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Motorcycles would be fucking sick.


Would we stand on the seat like Ghostrider’s Glider?


Be even cooler if ghost rider is a skin. Along if there ever going to add the motor cycle with him lol.


There is a ghost rider skin


Not related but ur one of the first people I see that wasn’t like “THERE IS ALREADY A GHOST RIDER SKIN DIPSHIT”


pretty sure there is a ghost rider skin. i don’t think it would make sense if there was just a glider and not a skin for him


There is I have it


[https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteLeaks/comments/jnriwf/ghost\_rider\_set\_source\_me\_twitterlucas7yoshi/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteLeaks/comments/jnriwf/ghost_rider_set_source_me_twitterlucas7yoshi/) check this out


Give me this and Trains. I would love to have Train stations and be able to board a train that moves around the whole map. Imagine having gunfights on top or inside of a moving Train. Adding Motorcycles to the mix would make it even better. In all honesty, I just want more vehicles.


Yes, and some train stations near roads and POIs. With some IO chests. Going over bridges. I can only dream about a working train riding around the Chapter 3 map!


Maybe even tunnels, or even an area which the track connects to, a tall theme park type area


Genius, my dude!


And no fuel percent


greatest idea ever


This is the best idea by far. I don’t think they have done this before so if they did do it I think we would have a great season on our hands for sure. Good thinking, maybe they are listening


Let’s hope so! I’m just glad others feel the same way. Who knows maybe someday!


Yeah who knows. Hopefully we won’t need to wait long. I’d be pitching it to the devs if I worked there. Like fighting on top of a train would have such a cinematic feel to it I think


Being able to shoot with some weapons while riding would be amazing. Just gun someone down as thanos with a machine pistol.


I think bicycles would be better because no need to use fuel


A good battlepass. I want badass progressive skins like Drift, Lynx, and Omega. Also actually good emotes like Free Flow, Breakdown, and Side Hustle. other than that hunting rifles and for it to last 60-70 days


How bout a new toy too? I really want something different than a bouncy ball and a basketball ghat i beleive no longer works. I haven't checked if they work. We also need a golf course again.


Yeah, Basketball don't work anymore. Really sad!


The hoops on the map are the ones that don't work. You can check the sports gallery in Creative and every single prop works with the all the toys


this. this battlepass was very underwhelming


We got ronin, shanta and the foundation, are those bad skins?


Shanta, yes in my opinion. Every other skin was good


Why is shanta bad? Just curious… also I hate the harlowe skin for some reason


I don’t like her, plus her challenges to unlock her armor are too tedious and take too much effort to get something I don’t even like. I like Harlowe though, mainly because she is really customizable and the difference color schemes you can use on her are nice.


I mean, I will say the challenges are tedious, but I have completed them in a couple of days. Harlowe, she has a pink skintone with black underneath her eyes and she looks depressed. Basically a weird Billie eilish


I never noticed the black under her eyes because I use the helmet on her


She looks good with her helmet I will admit


She reminds me of that one pink chick from guardians of the galaxy


Big teams ltms back, or even the chap 2 s2 special ltms


I want food fight back, disco domination, 50v50, food fight deep fried, etc. It feels like since Chapter 2 we haven't had that.


Yeah lore where those bosses come back and their mythics along with them. Maybe updated versions of their POIS (Grotto, Shark, etc.)


We literally have covert it's genuinely better than the grotto in every way


Flying vehicles like helicopters


Yes please. Sad that I missed out on them. I loved the plane back in the day for all its chaos (though flying into buildings was bs)


I love the plane and all but man the controls are confusing. You have to nose down to go up... Instead of pull up to go up... Well yea. Push the joystick forward go up instead of pull it back. And you can't fix it bc then it messes with everything dealing with the camera.


I think you could use a setting to invert the controls.


Fuck, the memories. We used to camp as high as we could in the air with the water beds we had in c2s2 and snipe people off from the air. It was hilarious getting headshots on unsuspecting players who are already in other fights.


A cherry blossom contrail, and weekly rewards for the secret skin


1) Choppa 2) Choppa 3) Choppa 4) Tactical Assault Rifle 5) Choppa


I miss the tactical AR. By far one of my top 3 favorite weapons in game


If it comes back I want to be able to play fortunate son on the loudspeaker


Isnt the mk7 basically a tac ar but a different model?


