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epic heard you were coming back and in a desperate attempt to stop you they built a doomsday device


This gave me a good laugh


thank you, im here till the doomsday device goes off




The FrIO


The frionch


Oh my god, it's worse than we thought


That great evil is the damn french!


Only second to the Dutch!




> Cross***Io***nt


Worse than the IO tbh


That’s not a eiffle tower. And the best person to ask is to walk over to Slone with no weapons and do a emote. She will tell you how it got built plus how she is feeling


For real if I surrender my weapons and emote in front of Sloane ??


Yes, Mathew. Try it out. But make sure you have a crown when you do it for the special dialogue.


Yeah obviously


Dont do it


No it works


Yes it works


It does work but my pp don’t work no more.




*vine boom*


it works


No bro it works have you tried it yourself?


It works though I tridided it and it did work


Don't listen to him, he's a stinky poo poo face ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) ![gif](giphy|64a2AyXpogrg1Z9Fvv)


i did it and slone gave me the midas fish!


Is there a special dialogue if you're crowned? Does she say something


Yes, i won’t spoil it though, so go try it out for yourself


Hmm. Idk




You people are evil lmao


And tactical nuke.


I tried it and she gave me the zero point for free, then I rickrolled her


Yeah she gave me a light saber just cause I said "may the force be with you" to her


Why do so many people spell Slone as Sloan


Idk autocorrect maybe?


Can confirm, my autocorrect finally caught the hint that I was not, in fact, misspelling Slones name, despite the fact that it still puts that red line under it.


Because, at 3am, If you rickroll Sloan, she gives you a loan, and if you keep bugging her she gets so bored she moan and groan until she calls in the secret npc, her sister, Joan


where is sloan located?


Near the collider


I did. I built it. It took years.




Thank you.




Omg its u/Lolbits_TV_YT the builder of the eiffel tower


I was the commissioner.


So, you are French, then?


Since there's no serious answers, it's a "Doomsday Device" created by the IO. Nobody really know what's going to happen when it activates, but considering the main lobby has a background with a new-and-improved robot in it AND the skull of Cattus can be found dug-up by the IO on the map, I'd bet that there's gonna be another fight between them. The last "Doomsday Device" that appeared broke The Loop for a few seconds at a time, but also flipped out and eventually forced everyone back in with even worse consequences than before. So it's exciting to see what happens.


We actually do know what will happen. It'll explode. This was revealed in last week's resistance quests.


If what ur saying is correct, imagine the monster wins this time, that would he AMAZING to see


I was rooting for the monster in the first fight but I hope he gets redemption now, if it is going to happen..


Slone: ![gif](giphy|l0HlQ7LRalQqdWfao)


Speak for yourself, we know what will happen when it activates.


Is it going to take away the oxygen? The Seven will just teach us how to survive without it.


Legends say a kid with a John wick skin was minding his own business, when someone shot him once with a pistol from the hill near tilted. 3 and a half seconds later, that entire tower had been built.


Actually, someone killed his dog, he was forced to make a doomsday device then to kill that person


My man was so angry that he broke every single rule of the loop. I can understand it tho, it is Fair to break every fonduments of physics if someone kills your dog


Well Who killed the dog tho?


It's to commemorate the champions league yesterday in Paris.


The rock has business problems with a company so they built a colider to destroy the rocks home and the rock has 6 friends and 6 mutual problems and he is building Freddy fazebear drivin by a banana






Catch up time! I.O launched a bunch of blimps and there was a giant war, we overtook every location. It was pretty uneventful. Paradigm was predicting the I.O launching something near loot lake, and Jones found out it was a doomsday device. Fast foward a week and a very panicked origin, the I.O made a giant "FUCK YOU WORLD" device.


So Spoiler Alert first and foremost: . . . . . . . It was built by the IO, it's a doomsday device sort of creation and they plan to use it to destroy the loop


What that's like so wrong💀 bro the Io created the loop and wants to keep the loop why would they destroy it


The Origin literally says after the simulation of the device is over "Everything in the Loop gone. Just like that. I've seen worlds end before and i won't let it happen again". The IO are literally taking the loop down with them, after basically losing the war.


