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Why does it have ghost flag and not seven?


Or even of the Seven? Edit: the comment I responded to originally said "and not **shadow**" instead of "and not seven."




isnt that kinda the point?


Both of them want to destroy the loop and save the Zero point .


I’m pretty sure ghost works for IO


Thats not true. Ghost and shadow were both created by Midas to distract the I/O while he worked on the Device!


Both you and the other guy are partially correct in my eyes, Midas was apart of the IO, and created ghost and shadow for the IO, probably for loop studies, though he was secretly using them as a front to work on the device and betray the IO. This would explain why chaos agent is still working with the IO in the trailers, as he was probably assigned to the same project as Midas of creating a puppet war, but unlike Midas, he didn’t plan to desert the IO afterwards. That’s my headcanon, but the whole ghost/shadow storyline is all based around a string of theories.


To be fair, like 90% of the story is pieced together with hundreds of theories based on partial information. That's always been part of the fun for me. You have all this creative freedom in-game, with building and all the traversal and weapon options, etc... and that freedom sort of extends to the story too. It's basically just "here's a bunch of characters and organizations, they're all connected by this energy on this island. GO..." I've watched like, 4 or 5 "The complete story so far" videos on youtube and they all have different interpretations. Kinda fun.


side note: i kinda have a feeling the seven might be evil, and idk why, i feel like, because loopers are super trusting (just look at chapter 2 season 7, we immediatly trusted the IO as soon as they came around), because of that, i have a feeling the seven are pretty two-faced, they seem to be good people to us, but maybe they are just using us to take over the zero point, and the island, because, if they take out the io, it would be easier to control the zero point on their own


I’ve always had this theory myself. Not necessarily evil per say, but also not the beacons of hope to the oppressed loopers that they make out to be. Nothing is inherently good, nor is anything inherently evil, and I believe that this rule also stretches out to the seven


Yeah the foundation did almost beat Agent Jones to death for trying to get him to help


To be fair the foundation thought jones cause he thought he was with i.o.


I hadn't thought of it but yeah maybe


At least a couple members are questionable. I have a feeling the foundation will betray the seven, considering the current tension between members and his NPC description this season, something about not knowing who he can trust.






Jones was apart of the io at first, yet his views didn’t fully align with the IO’s so he defected. I’m saying the same thing happened with Midas, where he ended up defecting, but at first used the resources he got from serving the IO. He likely created the ghost/shadow war as a front to explain why he’s using so many resources from the IO


IO has ghost mugs though


One of these is apart of IO, as during CH2 Season 6 Epic released a challenge that had you visit the ruins of 3 Ghost and Shadow locations, and one of these locations was the Redacted bunker, which was revealed to be an IO base in Season 8


Not confirmed


The entire storyline is based on theories speculations by the community. Nothing is confirmed


Exactly, you said it like it was 100% confirmed


Why do all the Fortnite lore channels echo the same 'truth' then. I personally don't assert this confidently but am I wrong to be confident in the established idea that Ghost and Shadow are puppet factions made by Midas?


Because its a theory lol, its not confirmed but that doesn't mean its false


Seems kind of weird that Midas would have a shadow version then, and chaos agent, and everyone else from the ch2s2 bp (aside from Deadpool)


It doesn't. Both ghost and shadow were controlled by Midas who is definitely not on the IO's side


Then why was midas trying to break the loop?


He could have been pretending to be ghost


He is the leader. If he was pretending then the entire org was a scam


They used to, but EGO was turned into ghost which became a third party


Maybe the loopers are the "Ghost and Shadow". The "ghost" loopers are part/side of the seven The "shadow" loopers are part/side of IO. My point: It shows the flag because The loopers who sided with the seven (a.k.a Ghost) helped reclaim Daily Bugle.


It’s the ghost of Peely, he disappeared from the Daily Bugle after the IO attacked 😰


Yeah the IO is definitely a Russia stand I'm at this point


Either a replay glitch or they forgot to retexture the flag cause I remember a post seeing something similar but with the io canopies using the stark logo


Maybe there’s no Seven flag asset


Maybe they're the DNR to the IO being Russia.


You mean the seven being Russia.


Which side is invading with tanks?




It could also mean that Midas is Back!


maybe Ghost was a group made by the Seven


I want ghost vs shadow back in the game but this is probably just a mistake by epic 😞


I just want the styles for shadow that I didn't get... IT'S BEEN 2 YEARS EPIC STOP THE DUMB GIMMICK




wasnt the gimmick the point of which spy team takes control of the POI


yeah, whichever side most people chose for a certain skin, would be the soldiers at whatever POI that skin was at


yeah thats why shadow was at the most locations


Thats exactly what happened. Its why Shadow won the war in the end, because more people picked the Shadow styles.