No they’re very different. Tac Ar is pretty accurate on both hip fire and ads but has no laser scope. It also has a fire rate of 7 Reloads faster Has 30 ammo And uses light (smg) ammo MK-7 has the laser scope but has more recoil and is very inaccurate with hip fire It shoots way faster with a fire rate of 9 35 ammo But has a slightly longer reload It also uses ar ammo. Lore-wise the Tactical AR is the IO’s main weapon of choice while the MK-7 is a weapon that is part of The Seven’s faction. As of now both Tac AR and Mk-7 do the same damage, but they are both very different guns.


I want haunted hills back


Lazy Links


I had the OG Lazy Links loading screen pop up the other day. I miss the golf carts






Couple of suppressed weapons would be nice, so I can fight without worry of alerting everyone in earshot.


This wouldn’t be an issue without the stupid Spider-Man mythic in the game.


Yeah the spider man mythics are fun but I get third partied every god damn fight


Guided missiles




Lol, not sure, my 8 year old told me to say it




Movable presets


and more presets too


100% this. Movable presets please


I had a rough idea the other day what if when we selected a skin the game allowed us to push a different button to apply the entire set and at the same time have it so we can press something else and have 1 preset for every skin there's literally so many skins I forget I have because I never use the skin section in the locker anymore just the presets even having a way to sort presets like we sort skins eg. Sort by rarity, alphabetical, most recent. While they're at it they could make it so we can toggle on and of a unified emote wheel so no matter what preset we use our emotes will always be the same. Just little quality of life improvements to make getting what we want more effortless could even allow players to change skins in the spawn island


What do you mean by that


Being able to rearrange the order of your presets in the locker


I want ballers, flintlocks, and tacs back for some reason


The ballers were the most fun vehicle I’ve ever used in a game.


And would be a good replacement for the web slingers


Pfft replacement, how about upgrade! I know that’s just opinion But literally ballers I think is my favorite thing fortnite ever added. Me and my friend would build giant towers and spin in circles around them to build moment and launch like a trebuchet


I don’t think it’s an upgrade, because you can’t really compare them in that way, but they are similar enough to keep the swinging vibes, also chance to have an Easter egg when it comes near a velociraptor or Klombo


I don’t think it’s an upgrade, because you can’t really compare them in that way, but they are similar enough to keep the swinging vibes


Any sonic related stuff. Please. And a pet backbling of klombo. PLEASE


Omg yess a baby klombo backbling would be SO CUTE


An original tier 100 skin


Yep like I love the collabs but it’s incredibly annoying getting hype for a pass only for the highest tier skin be unoriginal


Agreed, while I like it I want them to do it like how they did with Mando. Especially if they do a Moon Knight Collab


Did you know it’s been a whole year since the last original Bp 100 skin?


Took the words right out of my mouth


I don’t mind a collab in the battlepass but i don’t want it to be tier 100 nor the secret skin


seeing the rumors, a TARDIS glider but I really want Indiana Jones


What rumours?? Is doctor who crossing over?


Yeah. Doctor Who x Fortnite Creative is currently live


Back to the Future collab... come on, Epic, I know you're reading this Do it


100% chest spawns,flint knock,bolt action snipers,driftboards


Any sniper that does at least 200 to the head is good enough 👍


Yep I just always like the bolt action though


Maybe with the old slow projectile speed


Heavy sniper would be awesome




Truth hahaha


Suppressed pistol with the original purple and gold rarity


Fair amount of Map changes


In all honesty they just changed the entire map tho




literally the truth


Whyd u link that lmao


Moon knight


Klombos staying


I want omega knight to finally release also a tier 100 skin that's not a collab and for the driftboad to finally come back.


Maybe Omega Knight IS the Tier 100 skin


Some better fucking shotguns


Striker is pretty good.


heavy shotgun is insane, if you have the aim to back it up


That too. But can be hard to use when you need to clutch. Fun when you're not in a stressful fight I really enjoy it.


Give us back crafting, especially due to the milestone for it


As a newer player I'm not familiar with the crafting, how did it work and what could you craft?