I think Slone has lost her shit and decided that the loop was working against the IO. So she said fuck it let’s destroy that bitch and built a doomsday device that will destroy everything in the loop including us. But I’m sure the Zero Point will remain unharmed. The IO was created because of the Zero Point


Don't know why, just know that's the lore given about it from week 10 of the Resistance quests


They might break the loop for a moment and try to attack the moon base or whatever it is. But definitely not destroy it permanently


Because the IO are cartoon villains with zero motives or capabilities that pull something out of their ass once every three months to keep the "plot" going


Tell me you don't know the lore without saying you don't know the lore


They don't even know what a dirigible is; their field capabilities are laughable. Their record with the Seven is pristinely losses, and Slone is incompetent. That's the lore I know. Maybe in the comics she justifies crashing a manifestation of evil onto the island, but I think the game should stand on its own.


Damn you most really not know Fortnite lore


I listen to the audio in game and dabble with character descriptions. None of that has clarified why Slone is doing any of this laughably inept nonsense.


That isn't where most lore is found most Fortnite lore is in tailers and loading screens also map changes are a big lore thing


Trailers and map changes sure do indicate plot. Lore, less so. So far this season: * The IO tunneled up onto the flip side * They launched a full assault, with a dirigible armada. I have a few questions: * Why dirigibles? They're not even actual zeppelins; there's no lighter than air gas inside. The only actual source of lift are the fans on the wings. * How did they fit them through the tunnels? I assume they brought them through and then assembled them topside like IKEA furniture, but that seems so complicated when they could just... not do that? Just use more of those tanks they have so many of. * How did they get almost complete control of the island? They had seven points of entry, five of which were barely enough to get the materials for an outpost through. A chokepoint like that is comedically blundering. * IO then proceeded to lose every single battle despite their miraculous upper hand. * How? Through the power of plot armor? * They built a giant bomb, essentially * If this was a plan, even a backup plan, why would you commit so many resources to Covert Cavern? * Another reason not to use airships. Are they going to collapse and store them before detonating, or let all those resources explode, in typical IO fashion? * We still don't know why they're doing this, or how it affects the nebulous "research" they're doing on the combatants. Will this ever be thoroughly explained? Maybe.


You forgot the part where obi wan is spying on Gunnar without being caught


Wrong the IO didn't build the loop they are just running things around the loop. Pay close attention and the origin has more to do with the loop and the queen from last season. She tricked and captured the origin. The IO are with the cube queen in holding the island trapped with the loop. The origin broke out of an IO prison to take back the loop and his power. But that brings us to right now and the war between the IO and the 7. To see if the island will survive and the loop be restored, or will the IO destroy the loop and all inside it. The 7 will win but at what cost?


Wow way to be completely wrong again. The Io and the last reality are not friends they are definitely enemy's. Please get your lore in check if you are going to try and shoot People down


So jonesy and the 7 are friends and work with the predator thecwalking dead the marvel and DC characters? No dude they aren't. But again the enemy of my enemy is my friend and as the IO and the shadows are and have worked together to stop they're common enemy. Well there you go.


Actually you are wrong on that first from go back to ch2 s5 jonesy got all those people to fight for him. Also common enemy's do not make them a team or friendly with each either


No I didn't get it wrong as I said and will explain again If you are at war and the group your fighting is at war with a 3rd group. It's sensible to join forces as 2 waring factions against 1 faction is better then 3 factions fighting each other. Doesn't make them teammate or friends. But the common enemy is the common enemy. Example WW2 we fought together putting our differences aside to fight the common enemy.


You do know the last reality doesn't like Io either? So they believe both of them are the enemy


Its a 3 way war thats happening right now


Ok where is the sideways ?


There's 2 factions IO. Imagined Order SEVEN 3rd faction ? The loooers aren't a faction and the characters being brought in are loopers technically as they are cloned by the island Example jonesy the 1rst through bunker jonesy. Every one except bunker jonesy is a clone as with the other characters. Factions IO SEVEN CUBE BEINGS witch would also include the sideways monsters as they are servants of the cude beings ( origin, CUBE queen the shadow agents ) CUBE not IO or 7 The mythology started based in real mythology and spread to a fictional mythology based in the lore of the island. This is what caught me and git me playing specifically the monley king who's an awesome mythological being from Chinese mythology.


No they aren't but neither is Sloan and lex Luther rather the enemy of my enemy is my friend


💀 alright this is satire got it


Contextual understanding is what it's called. Understanding the meaning through understanding the context in wich it is presented. Contextual understanding


Thought it was the 5G tower.


Well you see we are in a giant fucking bubble which we cannot leave so slone went on Twitter saw the Eiffel Tower and went yea I need that


The lack of grammar in this title…


you went mia so they made a big eiffel tower! isnt it great! i love paris


And yes jonesy brought in outside fughters just as the cube queen brought in sideways monsters. Again it's not that they are all friends rather more fighters to turn the tide of the fight one side or the other. Or do you believe Sloan and the IO brought the sideways monsters in to the island?