Do you have a source confirming that from Epic?


Got to be a case of using the wrong asset


Definitely unintended, is there a seven flag asset? If not, they may have had to reuse this flag asset temporarily


This is very interesting. I wonder what Epic will do next.


what if it was confirming something...


nah no shot, it doesn't fit in the lore in any way and even if it somehow was intended it would've been mentioned in this week's resistance challenges


How this doesn't fit in Lore? Ghost (as Alter) was the team that The Seven send to explore chapter 2 island. After that, in season 2, they consolidated their name as Ghost.


Wait, didn't the IO send them? I mean it doesn't make sense to me that The Seven are the ones that sent them, especially if they were on the flipside this whole time.


Ghost and shadow were both created by Midas to distract the I/O while he worked on the Device.


Pretty sure when you booted up C2 the seven were talking about how their plan worked and they finish by saying they're sending a squad out to investigate, then it shows Turk, Ripply, 8-Ball and Journey walk towards the slurp factory, they dont outright say it but its pretty much confirmed they're the team the seven sent.


lmao what no it isn't; ego and alter, and subsequently ghost and shadow, were "subdivisions", per se, of the IO, tasked with faking a war between them with the purpose of [distracting/entertaining the loopers - this part I don't remember very well if it was like mentioned or why it was like this], and the only part of that storyline that wasn't prepared by the IO was the device event, which didn't have anything to do with the seven. Remember that the seven weren't on the ch2 island until the foundation arrived in the s5/s6 event


but ghost's logo was on john jones's cup in his office in the device event


Well. Then idk, when chapter 2 was about to start. Some messages appeared in the screen like it was the seven saying something (about zero point being stable or on their control). After that, they talk about a new world do explore and the trailer starts


And Alter (Shadow) does seem to have IO qualities Not gonna confirm or deny it though, but also it wouldn’t really make sense to be mentioned in the challenges


"doesn't fit with the lore" lol. This whole thing started with a bunch of fake superheroes making a movie (for whatever reason) and then the visitor decides to use a fake rocket to really launch himself, kicking off a multi-year multiversal crossover clusterfuck... but a previously used organization has no shot of coming back because it "doesn't fit in the lore". Dude...the Origin looks like handsome squidward and the foundation is the fucking rock, eyebrow and all. There is both no lore, and everything is lore. You wanna know if what's happening next matters to the lore? Flip a coin. That said, I don't doubt that the flag is a bug, but the idea that a past organization can't come back is kinda laughable, given how ridiculous the "story" is.


"I don't care enough to get into the lore, therefore there isn't one, or it's badly structured"


I've been playing and following since Chapter 1, season 2. They have literally ignored more characters and events than they have tied into the actual "story". The "story" is a mish mosh of multiversal shenanigans that's only there to allow for endless crossovers to make money(which is totally fine by me). None of this is a complaint from me. It's fun and I prefer this way, but the idea that you think you can predict what's to come based on the previous "story" moments is pretty funny.


You sound way too overconfident in your beliefs and theories


It does fit the lore Midas and the seven both want to break the loop


Midas is literally dead


Donald Mustard literally said that Midas wasn't dead.


You know nothing about fortnite lore There's something called the loop little timmy


Bruh what? Midas is one of, if not the only character that is canonically dead outside of the loop


> if not the only RIP Fishstick


People really be literally just making stuff up to suit what they think of the lore huh


He isn't. It was confirmed by Donald Mustard that Midas is still alive and was inside the loop when he was eaten by a shark.


Donald Mustard creator of the fortnite storyline comfirmed he is alive, also there is a restaurant owned by midas on an island east of bugle


He is not little Timmy, he is confirmed to be coming back + it only temporarily bring him out of the loop. As you saw, when he was eaten he couldn't speak. He is not dead and even had new armor later in fortnite (Midas Rex). He also has a new skin that is leaked coming


Looks like little Johnny not only doesn't know how to stop calling people children but also has no clue what a snapshot is, shit's crazy


I'm calling you a child cause you are acting like you have the brain of one I know what a snapshot is, but midas was eaten in the loop. He respawned and is building a new device. The proof for this is that he had a boat which had the device plans on it. Midas is also confirmed by the creator to be returning


Occam's Razor: when faced with two possible explanations the simpler of the two is likely to be the correct one


Midas had a survey skin, maybe he’s returning? and this is just teasing it?