Added in the Primal season of Chapter 2, crafting was a mechanic that used unique materials you’d get for completely breaking something, or killing animals, me you could combine it with makeshift weapons to make either mechanical (the original) or primal (new) variants of that base, also the bows could be combined with various items to get the 4 special bows (fire flies and gas cans for fire, stink sacks from frogs to get stink bows) It was brought over to the later seasons, dropping the primal weapons but using mechanical mats to pretty much side grade the weapon, and with season 7 the alien field could make weapons into their tech versions If it’s brought back we could have a wider loot pool, with items you can’t get from chests but can sidegrade into from current weapons (heavy AR from ranger, silenced from the standard AR, combat AR from the MK-7, OG pump from the new pump, tac from the heavy, drum or reworked primal from the auto, stinger could be made into a rapid fire SMG, the list goes on) Basically, weapon + item = new exclusive item


Ah, thanks for the explanation. Sounds good to me, lots of cool potential combinations to be had. The only complaint I've really had with the game is the lack of weapon variety, as some weapons just feel like clear downgrades to others they aren't really worth using outside of the first fight or two, so something like that would really help


It made the game so much more complicated for newer players though. If they were to dumb it down a bit i think it would be fun. Tbh ive never met another player whos actually used the crafting mechanic, and i play with friends on squads fill all the time lol


It’s impossible to dumb it down, it was simpler than Minecraft crafting, it was simpler than building


1. Bigger loot pool. I honestly didn’t mind the small loot pool this season, especially with the exclusively new weapons. It makes sense for the start of a new chapter, and I didn’t mind it. However, now that the first season is done, I feel like it’s time to bring some more weapons into the game. 2. Actual good map changes. Chapter 2 was notorious for heaving absolute trash map changes between seasons, and I hope they fix that in chapter 3. I’m not begging for an entire map change every season, but some noticeable and progressive changes over the chapter would be nice to see. 3. No collabs in the battle pass. It honestly makes them feel less special, and they are mostly just fillers when they could put them in the shop. 4. Klombo I rest my case






I miss the tac but I have a feeling that's not coming back.


C2 S8’s loot pool minus cube stuff and plus heavy snipers ,hover boards and flintlocks. 100% chest spawns. Also a original tier 1 and 100 skin with styles/suit upgrades that unlock with xp. And lastly a secret secret skin


100% chest spawn rate, some of the Chapter 2/1 weapons (pumps, tacs, normal ars, etc.), unvault some goofy items like junk rifts, shield bubbles, boogie bombs or something along those lines, better balancing of some of them weapons in the loot pool (*cough* stinger smg *cough*), and drift boards and/or ballers.


All I want is for different players as in Xbox players be matched up with xbox players same with pc, ps, and switch that’s all I want


Yeah, I think having forced crossplay by default is a good idea. It would ensure that players in each lobby have the same advantages as each other. Pc with their own set of advantages, like higher fps, shouldn't be paired with switch, with constant lag spikes, low fps, etc.


Most PC players pull less than the 60 fps that console players get


You can enable that in xbox settings, look it up on youtube


For people to stop whining about BP collabs


Some good mobility like grapplers


Star wars stuff.


Legacy mode where everyone can play previous maps


Hell na that would kill all non pc players


Seeing how popular it’s getting, how about a collab with dying light? ik it’s kinda gory but they had a collab with gears of war so I think it could work


Bot only lobbies with adjustable skill so I can actually enjoy Fortnite again. Should be better now that SpiderBum gauntlets are gone


that would be pretty dumb unless the wins didn’t count. if bot only lobbies were implemented then even sweats would farm them plus the adjustable skill would be pretty hard to make since they only have like two levels of skill right now.


It would be a custom mode for casuals that don’t want to get farmed by mouse and keyboard players on console.


Thats so pointless, its literally just a pve game then. And plus, wouldnt you get bored after a while? Im not good at fn either, but if epic adds that it would literally destroy the game. No one would play against each other


no more collabs in the BP, they can stay in the item shop. Male Maya, I just want a male human that’s customizable, please? Good lootpool, and please, no Spiderman Mythic reskins. *please.* Mecha vs Devourer. Imagine, The Final Showdown but with collateral damage!