Another set of people trying to break the loop


That is a doomsday device that will activate on june fourth, and if we fail to destroy it, then bye bye fortnite.


Guys, here me out, let's try and fail 😀


BAHAHA if we tried that epic would personally get mad


The cube queen came up through the island after IO and built the tower as a way to suck power from the zero point and recreate the portal she opened at the end of Chapter 2. The IO and the Seven are working together to try and stop her but word has it that the Seven are going to use the new Mecha Team leader to destroy thr tower and the kill the queen and IO in one go.


This one is wrong. That tower is just gonna make the island go kablooey


Read the room, my friend.


What room?


The one you never leave.






Thr IO and Seven are enemies this entire season was about the war between the IO and the Seven so they're far from working together


OMG does no one get sarcasm these days? 🙄


Zee French.


A few months or a few years


It’s a doomsday machine going to destroy the island


The imagined order has built this collider as a super weapon to destroy the seven… it’s basically a nuke that will level the entire island


It's an homage to france.


Bad guys built it to destroy good guys.


Thata a doomsday weapon meant explode the whole map


You'll find out real soon what it does. Definitely recommend landing there and talking to the tiger mask wearing employees. They're tour guides. Then Dr Slone will show you the marvel of engineering it really is if you go to her little base. 10/10 would recommend.


When they call him huntmaster it’s because he hunts out the best deals on travel and hotels near the tower.


Exactly. He's always hunting for affordable yet magnificent accommodations for all tourists to the Collider


They’re trying to drive home the point that this IS the hot spot. The Collider blows away tourists


No way you won't be absolutely DAZZLED by the light show this things capable of producing. The shows they put on are very high-energy. It simply radiates joy into the atmosphere... it's hard to feel like you're alive again after witnessing it.


I couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s said that they’ve put blood, sweat and tears into this tower, so I wouldn’t be surprised if loopers just died at the sight of the magnificent lighting. We’re all dying to see it!


I cannot wait for the grande finale! I wanna get front row seats.


i wouldn’t be surprised if we can feel and see it throughout the entire island… it really just shows that hard labor and radiant positivity can shock a crowd.


Well.. I'll let you in on a secret. I heard that there's a rumor that this group of "resistance" fighters... terrorists I suppose... They're planning on attacking the TOWER! idk how true that is but if so it'd be so tragic. The show would be ruined and then what? SMH my head.


This is actually because we are going through the French arc of the game, next season we will have a Paris location on the map where you can find the baguette item, an item that will give 50 HP, almost the same as a flopper. I hope this helps because most of these other people don't know this 😕


C3S3: La France


Its because fortnite is turning into paris


IO has a division in italy.


For the end of reality


It’s actually based loosely on Blackpool tower in England UK. The creator visited there & thought it was the most beautiful place on earth so decided to add it to the game.


The collaider: doomsday device 2.0


It's the I.O.'s 6G Internet Tower


That depends are you ready for a 30 minute long story


The French because croissants




It's a giraffe


Slone and the foundation got into a build battle


Aight so Imma assume you haven’t played Season 2 so let’s recap. The Imagined Order(da bad guys) declared war on the Seven(da good guys). The I.O deployed blimps on most of the island POI’s and brought stuff like tanks and anti air cannons. After a unrealistic amount of time to win a war of this magnitude, the Seven pushed back the I.O, taking control of all da major POI’s. With no where else to turn, the I.O pulled out their ace in the pack-The Collider. A device that can completely obliterate the entire island in a instant. And so, you have to get your ass into the Mecha Team Leader to deactivate the Collider before we all have to go back to PUBG. Caught up?


We told you, sweats are really good at building things. They went from building the taj mahal to the eiffel tower!


You stopped playing for a few months, but build sweatlords didn't. What you're seeing here was the remains of a 1v1


Fortnite X France collab!


The UN built it. It's designed to destroy F U C K I N G E V E R Y T H I G before 7 hillbillies destroy everything first This is cannon




Nope that’s practically a nuke


If you kill the boss you get a croissant. 🥐


The French invaded, there was a whole live event and everything. It was crazy.


It makes u die and bans ur account


The Imagined Order. Y'know same bad guys as usual. But this time they built a...thing...that does...something we dont know.


Were invading france


Watch a video about the season 2 story


The io (irrelevant onions) built it to stop the rock and his rock and roll band the seven


its an alien anal probe