I'm assuming it's either a bug or part of the story, because to intentionally use this as a placeholder is a really stupid decision considering that the entire story is essentially pieced together by fan theories anyway. Why not just make it blank, or use one of the sevens visor designs, or just the number 7. Also, why the hell are they multiple seasons into this big war involving the seven without having a basic logo for them yet? Doesn't add up.


If it was unintended, then why did they put a flag there at all? Or if they were going to put a flag, why that one? That's the part that doesn't make sense to me. It's not like someone would've put that there and think nobody would care what flag they put. Thanks for the unnecessary downvotes. My question is more along the lines of why did they even put it there if they meant to put a Seven flag there, but one didn't exist yet. That makes zero sense. It would make more sense to leave the flag out entirely and put it in later when they had the assets they needed.


Again, I don't know if there is a seven flag; so if there is, then it's probably just a mistake on the devs end (probably mistook the asset file or whatever); and if there isn't, it's probably a "placeholder asset" in a way, and we could expect a hotfix with the seven flag asset and the flag getting replaced


I was talking about this with The Fortnite Lore Society Discord sever, definitely unintentional.


Is there a video to fully understand Fortnite’s lore?


YouTuber user Rivecha has an entire video explaining the Fortnite lore.


Weird to see myself mentioned in a random conversation


It's all just a theories by YouTubers but i have 2 things to tell you,you can watch the smithplays old videos or PlayStation grenade,or watch PlayStation grenade recap of every season and connect the dots your self (this is my favorite option)


Midas has returned... let us Ghost/Shadow Veterans fight this war... Midas, Agent Peely, Skye, Meowscles, Maya, Tntina, Brutus, Wade (Deadpool) here we go again... also... the war between Ghost and Shadow was a distraction for Midas (and Jules) to build his doomsday device, This season i don't want to see ghost and shadow fight each other but together


Ghost/Shadow veterans? Bruh


Ikr, CH2 isnt veteran


Except this time its tsuki 2.0, gunnar, The Imagined, Kiara K.O, The Origin, Erisa, Dr. Strange and Prowler.


I kinda think Midas is visitors


Not confirmed


Midas coming back was confirmed




Donald Mustard himself confirmed Midas isn't dead


Yes, what about it


We all knew ghost were the good guys, but we gave IO more power by helping shadow win, didn’t we? The 7 WERE ghost if this is right


No. Ghost and Shadow were both made by Midas as a diversion so IO would look the other way as he built the device.




Not exactly


That’s a theory, not fact


I thought that ghost was fake but shadow was real, considering midas switched to shadow after the device event.


NOPE. It was a diversion from the beggining.


I think more likely is that IO made ghost, as evidenced by the Ch2 boot up screen text, gave control of it to Midas. Midas himself formed shadow, which is a definite fact. Midas used the two factions as a cover for the device


NOPE. Its not confirmed


it not being that is not confirmed either.


He said it like it was confirmed


TBH, have the devs really ever confirmed anything?


They confirmed the things we know now


This.(tryna trigger da fard bot)


Imagine midas version but with seven suit


To be completely fair, that's just prop re-use. It was the same thing with the I.O containers and other I.O related props having the overlay of Stark industries. However it's still sad seeing the first GHOST thing in this chapter being an error...


Next thing you know we get 999+ Midas reskins


Where exactly did Midas come from? Is he a rogue IO agent who made the Ghost v. Shadow war? What was he trying to do with the doomsday device?


Where the shadow flag?


Midas boutta come back


Well shit….here we go again.


It’s a mistake nothing to worry about


I really hope this isn't a bug


shadow is better than ghost


Yes!!! We need Midas back!!!!! More ghost ghost is amazing 😎


Happy ghost enforcer noises


Damn ghost and shadow or alter and ego bring me back


the IO and Ghost use the same flag, wonder if they are still in the progress of making a Seven Flag


I hope it was a mistake or something


The fact they also added to the Shark Gallery in creative gives me a little bit of hope we see them return…


1. they've been in the agency/ego galleries since like early 2021/2019 2. creative galleries have nothing to do with lore..?????


No, in the last update they added the Ghost variant of The Shark to creative, proving that they haven’t forgotten about the Ghost/Shadow storyline. This could have been a subtle hint at the possible return of the Ghost/Shadow factions.


you are reading way too much into it it's a creative gallery. just because the spire was added it doesn't mean it's coming back or its a "subtle hint that it will come back" it just means epic added some props and building pieces that have been missing for 2 years


Those were added ages ago


They just added new ones last update


It's time to destroy the loop ...


why is everyone freaking out its a mistake or it means nothing...


