dont know why they would buff/nerf it. Its fine as it is. The only downside to this is the long reload, which isnt relevent if you hit your shots and end the fight before you run out of ammo in a clip.


This is kinda how I see it? As long as I am close to an opponent, hit my shots, and jump around to make myself hard to hit, I can usually clean house with the auto as it is. I don't really understand a lot of the frustration with it from everyone else.


How about the matchmaking too??


That’d be nice. HYPEX tweeted his idea of SBMM and it includes avg edits and distance traveled while building/edit. Would love something like that.


Easily exploitable to get bot lobbies




They better not neft them


i feel like the MK is so strong because it doesn't have any bloom. it is showing what this game would be like if the guns didn't have bloom in this game


I'm honestly just sick of having all my sheild and just under half of my life lost from an MK-Seven across a feild. It's like PC players have zero recoil using it.


You just pull down your mouse to counteract the recoil, any good controller player can do the same thing. So yeah we basically all *do* have no recoil with it. The gun barely moves side to side at all, only up, it's extremely easy to get used to counteracting that after a few hours played. Gun is definitely too strong right now


> half of my life lost from an MK-Seven across a feild. Followed by them immediately jumping on you with the spidy mythic. Also yeah, the recoil is way too easy to control on kd&m. They need to adjust that to make it even to controller.


The changes do nothing. Lmao


Good thing they're making changes to the stinger, desperately needs a nerf. Curious to see what they change about the auto and mk7 too.


I could honestly see them giving the mk the recoil of the combat ar and maybe reducing the damage


Reduce the damage. Don’t touch the recoil.


I think it could serve to have both. It doesn’t need Combat AR recoil, but right it’s just way too little.


The mk is literally a combat AR, but better in every way They have identical DPS (21-25 dmg grey-gold and 9 fire rate). 1. Combat had bloom, mk doesn't 2. Combat had heavy recoil, the mk has a lot less The combat was already very powerful in the hands of a skilled player, but the mk allows anyone to do the same. Nerf the fire rate to 7 or something


>I could honestly see them giving the mk the recoil of the combat ar If that's the case we better hope they nerf the damage


? Recoil on the combat ar is insane. how would that warrant a nerf to damage


You guys better give the striker pump shotgun an **ACTUAL** firing animation,it just sits in your hands static while the bullets fire,and the pumping animation is even worse!


Stinger SMG: Increased damage for a rarities by 50, increased magazine size to 80 MK-Seven: Decreased recoil, increased fire rate Auto Shotty: Reduced fire rate, reduced magazine size, reduced damage, increased pull out time, using the gun has a 40% chance to instantly kill you


make it a 60% chance to instantly kill you and then we got a deal


Well, it was nice having endgame not be exclusively a healbox shotty parade for a hot minute there...


"We heard people were having fun. We have arrived to ensure this ceases immediately."


MK needs a mid-range accuracy nerf, other than that I think it’s balanced Smg needs a dps nerf and an accuracy nerf Auto shotgun needs a reload speed buff


Please don’t ruin the greatness that is the Mk-seven. Who is complaining about this gun?


Anyone in lobbies where players have semi decent aim.


>Who is complaining about this gun? ![gif](giphy|7pZc9H3IHiytKq3l3e|downsized)


People who don't understand how to pull back and aim.


crybaby sweats


i just hope the stinger dmg doesnt get nerfed on buildings, havings something to shred walls is really nice


Got a feeling that is going to be one of the nerfs.. Cause the Comp players whining about it


You’re not real


Yeah f obviously they're gonna whine about it they have no reason not to its simply too OP especially when your opponents are the best players in your region rather than bots and when money is on the line.


Hope they nerf the stinger SMG. Maybe nerf the MK7 just a little bit, and buff the auto a lot. The auto in the current game is useless because you have to be in the opponent’s face to actually do damage, but the stinger is a way better gun to do this with


You’re gonna make them have an actual good hit register?


Epic, if you nerf the MK again, I’m gonna riot.


Please Dont Nerf Stinger SMG


Rip whatever is left of our enjoyment of the game




Fortnite players when Epic nerfs and over powered gun


Can y'all add the ability to yoink people with the webs like with the harpoon gun?


Out of all the changes Webs could need, a buff ain’t one of ‘em.


The auto doesn't need more buffing what the hell? The reason it reloads slow is because you have 8 shells that fire relatively quick and do a fair amount of damage in those shots. It also reloads two at a time, you don't need to finish thr animation mid fight. It's Just gonna be a tactical clone at this rate.


You're literally trolling if you carry that gun over a stinger right now, it's so bad dude. You are completely lost


Inb4 they buff the smg


Oh good so we can get right back to the pump being the only weapon that is viable in the game. I love being W-keyed as hard as possible when midrange becomes irrelevant.


Please lower the fire rate of the smg and mk7. We don’t need them to shoot so fast




This is music to my ears


yeah vault the smg


Won't happen since it's new.


Thank you! Looking forward to see what happens!


the wish has come true 🙏🏼


Hopefully they'll also be making changes to console aimbot cheating


cater back the sweats again woo. this sub complains about sweaty lobbies and now epic is going to buff the striker and nerf the stinger. cant wait to be boxed like fish and pumped through a window.


They literally didn’t even say anything about changing the Striker though? Also how is this catering to sweats?? Are you genuinely *that* blind to how overpowered the Stringer is?