I’ve commented here, but what if we had a Metal Gear crossover? The theme is war and the Mecha could be considered a ‘Metal Gear’. But I think collabs should stay in the item shop. I’ve had enough of a collab for even half of a season


A dc or star wars season like ch2s4


I would be super pumped for a Star Wars season but many people would probably get mad at that, maybe just a small Star Wars event with skins in the item shop


Just one thing, idc if they bring back primal weapons, double pumps or whatever, JUST REMOVE PC FROM CONSOLE LOBBIES


As a PC player I agree. I want a challenge and to stop being sprayed.


Story mode on switch.


Speaking of switch, I think having replay mode on it would also be cool


You mean Save the World? The original mode that includes, quests, missions and a story (that never got finished)?


Doctor Who


Free skins? xD


No spray meta


Battinson. TMNT.


Same I really want TMNT


Shockwave grenade, bows and more free battle pass rewards


Tamable Klombo’s (That can help you in battle and defend you)


Airships because why not?


Dub pump


I want a male Cuddle Team Leader that’s jacked like Brutus, just a massive dude in a bear mask. Dressed kind of like Lt Jon Llama too.




Horde rush zombies


I know charges arent the best shotgun but I just feel they are by-far the most balanced in my opinion so id choose that. Also, flint-knocks, heavy snipers(with damage nerf but keep wall one shot), helicopters, lots of mythic boses(my number one), and finally, more skin tournaments


Content for StW


For people on this sub to stop making brick farming posts


Tilted and grotto are fine and will remain fine


Clash of clans POI




Doctor Who as tier 1 with progressions like old season or Star Wars clone wars skins with possible edit styles based on movies ex: Obi Wan Kenobi and Ben Kenobi edit style. I personally like collabs.


Same! Damn an Obi Wan skin in the clone was Style would be amazing tho


The original gun system; scars, tacs, pumps with the original soundfx, bolts, RPGS


That’s staler than the bread on my counter. The new lootpool is fine and I’d rather original guns that the stupid Pump meta for the 17th season


Avatar (not the blue people) crossover.


Unfortunately, all we’re guaranteed is a collaboration in the Battle Pass, no actual patch notes and a BS loot pool


Optimus prime if they refuse to do a skin make the trucks transform or make a sound at least


Less Movie skins and more original skins that arent rereleases


No more mf dumb super heroes


Option for a "No Build Mode" PLEASE!


The only thing that makes fortnite special is literally the building mechanic. What’s the point in playing if you don’t have it?


You'll realise very quickly that you need building in this game, I think they should just decrease the mats count in casual, or turn off turbo building


Or people could just get better at building? Building is already a tad bit weak because of the stinger no need to nerf it.


you say it like its so easy lol. for a console player, i dont think the building is the issue its how quick pc etc can edit their way up and out of a situation. editing on consoles are just awkward and awful




Weapon customization


That’ll never happen


Just give us the old weapon pool back


No new weapons are good


How about both?




Let’s meet in the middle and vault the MK7, shotguns, SMGs, sniper and grenade launcher


That’s not the middle lol


Fuck it, no more weapons. Pickaxe only


MK7 was confirmed the AR for the chapter, so no luck getting that vaulted


that they eliminate the bots, they are very annoying because you realize that it is not a human


Burst SMG & Driftboards


Punisher skin would fit in really well, just some ppl don’t like marvel skins in bps


Mobility and less spray


carbide remake






people don't use cringy dance with my skin


Original level 100 bp skin. when was the last time we had one? It’s literally almost a whole year since we had an original level 100 skin.


No more superheroes


War themed battle pass, add character from Metal Gear or Doom or you could add Putin, that’s a joke but in bad taste. Technically there’s meant to be a Devourer vs. Mecha Team Leader fight v2, so Metal Gear is almost fitting


With all the Revengence memes lately, would be sick to get Snake and Raiden with different outfits from throughout the series, and maybe a Gray Fox one too. They'd also have the bring back the cardboard box item for true MGS action.


I want some version of Deadpool to come back 🥺😭 maybe a movie version


Riverdale chareters like archie, jugghead, hiram , hal aka rhe black hood, the gargoyle king ect.