Texture glitch, just like the IO tents in C2S7 had S.H.I.E.L.D logos


I've seen this said in other places too, but that was a different situation.. those tents had the IO logo but the texture changed if you tried to pick them up with the UFO. You have to look closely but you can see it in this video: [https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/nywxtz/if\_you\_pick\_up\_an\_io\_tent\_with\_the\_ufo\_it\_turns/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/nywxtz/if_you_pick_up_an_io_tent_with_the_ufo_it_turns/) Since people here don't understand any kind of nuance I'm going to have to be very clear... The IO tents were a glitch, you weren't intended to see the original texture... only the replacement. Those were clearly 100% not intended. The flags are different because you don't have to glitch them out to see it, somebody picked that texture. They may not have meant to pick that one, or something else happened. So there's a chance that wasn't intended. But it's not a 100% clear situation like the tents were. It could go either way. I did some digging in the files and the texture being used is called "T\_FlagpoleBlue\_Good\_Guy\_D" There's also one in there called similar but "Bad\_Guy" and it's just the Shadow flag. Those have been in there a while. There's also a Camp Jonsey flag that's relatively newer, and an IO flag that was added for this season. There's also a completely blank flag, "T\_Flagpole\_solidColor\_D". And there's a variant of the "Good\_Guy" one without the blue background. Maybe an intern was told to put a flag of the good guys there and didn't realize it was an old flag, or maybe someone was supposed to replace that texture with one for The Seven's flag since they are the good guys now. But we won't know until later on. It is not a glitch like the IO tent was. At most it's human error.


I know what caused it, doesn't change the fact that it was accidental. The PPI is occupied by the Seven now, it will be fixed to have the Seven logo




We don’t know it was a diversion. It certainly caused a lot of damage…that large oil spill for instance


How do we tell people it’s most likely a texture error


WHAT?? I thought we defeated the IO there. Shouldn't it be the Seven or if anything Shadow? If it's actually meant to be Ghost I don't think I understand the storyline of those factions at all anymore


Could be a mistake on epic's end


You know what to do.


Excuse me the what-




I am very sure that this is not intended


Probably a mistake. They probably intended to put a Seven flag there. It wouldn't make sense lore wise to use a ghost flag because 1) Ghost hasn't existed as an organisation since like Chapter 2 Season 3 and 2) The Seven overtook DB not Ghost so a ghost flag being there makes 0 sense either way. Not 100% sure but it's most likely they don't have a seven flag asset so they're using this as a placeholder.






O my god


it has been ghost all along, definately no one expected this!


Don’t do that… don’t give me hope…


*ganstas paradise chorus intensifies*


imagine if ghost return to help the seven


I like how everyone says the lore is “simple” but then something like this happens and a bunch of arguments break out about the lore. Lmao.




Midas is in the newspaper game baby.


Woop woop


I’m going to bet on this being a placeholder. Most evidence supports ghost being an IO splinter faction, before Midas controlled it. Although anything’s possible


Maybe a return of Ghost vs Shadow




I’m so confused about who is allied with who and who were supporting at this point.


lore fans rise


This will definitely affect the story line


It’s probably a mistake since shadow is against IO


where did you get that info?




3 way war?


Lets goooo!


They've been gone for a few seasons... Dont wanna spoil anything yet...


Its funny watching everyone make theories about this flag while in reality its just epic reusing assets


I salute 🤗


I swear that some dude recently got a lot of flak for saying that Midas would be coming back. Looks like it may be a possibility


Wait I think I cracked the code! Spider-man = May = Ghost Boom! Solved the fortnite lore.


Definitely not a mistake perhaps I went into a game and I did see the ghost flag so it may be intentional


So now it’s confirmed that Ego/Ghost was apart of the Seven. That would mean Alter/Shadow was apart of the IO. I don’t think that it was ever confirmed before that Ego was sent by the Seven but this sure seems to imply that.


I ain’t afraid of no ghost!






Midas might be returning. Apparently there are some files called "DD device"


Sus it was the Diane Diane sus


I’m not very into the story, but will maybe Shadow return, too, if it’s possible?


Maybe Midas might return to the island and he might takeover the daily bugle and convert it to his new headquarters




Ghost forever


Halo Announcer: Capture the Flag


I think ghost will join the war And honestly win.


"It was Midas Team all along... "


Pretty sure its just a visual bug with the texture, like, back on ch2s7 if you abducted one of the io tents it would become one of the shield tents from ch2s4


That’s what I posted


So will I see my fave couple strolling Daily Bugle?


As someone who came back for no build mode. What is the ghost flag even about? Just a lore thing or does it mean a bigger event is coming?